
    Olympic Handballer Xavier O'Callaghan, Astros Terrible Apology, And Jameis Squinston

    en-usFebruary 13, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Unexpected challenges in golf and lifeTry new things for enjoyment and improved golfing experience, optimize sleep for sports performance, and explore unconventional Valentine's Day celebrations

      Golf can present unexpected challenges, but finding enjoyment and improving the experience can be as simple as trying new things, like Fireball Whiskey and their novelty golf club. In a different vein, the podcast also touched upon optimizing performance in sports, specifically in the NFL, where every player is talented, and quality sleep is crucial for recovery and success. Additionally, the hosts discussed unconventional methods for celebrating Valentine's Day, such as going out for brunch and skipping the traditional dinner reservations. Overall, the episode showcased the importance of finding joy in everyday experiences and embracing creativity to make the most of various situations.

    • Astros' apology for cheating scandal falls shortThe Astros' insincere apology failed to address fans, teams, and media, leaving a lasting negative impact on their reputation.

      The Houston Astros' apology for their cheating scandal during the 2017 MLB season fell short of expectations. The team's players, including Jose Altuve and Alex Bregman, kept their statements brief, with Dusty Baker taking the brunt of the criticism. Jim Crane, the team owner, caused confusion by stating that the cheating did not impact the outcome of the games, despite acknowledging the wrongdoing. The apology lacked sincerity and failed to directly address the fans, particularly those of the teams they cheated against, and the journalists covering the story. To effectively move on from the scandal, the Astros should have issued a heartfelt apology to the affected parties, including young baseball fans and the media. The Los Angeles Dodgers, who were allegedly warned about the Astros' cheating, served as an example of how a genuine apology could be handled.

    • Houston Astros Cheating Scandal: Debating the Consequences and ImplicationsThe Astros' cheating scandal continues to spark debate, with some calling for the Nationals to be recognized as the rightful 2017 World Series champions and others criticizing MLB's response. The incident highlights the importance of accountability and transparency in sports.

      The Houston Astros' cheating scandal continues to be a hot topic in baseball, with fans and pundits debating the implications and potential consequences for the team. Some argue that the Washington Nationals should be recognized as the rightful winners of the 2017 World Series due to their victory over the cheating Astros. Others criticize the lack of action from MLB commissioner Rob Manfred in addressing the scandal and punishing the players involved. The consensus seems to be that this incident underscores the importance of accountability and transparency in sports, and that the Astros will face ongoing scrutiny and criticism as a result. Additionally, Jameis Winston, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers quarterback, recently underwent LASIK surgery and is now able to see clearly, putting an end to rumors about his vision issues.

    • Jameis Winston's LASIK surgery and its impact on his football careerJameis Winston's LASIK surgery could lead to improved vision, fewer interceptions, and potentially MVP-level play.

      Jameis Winston's decision to undergo LASIK surgery at this point in his career could significantly impact his performance on the football field. Previously, his vision issues may have contributed to missed opportunities and interceptions. Now, with improved eyesight, Winston could potentially reduce his interceptions and see the field more clearly, leading to better decision-making and potentially even MVP-level play. However, some argue that his unique sense of humor and off-field antics are part of his charm and may not change even with better vision. Overall, this decision could be a turning point in Winston's career, and football fans are eagerly anticipating the potential outcomes.

    • Impact of Tom Brady's retirement on team's receivers and running backsTom Brady's retirement may negatively affect his team's receivers and running backs due to the loss of his ability to make tackles and potential decrease in their stats.

      The retirement of Tom Brady from football, while beneficial for his health and potential future Hall of Fame induction, may negatively impact his team's receivers and running backs due to the loss of his ability to make tackles and the potential decrease in their stats. Additionally, the advancements in post-surgery LASIK glasses have made them more stylish and less reminiscent of old casino vibes. During the conversation, there was a mention of a viral video featuring an offensive lineman's poor technique in a mosh pit, and the XFL was discussed with predictions for certain games. Overall, the discussion touched on various topics including sports, music, and pop culture.

    • A former XFL player's desire to contributeA former XFL player expresses eagerness to promote the league and potentially earn another opportunity to play, despite being cut earlier.

      The XFL is making an effort to improve and excite fans, but the speaker, a former XFL player, feels he deserves a chance to contribute. He respects the league's focus on winning and earning roster spots, but is eager for more excitement and potentially another opportunity to play. The XFL's marketing genius, Oliver Luck, has already approached him about promoting the league. The speaker also mentioned the possibility of getting a call for an NFL training camp as a camp leg. Despite being cut earlier, he remains optimistic and believes his performance on film could lead to opportunities. Overall, the XFL is working to make improvements and create excitement, and individuals like the speaker are eager to be a part of it.

    • Handball: A Fast-Paced Team Sport with Demanding Physical RequirementsHandball is a dynamic team sport that requires strength, speed, and technique, with tall and strong players having an advantage. Butcher Box offers high-quality, customizable meat delivery with various options to suit individual preferences.

      Butcher Box offers high-quality, customizable meat delivery with various options like grass-fed and finished beef, free-range organic chicken, heritage pork, wild-caught Alaskan salmon, and nitrate-free bacon. Handball, a fast-paced team sport, requires a combination of strength, speed, and technique with 2 teams of 7 players, including 1 goalie. The game is dynamic with quick shots and contact, making it physically demanding. Handball players come in various body types, but being tall and strong is generally advantageous due to the game's size and the need for both strength and speed. The court is larger than a basketball court, and players can carry the ball and use it like a racket to hit it against the walls. The game is quick and doesn't require timeouts for substitutions. So, whether you're looking for top-notch meat delivery or engaging in a physically demanding sport like handball, remember the importance of quality, customization, and physical attributes.

    • Rules of Handball: Bouncing the Ball and ScoringHandball is a high-speed European sport with distinct rules: players must bounce the ball every 3-4 steps, score by making contact with the goal, and tackle opponents without excessive force.

      Handball and basketball have distinct rules when it comes to ball handling and scoring. In handball, players must make an attempt to score by bouncing the ball every three to four steps and making contact with the goal before landing. There is a crease around the goal that players cannot enter, and contact between players is regulated. Handball games last for an hour, and while players are allowed to tackle opponents in front of them, they cannot use excessive force or grab them. The popularity of handball in Spain, particularly among children, is significant, with over 100,000 official licenses. Despite this, athletic kids do not necessarily gravitate towards handball, as other sports like soccer also have a strong following. Handball is a high-speed, physical sport that requires a lot of goals to be scored and is popular in Europe.

    • European athletes transitioning from handball and basketball to soccerTalent and potential can be overlooked; persistence, adaptability, and seizing opportunities are crucial for reaching one's full potential.

      The path to excelling in one sport can often be influenced by the experiences and opportunities presented to athletes during their formative years. The discussion highlighted how some talented European players, particularly in Spain and Germany, have transitioned from handball and basketball to soccer due to the popularity and resources of these sports in their respective countries. Spain, for instance, is known for its basketball dominance, while Germany and other European nations have a strong handball culture. The conversation also touched upon the professional aspects of these sports, including average salaries in Germany's handball league and the success stories of notable players like Pau Gasol and Juan Carlos Navarro. Although Jay Cutler's suggestion of training for an Olympic medal in handball with only a few months of preparation might seem far-fetched, the anecdote about the two basketball players demonstrates that talent and potential can sometimes be overlooked due to factors like work ethic and opportunities. This takeaway can be applied to various aspects of life, emphasizing the importance of persistence, adaptability, and seizing opportunities to reach one's full potential.

    • Transitioning to a new sport takes time and dedicationBecoming a professional athlete in a new sport requires extensive training and understanding of the game's techniques and tactics, taking years, not months.

      Becoming a professional athlete in a new sport requires more than just natural ability. While Americans may have the potential to excel in handball due to their physical attributes, they would need extensive training and understanding of the game's techniques and tactics to compete at a high level. This process takes years, not months. Similarly, a world-class handball player from Spain would face challenges adjusting to American football, which has vastly different techniques and requires years of specialized training. The learning curve for a new sport may not be as steep as some may think, but becoming a professional athlete still demands dedication, education, and time.

    • Back players are crucial in handball, with shooting abilities and distinct rolesBack players have shooting power and unique roles, while wings can score but don't create, and defense focuses on preventing opponents from scoring.

      Handball is a complex sport with distinct roles for various players. The back players, who have the power to shoot from a distance, are the key players. Wings can score if given enough space but don't create the game. Handball players have different techniques to shoot from various angles, making defense challenging. Defenders aim to prevent opponents from scoring, primarily by staying in front of them and trying to steal the ball when possible. European handball players, despite not being as athletically gifted as Americans in most sports, have excelled in handball, as evidenced by the numerous Olympic gold medals they've won. The sport requires a combination of strength, technique, and strategy.

    • Former athletes form handball team, face challenges of learning new sportA group of ex-athletes from various sports build a handball team, face challenges in adapting to the new sport, and consider adding experienced players to help.

      A group of former guests on a podcast, including athletes from various sports like soccer, baseball, and handball, are building a team to compete in handball against the best European teams. One of the challenges they face is the short timeframe they have to learn and adapt to the new sport. Jay Cutler, a former NFL quarterback, has been invited to train with the top German handball team, Flensburg, and the group is considering offering him a spot on their roster as a thank you. They acknowledge that they lack left-handed players on their team, and plan to add Dontreaux Willis to address this issue. The group also discussed the importance of having a big, strong player on the team to help with blocking. They joked about facing the greatest handball player of all time, Nikola Karabatic, and the implications of beating him, but ultimately agreed that it's an impossible feat for their team to learn and compete at a European level in such a short timeframe. They also reflected on the challenges of learning new sports later in life and the importance of starting young.

    • European handball vs basketball: Different techniques and gameplayEuropean handball requires significant practice and technique, emphasizes fair play, and has seen an increase in physicality and speed, contrasting basketball's focus on teamwork and American dominance in innovation and growth.

      Handball and basketball, though sharing some similarities, have distinct differences in technique and gameplay. European handball, with its jumping and hard shooting, requires significant practice and technique to excel. While coaching and teamwork are essential in handball, the game has seen an increase in physicality and speed over the years. Unlike basketball, handball has not had significant steroid controversies, emphasizing fair play. Cultural differences and unique perspectives can bring new techniques and ideas to the game. Though it may be challenging for Americans to compete at the highest level due to the European dominance, the potential for innovation and growth is significant.

    • Discovering the Excitement of HandballHandball, an overlooked indoor sport, offers continuous action, passionate fans, and unique spectacles, challenging assumptions it's not a real sport.

      Handball, a sport often overlooked in the United States, offers an exciting and unique spectacle when compared to popular sports like basketball. Xavier O'Callaghan, a handball enthusiast, invited listeners to experience handball in Europe and challenged the assumption that it's not a real sport. Handball is played indoors, and while there is no shot clock, players must make continuous movements towards the goal to avoid giving the ball to the opposing team. The sport features a lively crowd and even includes fireworks during major competitions. O'Callaghan believes that handball has the potential to attract a new generation of fans if given the opportunity to be showcased on a larger scale. Despite any controversy or negative perceptions, handball's passionate community believes that the sport deserves recognition and appreciation.

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      It's important to prioritize your own comfort and invest in high-quality items, like MeUndies, that can significantly improve your daily life. MeUndies, with their soft Micromodal fabric made from sustainable trees, offer unmatched comfort and are available in various sizes. Don't let your past self hold you back; embrace the future and enjoy the benefits. MeUndies isn't just about underwear; they also offer stylish loungewear. And remember, their promo code "take" is the only one that works for getting 15% off your first pair, free shipping, and a 100% guarantee. Additionally, consider small gestures for Valentine's Day, like a thoughtful gift, rather than relying on office-provided items. And, when it comes to airplane etiquette, the real issue is the limited space provided by the airlines, not individual passengers' actions. Collectively, we should advocate for more comfortable seating options.

    • Discussions on airline discomfort and personal investmentsTaller individuals face inconvenience with limited legroom on flights and holding onto long-term investments, like Bitcoin, requires patience.

      There are several topics discussed in this conversation, ranging from airplane seating comfort to personal investments in Bitcoin. One common theme that emerged is the frustration with certain industries, such as airlines, not catering to the needs of all customers. For instance, taller individuals expressed their dissatisfaction with limited legroom and the inconvenience caused by others reclining their seats. Another topic was personal investments, where the speaker shared his experience of buying Bitcoin at its peak price and holding onto it despite its subsequent crash. He also emphasized the importance of patience and long-term perspective in investing. Additionally, there was a mention of various events, such as a home and home football series between Oklahoma State and Nebraska, and a humorous observation about Texas football staff. Overall, the conversation touched upon various everyday experiences and observations, with a few common themes of frustration and the importance of patience.

    • Importance of tracking scores in various contextsSpeakers discussed the excitement for NBA All-Star Weekend, expressed skepticism about certain aspects, compared it to past years, and joked about potential antics, all while emphasizing the significance of keeping score in various contexts.

      During the discussion, the speakers touched upon the importance of keeping track of scores in various contexts, such as sports events or personal achievements. They also expressed their thoughts on the upcoming NBA All-Star Weekend, sharing their excitement for certain players and events, while expressing skepticism about others. Additionally, they compared the current state of the NBA to past years, noting changes in team dynamics and the introduction of new contest formats. Lastly, they joked about potential corny antics from Dwight Howard during the event and discussed attempts by Mike Bloomberg to buy positivity through his campaign.

    • Speakers discuss Bloomberg's campaign strategy and their desire for compensationSpeakers share their thoughts on receiving financial compensation from Bloomberg for endorsements or promotion, jokingly suggesting various tactics to pressure him, and discussing the ethics of giving and receiving gifts.

      The speakers in this conversation are discussing their desire to receive financial compensation from Mike Bloomberg in exchange for their endorsement or promotion. They feel that Bloomberg's campaign strategy involves buying support from various individuals and groups, and they believe they deserve a piece of that. They jokingly suggest various ways to pressure Bloomberg into paying them, including social media campaigns and even mafia-style tactics. They also share their thoughts on the ethics of giving and receiving gifts, and discuss their own experiences with receiving gifts from partners. The conversation also touches on various unrelated topics, such as Valentine's Day gifts and boners, but the main theme is the speakers' pursuit of financial compensation from Bloomberg.

    • Exploring Relationships at the Jersey ShoreAt the Jersey Shore, relationships can be unconventional, with open relationships and rekindling them being a popular strategy. Impress in-laws by being enthusiastic and mindful of hazards. Choose partners based on interests and circumstances, and communicate openly about online activities.

      Relationships at the Jersey Shore are not traditional, and people often explore their options freely during the summer season. One strategy mentioned is to have an open relationship and then rekindle it after a few weeks by surprising your partner with a seductive appearance. However, it's essential to remember that everyone's circumstances and preferences are different, and there's no one-size-fits-all approach to dating. Regarding impressing in-laws, the key is to be enthusiastic and impressed by their experiences, such as a hibachi restaurant. It's also crucial to be mindful of potential hazards, like hot tables and excessive drinking. When deciding between two potential partners, consider their interests and circumstances, such as sports seasons and geographical locations. Ultimately, the choice depends on personal compatibility and preferences. Lastly, social media usage and following adult content accounts is a common practice, and it's essential to have open and honest communication with your partner about your online activities.

    • Exploring Pornhub and an Interview with AsaThe speaker shares his curiosity about Pornhub and plans to interview Asa on his show, showcasing a mix of personal and professional interests.

      The speaker expressed his curiosity about keeping up with the latest happenings on Pornhub and with a specific person named Asa, who appears to be involved in the adult entertainment industry. He mentioned observing her online and shared his intention to have an interview with Joakim Noah on the show, which will air on Monday. The conversation ended with a casual and light-hearted tone, wishing everyone a Happy Valentine's Day. Overall, the speaker's words suggest a blend of professional and personal interests, as well as a willingness to discuss taboo topics in a candid and open manner.

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    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

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    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

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    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

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    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

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    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

    Pardon My Take
    en-usJune 12, 2024

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    Nicolas Martin (GFL-TV) mit Andreas Renner (DAZN) und Thomas Böker (Kicker) zum Fußball, mit Christian Schimmel (derdraft.de) zum Football, und mit Jan Lüdeke (Magenta) und Simon Jung (DAZN) zum Rugby; der Producer mit Uwe Semrau (DAZN) und Markus Götz (Sky) zum Handball, mit Stefan Heinrich (Motorsport TV), Stefan Ehlen (motorsport.com) und Edgar Mielke (ran) zum Motorsport, mit Lukas Zahrer (Der Standard) und Tom Häberlein (SID) zum alpinen Skisport, mit Gregor Biernath (Sky) zum Golf, mit André Voigt (Got Nexxt) zur NBA, und mit Sebastian Kayser (BILD) und Paul Häuser (Sky) zum Tennis; dazu der Producer jr. Robin mit den Power Rankings und der Anchorman Markus Gaupp (Sky) im gepflegten Rollenspiel.

    Rich Eisen In Studio, Heat Tie Up The Finals, SCF G1, Jake Hit A Hole In One And Who's Back Of The Week

    Rich Eisen In Studio, Heat Tie Up The Finals, SCF G1, Jake Hit A Hole In One And Who's Back Of The Week

    Heat Culture is back again as they tie up the series and give the Nuggets their first loss at home in these playoffs. We talk Game 2 and the fact that we officially have a series (00:00:00-00:16:01). Stanley Cup Final Game 1 and the Knights looked dominant (00:16:01-00:21:16). Jake hit a hole in and PFT went to darts (00:21:16-00:33:10). Who's back of the week including Joe Mazulla and Mark Zuckerberg definitely not getting choked out (00:33:10-00:53:47). Rich Eisen joins us in studio to catch up on his career, NFL, TV Shows and tons more (00:53:47-01:52:48). We finish with the lottery ball (01:52:48-01:57:24:17).

    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

    Braxton Berrios, The Cardinals Suck & Rovell Is Not Racist

    Braxton Berrios, The Cardinals Suck & Rovell Is Not Racist

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    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

    Assessing The Knee Differently

    Assessing The Knee Differently

    In this "shortie" episode Erica discusses different ways she assesses the knee. 


    There are 3 parts to the knee joint and assessing a movement pattern that takes into account all these regions is key. 


    It's not all about patellar tracking, right? 


    More often than not, one part of the knee is being compressed because of some overactivity in the muscles surrounding it. 


    The main takeaway is that evaluating these regions takes precision and it's worth it to spend a few extra minutes doing so. Your patients will appreciate the specificity.


    A glance at this episode:

    •[1:45] Why the knee is the victim 

    •[2:57] Knee assessment

    •[5:08] Clinical pearl on knee mechanics

    •[7:03] How to assess the knee in 3D

    •[8:48] Assessing the knee with a body twist


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