
    New Angles on Crypto - Kyle Samani and Tushar Jain - [Invest Like the Best, EP.92]

    enJune 19, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the crypto landscape with Paxos APIsPaxos offers businesses APIs to easily integrate crypto buying, selling, transferring, and more. The crypto market's potential value and hypotheses for its growth continue to be debated, with store value and platform hypotheses being popular.

      The crypto market is evolving, and fintechs and banks are starting to offer crypto features to their customers. Paxos, a trusted infrastructure provider for crypto and blockchain, offers an easy solution for businesses to integrate crypto buying, selling, transferring, and more with their APIs. The path to massive network values in crypto, such as $10 trillion, can be debated among crypto enthusiasts. One hypothesis is the store value hypothesis, which emphasizes the need for a secure, self-sovereign, censorship-resistant, and globally accessible digital currency with a fixed or predictable supply. Bitcoin is often associated with this hypothesis. However, other hypotheses, such as the platform hypothesis, emphasize the importance of network effects and the potential for smart contract platforms to become the backbone of various industries. Ultimately, the crypto landscape is full of possibilities, and it's essential for investors to stay informed and consider various hypotheses when making investment decisions.

    • Crypto Value Debate: Store of Value vs UtilityThe crypto world debates whether a cryptocurrency's value comes from its stability as a long-term investment (store of value) or its usefulness and adoption (utility). Bitcoin and Ethereum represent these hypotheses.

      The debate in the crypto world revolves around two primary hypotheses for the value of cryptocurrencies: the store of value hypothesis, which argues that a cryptocurrency's value comes from its ability to function as a stable, long-term investment, and the utility hypothesis, which asserts that a cryptocurrency's value comes from its usefulness and the number of people using it. Bitcoin is often seen as the prime example of the store of value hypothesis, while Ethereum represents the utility hypothesis. The store of value hypothesis argues that a cryptocurrency should have a low velocity, meaning it turns over fewer times per year, making it more valuable. On the other hand, the utility hypothesis suggests that a cryptocurrency with high velocity, meaning it's used frequently, can still have value, even if that value doesn't reside in the cryptocurrency itself but rather in the ecosystem built around it. Ultimately, it's unclear which hypothesis will prevail, and it may depend on the specific use case and adoption of each cryptocurrency.

    • Ethereum's Limitations Hindering Widespread AdoptionEthereum's focus on decentralization limits its throughput and latency, making it less suitable for dynamic applications. Potential Ethereum competitors prioritize performance and scalability to better serve use cases, and the most useful assets will capture the most long-term value.

      While the utility of cryptocurrencies like Ethereum is gaining traction, the limitations of existing platforms like Ethereum are hindering their widespread adoption. The speaker argues that Ethereum's focus on decentralization comes at the cost of low throughput and high latency, making it more suitable for store of value than for global, dynamic applications. The speaker is bullish on the crypto market as a whole but is intellectually short on Bitcoin due to its limited utility. He sees potential in Ethereum competitors like EOS, Dfinity, Tezos, Cadena, and Solana, which prioritize performance and scalability to better serve use cases. Ultimately, the speaker believes that the most useful assets will capture the most long-term value as the market evolves and global asset flows into crypto.

    • Ethereum vs EOS: Different Approaches to Building Decentralized ApplicationsEthereum focuses on decentralization, while EOS prioritizes usability through centralization. EOS offers increased transaction throughput, reduced latency, and no transaction costs, making it more accessible to end users.

      Ethereum and EOS represent different approaches to building decentralized applications. Ethereum focuses on decentralization, while EOS prioritizes usability through centralization. EOS's centralized approach allows for increased transaction throughput and reduced latency, making the system more accessible to end users. EOS also imposes no transaction cost on users, which is a significant advantage. These platforms, along with others, are competing with Ethereum to explore the vast design space opened up by smart contracts and crypto assets. This design space enables new creative outlets and solutions that are uniquely enabled by blockchain technology. The removal of intermediaries and the ability to coordinate in large, flexible ways through smart contracts is a major breakthrough, opening up a new design space that has never existed before. This design space was last significantly expanded with the advent of publicly traded corporations.

    • New business designs enabled by publicly traded corporations and cryptocurrencyCryptocurrency and publicly traded corporations open up new design spaces for businesses, enabling the creation of decentralized prediction markets and social media platforms, among others.

      The invention of publicly traded corporations and the concept of limited liability opened up a new design space for businesses, enabling the creation of new businesses that didn't exist before. A great example of this is Augur, a decentralized prediction market platform. Augur allows for the creation of a decentralized prediction market using smart contracts, eliminating the need for a central party to mediate bets. However, to ensure the accuracy of results, Augur relies on a system of token holders to mediate disputes. This system incentivizes truthful reporting and prevents global coordination among millions of people to manipulate the outcome. Augur is launching soon and represents a new design space for interaction models enabled by cryptocurrency, including prediction markets for various industries and hedging risks. Another hypothetical example is a decentralized social media platform, where users have control over their data and interactions, creating a new business model and user experience. These are just a few examples of the innovative design spaces made possible by the unique properties of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency.

    • Decentralized social media with shared databaseA decentralized social media platform with a shared database could lead to innovative technologies in gaming and social interaction, potentially becoming a global digital money with significant value from its use as money, while ensuring no single entity controls access.

      The concept of a decentralized social media platform with a shared database that can be accessed and modified by multiple applications could lead to innovative and valuable emergent technologies, particularly in the areas of gaming and social interaction. This idea has the potential to create significant value for users and investors, as it offers a new design space for developers to build on and could eventually become a global digital money or monies not controlled by governments. The value of such a platform comes from its use as money, as people will provide goods and services in exchange for access to it. The decentralized nature of this platform also ensures that no single entity controls read and write access, allowing for greater innovation and potential value creation. However, it's important to note that there are challenges to be addressed, such as identity verification and privacy concerns, which will need to be addressed in order for this concept to reach its full potential.

    • Designing economic incentives into smart contract platformsSmart contract platforms intentionally create economic incentives to increase token value through network usage and resource allocation. Network effects, represented by n log n, drive token worth by reflecting diminishing returns of adding new users.

      Developers of smart contract platforms are intentionally designing economic incentives into their base layer protocols to increase the "moneyness" of their tokens. Two examples given were Ethereum, where ether is used to pay for gas on the network, and EOS, where token ownership grants network resources. The strength of network effects, a key driver of cryptocurrency value, was discussed, with Metcalfe's Law being a common but misleading model. A more accurate representation is n log n, which reflects the diminishing returns of adding new users as networks grow. This explains why it's challenging for new networks to compete with established ones. Overall, the economic models of smart contract platforms and the network effects they generate contribute to the "moneyness" of their tokens.

    • Network effects often follow an S-curve or logarithmic growth patternEarly adoption provides significant value, but the value of each additional user decreases as the user base grows. Liquidity network effects, particularly relevant to stores of value, increase logarithmically but marginal gains decrease rapidly.

      Network effects, which describe the value derived from the number of users interacting on a platform, often follow an S-curve or logarithmic growth pattern. This means that while there is significant value in early adoption, the value of each additional user decreases as the user base grows. A notable example of this is the market for messaging apps, where multiple large players exist due to the diminishing returns of adding new users. Another type of network effect to consider is the impact of liquidity, which is particularly relevant to stores of value like gold or digital currencies. In these cases, the value of liquidity increases logarithmically from inception, but the marginal gains decrease rapidly as the market becomes more saturated. For Bitcoin, if it becomes digital gold, the network effect is expected to be relatively weak due to its logarithmic growth. However, if it becomes digital cash, the potential for exponential growth could make it more valuable. Currently, less than 1% of the world population uses crypto, so the potential for explosive growth is still significant.

    • Emphasizing the importance of network effects and digital store of value for crypto assetsTo invest in crypto assets, consider their potential for strong network effects and their role as uncensorable, unseasonable digital stores of value. Evaluate specific projects based on their utility and economic design, focusing on latency, throughput, and censorship resistance.

      Having a strong network effect is crucial for the long-term success and defensibility of a crypto asset. When convincing institutional investors who are not yet invested in crypto, it's important to emphasize the demand for uncensorable, unseasonable wealth and the potential role of crypto assets, such as Bitcoin, as a digital store of value. However, it's also essential to consider the utility aspect and the economic design of the asset. When evaluating specific projects, dimensions such as latency, throughput, and censorship resistance are important considerations. However, the weight given to each dimension can vary depending on the specific project and its potential use case. It's also important to note that the current market cap of crypto assets is small compared to the total addressable market, and trying to time the market is not an easy exercise. Instead, averaging in over time is recommended for investors who are not full-time. In summary, the key takeaway is that the potential for strong network effects, combined with the unique properties of crypto assets as digital stores of value and utility tokens, make them an attractive investment opportunity for those who are open to the new asset class. However, careful evaluation and consideration of the specific project's dimensions and potential use case are crucial for making informed investment decisions.

    • Trade-offs in open-source blockchain assets: Decentralization vs centralization and expressivenessIdentifying an asset's place in the multidimensional trade-off space of decentralization, centralization, and expressiveness, and assessing its probability of capturing value based on market pricing.

      In the world of open-source blockchain assets, the focus shifts from unique features to trade-offs that cannot be copied. Centralization versus decentralization is one such trade-off, with Ethereum and EOS being examples of different choices. While Ethereum prioritizes decentralization, EOS offers a more centralized approach with limited block producers. Another dimension of trade-offs is the expressiveness of the language used to control assets, ranging from limited functionality like Bitcoin to full Turing completeness like Ethereum. Our investment approach involves identifying an asset's place in this multidimensional trade-off space and assessing the probability of that spot capturing value. Market pricing also plays a crucial role in our investment decisions. While some value may accrue in the completely decentralized and inflexible areas, there are other spots in this trade-off space where value could also emerge.

    • Considering technical and social aspects in crypto investmentsEffective marketing and go-to-market strategies, as well as a well-rounded team, are crucial for crypto projects to gain widespread adoption among consumers.

      When evaluating potential investments in the crypto space, it's crucial to consider both the technical aspects, such as user-friendly tools for developers and producers, and the social aspects, like effective marketing and storytelling. These elements are essential for bringing a product to market and gaining widespread adoption among consumers. The team at Multicoin Capital, with a background in enterprise software, emphasizes the importance of go-to-market strategies and values teams with a well-rounded skillset beyond just technical expertise. They often debate topics like Bitcoin and the Lightning Network, with differing opinions on its potential to solve scaling issues and become accessible to the masses. Ultimately, their firm thrives on open debates and making informed decisions based on well-backed arguments.

    • Potential Irrelevance of Traditional Blockchains with Zero-Knowledge ProofsZero-knowledge proofs could enable digital asset validation with fewer nodes, challenging the need for decentralized networks as we know them.

      The concept of blockchains as we know them today, with their focus on decentralization and social scalability through technical inefficiency, may become irrelevant in the future due to advancements in zero-knowledge proof systems. These proofs allow for computations to be verified without revealing the input or function, potentially making it possible to validate transactions and maintain a digital asset's integrity with fewer replicated nodes. However, this development doesn't directly impact the supply schedule or inflation of a digital asset but rather the role of those who maintain the network. This is a complex and evolving area of research that could significantly change the way we view and use digital assets.

    • Trusted Computing in Decentralized SystemsDecentralized systems like Bitcoin and Ethereum offer scalability and security through trusted computing, where a few trusted entities ensure network function and provide proof of protocol compliance.

      The future of finance and technology lies in decentralized systems like Bitcoin and Ethereum, where a small number of trusted entities can ensure the scalability and throughput of the network while providing mathematical proof that no one has violated the protocol. This concept, known as "trusted computing," offers the benefits of centralization while maintaining the security and transparency of decentralization. A compelling trend in this space is the smart contract platform wars, where well-funded teams believe they are building technologies worth trillions of dollars. Examples of infrastructure primitives that will expand the utility of these platforms include Augur for global prediction markets and tokenized securities, which can create new financial products and expand the design space for developers.

    • Exploring the Future of Crypto: Infrastructure, History, and CommunityThe crypto industry is growing, but requires more time for mass adoption and user experience improvement. Focus on infrastructure for future growth, follow resources like the Nakamoto Institute and Token Economy, engage on Twitter, and utilize tools like Crypto Canon and 16z's list.

      The crypto industry is still in its early stages and requires more time for mass adoption and user experience improvement. The speaker is most excited about the infrastructure layer that will enable this growth. He recommends resources such as the Nakamoto Institute for those interested in the history of crypto and the Token Economy website for general ecosystem information. The speaker also suggests following him on Twitter for real-time conversations in the industry. A kind act that stood out to the speaker was when his apartment manager went above and beyond to help him during a flooding incident. The crypto journey takes time and dedication, and resources like Crypto Canon and 16z's list can be valuable tools for investors and developers alike. Twitter is also a crucial platform for engaging in crypto conversations, despite the noise and real-time nature of the platform.

    • Appreciating the little things in lifeA visit home reminded the speaker of the joy in simple moments and encouraged listeners to explore new ideas and broaden their horizons.

      Simple moments in life, like being covered in a blanket by your mom and cuddling with a small pet, can bring immense joy and happiness. The speaker, who was initially focused on Bitcoin and developer platforms, was reminded of this during a weekend visit home. The experience shifted his perspective and highlighted the importance of appreciating the little things in life. Additionally, the speaker encouraged listeners to explore new ideas and broaden their horizons, as well as to join his book club for monthly reading suggestions at investorfieldguide.com/bookclub. Don't forget to leave a review for the Invest Like the Best podcast on iTunes to help more people discover it. Follow Patrick on Twitter @Patrick_Oshag for more updates.

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    Howie Liu - Building Airtable - [Invest Like the Best, EP.375]
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    Mark Groden - The Future of Flying - [Invest Like the Best, EP.374]

    Mark Groden - The Future of Flying - [Invest Like the Best, EP.374]
    My guest today is Mark Groden. Mark is the Founder and CEO of Skyryse, a company on a mission to make general aviation as safe as commercial aviation and change the future of flying. As you may know, helicopter accidents are far more likely than airplane accidents, and Skyryse is revolutionizing helicopter flight through a safer and simpler universal flying system. Mark is the quintessential example of somebody doing their life’s work and I have no doubt you will come to that conclusion for yourself after listening to his story. He’s determined, through Skyryse, to drive aviation deaths down to zero, and we discuss all of the details, big and small, that have laid the groundwork for realizing this dream. Please enjoy this conversation with Mark Groden. Listen to Founders Podcast For the full show notes, transcript, and links to mentioned content, check out the episode page here. ----- This episode is brought to you by Tegus, where we're changing the game in investment research. Step away from outdated, inefficient methods and into the future with our platform, proudly hosting over 100,000 transcripts – with over 25,000 transcripts added just this year alone. Our platform grows eight times faster and adds twice as much monthly content as our competitors, putting us at the forefront of the industry. Plus, with 75% of private market transcripts available exclusively on Tegus, we offer insights you simply can't find elsewhere. See the difference a vast, quality-driven transcript library makes. Unlock your free trial at tegus.com/patrick. ----- Invest Like the Best is a property of Colossus, LLC. For more episodes of Invest Like the Best, visit joincolossus.com/episodes.  Past guests include Tobi Lutke, Kevin Systrom, Mike Krieger, John Collison, Kat Cole, Marc Andreessen, Matthew Ball, Bill Gurley, Anu Hariharan, Ben Thompson, and many more. Stay up to date on all our podcasts by signing up to Colossus Weekly, our quick dive every Sunday highlighting the top business and investing concepts from our podcasts and the best of what we read that week. Sign up here. Follow us on Twitter: @patrick_oshag | @JoinColossus Editing and post-production work for this episode was provided by The Podcast Consultant (https://thepodcastconsultant.com). Show Notes: (00:00:00) Welcome to Invest Like the Best (00:03:53) From Childhood Fascination to Professional Pursuit (00:05:47) Understanding General Aviation vs. Commercial Aviation (00:07:05) The Safety Gap in General Aviation (00:10:27) The Evolution of Aircraft Technology and Safety (00:16:20) The Mechanic of Flying a Helicopter (00:21:40) Justifying the Existing Dangers of Helicopter Flight (00:24:45) The Future of Flying Cars and Urban Air Mobility (00:27:23) Economies of Scale in Aviation and the Path Forward (00:35:26) The Evolution of Autonomous Flight (00:37:58) The Promise of SkyOS: Revolutionizing Flight with AI (00:42:04) Piloting the Future: How Automation Empowers Pilots (00:45:43) Exploring the Business of Flight and Future Innovations (00:51:08) What Is Holding Back The Future of Flying (00:57:08) Mission-Driven Innovation: A Personal Journey (01:00:46) The Kindest Thing Anyone Has Ever Done For Mark

    Dev Ittycheria - The Database Evolution - [Invest Like the Best, EP.373]

    Dev Ittycheria - The Database Evolution - [Invest Like the Best, EP.373]
    My guest today is Dev Ittycheria. Dev is the CEO of MongoDB, the developer data platform with tens of thousands of customers in 100 different countries. He joined the company as CEO in 2014, taking it public in 2017, and is now approaching a decade of leading MongoDB to become a go-to choice for the most sophisticated organizations around the world. We discuss Dev’s philosophy for constructing an exceptional enterprise sales organization, why he feels a leader must be incredibly judgemental to drive excellence, and how he plans to guide MongoDB through another technological transition. Please enjoy this conversation with Dev Ittycheria. Listen to Founders Podcast For the full show notes, transcript, and links to mentioned content, check out the episode page here. ----- This episode is brought to you by Tegus, the only investment research platform built for the investor. With traditional research vendors, the diligence process is slow, fragmented, and expensive. That leaves investors competing on how well they can aggregate data — not on their unique ability to analyze insights and make great investment decisions. Tegus offers an end-to-end platform with all the data you need to get up to speed on a company or market: up-to-the-minute financials, customizable models, management and culture checks, and, of course, our vast and growing library of expert call transcripts. Tegus is changing the world of expert research. Learn more and get your free trial at tegus.com/patrick. ----- Invest Like the Best is a property of Colossus, LLC. For more episodes of Invest Like the Best, visit joincolossus.com/episodes.  Past guests include Tobi Lutke, Kevin Systrom, Mike Krieger, John Collison, Kat Cole, Marc Andreessen, Matthew Ball, Bill Gurley, Anu Hariharan, Ben Thompson, and many more. Stay up to date on all our podcasts by signing up to Colossus Weekly, our quick dive every Sunday highlighting the top business and investing concepts from our podcasts and the best of what we read that week. Sign up here. Follow us on Twitter: @patrick_oshag | @JoinColossus Editing and post-production work for this episode was provided by The Podcast Consultant (https://thepodcastconsultant.com). Show Notes: (00:00:00) Welcome to Invest Like the Best (00:03:39) A CEO's Perspective Of The AI Revolution (00:05:50) The Evolution of Apps From Trivial to Transformative (00:08:12) MongoDB's Journey From Startup to AI Era (00:10:03) Building a Modern Database Company: MongoDB's Story (00:13:19) The Long-Term Vision for MongoDB  (00:15:51) Dev’s Formative Experiences as a Tech CEO (00:19:18) The Art of Enterprise Sales (00:25:28) The Development of Dev as a Leader (00:29:01) Getting the Most Out of Your Talent (00:33:17) Managing a Multi-Product, Multi-Channel Enterprise (00:37:29) Dev’s Recruiting Philosophy (00:43:12) The Role of Leadership and Mentorship in Career Growth (00:46:08) Dev’s Deepest Worry With MongoDB (00:49:35) Personal Investment Philosophy and Identifying Potential (00:53:52) The Art of Leadership: Accountability and Development (00:57:50) Learning from Legends: Andy Grove's Management Insights (01:02:54) The Power in MongoDB’s Business (01:06:13) Up Next for Dev and MongoDB (01:08:34) The Kindest Thing Anyone Has Ever Done For Dev

    Nico Wittenborn - Finding the Adjacent Possible - [Invest Like the Best, EP.372]

    Nico Wittenborn - Finding the Adjacent Possible - [Invest Like the Best, EP.372]
    My guest today is Nico Wittenborn. Nico is the founder of Adjacent, a venture firm that looks for what he describes as the “adjacent possible” for their next investment. Nico has zoned in on the consumer subscription market as his ideal candidate, making early investments in Calm App, Photoroom, and Oura Ring. Nico does virtually all steps of the investing process on his own as he believes this allows him to be as close to finding the truth as possible. We discuss sharpening your intuition, evaluating the subscription business model, and exploring the adjacent possible. Please enjoy this conversation with Nico Wittenborn.  Listen to Founders Podcast For the full show notes, transcript, and links to mentioned content, check out the episode page here. ----- This episode is brought to you by Tegus, the only investment research platform built for the investor. With traditional research vendors, the diligence process is slow, fragmented, and expensive. That leaves investors competing on how well they can aggregate data — not on their unique ability to analyze insights and make great investment decisions. Tegus offers an end-to-end platform with all the data you need to get up to speed on a company or market: up-to-the-minute financials, customizable models, management and culture checks, and, of course, our vast and growing library of expert call transcripts. Tegus is changing the world of expert research. Learn more and get your free trial at tegus.com/patrick. ----- Invest Like the Best is a property of Colossus, LLC. For more episodes of Invest Like the Best, visit joincolossus.com/episodes.  Past guests include Tobi Lutke, Kevin Systrom, Mike Krieger, John Collison, Kat Cole, Marc Andreessen, Matthew Ball, Bill Gurley, Anu Hariharan, Ben Thompson, and many more. Stay up to date on all our podcasts by signing up to Colossus Weekly, our quick dive every Sunday highlighting the top business and investing concepts from our podcasts and the best of what we read that week. Sign up here. Follow us on Twitter: @patrick_oshag | @JoinColossus Editing and post-production work for this episode was provided by The Podcast Consultant (https://thepodcastconsultant.com). Show Notes: (00:00:00) Welcome to Invest Like the Best (00:03:30) Intuition in Investment Decisions (00:05:08) The Philosophy of Adjacency in Venture Capital (00:12:51) Exploring Consumer Subscription Models (00:18:16) Common Mistakes In Subscription Pricing (00:22:41) Errors in Product Roll-Out Strategy (00:28:50) The Sucess of BirdBuddy (00:33:45) What It Means To Be a Great Product (00:38:21) Solo Investing vs. Being Part of a Big Firm (00:43:12) Building On Your Own Experience As a Founder (00:44:49) The Rise of Individual Investors and Their Impact (00:50:52) The Strategic Advantage of Staying Small in Venture Capital (00:52:02) Deep Dive into Founder Questions and Consumer Subscription Insights (00:54:09) Leveraging AI and Technological Advances for Growth (00:59:13) Exploring Future Investments and Market Opportunities (01:05:13) Areas to Explore On The Value Curve For Consumer Subscription  (01:12:32) Advice For Those Interest In Nico’s Path  (01:20:10) The Kindest Thing Anyone Has Ever Done for Nico

    Mitch Rales: The Art of Compounding - [Art of Investing, Forever Episode]

    Mitch Rales: The Art of Compounding - [Art of Investing, Forever Episode]
    We are excited to share a great conversation with Mitch Rales, the co-founder of Danaher and one of the living legends in the world of business and investing. Consider that Danaher has annualized at over 21% for four decades, resulting in an 1800-times multiple on invested capital! This is Mitch's first long-form interview of any kind, and he covers his entire history and business philosophy. Interviewing Mitch are Paul Buser and Rick Buhrman, who host the Art of Investing podcast on the Colossus network. Please enjoy this comprehensive discussion with Mitch Rales. Listen to more Art of Investing. For the full show notes, transcript, and links to mentioned content, check out the episode page here. ----- This episode is brought to you by Passthrough. If you've ever filled out a subscription document to invest in a fund or worked with LPs to fill out their docs to invest in your fund, you know what a nightmare this exercise can be. Passthrough finally solves this problem. They configure custom workflows for your electronic subscription agreements and KYC & AML requirements to shrink the time for your investors to complete their sub docs. It's the best way to manage a critical part of your relationship with your LPs and is simply a drastically better experience for both investing firms and LPs alike. To learn more, go to passthrough.com. This episode is brought to you by Tegus, the only investment research platform built for fundamental investors. Whether you’re trying to get up to speed on a new market or keep tabs on a portfolio company, Tegus is the end-to-end investment research platform you need. With Tegus, you can quickly understand a company's business model, drivers, benchmarks, and management quality. To monitor an entire market, download our pre-built financial models — or update your own with the latest data using Tegus’ new Excel Add-In. Tegus gives you all of this and more, all bundled into a single software license. Find out why 95% of the top 20 global private equity firms are Tegus customers. Learn more and get your free trial at tegus.com/patrick. ----- Art of Investing is a property of Pine Grove Studios in collaboration with Colossus, LLC. For more episodes of Art of Investing, visit joincolossus.com/episodes.  Editing and post-production work for this episode was provided by The Podcast Consultant (https://thepodcastconsultant.com). Show Notes (00:00:00) - Welcome to The Art of Investing (00:05:32) - The Philosophy Behind Glenstone's Creation (00:12:57) - Benchmarking and Continuous Improvement: Lessons from Danaher and Glenstone (00:21:22) - The Influence of Mitch’s Father and Upbringing (00:28:43) - Transforming Danaher During The George Sherman (00:30:39) - Embracing Long-Term Vision and Patience (00:36:47) - The Role of Leadership in Navigating Change (00:42:21) - Danaher's Evolutionary Journey: From 1.0 to 4.0 (00:56:37) - Building a Culture of Internal Growth and External Innovation (00:58:42) - The Art of Successful Acquisitions and Integration Strategies (01:03:03) - Seeking Leadership Qualities and Business Traits for Long-Term Success (01:06:14) - The Journey from Personal Experience to Philanthropy (01:13:10) - Investment Philosophy: Concentration vs. Diversification (01:29:46) - Operational Expertise as a Catalyst for Company Growth (01:34:17) - Identifying and Supporting Talent in Business (01:43:02) - The Impact of Secular Trends on Long-Term Investments (01:49:53) - Revitalizing the Washington Commanders (01:57:36) - Engaging with Fans and Building a Winning Culture (02:05:16) - The Importance of Long-Term Vision

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    “The Breakdown” is written, produced by and features Nathaniel Whittemore aka NLW, with editing by Rob Mitchell, research by Scott Hill and additional production support by Eleanor Pahl. Jared Schwartz is our executive producer and our theme music is “Countdown” by Neon Beach. The music you heard today behind our sponsor is “I Don't Know How To Explain It” by Aaron Sprinkle. Image credit: Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg via Getty Images, modified by CoinDesk. Join the discussion at discord.gg/VrKRrfKCz8. 

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    ON PURPOSE: First Expose,Then Educate and Empower

    ON PURPOSE:  First Expose,Then Educate and Empower

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    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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    Circle, the sole issuer of the trusted and reliable stablecoin USDC, is our sponsor for today’s show. USDC is a fast, cost-effective solution for global payments at internet speeds. Learn how businesses are taking advantage of these opportunities at Circle’s USDC Hub for Businesses.


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    “The Breakdown” is written, produced by and features Nathaniel Whittemore aka NLW, with editing by Rob Mitchell and research by Scott Hill. Jared Schwartz is our executive producer and our theme music is “Countdown” by Neon Beach. Music behind our sponsors today is "Back To The End" by Strength To Last. Image credit: baramee2554/Getty Images, modified by CoinDesk. Join the discussion at discord.gg/VrKRrfKCz8.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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    This episode is sponsored by Quantstamp and Nexo.io.

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    Nexo is a powerful, all-in-one crypto platform where you can securely store your crypto. Invest, borrow, exchange and earn up to 17% APR on Bitcoin and 20+ other top coins. Insured for $375M. Audited in real-time by Armanino. Rated excellent on Trustpilot. Get started today at nexo.io.


    This episode was produced and edited by Michele Musso with announcements by Adam B. Levine and additional production support by Eleanor Pahl. Our theme song is “Shepard.”

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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    MARKETS DAILY: Featured Story | Consensus Survey – TradFi Investors Remain Bullish on Crypto’s Long-Term Prospects

    CoinDesk hosted a Survey at last month’s Consensus 2023 and despite the market turmoil over the past few months, investment managers remain steadfast in putting capital into digital assets. 

    A Featured Story

    Is an opinion piece by Angelo Calvello, Ph.D., co-founder of Rosetta Analytics, an investment manager that uses deep reinforcement learning to build and manage investment strategies for institutions. This featured story is titled: Consensus Survey–TradFi Investors Remain Bullish on Crypto’s Long-Term Prospects.

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    This episode was hosted by Adam B. Levine, edited by Ryan Huntington, and Senior Producer is Michele Musso. All original music by Doc Blust and Colin Mealey.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.