
    Our Lives Are A Mess - Safety Third 61

    enFebruary 02, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Experience the refreshing effects of raw sugar in self-care and stay informed in businessRaw sugar invigorates self-care and expert insights help make informed business decisions, but unexpected expenses require adaptability and teamwork

      Raw sugar offers a refreshing and invigorating experience for both haircare and body care, made with cold-pressed extracts from natural ingredients. Meanwhile, in business, staying informed and making informed decisions is crucial, which is where Aon comes in with expert global insights and local knowledge. However, even the best-laid plans can be disrupted by unexpected expenses, like $20,000 for tree trimming. Despite the challenges, it's essential to keep moving forward and adapt to the situation. And in the world of podcasting, even if one person, like Nigel, is great, it's even better when the whole team is together. So, embrace the raw joy of raw sugar, make informed decisions, and enjoy the synergy of a team.

    • Discussing creative solutions for including Nigel in their projectThey joked about using a cardboard cutout or projecting Nigel onto it due to his pale complexion. They also brainstormed ways to save money on tree cutting.

      The group discussed finding creative solutions for incorporating Nigel into their project despite him being in a different location. They joked about using a cardboard cutout or projecting him onto it due to his pale complexion. The conversation then shifted to their own appearances and the contrast between their summer and winter tans. They also touched upon the idea of Nigel's potential popularity in the past due to his porcelain-like skin. Additionally, they brainstormed ways to cut down trees without spending a large amount of money, suggesting ideas like using heavy equipment or starting a tree trimming business.

    • Challenges of dealing with eucalyptus trees and their potential damageUsing a 3D-printed belt as a 'tree cutter downer' is a proposed solution to mitigate damage from eucalyptus trees, highlighting the importance of innovation and resourcefulness in addressing challenges.

      Eucalyptus trees, which are native to Australia and have coexisted with koalas for millions of years, are notorious for falling frequently. This is due to their lightweight structure and the fact that koalas consume their leaves, making the branches less heavy but also reducing wind resistance. People often bring these trees to other regions, leading to potential damage to structures when they fall. One solution suggested was using lasers to cut down trees, but this idea was met with skepticism. Instead, the speaker proposed the idea of a "tree cutter downer" using a belt from a 3D printer. The speaker also shared a personal experience of regretting getting rid of a useful item just before needing it. This conversation highlights the challenges of dealing with eucalyptus trees, the potential damage they can cause, and the importance of holding on to valuable items.

    • Unexpected uses for old suppliesKeep old supplies as they might be useful in the future, McMaster-Carr offers next-day shipping for specialized equipment, and a well-cataloged supplier is essential.

      Sometimes, holding onto old equipment or supplies can lead to unexpected discoveries and uses in the future. The speaker shares an experience of trying to replace ceramic eyelets in an embroidery machine with Teflon, only to realize that the threads would wear through the Teflon faster than the steel eyelets. He had purchased temperature controllers and thermocouples for this project but didn't end up using them. However, when he needed to heat the vat of his resin printer, he was able to repurpose these items. The lesson here is that it's worth holding onto certain supplies, even if they aren't being used at the moment, as they may prove useful in the future. The speaker also mentions the convenience of next-day shipping from McMaster-Carr and the importance of having a well-cataloged supplier for specialized equipment.

    • Assessing the value of keeping itemsEvaluate the effort and probability of use before keeping items, even if they have value or are frequently used. Consider the unique value of hard-to-get items and the time-saving benefits of organizing small items.

      Having and organizing certain items, such as power supplies and screws, can be worthwhile if they are frequently used or valuable to us. However, the discussion also highlights the importance of assessing the threshold of keeping items based on their probability of use and the effort required to obtain them. For instance, a vending machine might be a bigger pain to acquire compared to other items, but it could still be worth it due to its unique value. Additionally, organizing items can bring a sense of satisfaction and efficiency. The conversation also touches upon the topic of power supplies, with various types mentioned, and the challenge of finding the right one for specific needs. Lastly, the discussion emphasizes the importance of having a system for organizing small items like screws, such as sorting them by size and type, which can save time and frustration in the long run.

    • Alan's Exciting New Organization System for Electrical ComponentsTransform harbor freight bins into functional units, save time and effort by having all electrical parts and tools in one place, and check out the new 'Mister Hamburger' t-shirt on Safety 3rd's shop.

      Alan shared his excitement about his new organization system for electrical components. He transformed harbor freight organization bins into full-functioning units, combining parts and tools into one place for easy use. This system, which he refers to as an "MRE for electrical connections," saves time and effort by having everything needed in one place. Alan also mentioned his recent trip to Japan and the creation of a new Safety 3rd merchandise item, a "Mister Hamburger" t-shirt, which is now available on their shop. Additionally, Alan promoted the use of Honey, a shopping tool that automatically applies promo codes to save money online.

    • Finding joy in organizing and connecting thingsPeople find satisfaction in discovering synergies between various parts when assembling electronic components, but it's important to find balance to avoid accumulation and stasis.

      People, much like an old lady doing puzzles or building a complex system, find joy in organizing and connecting seemingly unrelated things. This was evident in the conversation about assembling electronic components, where the speaker found satisfaction in discovering synergies between various parts. However, they also acknowledged the challenge of reaching a balance and avoiding accumulation, which can lead to a sense of stasis or even death by drowning in possessions. The speaker's unique approach to organizing and the lack of a universally effective system for managing a wide variety of expanding objects were also discussed. Ultimately, the conversation highlighted the importance of finding balance and the joy in discovering connections between seemingly disparate items.

    • Maintaining organization is key to determining what to keep and what to let goPersonal struggle with decluttering emphasizes importance of organization, seeking outside help, focusing on core priorities, and embracing imperfection.

      Maintaining organization is crucial for determining what to keep and what to let go. The speaker shared their personal struggle with decluttering and the importance of having a system to keep track of belongings. They suggested that if one cannot organize their things, they should consider getting rid of them. Additionally, acknowledging the need for improvement or organization can be a sign that it's time to let go of items that no longer serve a purpose. The conversation also touched on the benefits of seeking outside expertise and collaboration when facing complex challenges in business and personal life. The speaker emphasized the importance of staying focused on core priorities and seeking help from trusted resources to make better decisions. Finally, the discussion highlighted the importance of embracing imperfection and acknowledging areas for improvement, rather than trying to hide them.

    • Understanding the importance of organization for some individualsMaintaining a personal system of organization is crucial for some individuals to easily access their belongings and memories, but can be challenging when moving or dealing with strict lease terms

      Having a well-organized space and knowing the location of items is crucial for some individuals. They have a unique way of managing their belongings, which can be described as "organized chaos." This system allows them to easily access what they need, but if anything is moved or misplaced, it can lead to a chaotic situation. This can be a challenge when moving or dealing with landlords who may enforce strict lease terms. The importance of knowing where things are extends beyond personal belongings, as it also applies to memories and experiences shared with family. Despite the challenges, maintaining this system is essential for these individuals to function effectively.

    • Understanding the landlord's perspective when breaking a commercial leaseCommercial tenants need to be aware of potential financial consequences, including extra fees, asset seizure, and maintenance costs, when breaking a lease. Landlords prioritize finding new tenants and protecting their bottom line.

      As a commercial tenant, you have limited rights compared to a residential tenant. When it comes to lease agreements, landlords prioritize getting a new tenant over keeping an existing one. If you're considering breaking a lease, it's essential to understand the potential financial implications and the landlord's motivation to find a new tenant as soon as possible. For instance, if you fail to give sufficient notice before leaving, your landlord might charge you extra fees or even terminate the lease, potentially seizing your assets. In some cases, landlords can liquidate your assets if you default on rent for three months. Additionally, maintenance issues that arise during the move-out process may result in additional costs for you, even if the problem wasn't your fault. Ultimately, it's crucial to consider the potential financial consequences and whether it's worth fighting your landlord over relatively small disputes. Overall, commercial tenants need to be aware of their limited rights and the potential financial repercussions of breaking a lease. Landlords prioritize finding new tenants and protecting their bottom line, making it essential for tenants to understand the terms of their lease and communicate effectively with their landlord to avoid potential disputes.

    • California law protects tenants from utility shutoffsTenants in California cannot be evicted due to unpaid utilities, but landlords can still face service disconnections if they don't pay their bills.

      Landlords cannot cut off utilities such as water, electricity, or gas for tenants, even if they are not paying rent, in California. This law is in place to protect tenants from being evicted without due process. However, it is important to note that this law is not always strictly enforced and can be abused by landlords. Additionally, if a homeowner fails to pay their own utility bills, the utility company can disconnect their services regardless of whether they are renting out the property or not. This discussion also highlighted the challenges of extreme weather conditions, which can make it difficult for landlords to maintain services for tenants without violating the law.

    • Utility companies can disconnect services faster than landlords can evict tenantsUtility companies' ability to disconnect services quickly can be misused by landlords as a form of retaliation, leaving tenants without power, highlighting the importance of clear communication and accountability from both parties.

      Utility companies have the power to disconnect services more quickly than landlords can evict tenants. This means that in some situations, a landlord could manipulate the situation to cut off a tenant's power as a form of retaliation, even though they cannot directly control the tenant's electricity supply. This was exemplified in a personal story shared by the speaker, where they and their roommates lived in a house that had become the property of the state after the landlord's death. The new owners refused to pay for utilities, leaving the tenants without power despite their willingness to pay. This situation highlights the importance of understanding the complexities of property ownership and the potential power dynamics at play. It also underscores the need for clear communication and accountability from utility companies and landlords to ensure tenants are not left in the dark, both literally and figuratively.

    • Request a pre-move out inspection to avoid unexpected chargesBeing proactive and requesting a pre-move out inspection can save tenants from unnecessary expenses and disputes with landlords

      Before moving out of a rented place, it's crucial to request a pre-move out inspection. This gives the landlord an opportunity to identify any issues and inform the tenant, who can then either fix them or dispute the charges. Failure to do so could result in unnecessary expenses. The speaker shared a personal experience where they were charged for damages and repairs that seemed excessive, including a couch that was already in poor condition. They also mentioned being charged for trash disposal. These incidents highlight the importance of being proactive and advocating for oneself when dealing with landlords.

    • Uncovering Hidden Profits in Unexpected PlacesUniversities may charge high fees for campus housing with hidden costs, while businesses like IKEA offer versatile products for unique projects

      Some businesses, even those that seem commonplace like campus housing or furniture retailers, can have complex and profitable business models that may not be immediately apparent. For instance, universities may charge exorbitant fees to students living on campus, and those fees could include hidden costs like damages to furniture. In this case, the university could be buying the furniture as a tax write off, renting it out, and then charging students for damages that may not even be their fault. Additionally, some businesses, like IKEA, offer a wide range of affordable and versatile products that could be repurposed for unique projects, such as building a CNC machine or a meatball vending machine. While some ideas, like spending the night in an IKEA or filling a vending machine with meatballs, may seem old or impractical, they could still provide entertaining content for an audience. Ultimately, it's essential to look beyond the surface of things and consider the underlying business models and potential opportunities they may present.

    • Importance of temperature control in cookingCows need higher temperatures to cook than turkeys, emphasizing the significance of accurate temperature control in cooking.

      Temperature plays a crucial role in cooking, with cows requiring a higher temperature than living turkeys, which are just a few degrees away from being cooked. The discussion also touched upon the use of goo or contact cement in a plumbing project and the possibility of recording an extra episode for the podcast. However, the most significant insight gained from the conversation was the importance of accurate temperature control in cooking, emphasized through the comparison of cow and turkey temperatures. Additionally, the team discussed the potential for a game show-style extra episode, where listeners could guess the picture presented. Overall, the conversation showcased the team's unique dynamic and the importance of paying attention to details, even in seemingly mundane tasks.

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