
    Network & Chill with Jordan Harbinger

    enFebruary 15, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • The Magic Wand: A Cultural Icon of Unapologetic PleasureThe Magic Wand, a powerful vibrator, symbolizes pleasure, power, and authenticity. With various iterations and helpful tools, it enhances sexual experiences and leads to healthier relationships.

      The magic wand, a iconic vibrator, offers unapologetic pleasure and has set the standard for many favorite products. Dubbed the "Cadillac of vibrators," it's more than just a toy, it's a cultural icon and a symbol of power. With various iterations like the rechargeable, mini, micro, and plush versions, all offering the same powerful rumble, the magic wand continues to be a trusted confidant for those seeking pleasure. Additionally, during the summer season, products like Promescent's delay spray and warming arousal gel can help enhance sexual experiences by addressing common issues like premature ejaculation and increasing pleasure sensations respectively. Overall, being authentic and confident, maintaining open communication, and utilizing helpful tools can lead to healthier and more satisfying relationships.

    • Jordan Harbinger shares podcasting insights and introduces Hero BreadJordan Harbinger discusses podcast success and communication expertise, while Emily introduces Hero Bread, a low-carb alternative to traditional bread with great taste and nutritional benefits.

      Jordan Harbinger, a successful podcast host and communications expert, shared his insights on various topics during the interview. He discussed his experience as a podcast host and the success of his show, The Jordan Harbinger Show. Additionally, Emily introduced Hero Bread, a low-carb alternative to traditional bread that offers great taste and nutritional benefits. Despite its impressive nutritional stats, Hero Bread has a soft and airy texture that makes it a game-changer for those looking to reduce their carb intake while still enjoying their favorite bready delights. Whether you're craving a sandwich, a burger, or a croissant, Hero Bread offers a solution for everyone. Jordan and Emily also had a lighthearted conversation about tomatoes and the importance of clear communication. Overall, the interview provided valuable insights and information on various topics, from podcasting to healthier food options.

    • The unexpected journey to successSuccess comes from learning, building relationships, and unexpected experiences. Start networking early and don't underestimate its importance.

      Success comes in various forms and through unexpected experiences. The story of the Hollywood stuntman who survived imprisonment in Pakistan and became a professional poker player is a testament to this. Finding success involves learning from people we admire and building relationships, whether in business or personal life. Networking is a crucial skill, and it's essential to start early rather than waiting for a promotion or joining a country club. Moreover, many people overestimate their natural networking abilities and can benefit from learning the techniques and strategies for building strong relationships. Success is not just about individual achievements but also about the relationships we build along the way.

    • Reviving old connectionsReaching out to old contacts can lead to unexpected opportunities. Consistently follow up to maintain and grow relationships.

      Maintaining relationships requires consistent effort, and re-engaging with old contacts can lead to unexpected opportunities. The speaker shares a technique of checking old text messages and reaching out to long-lost contacts, which often results in a response. These interactions can lead to new opportunities, such as speaking engagements or business collaborations. The speaker emphasizes the importance of following up and not letting time pass without making an effort to connect. This habit can make a significant difference in the number and quality of relationships one can maintain.

    • Managing Relationships: Texts and Messages Can Keep Connections AliveEffective communication and prioritization are essential for managing relationships, whether personal or professional. Texts and messages can help maintain connections without feeling pressured for a face-to-face meeting.

      Managing relationships, whether personal or professional, can be a challenging task, especially when juggling multiple connections. Fear of commitment or feeling overwhelmed can lead to avoiding plans with people. However, it's essential to remember that most people share similar feelings and may not expect a face-to-face meeting every time. A simple text or message can help reengage and maintain connections without feeling pressured. In the context of dating, it's beneficial to date multiple people to find the right match. But, it's crucial to manage these relationships efficiently to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Effective communication and prioritization are key to maintaining healthy relationships while respecting personal time and boundaries.

    • Being upfront about intentions early on in datingHonesty saves time and energy by filtering out unsuitable matches and helping build meaningful connections

      Being honest and clear about your intentions early on in dating can save time and energy for both parties. The speaker shares an example of his brother-in-law, who is successful in dating by being upfront about his current relationships. Honesty can help filter out individuals who may not be a good match or who may put excessive demands on the relationship. The speaker also reflects on past experiences where he went out with people he didn't like, only to find out they didn't want to see him again. These experiences were a result of his ego and the desire for validation, which can lead to unnecessary time and emotional investment. By being honest about what you're looking for in a partner, you can avoid wasting time on unsuitable matches and focus on building meaningful connections.

    • Navigating Authenticity and Vulnerability in Today's WorldBeing authentic and vulnerable is important, but consider intentions before sharing vulnerabilities online.

      Authenticity and vulnerability are important in today's world, but it can be tricky to navigate. Some people use social media to share their vulnerabilities, but it's important to consider the intentions behind it. NAMDA shared her envy for the ability to stop mid-sentence and leave mistakes in her recordings, wishing she could do the same in real life. The conversation then shifted to the topic of authenticity in relationships and first impressions. The authenticity topic is complex, and it was brought up that some people on social media claim to be authentic but may not be. A reference was made to the movie "Jumanji" and a scene where a girl takes a selfie and lies about her appearance in the caption. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of being true to oneself, but also being mindful of the intentions behind sharing vulnerabilities.

    • Authenticity: Beyond the SurfaceDigging deep to uncover true selves, authenticity may be less about presenting a perfect image and more about being true to oneself, even in imperfect moments.

      Authenticity can be a complex and even misleading concept, especially in the age of social media where people strive to present an idealized version of themselves. The speaker uses the analogy of a matador waving a red cape to illustrate this point, suggesting that people may present an authentic facade, only to reveal that it's an illusion once we look closer. The speaker also highlights the importance of preparation and research when conducting interviews, which can lead to deeper insights and understanding of the interviewees. Despite the large number of interviews he has conducted over the years, the speaker continues to find new and valuable insights from each one. He emphasizes the importance of digging deep and going beyond the surface to uncover the unique traits and characteristics that make each person unique. Ultimately, the speaker suggests that authenticity may be less about presenting a perfect image and more about being true to oneself, even in the messy and imperfect moments of life.

    • The impact of our secondary and tertiary connectionsSurrounding ourselves with positive influences can significantly impact our behaviors, habits, and financial situations. Be mindful of the people we let into our circles and the influences they carry.

      The people we surround ourselves with significantly impact our lives, often in ways we may not even realize. This effect can extend beyond our immediate friends to their friends and even their friends' friends. Studies have shown that our secondary and tertiary connections can influence our behaviors, habits, and even our financial situations. It's essential to be mindful of the company we keep and the influences they bring into our lives. As speaker Jordan Harbinger shared, we're the average of the five people we spend the most time with. It's not just a saying; it's a reality backed by science. Therefore, it's crucial to protect our minds by carefully considering the people we let into our circles and the influences they carry.

    • The impact of friends on our habits and well-beingSurround yourself with positive influences to support healthy habits and personal growth, or join groups to expand your social circle and meet like-minded individuals.

      The people we surround ourselves with significantly impact our habits, behaviors, and overall well-being. Negative influences can be detrimental to our confidence and personal growth, while positive influences can support and encourage us. The speaker shares personal experiences of observing the impact of friends on their eating habits and offers the example of Oprah Winfrey's weight loss journey to illustrate the power of peer influence. They emphasize the importance of surrounding oneself with people who support and encourage healthy habits and suggest joining classes or groups centered around interests to build a social circle and improve as a person. Ultimately, the quality of our social connections can greatly influence our happiness and success in various aspects of life.

    • Making a positive first impression with body languagePractice good posture, maintain an upright stance, and smile to make a positive first impression through body language.

      Our nonverbal communication, particularly our body language, plays a crucial role in making the first impression on others before we even open our mouths. This concept is referred to as the "doorway drill." When we enter a room or become noticeable to someone, our body language and appearance are being evaluated subconsciously. To make a positive first impression, it's essential to practice good posture, maintain an upright stance, and smile. You can create a reminder for yourself by placing sticky notes at eye level near doors you frequently use. This simple habit can help improve your confidence and overall impact on others.

    • Improve social status and build relationships through positive body language and active listeningAdopt upright, open, and confident posture to send positive nonverbal cues and improve social status. Be a great listener by showing genuine interest in others to build meaningful relationships.

      Developing positive body language as a habit can significantly impact how others perceive and treat you. By making upright, open, and confident posture a default, you avoid the need for constant adjustments and send positive nonverbal cues. This can lead to improved social status and increased confidence. Additionally, being a great listener is crucial in building connections, and the best way to be interesting is to show genuine interest in others. This not only makes for better conversations but also reinforces positive social dynamics. So, work on your body language and active listening skills to make a lasting impression and build meaningful relationships.

    • The Importance of Effective Communication and Active Listening for Personal Growth and Successful RelationshipsPractice self-awareness, self-care, and empathetic communication to navigate life's complexities and build meaningful connections. Address anxiety and stress through physical health, mindfulness practices, and effective communication. Be mindful of technology's impact on anxiety and stress, and use tools like blue light blockers to mitigate negative effects.

      Effective communication and active listening are essential skills for personal growth and successful relationships. The speaker, an only child, shares how she struggled with the urge to constantly seek attention through talking. She also acknowledges the prevalence of anxiety and stress in modern society, which can negatively impact various aspects of life, including sex and relationships. The speaker emphasizes the importance of addressing these issues through various means, such as physical health (e.g., proper nutrition, exercise, and sunlight), mindfulness practices, and effective communication. She also mentions the role of technology in contributing to anxiety and stress, and suggests using tools like blue light blockers to mitigate the negative effects. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of self-awareness, self-care, and empathetic communication in navigating the complexities of life and building meaningful connections.

    • The importance of mindset and compatibility in relationships and businessFind a compatible partner with aligned values and dreams for personal happiness. Manage stress with eye masks and listen to The Jordan Harbinger Show for expert advice. Avoid mean behavior towards service workers as a potential relationship red flag.

      Having the right mindset and finding a compatible partner are crucial elements for success in both personal relationships and business ventures. The use of eye masks before bed can help manage stress and improve sleep quality. The Jordan Harbinger Show, which features interviews and expert advice, is a top 100 podcast worth checking out. Personal values and dreams should align in relationships to ensure mutual happiness and success. Mean behavior towards service industry workers can be a red flag, indicating potential issues in a relationship. And for Jordan, the future involves more video content, live events, and continuing to enjoy interviewing guests.

    • Addressing Relationship Issues Early OnAddress potential issues openly and kindly to deepen connections and prevent bigger problems. Honesty, communication, and respect are essential for building strong relationships.

      Being an "asshole" or displaying immature behavior may have been acceptable or even cool in middle school, but as adults, it's important to grow up and be people of integrity. Honesty and communication are key in relationships, and addressing potential issues early on can prevent bigger problems down the line. For instance, if someone consistently displays a behavior that bothers you, such as being late, it's better to address it openly and kindly rather than waiting and potentially causing resentment. Additionally, finding common interests, such as podcasts, can help deepen connections in relationships. Overall, being honest, communicative, and respectful are essential qualities for building strong and healthy relationships.

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    94- Bisexuality & Depression (ft. Maggie Lindemann)

    94- Bisexuality & Depression (ft. Maggie Lindemann)
    Call Her Daddy gets a bit more serious, dark, and real this week. Father Cooper kicks it off with a sex update and some healthy news regarding her dating life and the show. Then, the guest this week, Maggie Lindemann, a singer/songwriter, joins the show and discusses her personal journey to coming out as a bisexual woman. Maggie explains when she knew she was bisexual, how she revealed the news to her family via text message and to the world via live stream (!!!). She also discusses the struggles of girl on girl relationships being fetishized, the frustrations of hooking up with straight women, and how being bisexual has affected her male relationships. The episode only gets deeper when Maggie opens up about her younger teen years, self harm, and the road to recovery and getting healthy. Enjoy Daddies! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices