
    Networking Effectively to Build a Successful Business with Fredrick Marcoux

    enOctober 17, 2023

    About this Episode

    In this episode, Tracy Liang interviews Fredrick Marcoux, National Director of BNI in Australia, about how to network effectively and build a successful business. Marcoux shares his insights on the importance of building relationships and how to use BNI to fast-track the development of those relationships.


    Top 5 Biggest Highlights:

    • The quickest way to build a powerful business network is helping others.
    • BNI is a platform that helps businesses build relationships and generate referrals.
    • The three stages to business relationships are visibility, credibility, and profitability.
    • BNI specializes in helping businesses go through the three stages of relationship building quickly.
    • BNI members generated half a billion dollars worth of new business last year through referrals.


    Visit BNI: https://www.bni.com/


    If you're looking to build your business network and generate more referrals, then I highly recommend checking out BNI. Visit their website to learn more and find a chapter near you.


    If you enjoyed this episode, please be sure to rate, review, and follow the podcast on your favorite platform. This helps us reach more people and share valuable information about business and entrepreneurship.


    Thank you for listening!


    Connect with Fredrick Marcoux:

    Website: https://www.bni.com/ 

    LinkedIn: https://au.linkedin.com/in/frederick-marcoux-829a118 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/frederickmarcoux/ 


    Connect with me:

    Website: https://hiddenprofit.com.au 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tracyliangofficial/

    Recent Episodes from Entrepreneur Growth Zone

    Building Deep and Meaningful Relationships in Networking with Fredrick Marcoux

    Building Deep and Meaningful Relationships in Networking with Fredrick Marcoux

    In this episode, Tracy Liang interviews Fredrick Marcoux, National Director of BNI in Australia, about how to build meaningful relationships in networking. Marcoux shares his insights on the importance of collaboration, mutual growth, and building deep connections. He also introduces the Hot Potato concept, a unique way of generating referrals in networking. 


    Top 5 Biggest Highlights: 

    • The Hot Potato concept: A unique way of generating referrals in networking by passing on leads to other members of your network. 

    • Being in I's approach to networking: Emphasizes collaboration and mutual growth, rather than simply selling your products or services. 

    • The evolution of BNI: How BNI has adapted and thrived in the ever-changing world of networking. 

    • Building deep relationships: The importance of building deep connections with your network members, and tips on how to be a valuable networker. 

    • Shifting the networking paradigm: How changing your focus from selling to helping can transform your networking experience. 


    Website Mentioned: 

    Visit BNI: https://www.bni.com/ 


    Thank you for tuning in to this episode of Entrepreneur Growth Zone. If you found this discussion as enlightening as we did, don't forget to rate, follow, and review our podcast. Your support helps us bring you more thought-provoking content. Until next time, keep building those meaningful connections, and remember, in networking, it's not just about what you can get but also what you can give. 


    I really enjoyed this episode, and I found the Hot Potato concept to be particularly intriguing. I'm definitely going to try it out in my own networking efforts. I also appreciate the emphasis on building deep relationships, as I believe this is the key to truly successful networking. Thank you for sharing this valuable information! 


    Connect with Fredrick Marcoux:

    Website: https://www.bni.com/ 

    LinkedIn: https://au.linkedin.com/in/frederick-marcoux-829a118 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/frederickmarcoux/ 


    Connect with me:

    Website: https://hiddenprofit.com.au 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tracyliangofficial/

    Networking Effectively to Build a Successful Business with Fredrick Marcoux

    Networking Effectively to Build a Successful Business with Fredrick Marcoux

    In this episode, Tracy Liang interviews Fredrick Marcoux, National Director of BNI in Australia, about how to network effectively and build a successful business. Marcoux shares his insights on the importance of building relationships and how to use BNI to fast-track the development of those relationships.


    Top 5 Biggest Highlights:

    • The quickest way to build a powerful business network is helping others.
    • BNI is a platform that helps businesses build relationships and generate referrals.
    • The three stages to business relationships are visibility, credibility, and profitability.
    • BNI specializes in helping businesses go through the three stages of relationship building quickly.
    • BNI members generated half a billion dollars worth of new business last year through referrals.


    Visit BNI: https://www.bni.com/


    If you're looking to build your business network and generate more referrals, then I highly recommend checking out BNI. Visit their website to learn more and find a chapter near you.


    If you enjoyed this episode, please be sure to rate, review, and follow the podcast on your favorite platform. This helps us reach more people and share valuable information about business and entrepreneurship.


    Thank you for listening!


    Connect with Fredrick Marcoux:

    Website: https://www.bni.com/ 

    LinkedIn: https://au.linkedin.com/in/frederick-marcoux-829a118 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/frederickmarcoux/ 


    Connect with me:

    Website: https://hiddenprofit.com.au 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tracyliangofficial/

    Unveiling Transformation: Your Path to Growth and Change with Adam Wang

    Unveiling Transformation: Your Path to Growth and Change with Adam Wang

    Today, we have a truly inspiring guest, Adam, who's here to share his incredible journey of personal transformation. Get ready to uncover valuable insights on translating thoughts into actions, mastering emotions, and embracing change in the pursuit of growth.


    The Bridge from Thought to Action: Have you ever wondered how to bridge the gap between envisioning a better future and actually making it a reality? Our guest, Adam, unravels the secret behind this transformation. Drawing from his learnings with renowned life coach Tony Robbins, Adam emphasizes the power of mastering our emotional state. He shares how the questions we ask ourselves can drastically alter our outlook, leading to a profound change in our lives.


    Embracing Change: Lessons in Patterns: Embracing change can be a daunting task for entrepreneurs. Adam introduces a unique approach he calls "playing dumb" – a method that involves learning from those who have already achieved what we aspire to. He underscores the significance of surrounding ourselves with accomplished mentors, emphasizing the exponential growth that comes from proximity. Adam's insights highlight the strength in acknowledging our weaknesses and seeking guidance to expedite our entrepreneurial journey.


    Shift in Focus and Rediscovering Purpose: As entrepreneurs, how can we shift our focus and rediscover our purpose? Adam shares a pivotal strategy – redirecting our focus from asking "why" to inquiring "how." He emphasizes the transformative impact of focusing on one meaningful action each day. Moreover, Adam encourages the pursuit of self-care and mentorship, ensuring a balanced and prosperous journey. In a generous gesture, Adam offers his personal coaching services to our listeners, aiming to empower you on your entrepreneurial path.


    Key Takeaways:

    o   Transforming thoughts into actions hinges on understanding and managing our emotional state.

    o   The quality of questions we pose to ourselves can shape our perspective and steer us toward growth.

    o   Embrace change by immersing yourself in the wisdom of those who have walked the path.

    o   Recognizing our weaknesses and seeking help are signs of strength that accelerate our progress.

    o   Reframe your questions from "why" to "how" for greater clarity and direction.

    o   Prioritize one impactful action daily to make substantial strides towards your goals.

    o   Nurture self-care and seek guidance from mentors to amplify your growth journey.


    Thank you for joining us on this episode of Entrepreneur Growth Zone. Adam's journey has shed light on the crucial elements of mastering emotions, seeking patterns of success, and infusing purpose into your entrepreneurial pursuit. Remember, every action you take, no matter how small, can propel you forward. If you're seeking guidance and support, don't miss out on Adam's generous offer of a complimentary coaching session. His contact details will be available in the show notes.

    Connect with Adam Wang:

    LinkedIn: https://au.linkedin.com/in/adam-wang-0a218819


    Connect with me:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tracyliangofficial/

    From Darkness To Entrprneural Light: Adam's Journey Of Resilience And Redemption

    From Darkness To Entrprneural Light: Adam's Journey Of Resilience And Redemption

    Today, we have a truly inspiring story that will remind us all that even in our darkest moments, there's a flicker of hope waiting to ignite our path. I'm thrilled to introduce you to our guest, Adam, who's going to take us on an incredible journey from the depths of despair to the heights of resilient entrepreneurship.


    Seeds of Entrepreneurship in Childhood: Adam's entrepreneurial journey started way back in his childhood, back in Taiwan. In a quest to buy his beloved comic books, he realized the thrill of offering services to others in exchange for a reward – an instant boost of happiness. That spark of doing more for others while experiencing that immediate gratification lit a fire that would carry into his future ventures.


    Climb Up the Corporate Ladder and Inner Discontent: With academic achievements under his belt, Adam found himself climbing the corporate ladder in Australia's top firms. But there was an underlying dissatisfaction, a knowing that there's more to life than what he was experiencing. The nudge of his true calling was growing stronger – the desire to serve, create, and grow beyond the confines of a job.


    A Pivotal Turning Point: The Rock Bottom: Life often hands us our most profound lessons when we least expect it. Adam's turning point was a time of immense struggle. He faced financial turmoil, the weight of failed investments, and the darkest moment when he contemplated ending his life. In that moment of despair, a picture of his loved ones reminded him of the potential for a brighter future.


    The Surrender and Emergence of Hope: Adam's shift began with surrendering to the universe, asking for guidance, and being willing to receive help. It was a powerful reminder that strength doesn't always come from being independent – sometimes, it comes from acknowledging vulnerability and seeking support. Slowly, mentors and opportunities started showing up, revealing that there was more to life beyond his struggles.


    The Power of Resilient Entrepreneurship: Adam's journey to becoming a resilient entrepreneur was shaped by his willingness to learn, evolve, and give back. He co-founded a tech company that won global recognition, defying odds and expanding across borders. Through challenges and triumphs, Adam embraced the philosophy of doing more, being more, learning more, and giving more.


    Key Takeaways:


    Seeds of Purpose Early On: Even childhood experiences can sow the seeds of entrepreneurship. Embrace the joy of helping others, and the rewards will follow.


    From Pain to Purpose: The darkest moments can become catalysts for change. Adam's turnaround was sparked by recognizing the importance of his loved ones and seeking guidance from a higher purpose.


    Resilience Through Surrender: It's okay to ask for help and surrender control. Resilience comes not just from strength, but also from acknowledging vulnerability and seeking growth.


    And there you have it, an extraordinary journey from rock bottom to resilient entrepreneurship. Adam's story teaches us that hope can be our secret weapon, but it's also our willingness to evolve, learn, and serve that transforms us. Remember, the challenges we face are often the stepping stones to our brightest futures. Thank you for joining me, Tracy Liang, on another transformational episode of "Entrepreneur Growth Zone." Stay resilient, keep chasing your dreams, and I can't wait to catch you in our next inspiring conversation.


    Connect with Adam Wang:

    LinkedIn: https://au.linkedin.com/in/adam-wang-0a218819


    Connect with me:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tracyliangofficial/

    Mastering Your Time and Becoming a Gritty Graceful Entrepreneur with Valerie Larabee

    Mastering Your Time and Becoming a Gritty Graceful Entrepreneur with Valerie Larabee

    Today, we're going to explore the difference between being effective and being busy, as we dive deep into the entrepreneurial world with our amazing guest, Valerie Larabee. Ever felt like you're trying to juggle being a top-notch entrepreneur, a supermom or dad, and still find the time for that impact and income boost? Oh, we've all been there! Let's get ready to learn the art of mastering time and embracing our full potential.

    The Battle of Busy vs. Effective: So, here's the question: Are we stuck in the busyness trap, or are we actually being effective? And that's where our incredible guest Valerie comes in to share her insights. As entrepreneurs, parents, and dream chasers, we're often riding the same rollercoaster. But guess what? We can't have it all – there's just not enough time! Valerie's about to share her tips on how to become the ultimate master of our time.

    The Magic of Prioritization and Action: Hold onto your seats, because Valerie's dropping gems about mastering time like a pro. She shares two critical steps: brainstorming and capturing tasks. It's like laying out a roadmap of everything you need to tackle. But here's the twist – you've got to distinguish between the brainstorm-worthy stuff and the tasks that are already staring you in the face. Then, it's time to prioritize. Which tasks are going to help you achieve your goals? Brace yourself, it might mean stepping out of that comfy comfort zone!

    Crushing Comparison and Fostering Growth: Ah, the comparison game – we've all played it at some point. But guess what? It's time to kick that habit to the curb. Valerie's golden nugget of advice? Ignore the results of others. Comparison is like that energy-draining vampire we need to steer clear of. Instead, focus on learning from those who've been in your shoes and already blazed the trail. It's all about growth, baby!

    Key Takeaways:

    • Believe in abundance: Time is on our side! Embrace the belief that you've got all the time you need to be the person you want to be and achieve your goals.
    • Prioritize your tasks: Brainstorm, capture, and then prioritize tasks that'll help you achieve your goals. Don't shy away from the challenges that lead to growth.
    • Avoid comparing yourself to others: Quit the comparison game – it's time to be inspired by others without draining your energy. Focus on your unique path to personal growth.


    Head on over to Valerie's website, www.ValerieLarabee.com, and book a free consultation call. Get ready to unlock your full potential and step into your greatness!


    Valerie's journey from grit to grace is a reminder that we're all on our unique paths. So, keep these takeaways close, and remember, the only limits are the ones we set ourselves. Thank you for joining us on this incredible episode of "Entrepreneur Growth Zone."


    Connect with Valerie:

    Website: https://www.valerielarabee.com

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/valerie-larabee-coaching/


    Connect with me:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tracyliangofficial/

    Unleashing Success Through Rituals with Valerie Larabee

    Unleashing Success Through Rituals with Valerie Larabee

    In this episode of Entrepreneur Growth Zone, we explore the power of rituals with Valerie Larabee, a dynamic transformational coach and advocate for unlocking human potential. Valerie has dedicated her life to helping individuals discover their purpose, tap into profound change, and align with their life's flow.

    Understanding the Essence of Rituals: Valerie Larabee shares the impactful rituals she learned from her childhood and distinguishes between habits and rituals. She emphasizes how rituals are deliberate actions that align energy and intention, fostering positive change in mind, body, and spirit.

    Harnessing the Energy of Rituals for Success: Valerie reveals how rituals can become the foundation of success, even for renowned figures like Tony Robbins. She explains how rituals can structure our days and direct our actions towards our goals, ultimately propelling us forward in our entrepreneurial journey.

    Actionable Ritual for Success: Valerie shares a simple yet potent ritual that can be easily integrated into anyone's routine. Once a week, set aside just 15 minutes to reflect on your goals and vision. Identify three actions that align with your objectives, moving you closer to your desired outcomes. This focused practice can create a substantial impact on your progress over time.

    Key Takeaways

    • Alignment and Energy: Rituals are intentional actions that align our energies and intentions, nourishing our holistic well-being beyond mere habits.
    • Rituals as Success Foundation: Successful individuals build their empires upon foundational rituals that provide structure, focus, and alignment with their goals.
    • Weekly Reflective Ritual: Dedicate a mere 15 minutes weekly to reflect on your goals, defining three aligned actions to propel you closer to your aspirations. This simple yet effective practice can yield significant results over time.

    As we wrap up this insightful episode, remember that rituals have the power to shape our lives and drive us towards success. Join us on the next Entrepreneur Growth Zone episode for more inspiration and strategies to elevate your entrepreneurial journey. Don't forget to subscribe and leave a review. Thank you for being part of our community of growth-minded entrepreneurs.

    Connect with Valerie:

    Website: https://www.valerielarabee.com

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/valerie-larabee-coaching/

    Connect with me:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tracyliangofficial/


    Unleashing Your Growth Potential: Embrace Change, Master Habits, and Conquer Time with Valerie Larabee

    Unleashing Your Growth Potential: Embrace Change, Master Habits, and Conquer Time with Valerie Larabee

    In this episode, we're talking to Valerie Larabee, an executive coach and business consultant with over 30 years of experience. Valerie is passionate about unlocking people's potential and helping them achieve their goals. She has worked with a wide range of clients, from executive managers to sales professionals, and she has a unique perspective on what it takes to succeed.

    In this episode, Valerie will discuss three critical areas that have the power to maximize your growth:

    • The Significance of Growth. Valerie believes that growth is a fundamental human need. She argues that stepping out of our comfort zones and embracing risks is often the key to our biggest successes.

    • Navigating the Comfort Zone. Valerie explains how our brains are wired to resist change and discomfort. She shares strategies for overcoming this resistance and taking action towards our goals.

    • Embracing Failure. Valerie redefines failure as an essential part of success. She encourages listeners to view failures as learning opportunities and stepping stones on the path to achievement.

    Valerie also discusses the importance of continuous growth and how it can lead to a more fulfilling life. She compares growth to maintaining physical health, arguing that just as regular exercise is essential for a healthy body, continuous growth is essential for a vibrant life.

    This episode is packed with valuable insights for anyone who wants to achieve their goals and live a more fulfilling life. So listen in and learn from Valerie Larabee, a master of growth and success.


    As an Executive Coach and Business Consultant, I help people unlock their potential by supporting, challenging and guiding them to discover the best version of themselves.

    In my 30+ years of business experience I advised and consulted executives, managers and sales professionals in the areas of  leadership, organizational change, strategic planning and business development.  I bring my experience as a former military officer, Executive Director and small business owner into my work with clients. 

    No matter what area of your life or business you desire to improve we work together to create a map that will inspire the biggest transformation. 

    I live Maine with my partner of 20 years.  In my free time I love traveling, wilderness hikes, photography, growing in the area of peak performance and spending time with my family.


    Connect with Valerie:

    Website: https://www.valerielarabee.com

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/valerie-larabee-coaching/


    Connect with me:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tracyliangofficial/