
    New Mexico Tyranny: The Secret Agenda They Hope You Ignore...

    enSeptember 12, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing New Mexico's Constitution repeal, individual rights during emergencies, and personal updatesThe hosts moved to Rumble, encouraging support through their 'mug club' for exclusive content and investigative journalism. They discussed the importance of individual rights during public health emergencies and shared personal anecdotes. Emphasized viewer support and addressed technical difficulties.

      The hosts of the show are currently off YouTube and have moved to Rumble, encouraging their audience to join their "mug club" for exclusive content and supporting their investigative journalism. They discussed various topics, including the repeal of the Constitution in New Mexico, the importance of individual rights during public health emergencies, and the upcoming wedding of one of the hosts. The hosts also shared some personal anecdotes and made jokes throughout the show. They emphasized the importance of viewer support and encouraged listeners to join the fight and sign up for the mug club. They also addressed some technical difficulties during the broadcast. Overall, the show's tone was lighthearted yet informative, and the hosts expressed their appreciation for their audience and their ability to express their views freely on Rumble.

    • Discrimination and Respecting DifferencesBe mindful of your environment and respect differences, avoiding discrimination. Be responsible adults and not blind followers of celebrities' advice.

      The speaker shares his experience of facing discrimination at a gay establishment due to his pro-gun shirt. He also emphasizes the importance of respecting differences and being mindful of one's environment. Additionally, he discusses the potential consequences of taking celebrities' advice seriously and the importance of being responsible adults. The speaker also encourages audience engagement and interaction on the show. He also mentions the importance of remembering significant historical events and being sensitive to the feelings of others. The conversation also touches upon the topic of role models for young women and the potential implications of following celebrities' advice blindly. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of respect, mindfulness, and responsibility in our interactions with others and in our society.

    • Embracing Independence After Divorce Before 30Embrace independence, find inner strength, happiness is personal, not tied to marital status or physical appearance.

      Actress Emily Ratajkowski, known for her roles in "Blurred Lines" music video and "Entourage," has recently advocated for being divorced before turning 30 as a positive experience. She encourages women to embrace their independence and the opportunities that come with it. However, some argue that this message, which is pervasive in pop culture, can be misleading and potentially harmful, as it places undue emphasis on physical attractiveness and the idea that being single is the best option. It's important for women to remember that strength and happiness come from within, regardless of their marital status or physical appearance.

    • Societal pressures on women's happinessSocietal expectations to focus on appearance and career negatively impact women's happiness. Marriage and parenting bring more joy than expected, and relationships and purpose are crucial for overall well-being.

      Societal expectations and advice for women to focus solely on their appearance and career, rather than embracing their natural qualities and relationships, can contribute to their unhappiness. The data shows that women experience higher levels of anxiety, depression, and sadness compared to men. Contrary to popular belief, married women are happier and healthier than their single counterparts, and being a parent is the biggest indicator of happiness for women in their age group. The focus on fleeting aspects like physical attractiveness and financial independence, while important, is not enough to provide lasting happiness. It's essential to consider the importance of relationships and purpose in life for overall well-being.

    • No-fault divorce and its impact on gender rolesNo-fault divorce, pushed by porn and feminist movements, shifted focus from fault to no blame, enabling men's infidelity and freedom, but men value empathy, kindness, intelligence, honesty, and morality in partners over career success

      The concept of no-fault divorce was pushed by certain individuals in the pornography industry and feminist movements in the mid-20th century with the intention of allowing men to cheat without consequence. Prior to no-fault divorce, a man's infidelity, abuse, or abandonment were the only grounds for divorce, and he would be required to give up half of his assets. With no-fault divorce, the focus shifted to the idea that there should be no blame assigned, enabling men to have more freedom in their relationships and sexual proclivities. However, this has led to a false belief among young women that men value career success and independence above all else in a partner. According to Pew Research, men actually value empathy, nurturing, kindness, intelligence, honesty, and morality much higher than professional or financial success. Men are attracted to women who can provide these qualities and who prioritize their relationships and partners, rather than focusing solely on their own careers.

    • Men prioritize humor in partners, while women value education and career achievementsMen often prioritize humor in a partner, while women place more importance on education and career achievements. Societal pressure on women to be attractive can lead to unhappiness and depression. The discussion also touched upon political criticisms and the complexities and differences between genders.

      Men's priorities in a partner differ significantly from women's, with humor often being a top priority for men, while education and career achievements holding less importance. The speaker also touched upon the societal pressure on women to make themselves more attractive to men, leading to increased unhappiness and depression. The conversation then shifted to politics, with criticisms directed towards the current U.S. President and his international diplomacy efforts. Ultimately, the discussion highlighted the complexities and differences between the genders, and the importance of understanding and accepting these differences. The speaker also mentioned the challenges faced by unmarried and divorced women, and the societal pressure on them to conform to certain standards of attractiveness. The conversation ended with a light-hearted note, poking fun at the President's communication skills during international meetings.

    • Biden and Trump's heated discussions and confusion over McCain monumentBiden honored McCain before his passing, while Trump faces criticism for exaggerating stories and disregarding accountability. The conversation touched upon the importance of identifying with the Black community and a questionable claim about an alleged leaked picture of Biden being kissed by McCain.

      Former Vice President Joe Biden and Donald Trump have been engaged in heated discussions and accusations towards each other. During Biden's trip to the John McCain monument, he was met with confusion over the significance of the monument, which depicts McCain in a torture position. Biden shared a heartfelt moment with McCain before his passing. Meanwhile, Trump has been criticized for exaggerating stories and disregarding accountability. The conversation also touched upon the concept of racism and the idea that if someone struggles to choose between Biden and Trump, they may not truly identify with the Black community. The discussion ended with a comment about an alleged leaked picture of Biden being kissed by McCain. However, the authenticity of this claim remains unverified.

    • Leaders and their reactions to crises: Importance of truth and accountabilityLeaders must be truthful and consistent to maintain credibility. Suspending civil liberties for public health reasons should be done with caution.

      During a discussion about global leaders and their reactions to crises, it was pointed out that some individuals lack credibility due to their dishonesty and inconsistencies. An example was given of a Chinese leader who was mocked for his appearance and past lies. The conversation also touched upon the importance of fact-checking and the potential consequences of giving up liberties in the name of public health. The discussion became sidetracked with comments about pens, stutters, and other unrelated topics. However, the underlying theme remained the importance of truth and accountability in leadership. It's essential for leaders to be clear and honest, as their words and actions have far-reaching consequences. The discussion also highlighted the potential dangers of suspending civil liberties under the guise of public health emergencies.

    • Irony of gun control advocates' criticisms of police and disarming publicGun control advocates' calls for disarming public and increasing inspections contradict their past criticisms of police and law enforcement. The public's safety may be compromised if they're left defenseless against criminals.

      During a discussion about gun control in Albuquerque and Bernalillo, it was pointed out that the same people advocating for disarming the public and increasing gun inspections are the same ones who criticize the police and their history. The irony lies in the fact that these critics argue that only the police and trained security officers will have guns, despite their past criticisms of systemic racism within law enforcement. The governor's order bans carrying licensed firearms on public property for 30 days, but criminals are not deterred by this, and the public is left defenseless. The solution, according to the critics, is for the public to report crimes and aid law enforcement, despite previous messages to defund and distrust law enforcement. The inconsistency and potential harm to public safety were highlighted in the discussion.

    • Reporting incidents during crowded situations or perceived injusticesIndividuals can document incidents with photos and send for help while respecting constitutional rights to bear arms and upholding protections against misuse of emergency powers.

      During crowded situations or perceived injustices, individuals can report incidents by taking a photo with the location and sending it out for help. However, the constitutional right to bear arms is clear and should not be infringed, as outlined in both the U.S. and New Mexico constitutions. The speaker acknowledges the importance of the Second Amendment and corrects previous errors in quoting it. The New Mexico constitution also protects the right to keep and bear arms for various purposes. The speaker also mentions the potential misuse of emergency powers, citing historical examples of exploitation, and expresses concern over the potential for unnecessary hardships, such as a crocodile alley obstacle course. Overall, the emphasis is on individual rights, reporting incidents, and upholding constitutional protections.

    • Refusing Unconstitutional Orders: A Duty and ExampleIndividuals have a responsibility to defend the constitution and resist unlawful orders, while utilizing all available means to voice opposition and peacefully assemble.

      Individuals have a duty to uphold the constitution and refuse to enforce unconstitutional orders. This was exemplified by various authorities, such as sheriffs and police chiefs, who refused to enforce certain COVID-19 mandates. These officials recognized the importance of standing up for the rights of their citizens and setting an example for others to follow. Additionally, it's crucial for individuals to utilize all available platforms, both digital and physical, to speak out against unconstitutional actions and peacefully assemble. By taking a stand together, we can create change and protect our individual freedoms.

    • Normalizing Firearms through Open Carry WalksOpen carry walks can help normalize firearms for those who find them intimidating, but enforcement bans can be seen as attempts at intimidation and control. Gun research, including by the CDC, is important, but should focus on policy solutions rather than advocating for gun control.

      The ongoing debate around open carry laws and gun control in the US is not just about enforcement, but also about education and familiarity. The speaker believes that open carry walks can help normalize firearms for those who find them foreign or intimidating. However, they also criticized the recent move by the Albuquerque Police Department and the state police to enforce open carry bans in two counties as an attempt at intimidation and control. They argued that conservatives have opposed gun research, including by the CDC, due to concerns about gun control being politicized. The speaker also drew parallels between gun control and COVID-19 restrictions, accusing Democrats of trying to strip people of their constitutional rights in the name of public health. They suggested that the CDC should focus on researching gun violence and policy solutions rather than advocating for gun control. The speaker ended by expressing their belief that vaccines, like gun ownership, require a balance between individual rights and societal standards for the greater good.

    • Governments infringe on individual rights during health emergenciesDuring health emergencies, governments may restrict individual rights under the guise of public health. It's important to stay informed and question sources to protect freedoms.

      During times of declared health emergencies, governments have used the guise of public health to infringe on individual rights, including the First and Second Amendments. This can manifest in various ways such as mandating masks, vaccinations, business closures, school closures, and even attempting to restrict homeschooling and mail-in voting. Some historical examples include the Obama administration declaring guns a health epidemic and former Vice President Biden's Supreme Court actions under the guise of public health. It's important to remember that while these actions may be justified in the name of public health, they can have far-reaching implications for individual freedoms and liberties. Additionally, there have been instances of inaccurate or misleading information being spread about the effectiveness of certain measures, such as vaccines, and the accountability for these actions is often lacking. It's crucial to stay informed and question the sources of information to ensure individual rights are protected.

    • Suppressing dissenting opinions throughout historyHistorically, suppressing alternative viewpoints under the guise of public health or safety can lead to negative consequences. It's vital to consider all available info and engage in respectful dialogue for informed decisions.

      Throughout history, there have been instances where information contradicting a widely accepted narrative was suppressed, often under the guise of public health or safety. During the discussion, references were made to the Holocaust and the suppression of dissenting scientific opinions, as well as more recent events such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the suppression of alternative viewpoints on lockdowns, children's risk levels, and vaccine efficacy. The comparison was drawn between these situations and the dangers of allowing one perspective to dominate, potentially leading to negative consequences. It's crucial to consider all available information and engage in open, respectful dialogue to make informed decisions.

    • Masking in schools may hinder children's growthMasking in schools may limit language development and social interaction, potentially harming children's overall growth. It's crucial to respect individual rights and engage in open dialogue during a crisis.

      Masking children in school, which limits their language development and social interaction, can have negative effects on their overall growth. This was a point emphasized by several doctors during a previous discussion. It's important to consider both the scientific evidence and our fundamental human rights when making decisions during a crisis. The police exist to protect our rights, not to infringe upon them. If you believe an order is unconstitutional, you can reach out to your local authorities and express your concerns. The suspension of certain voices on YouTube is a reminder of the importance of standing up for our rights and continuing to engage in open dialogue. In essence, we must strive to find a balance between public health and individual freedoms.

    • Banter about 'Spot the Trainee' or 'Spot the Tranny' game and moving to Rumble platformSpeaker engages in banter with audience about 'Spot the Trainee' or 'Spot the Tranny' game and expresses gratitude for Rumble platform as alternative to YouTube due to content restrictions

      The speaker identifies himself as being far right wing and engages in a playful banter with his audience about the platform they are using for their conversation. They discuss the possibility of playing a game called "Spot the Trainee" or "Spot the Tranny," but the context and meaning of this game are unclear. The speaker also mentions "mug club" and "Rumble," suggesting that they have moved to a different platform called Rumble, possibly due to content restrictions on YouTube. The conversation ends with the speaker expressing gratitude to Rumble and expressing a sentiment that YouTube is no longer an option for them. Overall, the conversation seems lighthearted and playful, but the exact nature of the game and the reasons for the switch in platforms remain unclear.

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    This show is three key facts in three minutes on the topics that you care about most, whether it's abortion, the Second Amendment, immigration, gun crime, the Constitution, the American Revolution, three key irrefutable facts, that you need to start with in three minutes or less.

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    Louder with Crowder
    enJune 28, 2024



    Are you ready for the debate of the century? The Rumble on Rumble? The fight for the future of America as we know it? Have you decided already? President Donald Trump versus Former Vice President Joe Biden. Have you decided whether or not your children might get married and raise families of their own one day in safe communities, held together by strong morals and appreciation for American greatness, or will they burn their cities down in a rage that can only be induced by mutilating your genitals? Will Joe Biden fall to the floor or will he merely leer off into the distance as he quietly soils himself on national television? Let’s see what’s in store TONIGHT!

    GUESTS: Nick Di Paolo | Alex Jones

    Use Promo Code TRUMP24 for $24 Off MugClub! https://mugclub.rumble.com/support/promo/TRUMP24

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    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/crowder-2024-debate-livestream-1

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    Music by @Pogo

    Louder with Crowder
    enJune 28, 2024

    This is How Trump Beats Biden in the Debate | GUEST: Trump Spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt

    This is How Trump Beats Biden in the Debate | GUEST: Trump Spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt

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    Tune in to our Debate Mega Livestream Tomorrow Night at 9PM ET

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    GUESTS: Karoline Leavitt | Nick Di Paolo

    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources-june-26-2024

    Join MugClub to watch this show every day! http://louderwithcrowder.com/mugclub

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    Music by @Pogo

    Louder with Crowder
    enJune 26, 2024

    Julian Assange Free | YouTube Threatens Takedowns of Presidential Debate Streams | GUEST: Tim Pool

    Julian Assange Free | YouTube Threatens Takedowns of Presidential Debate Streams | GUEST: Tim Pool

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    GUEST: Tim Pool | Josh Firestine

    Tax Network USA’s tax specialists have settled over $500 million in tax debts to the IRS and state taxing authorities. Call 1 (800) 245-6000 or visit tnusa.com/crowder

    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources-june-25

    Join MugClub to watch this show every day! http://louderwithcrowder.com/mugclub

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    Music by @Pogo

    Louder with Crowder
    enJune 25, 2024

    BREAKING REPORT: ARMY Admits Debilitating Heart Conditions Linked to Covid Vax!

    BREAKING REPORT: ARMY Admits Debilitating Heart Conditions Linked to Covid Vax!

    An exclusive report from Catherine Herridge, Taylor Swift sang “f*ck the patriarchy” in a monarchy over the weekend, Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and fire alarm puller Jamaal Bowman attended a racially charged rally in the Bronx, CNN's fact check of Trump's Wisconsin rally speech found 30 false statements & we are fact-checking all of them, and so much more!

    GUEST: Josh Firestine

    One of the leading firearm manufacturers in the world for 135 years. Go to www.WaltherArms.com to try the Walther.

    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/source-june-24

    Join MugClub to watch this show every day! http://louderwithcrowder.com/mugclub

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    Music by @Pogo

    Louder with Crowder
    enJune 24, 2024

    REBUTTAL: Jon Stewart is WRONG about Gun Violence

    REBUTTAL: Jon Stewart is WRONG about Gun Violence

    Today, we culturally appropriate Native American Indians, because to appropriate is to appreciate! This marks the second installment of our 9th annual Cultural Appropriation Month celebration! In the news, Governor Gavin Newsom announced a land return to the Shasta Tribe in an episode of virtue signaling, Louisiana is officially the first American state to require the Ten Commandments to be displayed in public classrooms, Jon Stewart is wrong on guns, NYC State of Crime, and so much more!

    Support freedom of speech with Rumble's 1775 Coffee. Go to 1775coffee.com/Crowder right now and pick up your first bag. Use code CROWDER to save 10%.

    GUEST: Josh Firestine

    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources-june-20

    Join MugClub to watch this show every day! http://louderwithcrowder.com/mugclub NEW MERCH! https://crowdershop.com/ Subscribe to my podcast: https://rss.com/podcasts/louder-with-crowder/ FOLLOW ME: Website: https://louderwithcrowder.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/scrowder Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/louderwithcrowder Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stevencrowderofficial Music by @Pogo

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    Louder with Crowder
    enJune 20, 2024

    EXCLUSIVE: Murderer Groomed High School Girl into Sex in Jail; Massive Cover-Up

    EXCLUSIVE: Murderer Groomed High School Girl into Sex in Jail; Massive Cover-Up

    A Mug Club viewer like you came to Mug Club Undercover with a tip regarding an incident and an apparent subsequent cover-up involving the coercion and abuse of a minor intern at a county jail housing federal inmates for U.S. Marshals in Ohio. As our journalists pulled the thread, we found it nearly impossible to get answers over the phone, so we sent boots on the ground to ask face-to-face. We obtained exclusive access to and are publishing today materials corroborating this shocking case!

    GUEST: Breanna Morello

    Join MugClub to watch this show every day! http://louderwithcrowder.com/mugclub

    NEW MERCH! https://crowdershop.com/

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    Music by @Pogo

    Louder with Crowder
    enJune 19, 2024

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    GUEST: Josh Firestine

    CBDistillery’s targeted formulations are made from the highest quality CLEAN ingredients. No fluff, no fillers - just pure, effective CBD solutions designed to help support your health. Go to CBDistillery.com and use code CROWDER for 20% off and a 100% money back guarantee.

    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources-june-18

    Join MugClub to watch this show every day! http://louderwithcrowder.com/mugclub NEW MERCH! https://crowdershop.com/ Subscribe to my podcast: https://rss.com/podcasts/louder-with-crowder/ FOLLOW ME: Website: https://louderwithcrowder.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/scrowder Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/louderwithcrowder Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stevencrowderofficial Music by @Pogo

    Louder with Crowder
    enJune 18, 2024

    Here's How Google Is Going to Steal the Election Again | Guest: Dr. Robert Epstein

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    GUEST: Dr. Robert Epstein | Josh Firestine

    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources-june-17-2024

    Join MugClub to watch this show every day! http://louderwithcrowder.com/mugclub NEW MERCH! https://crowdershop.com/ Subscribe to my podcast: https://rss.com/podcasts/louder-with-crowder/ FOLLOW ME: Website: https://louderwithcrowder.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/scrowder Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/louderwithcrowder Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stevencrowderofficial Music by @Pogo

    Louder with Crowder
    enJune 17, 2024

    Disney Makes Star Wars Galactically Gay!

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    Folks, today marks the start of our 9th annual Cultural Appropriation month celebration. We all know appropriation is appreciation and today we are appreciating Iran! In the news, young Iranians are protesting their nation’s strict religious laws through a phenomenon called “turban knocking,” space lesbian witches are somehow getting pregnant and destroying Star Wars, a string of attacks on American fast food restaurants in Iran has got us wondering who could be responsible, after the shocking helicopter crash death of Iran’s President, Ibrahim Raisi, Iran will hold a free and fair election to replace him, we’re going to be straddling the borderline today, so buckle up and come to Rumble and Mug Club if you want to the show today because YouTube definitely ain’t okay with what’s happening today!

    Submit your costumes on X with #AppropriateIran for a chance to be featured on the show!

    Visit http://PrepWithCrowder.com for My Patriot Supply emergency food kits, and $50 Off the Grid Doctor Solar Generator System

    GUEST: Nick Di Paolo

    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources-june-13-2024

    Join MugClub to watch this show every day! http://louderwithcrowder.com/mugclub NEW MERCH! https://crowdershop.com/ Subscribe to my podcast: https://rss.com/podcasts/louder-with-crowder/ FOLLOW ME: Website: https://louderwithcrowder.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/scrowder Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/louderwithcrowder Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stevencrowderofficial Music by @Pogo

    Louder with Crowder
    enJune 13, 2024

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    Ep.21 - Gun Control Supporters Argue the NRA Represent Gun Manufacturers. That's Untrue and if it Were, Who Cares?



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    Gadsden Flag Controversy: Woke School Tries Treading on Based 12-Year-Old! | Louder with Crowder

    Gadsden Flag Controversy: Woke School Tries Treading on Based 12-Year-Old! | Louder with Crowder
    A 12 year old Colorado Springs student was removed from class for displaying the Gadsden flag on his backpack because… slavery? On Tuesday MSNBC host Rachel Maddow predicted Trump would declare himself lifelong leader if elected in 2024. Also, Canada issued a new warning to LGBT travelers headed for the US. Tune in. Guest: Bryan Callen. Join MugClub to watch this show every day! http://louderwithcrowder.com/mugclub Watch the FREE show on MugClub NOW: GET TODAY'S SHOW NOTES with SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sou... NEW MERCH! https://crowdershop.com/ Music by @Pogo