
    New Clarence Thomas Documentary: Sneak Peek Trailer

    enOctober 29, 2019

    About this Episode

    New Clarence Thomas Documentary: Sneak Peek Trailer Watch the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HjiOHxnJOJM

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    The first story is out of the Los Angeles Unified School district, where they’ve allowed Planned Parenthood into the schools. The benefits to PP are two-fold; they get the revenue for providing the service, and they also get to establish a relationship with these young people.

    A group of pro-life college students is pushing back against this and is asking the school district for equal access to the students. The group wants to be able to go into the school to provide a counterbalance to PP narrative. The group faces an uphill battle and may not be successful in this request, but this is better than nothing. Read More Here: FortySixNews.com

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