
    Omicron Panic, Natural Immunity, Fluvoxamine, Boosters, Fauci (w/ Dr. Marty Makary)

    enDecember 04, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Contradictory Recommendations on Booster ShotsDespite no new data on Omicron, the push for boosters contradicts experts' previous decision against them for young, healthy individuals. Risks and benefits should be weighed carefully.

      The recent push for boosters for all adults, despite no new data on the Omicron variant, contradicts the FDA's expert committee's decision just 9 weeks ago to not recommend boosters for everyone. The experts voted against boosting young, healthy individuals due to the lack of evidence of benefit. The risk of hospitalization for a fully vaccinated American is very low, and the reduction in risk from a booster is only a tenfold decrease. The CDC reports that the average age of breakthrough hospitalizations and deaths is high, and the time to death for this age group is not long. The argument for vaccinating healthy young people as a herd effect and community benefit is understandable, but the potential risks and side effects should also be considered. The ongoing debate highlights the importance of clear communication and evidence-based decision-making in public health policies.

    • Vaccine's effectiveness lower for younger, healthy individualsYounger, healthy individuals have minimal risk from COVID-19, and the vaccine's effectiveness in reducing hospitalization is significantly lower for them. Universities and institutions mandating boosters disregard individual risk assessments and can be seen as paternalistic.

      While vaccines are essential in reducing the risk of severe illness and hospitalization, especially for older individuals and those with pre-existing conditions, the risk reduction for younger, healthy individuals is significantly lower. The figures discussed, such as the 10-fold reduction in hospitalizations from the Israeli real-world data, should be considered the upper bound for risk reduction from boosting. For a 25-year-old who is healthy, the initial risk might be as low as 0. However, universities and institutions are mandating boosters for students, even those with natural immunity from previous infections or vaccinations. This "must" or "have to" mentality disregards the individual's risk assessment and can be seen as paternalistic. Additionally, people who have recovered from COVID-19 and received two doses of the vaccine have minimal risk of reinfection. The ongoing culture of safetyism, particularly on college campuses, is pushing for unnecessary measures, such as getting boosted and even naturally infected with Omicron, despite the low risk for healthy individuals. It's crucial to consider the individual's risk profile and make informed decisions based on accurate and comprehensive data.

    • Questionable COVID-19 studies and potential confounding factorsConfounding factors like vaccination status and comorbidities can impact COVID-19 study results, and some studies may be rejected due to findings on controversial risk factors like obesity.

      The validity of some COVID-19 studies is questionable due to potential confounding factors, such as the correlation between vaccination and the characteristics of the people who choose to get vaccinated. For instance, a study suggesting that 75% of young COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. had comorbidities might not accurately reflect the true situation, as it's unclear whether these individuals were hospitalized for COVID-19 or with COVID-19. Additionally, risk factors like obesity, which is a significant contributor to COVID-19 mortality, are often under-discussed. A large study on COVID-19 mortality risk factors, led by a consortium of top researchers, was rejected by multiple journals, potentially due to its findings on obesity as a risk factor. The speaker also argued that the CDC's publication of certain studies, particularly those related to natural immunity and masking, raises concerns about bias and the exclusion of dissenting viewpoints. The speaker also mentioned the importance of considering both individual and communal benefits when deciding to get a booster shot.

    • Considering the Risks and Benefits of COVID-19 VaccinationsWhen making vaccine policies, balance the communal benefits of protection against hospitalization and death with individual risks like myocarditis, ensuring health doesn't decrease. Understand risk tolerances and potential long-term complications.

      When making policy decisions about COVID-19 vaccinations, it's important to consider both the communal benefits and costs. While vaccinations can provide significant protection against hospitalization and death, particularly for vulnerable populations, there are potential risks and side effects, such as myocarditis, that must be weighed against these benefits. It's crucial to ensure that individual recipients are not suffering a decrement in their health as a result of the vaccination. The risk of myocarditis, while not as high as some models suggest, is not zero and may exceed the benefit of hospitalization prevention for young individuals. It's essential to understand that people have different risk tolerances and that those who have chosen not to get vaccinated have already made their own risk assessments. Additionally, the potential for long-term complications from myocarditis, although not yet fully understood, adds another layer of complexity to the risk-benefit analysis. Ultimately, a thoughtful and nuanced approach is required when considering vaccination policies, taking into account both the potential benefits and risks for different age groups and individuals.

    • Understanding unique needs and concerns in vaccine communicationEffective vaccine communication requires acknowledging and addressing individual concerns, rather than a one-size-fits-all approach.

      Simplistic public health messages, while effective in some ways, can overlook the unique needs and concerns of specific populations. This was discussed in relation to the COVID-19 vaccine and the fear of needles among young people. Some countries have adopted different strategies, such as not using Moderna for those under 30 due to lower myocarditis risk with Pfizer. The U.S. approach of an all-or-nothing vaccination policy may overlook these nuances and potentially harm certain groups. The importance of acknowledging and addressing individual concerns was emphasized, rather than a one-size-fits-all approach. This is particularly relevant in the context of vaccine hesitancy and the need for effective communication and understanding.

    • Tension between politics and medicine in COVID-19 policiesPolitical considerations can lead to COVID-19 policies that prioritize reducing case numbers over individual health needs, particularly in vaccination policies for young, healthy individuals.

      There is a tension between what is good for politics and what is good for medicine when it comes to COVID-19 policies. While doctors may prioritize the health and well-being of individuals, political considerations can lead to policies that focus on reducing case numbers, even if it means potentially overlooking individual health needs. This tension is particularly evident in the context of vaccination policies for young, healthy individuals, where the potential risks of side effects or reinfection may be outweighed by the political benefits of reducing case numbers. The result can be a situation where policies are driven by political considerations rather than impartial medical expertise, leading to unnecessary restrictions and anxiety for individuals, particularly in educational institutions. It's important to remember that lawyers, rather than doctors, are often writing COVID-19 policies in America.

    • The contagion of fear and its impact on campus and off campus lifeFear can spread rapidly and influence behaviors in unexpected ways, leading to paradoxical situations on campus and off campus during the pandemic. Media and government officials can contribute to this cycle of fear and uncertainty. It's crucial to consider the origins of the virus and learn to live with it while minimizing its impact.

      Our actions, driven by fear and a desire to cover all bases, may not always align with what is truly beneficial for the community or the environment. The ongoing pandemic has led to an excess of caution on campus but a lack of it off campus, creating a paradoxical situation. This phenomenon is akin to the contagion of fear, which can spread rapidly and influence behaviors in unexpected ways. The speaker suggests that the media, influenced by fear mongers and government officials, can contribute to this cycle of fear and uncertainty. It's essential to consider the potential origins of the virus and the role of animal reservoirs in its spread. Despite our best efforts, the virus may never be eradicated, and we must learn to live with it while minimizing its impact on public health and daily life.

    • Media and institutions giving current administration a pass on accountabilityConcerns about flawed info being disseminated due to lack of accountability, leading to unfair treatment of those with natural immunity and inconsistent data interpretation

      There's a concern that the media and certain institutions are giving the current administration a pass on accountability, leading to potentially flawed information being disseminated to the public. This was discussed in relation to two studies on natural immunity from the CDC, which were criticized for their methodology. The consequence of this is that people with natural immunity are being unfairly treated and excluded from certain opportunities, such as working in hospitals. The speaker also highlighted inconsistencies in how data is being interpreted and used, with some studies being described as "dramatic data" while others are dismissed. The overall issue is that there needs to be a more nuanced and critical approach to interpreting and reporting data, particularly in areas of public health policy.

    • Selective application of rules in healthcarePressure to adhere to certain guidelines despite valid exemptions can lead to mistrust, morale issues, and potential staffing shortages in healthcare. Acknowledging human biases and fostering a culture of objectivity, transparency, and respect can help mitigate these challenges.

      Selective application of rules and biases, particularly in the context of medical information and public health policies, can lead to dishonesty and confusion. This issue is not limited to the media or political partisanship, but also exists within the medical community itself. Doctors and nurses, who have risked their lives during the COVID-19 pandemic, are facing pressure to adhere to certain guidelines, despite having natural immunity or valid medical exemptions. This selective enforcement of rules can lead to a lack of trust and morale issues among healthcare workers, contributing to staffing shortages and potential healthcare system crunches. To address these challenges, it's essential to acknowledge the human biases and frailties that exist in the interpretation and application of scientific literature. Employers can also take steps to support their staff, such as having open conversations, providing resources, and recognizing their contributions. Ultimately, fostering a culture of objectivity, transparency, and respect for individual circumstances can help mitigate the negative impacts of confirmation bias and selective outrage.

    • Health and wealth interconnected, pandemic measures impact lifespan and emotionsThe pandemic's economic consequences, including business closures, can negatively affect health and shorten lifespans. Effective use of measures and addressing privacy concerns are crucial in the digital age.

      The interconnection of health and wealth was emphasized in the discussion, with the closure of businesses due to COVID-19 measures potentially shortening people's lifespans and causing anger and frustration. The conversation also touched upon the political landscape, with the potential impact of the Supreme Court's decision on Roe and the likelihood of the Republican candidate winning the Pennsylvania election due to name recognition and public sentiment. Additionally, there was a mention of the importance of using pandemic measures effectively and only when necessary, as well as the possibility of false flags and privacy concerns in the digital age.

    • The socioeconomic divide during the pandemicThe pandemic has highlighted the need for a creator economy and the importance of addressing disparities in its impact

      The economic impact of the pandemic extends beyond just numbers on a balance sheet. While some have seen wealth generation through the stock market or the "great resignation," others have been displaced or faced challenges in education. The socioeconomic divide has been exacerbated during the pandemic, with some communities and individuals faring much worse than others. The pandemic has highlighted the need for a shift towards a creator economy where people can do what they love, even if it doesn't make them a fortune. However, it's important to remember that the pandemic's impact is not evenly distributed, and disadvantaged communities have been disproportionately affected. The untold story of the pandemic is the disparity it has caused, and it's crucial to acknowledge and address these issues as we move forward.

    • Disconnect between education and workforce, Omicron's impact, and thriving media marketThe disconnect between education and workforce persists, with Portland schools having frequent half-day schedules. The Omicron variant's economic impact is uncertain, but lab results take time. Media markets thrive during uncertainty, creating hype and fear, while some industries face standstills.

      There's a disconnect between the educational experience of students and the work requirements of the workforce, as evidenced by the frequent half-day schedules in Portland schools. This issue was brought to mind during a discussion about the ongoing economic impact of the Omicron variant and the lengthy wait for definitive lab results. The speaker also touched upon the thriving media market during times of uncertainty and fear. Peter Thiel's perspective on Hulk Hogan was used as an analogy for the current situation, emphasizing the importance of taking action and not being held back by uncertainty. The speaker advocated for utilizing the resources available, such as BSL4 labs, to expedite the experimentation process and make informed decisions. Additionally, the speaker highlighted the attention economy in the media ecosystem, which can easily amplify and create hype around events like the Omicron variant, leading to widespread panic and fear. Despite the economic standstill caused by the uncertainty, some markets, like the media, continue to thrive.

    • Overlooked potential of Fluvoxamine for COVID-19 treatmentFluvoxamine, a safe, off-patent drug with proven mortality reduction in RCTs, deserves more attention for COVID-19 treatment due to its anti-inflammatory effects. Other treatments, like Molnupiravir, receive excessive attention despite less clear benefits and potential risks.

      While there is ongoing discussion about various therapeutics for COVID-19, some promising options like fluvoxamine are being overlooked. Fluvoxamine, an off-patent, relatively safe drug with solid RCT data showing significant mortality reduction, has not received the attention it deserves. Its anti-inflammatory effects may contribute to its efficacy. Meanwhile, other treatments like Molnupiravir have received excessive attention despite less clear benefits and potential risks, particularly for pregnant women. The pace of scientific discovery limits the number of studies we can access each week, and the importance of RCTs should not be underestimated. It's crucial to critically evaluate the available data and consider the potential risks and benefits of each treatment option.

    • Discussion on COVID-19 vaccines and pregnant women, and potential risks of antiviral drugsExperts had conflicting views on COVID-19 vaccine safety for pregnant women during early rollout. Concerns were raised about potential risks of booster doses and antiviral drugs like Molnupiravir, which could induce virus mutations and potentially dangerous variants.

      During the early stages of the COVID-19 vaccine rollout, healthcare professionals and experts recommended the vaccine for pregnant women based on the belief that it was safe, even though there was limited evidence to support this claim. The safety of the vaccine in pregnancy became a topic of discussion, with some experts expressing concerns about the potential risks, particularly with regards to the booster doses. One example was brought up of a woman in her early 30s who had received two doses and was pregnant, and was being advised to get a booster despite the lack of clear evidence that it was necessary or safe. Another topic that came up was the antiviral drug Molnupiravir, which has the potential to induce mutations in the virus itself, leading to concerns about the potential for new and potentially more dangerous variants to emerge. Additionally, there was a discussion about the drug fluvoxamine, which has shown promise in treating COVID-19, but has not received as much attention from public health officials as other treatments like Ivermectin. The speakers expressed a desire for more open and honest dialogue about the potential benefits and risks of various COVID-19 treatments and vaccines, particularly for pregnant women and other vulnerable populations.

    • Criticisms of Dr. Fauci's handling of COVID-19 pandemicSpeakers debated Dr. Fauci's decisions on mask mandates, school closures, vaccine allocation, and natural immunity, with some believing his actions led to unnecessary vaccine administrations and potential supply constraints costing lives

      The discussion revolved around the perceived mistakes and criticisms of Dr. Anthony Fauci's handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. The speakers criticized his stance on various issues such as mask mandates, school closures, vaccine allocation, and natural immunity. They argued that these decisions may have led to unnecessary vaccine administrations to those already immune, potentially costing lives due to supply constraints. They also criticized his communication style and perceived inconsistencies in his messaging. While some expressed admiration for Dr. Fauci's dedication to his country, others believed that his actions and words had negative consequences. Overall, the conversation showcased differing perspectives on the role and performance of a prominent public health figure during a global health crisis.

    • Importance of natural immunity and gain-of-function research debateThe COVID-19 pandemic debate emphasizes the significance of recognizing natural immunity and addressing concerns about gain-of-function research, with a focus on saving lives and promoting transparency and evidence-based policies.

      The debate surrounding the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of acknowledging natural immunity and the potential risks of gain-of-function research. The frustration voiced in the discussion stems from the belief that prioritizing natural immunity over vaccines could have saved lives, particularly for vulnerable populations. Additionally, there are concerns about the lack of transparency and potential political influences on decisions related to gain-of-function research and travel bans. The ongoing debate underscores the need for a more inclusive and diverse approach to public health decision-making, as well as a commitment to transparency and evidence-based policies.

    • Debate over gain of function research and the dismantling of the Ferret CommitteeDespite the dismantling of the Ferret Committee and its shift to advisory roles, gain of function research continues, with calls for transparency, an international ban, and an investigation into COVID-19 origins. The debate also highlights the need for honesty and humility from public health officials regarding travel bans and vaccine distribution.

      The debate surrounding gain of function research, specifically its potential risks and benefits, has been a contentious issue. The discussion highlighted the dismantling of a committee, known as the Ferret Committee, which was established to screen research for potential dangers. However, the committee was later weakened, and its power shifted from blocking research to advisory roles. Despite this, gain of function research continued to be funded both domestically and internationally, including at the Wuhan lab, although it's unclear if these funds directly contributed to the COVID-19 outbreak. It's important to note that while the debate continues, many are calling for transparency and an international ban on gain of function research, along with an investigation into the origins of COVID-19. The conversation also touched on the hypocrisy surrounding travel bans and vaccine distribution, emphasizing the need for honesty and humility from public health officials.

    • Valuing clinical observations and experiencesScience is important, but we should also consider clinical observations and experiences, and be open-minded in our approach to learning

      While science is crucial, we should also value the insights from clinical observations and experiences, and not solely rely on rigorous research studies. This was a topic of discussion on a podcast, where the speakers criticized the dismissal of real-world observations by scientists, particularly in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. They pointed out that doctors on the ground in South Africa were being ignored when they reported observations of new cases, and the importance of listening to their insights. The speakers also discussed the importance of being open-minded and not being overly rigid in our approach to learning and understanding the world around us. It's essential to remember that science is not the only source of knowledge and that we're all in this together, learning and growing as we go.

    • An open-minded approach to unusual findings can lead to significant discoveriesStay open-minded to unusual findings and be receptive to new ideas, even if they challenge deeply held assumptions, to discover valuable insights.

      An open-minded approach to unusual findings and being receptive to different ideas, even if they challenge deeply held assumptions, can lead to significant discoveries. This was highlighted in a case of a patient who survived stage 4 GBM glioblastoma multiforme, which is typically considered incurable. The patient's recovery was attributed to a severe infection following surgery, which may have triggered an immune response. This concept is reminiscent of ancient immunotherapy practices, such as Coley's toxin. However, it's essential to distinguish between unusual findings that could lead to valuable discoveries and the current pandemic of fear and misinformation, which we call the "pandemic of lunacy." This phenomenon, often fueled by social media, can distract us from addressing pressing issues, such as the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on vulnerable populations. It's crucial to maintain a balanced perspective and focus on facts while being open to new ideas.

    • Expanding circles of compassion during COVID-19During COVID-19, prioritize protecting the most vulnerable, rather than being fear-driven and narrowing focus on ourselves. Acknowledge broader perspective and act with empathy and care towards others.

      During the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, there's a need for expanding our circles of compassion and focusing on protecting those at highest risk, rather than being fear-driven and narrowing our focus on ourselves. The speakers in the discussion acknowledged the importance of showing compassion to those most vulnerable, regardless of personal beliefs or criticisms. They also touched upon the issue of dehumanization, such as through the use of QR codes and masks, which can further widen the divide between individuals. The discussion emphasized the importance of acknowledging the broader perspective and acting with empathy and care towards others. The speakers agreed that focusing on protecting the most vulnerable populations is crucial, and that this should be a priority in our response to the pandemic.

    • Challenges in the Pharmaceutical Industry: Drug Shortages and High CostsThe pharmaceutical industry faces significant challenges, including drug shortages and high costs, which can have serious consequences for patients in need of essential treatments. Open and thoughtful conversations about these issues and continued research and innovation are crucial.

      The pharmaceutical industry and the availability of essential drugs face significant challenges, including shortages and high costs. These issues can have serious consequences, particularly for patients in need of curative treatments. The conversation also touched upon the high profits generated from certain drugs and the importance of continued research and innovation in the field. Additionally, the value of open and thoughtful conversations, even if they don't always result in agreement, was emphasized. The speakers encouraged their audience to engage with the content and share their perspectives. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of addressing these complex challenges in the pharmaceutical industry and the potential impact on patients' lives.

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    377 | Disturbing Demon Encounters and Child-Hunting Monsters in the Woods

    377 | Disturbing Demon Encounters and Child-Hunting Monsters in the Woods
    Get $100 off your first month with Talkspace by using code ENCOUNTERS at https://www.talkspace.com/ If you hear a familiar voice in the deep dark woods, you'd better be COMPLETELY sure it's who you think it is - Otherwise, it'll be the last thing you ever hear. Follow and Rate Tales from the Break Room please!  SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/show/4BGHdnQuX6frU5SfKXCi0T APPLE: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/tales-from-the-break-room/id1621075170 OTHER: https://pod.link/1621075170 Join EERIECAST PLUS to unlock ad-free episodes and support this show! https://www.eeriecast.com/plus TIMESTAMPS (May not be accurate due to automatic ad-placement) 0:00 INTRO 0:45 Superstition or Reality from Returner0173 16:00 9 Months of Torment from Anonymous 29:52 Demonic Lady from rosiegonerosie 36:51 Skinwalker in the Upper Peninsula from Gameshark 42:45 It Followed Me Home from D. Allen 45:50 Liutenant Dan's Enemy from SatansBae 52:04 What's Stalking My House from Luna1026 55:38 The Fire Alarm from gryffindor92 1:01:46 A Walk Home from Anonymous CREDITS: Music by me aka Dark Music! LINKS:  Join my DISCORD: https://discord.gg/5Wj9RqTR3w Follow us on Spotify! https://open.spotify.com/show/3mNZyXkaJPLwUwcjkz6Pv2 Follow and Review us on iTunes! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/darkness-prevails-podcast-true-horror-stories/id1152248491   Submit Your Story Here: https://www.darkstories.org/ Get Darkness Prevails Podcast Merchandise! https://teespring.com/stores/darknessprevails Subscribe on YouTube for More Stories! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh_VbMnoL4nuxX_3HYanJbA?sub_confirmation=1 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices