
    Normal Relationship Advice Does Not Apply To Us

    enFebruary 02, 2024

    About this Episode

    Let’s be honest, not many people know what to do with our feelings of deep loneliness or constant anxiety when it comes to our relationships. And very well-intentioned people can give some really hurtful advice.

    Find the full show notes and join in the conversation:


    Recent Episodes from Love Over Addiction

    How to Really Surrender Control

    How to Really Surrender Control

    The word surrender is used a lot in the world of addiction. One of the things that always bothered me was that I was constantly being told that I needed to “let go and surrender,” but I never really understood how.

    The word surrender to me means letting go of my emotional investment in a certain outcome. Surrender doesn't mean we stop loving or caring.

    Another way of looking at how to “let go” is to think about the opposite of surrendering.

    What’s the opposite of surrendering? Controlling.


    Love Over Addiction
    enMarch 01, 2024

    Why We Keep Going Back to Them

    Why We Keep Going Back to Them

    Do you ever wonder: "Why do I keep going back to someone who hurts me so much?" There are many reasons we stay, but today, I’m going to be vulnerable and share with you why I deeply loved a man who clearly didn’t love me or himself enough to get sober.


    Love Over Addiction
    enFebruary 23, 2024

    3 Reasons We Don't Talk About Loving Someone Suffering with Addiction

    3 Reasons We Don't Talk About Loving Someone Suffering with Addiction

    Your loved one might seem put together on the outside. Most men and women who drink too much or suffer from substance abuse disorder hold good jobs and earn a good living. Most of the time, they can help take care of the kids and household duties.

    And because they are so high-functioning, it can leave you feeling nervous about sharing with friends and family just how bad things have become.

    In this episode, we explore three of the reasons why we don't talk about addiction and our loved one. 


    Love Over Addiction
    enFebruary 16, 2024

    Valentines Day AND Super Bowl Sunday? Ugh.

    Valentines Day AND Super Bowl Sunday? Ugh.

    It's almost time for Valentine's Day and Super Bowl Sunday (in America). One holiday can leave us feeling disappointed and unloved, wondering, "Why don't they love me enough?" We see the commercials for Valentine's Day with loving couples, chocolates, and flowers, but that's usually not our reality. We live in a different world. A world where love is unreliable. Where love hurts. And when they reach for the drinks, drugs, or whatever else is distracting them from getting healthy, we feel rejected over and over.

    Because we all might be feeling emotionally exhausted, I've got a quick episode today with a few tips just for you.


    Love Over Addiction
    enFebruary 09, 2024

    3 Ways You Might Be Codependent

    3 Ways You Might Be Codependent

    Being codependent can go hand in hand with loving someone suffering from addiction. Like two magnets attracted to one another, we connect with our partner by a force that feels greater than ourselves. Love has something to do with it, but also, there might be some relationship dynamics at play.

    Find the full show notes and join in the conversation:


    Love Over Addiction
    enJanuary 26, 2024

    Why It's So Hard To Love Someone Suffering With Addiction

    Why It's So Hard To Love Someone Suffering With Addiction

    And addiction happens to really good people. I truly, truly believe that. I always said my ex-husband is one of the most talented human beings I've ever met. He had it all. He was brilliant, kind, funny, charming and good looking. I mean, the guy had it all. And I hear a lot. 

    I meet a lot of people struggling with addiction, and they are some of the most talented human beings in the whole wide world. But I also believe that addiction can bring out the worst in the ones we love.

    And I'm going to give you an example. When I talk with my ex-husband, I always try to be polite and respectful during our conversation.

    Find the full episode and more free resources here: www.loveover.co/podcast/why-its-so-hard-to-love-someone-suffering-from-addiction

    Join the Love Over Program here: https://www.loveover.co/love-over


    Should We Throw Away Their Substances

    Should We Throw Away Their Substances

    When we love somone suffering from addiction, it can be hard to know if we should throw away their drugs, alcohol, or get rid of their pornography. 

    We hear this from people in our community all the time. They'll find stashes in the bathroom, bedroom, garage, car, or office.

    What should you do when you find it? 

    We'll get into the details of how to handle each item, because their are legal differences between drugs vs. alcohol or porn. 

    Find all the details here: https://www.loveover.co/podcast/should-we-throw-away-their-substances


    3 Common Mistakes We Make During An Argument With Our Partner

    3 Common Mistakes We Make During An Argument With Our Partner

    When you love someone suffering from addiction, everything about your relationship is different. Arguemnts can be very challenging to navigate. Today we'll talk about 3 tips to navigate arguments with your partner. And three common mistakes we make (becuase we're human). Remember that you're not alone. There's a whole community of people that are in the same situation you are. 

    Find all the episode details here: https://www.loveover.co/podcast/common-mistakes-in-an-argument

    Get 12 Free Tips here: https://www.loveover.co/12-tips

    Join the Love Over Program here: https://www.loveover.co/love-over

    How to Get Back to Being Yourself

    How to Get Back to Being Yourself

    Today, let's dive into something deep—finding our way back to ourselves. You ever look in the mirror and wonder where that old you went? Yeah, it hits hard. Love, especially when it's entangled with addiction, can make us feel lost, lonely, and like we've lost our spark.

    But here's the thing—I believe we can reclaim ourselves, even in the midst of this chaos. It's all about being honest with ourselves. I want to ask you: What do you really want for yourself in the coming year? And what are you willing to do differently to make it happen?

    Let's break a common myth too: thinking that everything will magically go back to normal once our loved ones find sobriety. It's a whole new journey for everyone involved. That includes us. We've grown, we've learned, and maybe that's a good thing. Maybe we've developed strengths we never knew we had.

    So, here's the deal. I want this space to be yours. Share your thoughts, your struggles, your victories in the Love Over Addiction community on Substack. Let's make it a safe, cozy corner where we can lift each other up.