
    Podcast Summary

    • Finding comfort and consistency with Burrow's furnitureDiscover affordable, timeless designs for indoor and outdoor use with Burrow, providing peace and consistency amidst uncertainty and chaos.

      Timeless design and durable construction meet affordability and convenience with Burrow's indoor and outdoor furniture offerings. Michelle Norris, host of Your Mama's Kitchen, shares her experiences of finding a sense of home through Airbnb when traveling and entertaining. Meanwhile, the world grapples with ongoing conflicts, such as the situation in Gaza, where families are forced to adapt to living situations amidst uncertainty and chaos. In memory of the victims of past atrocities, like the Shankill Road Bombing in Northern Ireland, we reflect on the importance of peace and the value of life. Burrow's outdoor collection, featuring rustproof hardware, weather-ready teak, and quick-dry foam cushions, offers a respite from the elements and a sense of comfort and consistency. For a limited time, enjoy discounts on Burrow's indoor and outdoor furniture at borough.com/acast.

    • Finding peace through human connectionRespect and understanding between communities, even during violent conflicts, can ultimately lead to peace. Basic human decency and compassion are crucial in resolving conflicts.

      The path to peace and understanding between communities, even in the face of unspeakable violence and tragedy, lies in respect and human connection. The discussions about the Greysteel massacre and John Hume's biography highlight how moments of solidarity and understanding, even in the midst of horrific events, can ultimately lead to peace. Additionally, the release of hostages like Yachfait Lefshitz and Nurit Cooper serves as a reminder of the importance of basic human decency and compassion in resolving conflicts. Domination and violence between communities never leads to lasting peace, and it's only through a grudging respect and understanding of the other side that true progress can be made.

    • Leaders bringing people together during conflictStrong and empathetic leaders are crucial in times of intense conflict to bring people together and find common ground, despite personal risk and criticism.

      During times of intense conflict and political instability, such as the peace process in Northern Ireland and the ongoing conflict in Gaza, it takes strong and empathetic leaders to bring people together and find common ground. Figures like John Hume and Gerry Adams, despite facing criticism and personal risk, remained committed to their vision for peace. Meanwhile, the continued violence and human rights abuses in Gaza, with the recent events being a stark reminder, only serve to fuel more hatred and rage. The loss of innocent lives, including children and the elderly, is a tragedy that demands compassion and a renewed commitment to finding a peaceful solution.

    • Propaganda war in Israel-Hamas conflictBoth Israel and Hamas use strong language and accusations to frame the conflict, with Israel labeling institutions and places as Hamas bases and deflecting criticisms with counter-accusations. The importance of language in shaping public opinion was emphasized.

      The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza has led to a relentless propaganda war, with both sides using strong language and accusations to frame the situation. The discussion highlighted the use of similar scripts and language by Israeli government officials, labeling institutions and places as Hamas bases in Gaza. Criticisms of Israel's actions, such as the destruction of civilian infrastructure and the killing of civilians, are met with deflections and accusations against Hamas. The conversation also touched upon the reporting of disinformation and the pressure on free states to support Israel's actions. The importance of language and its impact on shaping public opinion was emphasized throughout the discussion.

    • Israel-Hamas Tensions and Criticism of Irish GovernmentThe Israeli government's response to perceived support for Hamas includes deportation, suspension from work or university, and even physical violence against journalists, highlighting the intense scrutiny and high stakes involved in the ongoing conflict.

      The tension between Israel and Hamas, as well as dissenting voices within Israel, has reached a boiling point. Hamas, a political and militant group in Gaza, has been a significant player in the ongoing conflict since around 2010. Recently, the Irish government was accused of funding Hamas tunnels by the Israeli embassy, leading to heated exchanges and allegations. This incident is just one example of the intense scrutiny and bullying faced by those who express compassion for the plight of people in Gaza or suggest peaceful solutions. The Israeli government has taken drastic measures to prevent protests and expressions of sympathy, including deportation, suspension from work or university, and even physical violence against journalists. The situation is a stark reminder of the deeply entrenched tensions and the high stakes involved in the ongoing conflict.

    • Propaganda war and fear tactics in Israel-Palestine conflictIsrael's propaganda war and fear tactics distract from its own history of human rights abuses against Palestinians. Honest dialogue and moral leadership are key to achieving peace and justice.

      The conflict between Israel and Palestine goes beyond military actions and involves a propaganda war aimed at silencing criticism and making people afraid to speak up. Instances of alleged misconduct against Palestinians by Israeli authorities, such as the false accusations against Dion, and the shutting down of foreign media outlets, contribute to this climate of fear. The use of inflammatory language and false claims, like labeling Hamas as equivalent to terrorist organizations like ISIS and Al Qaeda, further muddies the waters and distracts from Israel's own history of using chemical weapons against Palestinians. It's important to acknowledge the moral corruption and the long-term consequences of Israel's actions, including the displacement of millions of Palestinians and the ongoing occupation. The call for peace and justice must come from a place of honesty and a commitment to creating systems of safety through solidarity. The Jewish Voice for Peace, with its large following of Jewish people advocating for an end to the genocide in Gaza, is a testament to the power of moral leadership in bringing about change.

    • Acknowledging suffering crucial for peaceRecognizing the feelings of abandonment and alienation of Jewish people and Palestinians is vital for conflict resolution. Condemning actions doesn't mean disregarding suffering.

      Acknowledging the suffering of all parties involved is crucial for resolving conflicts and promoting peace. The discussion touched upon the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the need for acknowledgement and recognition of the feelings of abandonment and alienation experienced by Jewish people who are horrified by the situation in Gaza. It's essential to condemn the actions of Hamas, but not at the expense of acknowledging the suffering of those affected by the conflict. The hierarchy of acknowledging one party's suffering over another only perpetuates the cycle of violence and conflict. The Israeli government's desire for condemnation of Hamas first and foremost can create a situation where the people of Gaza are seen as being aligned with Hamas, rather than as innocent victims. It's crucial to remember that acknowledging the suffering of all parties is the first step towards finding a peaceful resolution.

    • Prioritizing peace and stopping violenceFocus on ending violence and returning hostages before discussing complex issues. Criticize one-sided coverage and the confusing 'right to defend' phrase. Recognize the humanity and suffering of people on both sides.

      The ongoing conflict between Palestinians and Israelis is a complex issue with deep historical roots and a high human toll. The speaker emphasizes the need to prioritize stopping the violence and returning hostages before delving into more nuanced discussions. The speaker also criticizes the one-sided coverage of the conflict and the use of the phrase "Israel has the right to defend itself," which they find confusing. The speaker believes that Benjamin Netanyahu, the current Israeli prime minister, is a significant figure in the conflict and that past attempts at peace have been undermined by violence and political maneuvering. Ultimately, the speaker calls for a more nuanced and compassionate understanding of the situation, recognizing the humanity and suffering of people on both sides.

    • Peace negotiations filled with challenges and ambiguitiesRabin and Arafat's mutual respect played a significant role in overcoming obstacles in peace negotiations, but the path was filled with tension and conflict, ultimately leading to Rabin's tragic assassination.

      That the peace negotiations between Israel and Palestine, as depicted in the documentary, were filled with challenges and ambiguities. The relationship between key figures like Rabin and Arafat was crucial in overcoming obstacles, such as the disagreement over a police station in Ramallah. However, the path to peace was not easy, and there were moments of tension and conflict, including Netanyahu's opposition to the peace process and the inflammatory protests against Rabin. Ultimately, the mutual respect between Rabin and Arafat played a significant role in moving the negotiations forward. Yet, despite their efforts, Rabin's assassination marked a tragic end to the peace process, with Netanyahu's actions and the volatile public demonstrations contributing to the tense atmosphere leading up to the event.

    • Assassination of Rabin leads to right-wing turn in Israeli politicsThe assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin by a right-wing Israeli Jew in 1995 marked a turning point in Israeli politics, leading to a more right-wing and authoritarianist government. Netanyahu's actions regarding Hamas were driven by political motivations, not concern for Palestinian well-being.

      The assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin in 1995 was a shocking event that was followed by a right-wing turn against peace efforts. Rabin, who was a key figure in the Middle East peace process, was assassinated by a right-wing Israeli Jew, Yigal Amir. The assassination led to widespread protests and accusations against Netanyahu and the Likud party for their incitement. Netanyahu had a long history of opposing peaceful solutions with the Palestinians and his political career depended on continuing the conflict. The assassination marked a turning point in Israeli politics and set the stage for a more right-wing and authoritarianist government. It's important to note that Netanyahu's actions regarding the transfer of funds to Hamas were not driven by concern for the well-being of Gazans, but rather a desire to hurt Abbas. This history sheds light on the complex and often contentious nature of Israeli-Palestinian relations and the role that political leaders play in shaping the peace process.

    • Netanyahu's Policy: Bolstering Hamas in GazaNetanyahu's strategy to keep Hamas alive and kicking, despite the cost to Israeli lives and citizens, was to weaken the Palestinian Authority and prevent a two-state solution.

      Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's policy since his return to power in 2009 has been to bolster the rule of Hamas in the Gaza Strip, turning it from a terror organization into a semi-state body. This was a complete turnaround from his predecessor Ehud Olmert's efforts to end the conflict through a peace treaty with the Palestinian Authority. Netanyahu's actions, including releasing Palestinian prisoners and allowing cash transfers to Hamas, created an unholy alliance between fundamentalist terrorism and preserving Netanyahu's rule. The goal was to weaken the Palestinian Authority and prevent a two-state solution. Netanyahu's strategy, as described by former Israeli security officials, was to keep Hamas alive and kicking, even at the cost of Israeli lives and the abandonment of Israeli citizens in the South. This was done to weaken the Palestinian Authority and prevent the possibility of a two-state solution in the context of ongoing war. Netanyahu's actions were controversial and controversial figures like Basil L. Smotrich, now the finance minister, saw Hamas as an asset and the Palestinian Authority as a nightmare.

    • Netanyahu's Actions Fuel Tensions, Peace Far From ReachDespite peace deals, Netanyahu's actions fuel tensions, preventing a two-state solution and causing ongoing violence and suffering for Palestinians and Israelis

      The conflict between Israel and Palestine continues to spiral into extremism, making peace and a two-state solution increasingly difficult. This was highlighted in a documentary discussing Netanyahu's actions, including removing his wife from a hospital ward due to a Palestinian woman's presence, which fueled tensions and further distanced the Palestinian authority. This situation is a consequence of unfulfilled peace deals, such as the one in 2002 when Yasser Arafat rejected a deal that would have required significant concessions. Netanyahu's actions, like separating Gaza from the West Bank and supporting funds to Hamas, have been described as an attempt to maintain control and prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state. The situation is complex, with both Netanyahu and Hamas seemingly working against a political solution for their own political survival. The consequences of this are devastating for the people involved, with ongoing violence, trauma, and suffering.

    • Israel-Hamas conflict: A deliberate political partnershipThe ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict is not an isolated event, but a result of a deliberate political partnership where Israeli policies sustain Hamas' regime, fueled by resentment, hatred, and a sense of revenge, resulting in a cycle of violence with immense human cost.

      The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas is not a failure of Israeli leadership, but a deliberate political partnership. Netanyahu's policies, including his perceived abandonment of his country and accusations of terrorism against Israeli citizens, serve to sustain Hamas' regime. The recent violence in Gaza is not an anomaly, but a result of this dynamic. The struggle for Palestinian self-determination continues, fueled by resentment, hatred, and a sense of revenge. The cycle of violence and retaliation ensures that neither side will find lasting peace. Ultimately, the human cost of this conflict is immense, with thousands of lives lost and no end in sight. The international community must recognize the complexity of the situation and work towards a peaceful resolution that respects the dignity and rights of all parties involved.

    • The importance of treating all people with respect and humanityHistorically, empires built on dominance and force have failed. Treating people as enemies instead of friends and human beings can fuel conflict. Finding peaceful solutions is a more effective approach than resorting to violence.

      Treating all people with respect and humanity, even in the face of conflict and violence, is a challenging but necessary path towards peace. The speaker emphasizes that every life, regardless of background or nationality, is precious and deserves respect. They also note that empires built on dominance and brute force have historically crumbled, and that remaining humane in the face of cruelty is a significant challenge. The speaker uses the example of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the importance of extending friendship and treating people as human beings instead of enemies. They also highlight the difficulty of not acting with power and the potential for destruction that comes with modern technology. Ultimately, the speaker argues that engaging with people and finding peaceful solutions is a more difficult but ultimately more effective approach than resorting to violence.

    • The moral cost of the Israel-Palestine conflictThe use of violence against civilians is destructive, leading to a loss of trust and support for Israel. Israel must find a peaceful resolution to avoid further damage to its reputation.

      The ongoing conflict between Israel and those opposing its actions is rooted in moral corruption, which is having a deeply human cost. The use of violence against civilians, as seen in the events of October 7th, is destructive and is causing the world to reconsider its stance towards Israel. With the widespread availability of mobile phones, people are witnessing the reality of the situation in a way they never have before, and that's leading to a loss of trust and support for Israel. To avoid further damage to its reputation and standing, Israel must reverse course and find a peaceful resolution. Additionally, unrelated to the conflict, the importance of spreading joy and delivering smiles was emphasized, with shout-outs to 1800flowers.com and stamps.com, which help make Israel's "sunny day" metaphor a reality by making it easier to celebrate life's special occasions and run efficient businesses.

    Recent Episodes from Free State with Joe Brolly and Dion Fanning

    Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose. Derry, from Death Row to Croke Park. Part 2

    Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose. Derry, from Death Row to Croke Park. Part 2

    What is your greatest fear? How much do we all dread humiliation? Derry were humiliated three times in the championship but are still alive. They’ve been to the bottom. Now, the only way is up and they have nothing left to fear. On Free State today Joe and Dion look ahead to Derry’s game against Kerry and what may be another upset. Are Derry now All-Ireland contenders? Could Kerry be upset by another northern team. And Dion explains why, as a member of the Kerry diaspora, he doesn’t need to get sucked into Joe’s mind games .

    This episode of Free State is sponsored by Manscaped. Visit https://www.manscaped.com/ and get 20% off and free shipping by using code freestate20

    Free State with Joe Brolly and Dion Fanning is a Gold Hat Production in association with SwanMcG.

    For more on Free State: https://freestatepodcast.com/

    To get in touch with the podcast: info@freestatepodcast.com

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    From death row to Croke Park. Derry, Mayo and milking the cows in Killala Part 1.

    From death row to Croke Park. Derry, Mayo and milking the cows in Killala Part 1.

    How much credit does Mickey Harte deserve for Derry’s win over Mayo? On Free State, Joe tells Dion how Derry pulled off what many felt was the shock of the season. Was it really a shock? Joe didn’t think so and neither did the local rat catcher in Mayo. Dion wonders if Mayo are like the Scottish football team but Joe explains why they’re more like England. And who are the snipers Mickey Harte is talking about?

    This episode of Free State is sponsored by Manscaped. Visit https://www.manscaped.com/ and get 20% off and free shipping by using code freestate20

    Free State with Joe Brolly and Dion Fanning is a Gold Hat Production in association with SwanMcG.

    For more on Free State: https://freestatepodcast.com/

    To get in touch with the podcast: info@freestatepodcast.com

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    The Irish Elections: How the elites persuade sheep to vote for wolves.

    The Irish Elections: How the elites persuade sheep to vote for wolves.

    At the American Ambassador’s residence in Dublin last week, there was an extraordinary event. Many of the main architects of the peace process gathered to talk about how it was done and what the world can learn from it as the horrors of Gaza continue. Joe was among the invited audience and it reminded him of a time when politicians were serious. On Free State today, Dion and Joe look at the recent election results. What do they mean for Sinn Féin and the country? As Nigel Farage hijacks the U.K. election, has the far right in Ireland done something similar? Is the country heading down the same road as Britain and the US?

    This episode of Free State is sponsored by Manscaped. Visit https://www.manscaped.com/ and get 20% off and free shipping by using code freestate20

    Free State with Joe Brolly and Dion Fanning is a Gold Hat Production in association with SwanMcG.

    For more on Free State: https://freestatepodcast.com/

    To get in touch with the podcast: info@freestatepodcast.com

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Jungle Book. The essential survival guide for Gaelic footballers. Featuring Brian Mullins and an All Star cast

    Jungle Book. The essential survival guide for Gaelic footballers. Featuring Brian Mullins and an All Star cast

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    This episode of Free State is sponsored by Manscaped. Visit https://www.manscaped.com/ and get 20% off and free shipping by using code freestate20

    Free State with Joe Brolly and Dion Fanning is a Gold Hat Production in association with SwanMcG.

    For more on Free State: https://freestatepodcast.com/

    To get in touch with the podcast: info@freestatepodcast.com

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Mickey Harte, football manager. Oh Lord it’s so Harte to be humble, Part 2

    Mickey Harte, football manager. Oh Lord it’s so Harte to be humble, Part 2

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    Dion also triggers Joe by mentioning a name that may upset him even more than Mickey Harte. A beautiful partnership hangs by a thread…

    This episode of Free State is sponsored by Manscaped. Visit https://www.manscaped.com/ and get 20% off and free shipping by using code freestate20

    Free State with Joe Brolly and Dion Fanning is a Gold Hat Production in association with SwanMcG.

    For more on Free State: https://freestatepodcast.com/

    To get in touch with the podcast: info@freestatepodcast.com

    This episode of Free State is sponsored by Manscaped. Visit https://www.manscaped.com/ and get 20% off and free shipping by using code freestate20

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    ‘Oh Lord, it’s so Harte to be humble.’ Part 1

    ‘Oh Lord, it’s so Harte to be humble.’ Part 1

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    Free State with Joe Brolly and Dion Fanning is a Gold Hat Production in association with SwanMcG.

    For more on Free State: https://freestatepodcast.com/

    To get in touch with the podcast: info@freestatepodcast.com

    This episode of Free State is sponsored by Manscaped. Visit https://www.manscaped.com/ and get 20% off and free shipping by using code freestate20

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    The unbearable agony of Palestine. Part 2. With Gideon Levy

    The unbearable agony of Palestine. Part 2. With Gideon Levy

    Gideon Levy says he is an Israeli patriot. But he is a patriot in a land where truth is seen as treason. In Part 2 of his Free State interview, Gideon Levy provides a frightening insight into Israel today. As Israeli government censorship looks to silence the truth about Gaza, he tells Joe and Dion what happens to those who write honestly about the plight of the Palestinians.  He talks about how in Tel Aviv recently, a woman on the street called him a traitor. And he explains why the removal of Benjamin Netanyahu from office is not going to deliver the change many liberals believe.

    Free State with Joe Brolly and Dion Fanning is a Gold Hat Production in association with SwanMcG.

    For more on Free State: https://freestatepodcast.com/

    To get in touch with the podcast: info@freestatepodcast.com

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    The unbearable agony of Palestine. Part 1. With Gideon Levy

    The unbearable agony of Palestine. Part 1. With Gideon Levy

    When Gideon Levy was a teenager growing up in Israel he was devoted to the ‘nationalistic religious orgy’ in the country. Today, as a journalist working for Haaretz, he has been described as the ‘most hated man in Israel’. His fearless determination to record the suffering of the Palestinians has seen him banned from reporting in Gaza by the Israeli government since 2006.

    On a two part special, Gideon Levy joins Dion and Joe on Free State. He talks about how, even as the atrocities mount in Rafah, Israeli society doesn’t want to know. He explains why many in the country care more about the fate of animals than those suffering in Gaza. He also tells Joe and Dion about his own journey from one who believed all he was told in Israel about the Palestinians to a man who courageously tells the truth in a country that doesn’t want to hear it.

    Free State with Joe Brolly and Dion Fanning is a Gold Hat Production in association with SwanMcG.

    For more on Free State: https://freestatepodcast.com/

    To get in touch with the podcast: info@freestatepodcast.com

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Big Bad Bill. The greatest captain of them all. Captain Class Part 4.

    Big Bad Bill. The greatest captain of them all. Captain Class Part 4.

    As a young man, he fled the racism of Louisiana. His father could take no more: violence or exile was the next step. He began what at first was an unpromising basketball career before becoming the most inspirational leader in the history of the NBA.

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    Free State with Joe Brolly and Dion Fanning is a Gold Hat Production in association with SwanMcG.

    For more on Free State: https://freestatepodcast.com/

    To get in touch with the podcast: info@freestatepodcast.com

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Are Leinster cursed or just losers? What causes great teams to become serial failures? Captain Class Part 3

    Are Leinster cursed or just losers? What causes great teams to become serial failures? Captain Class Part 3

    When Leinster missed a drop goal in the final seconds of the European final were they just unlucky? Or were they, like Mayo, missing chances or losing three finals in a row because something fundamental was missing? On Free State today, Joe and Dion continue their exploration of the great teams and captains in sport.

    Is team spirit just an illusion glimpsed in victory or is there another reason why these team succeed and others experience relative failure? 

    They look at what the great teams had in common, the factor that drove them towards relentless success and why luck had nothing to do with it.

    Free State with Joe Brolly and Dion Fanning is a Gold Hat Production in association with SwanMcG.

    For more on Free State: https://freestatepodcast.com/

    To get in touch with the podcast: info@freestatepodcast.com

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Free State with Joe Brolly and Dion Fanning is a Gold Hat Production in association with SwanMcG.

    For more on Free State: https://freestatepodcast.com/

    To get in touch with the podcast: info@freestatepodcast.com

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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