
    Open Marriage, Mom Guilt, & Anxiety During Life Transitions

    enOctober 09, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Single Parenting Challenges: Balancing Work, School, and ParentingSingle parents face unique challenges in balancing work, school, and parenting. Prioritizing self-care and seeking help are essential for maintaining personal growth and well-being.

      Effective balance in life, especially for single parents, can be a challenge. Jane, a caller on the show, shared her struggles with managing her intensive master's program, full-time job, and being a single mom to a young child. She expressed her concerns about hiring a babysitter, dealing with guilt, and managing her budget. The discussion highlighted the importance of self-care and acknowledging that it's okay for parents to take time for themselves. The conversation also emphasized the significance of prioritizing and seeking help when needed. It's crucial to remember that being a parent doesn't mean sacrificing personal growth and well-being.

    • Accepting the changing seasons in lifeEmbrace the challenges of life's seasons, prioritize self-care, set boundaries, and seek support to be the best parent possible.

      Balance is a myth and it's important for parents, especially single parents, to acknowledge and prepare for the busy seasons in their lives while ensuring they prioritize their own well-being. The speaker emphasizes that just like the changing of seasons, there will be challenging times, but it's essential to accept it and plan accordingly. Additionally, parents should not put undue pressure on their children to take on adult responsibilities and instead teach them self-sufficiency and how to cope during these periods. The speaker encourages parents to prioritize their own needs, set firm boundaries, and seek support when necessary to ensure they can be the best parents they can be.

    • Setting clear boundaries and prioritizing self-care for parentsParents should prioritize their own needs, establish boundaries, and practice self-care to create a stable foundation for their children, fostering confidence and resilience during transitions.

      Parents should prioritize their own needs and establish boundaries to create predictability and stability for their children. It's essential for parents to recognize that taking care of themselves is not a failure, but rather an important aspect of modeling healthy behaviors and relationships for their kids. Children, especially during challenging transitions like starting college, can benefit significantly from a strong and stable foundation provided by their parents. By setting clear boundaries and making time for self-care, parents can help their children navigate anxiety and uncertainty, fostering confidence and resilience. Remember, parents are worth time away, good sleep, and strong relationships, and these needs are not only important for the parents but also for the overall well-being of their children.

    • Honoring a child's grief and trauma responseProvide a safe space, model healthy grieving, engage in regular conversations and activities, and connect to a counselor when necessary to support a child's healing process after experiencing a traumatic loss.

      The alarms going off in a young girl's life after experiencing a traumatic loss at a young age are a normal response to grief and trauma. These feelings may continue to spin in her heart and mind, particularly as she grows up. It's essential to honor her experience and provide her with a safe space to process her emotions. Regular conversations and activities, such as weekly breakfasts or walks, can help in this healing process. Parents can model healthy grieving behaviors and teach their daughter how to express her feelings. If additional alarms arise, connecting her to a good counselor can help her learn skills to manage her anxiety. Remember, grief and trauma have no clock or calendar, and it's essential to allow the process to unfold naturally while providing support and love.

    • Learning to face and find meaning in loss and griefInstead of trying to numb ourselves during loss, it's important to acknowledge our feelings and find meaning on the other side. This can create a legacy of resilience and generational change.

      Experiencing loss and dealing with the resulting anxiety and depression can be a challenging and heartbreaking process. It's natural for alarms to go off when we're in unfamiliar situations or when we feel unsafe. But instead of trying to numb ourselves with pillows over the alarms, it's important to face the storm and find meaning on the other side. This not only applies to losing a loved one, but also to other forms of loss and grief. By teaching our kids how to grieve and acknowledge their feelings, we can create a legacy of resilience and generational change. A highly recommended resource for those dealing with grief and anxiety stemming from loss is the book "Finding Meaning" by David Kessler. It's a world-class resource that can provide valuable insights and guidance. If you're struggling with these issues, consider checking it out.

    • Differing beliefs and values in familiesWhile expressing beliefs, respect autonomy and decisions for a healthy family relationship.

      Parents and children may have differing beliefs and values, and while it's important to express those beliefs, it's also crucial to respect each other's autonomy and decisions. In this situation, a father shared his disapproval of his son's open marriage, which led to a strained relationship. The father, who is a devout Judeo-Christian, could not condone his son's lifestyle choice. Despite their disagreement, it's essential to note that the father did not force his beliefs on his son, but instead, shared his concerns and thoughts. The son, in turn, chose to distance himself from his parents due to their differing viewpoints. It's a challenging situation, and it's essential to remember that as parents, we may not always agree with our children, but we must continue to love and support them while respecting their choices. Ultimately, the father's commitment to his values and principles did come at a cost, but he did not compromise those beliefs to gain his son's favor.

    • Allow yourself to grieve a loved one's separationGrieving separation from a loved one is crucial for emotional well-being. Express feelings to loved ones for support.

      When faced with a difficult situation where a loved one chooses to walk away due to differing opinions, it's essential to allow yourself to grieve the separation. Suppressing these feelings can lead to bitterness and anger. It's important to remember that behind principles and values are people, and honoring the sadness and grief can help prevent these negative emotions from consuming you. Reach out to loved ones for support and don't be afraid to express your feelings, even if it's through text messages. The speaker emphasizes that the son may return, but the emotional well-being of the father is just as important as the relationship itself.

    • Maintaining Strong Family RelationshipsDiscussions emphasized the importance of open and honest communications with family members for practical reasons and emotional support.

      Despite disagreements or different beliefs, it's essential to maintain strong relationships with family members. The discussion revolved around a father giving advice to his son about relationships and open marriages. The father expressed his concerns and love towards his son, despite the son's initial anger and desire for approval from other friends. In another call, a woman shared her struggles with mental health issues and her desire to open up communications with her parents about her medication. The speaker emphasized the importance of having open and honest conversations with family members, especially for practical reasons such as emergency contacts. However, it's important to remember that seeking approval from family members might not always be attainable or necessary. Overall, the conversations highlighted the importance of maintaining strong family relationships and having open and honest communications.

    • Prioritize mental health with supportive peopleFocus on building a strong support system, be open about struggles, and prioritize self-care despite criticism

      It's essential to prioritize your mental health and surround yourself with supportive people who understand and accept your journey. It's futile to try and change the minds of those who don't believe in mental health or therapy. Instead, focus on building a strong support system of a few trusted individuals. Be open and honest with your loved ones about your struggles and the steps you're taking to improve your mental well-being. Remember, you don't need approval from everyone to prioritize your own healing. It's crucial to make peace with those who may not understand your choices and continue to seek professional help. By focusing on your own growth and surrounding yourself with positivity, you'll be better equipped to model self-care and resilience for those around you.

    • Addressing mental health issues impacts future generationsVulnerability takes courage and bravery, addressing mental health issues can change personal and generational legacies.

      Anxiety and depression are signals that something in our ecosystem is making us feel unsafe. It could be past traumas or current situations where we feel out of control. For Jennifer, her alarms started going off when she was young, despite having a great upbringing. She's now a single mom, working through her mental health journey, and she encourages open dialogue with her daughter and loved ones about her counseling and medication. By doing so, she's not only changing her own legacy but also her daughter's perception of mental health and seeking help. Vulnerability takes courage and bravery, and it's the right thing to do. This conversation highlights the importance of addressing mental health issues and the impact it can have on future generations. Andrew Peterson's song "You'll Find Your Way" beautifully captures the essence of love, joy, and sorrow, and the importance of being there for our loved ones, even if we can't follow them directly on their journeys. It's a powerful reminder of the significance of mental health and the courage it takes to face it head-on.

    • The importance of staying true to the old paths in lifeRevisiting past experiences, both good and bad, can lead us back to our foundation and provide valuable lessons for growth.

      Learning from this conversation with The Doctor on the John Deloney Show is the importance of staying true to the old paths in life. The first experiences, both good and bad, shape us and can lead us astray. Remembering the advice given, keeping to the old roads signifies returning to the foundation, the basics, and finding your way back. These moments, such as your first kiss, first crush, feeling unworthy, or being alone, can be challenging, but they also hold valuable lessons. By revisiting these experiences and learning from them, we can find our way back to ourselves and move forward with renewed understanding and strength.

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