
    Podcast Summary

    • Server-side rendering and web primitives to be more popular in 2023Component frameworks like React, Svelte, and Vue will default to server-side rendering, while minimal JavaScript with HTML will gain interest for better performance. React may enter the form space, and frameworks like SvelteKit, Remix, and HTMX will allow for server-side rendering with JavaScript benefits.

      Server-side rendering (SSR) and utilizing web primitives or web APIs will become more popular trends in web development in 2023. Scott and Wes, the hosts of Syntax podcast, believe that component frameworks like React, Svelte, and Vue will continue to be rendered on the server by default, and there will be a growing interest in using straight-up HTML with minimal JavaScript for better performance and browser feature utilization. Additionally, they predict that React may enter the form space to improve the form handling experience. The hosts also mentioned the rise of frameworks like SvelteKit, Remix, and HTMX, which allow for server-side rendering while maintaining the benefits of JavaScript frameworks. Overall, the trend is moving towards a balance between server-side and client-side technologies, making web development more efficient and effective.

    • Emerging trends and technologies challenging React and TypeScriptReact's use of virtual DOM and abandoning browser primitives, Svelte and Remix's efficient development with browser primitives, TypeScript's inferred types reducing need for manual definitions, and Deno's simpler setup and Node NPM ecosystem are trends impacting React and TypeScript's future dominance.

      While React and TypeScript offer significant advantages for building web applications, there are also emerging trends and technologies that could challenge their dominance. The use of the virtual DOM and abandoning browser primitives in favor of React's way of doing things might limit its long-term growth. On the other hand, frameworks like Svelte and Remix are starting to utilize browser primitives and APIs, making development more efficient and intuitive. Another significant development is the increasing popularity of TypeScript's inferred types. This functionality allows developers to generate types based on schemas or databases, reducing the need for manual type definitions and making the codebase smarter. This trend is expected to continue as more developers discover the benefits of inferred types. Moreover, Deno, a newer runtime for TypeScript and JavaScript, is becoming more usable and accessible to a wider audience. With the entire Node NPM ecosystem at its disposal, Deno offers a simpler setup process and a more straightforward development experience, making it an attractive alternative for small projects and quick hacks. In summary, the web development landscape is constantly evolving, and while React and TypeScript remain strong contenders, emerging trends and technologies like the use of browser primitives, inferred types, and Deno's simplicity and ease of use could impact their future dominance.

    • Advancements and debates in the JavaScript ecosystemUsers want a more seamless TypeScript experience in Node.js, anticipating native support by year-end. New runtimes like Deno and Bun are gaining interest, with Deno showing promise but needing further maturity.

      The JavaScript ecosystem is seeing significant advancements and debates, particularly around the use of TypeScript and different runtime environments. The discussion highlighted the desire for a more seamless experience with TypeScript in Node.js, as users expressed frustration with the current lack of built-in support and the need to use additional tools or configurations. The community is anticipating that Node.js will be able to run TypeScript natively by the end of the year. Additionally, there's growing interest in new JavaScript runtimes like Deno and Bun, with Deno showing promise but still requiring further maturity. The ecosystem is also expected to gain a clearer understanding of the future direction of types in JavaScript. Overall, these developments aim to make JavaScript development more efficient and convenient for developers.

    • Predictions for JavaScript Development LandscapeHopes for easier framework switching and faster TypeScript checking through new tools like STC

      The JavaScript development landscape is continuously evolving, with new tools and technologies emerging to improve the development experience. Two notable predictions discussed include the potential for developers to easily switch frameworks with a single codebase change, and the development of a new, faster TypeScript checker called STC. Scott Pruitt expressed his hope that one day, developers would be able to switch frameworks simply by changing a single line in their codebase. This would allow for greater flexibility and potentially faster performance without requiring additional effort. Another prediction involves the development of a new TypeScript bundler written in Rust, called STC. Currently, there is only one widely used TypeScript type checker, TSC. However, tools that convert TypeScript to JavaScript quickly, such as Bun and Dino, do not perform type checking themselves. STC aims to address this by providing instantaneous type checking, which could be particularly beneficial for large-scale projects like Visual Studio Code or Stripe. The development of STC is expected to be challenging, but it has the potential to significantly improve the development experience by providing faster type checking and potentially even integrating with ESLint rules to address specific TypeScript features that are difficult to implement or not commonly used, such as enums.

    • New JavaScript APIs for arrays and data structuresDecorators, non-mutating array methods, dot-with, and other proposed features like temporal and record in tuple could make our code more efficient and easier to write in 2023.

      There are several new JavaScript APIs on the horizon that could potentially improve the way we work with arrays and other data structures. These include decorators, which have been a topic of discussion for a long time but still haven't been fully implemented in JavaScript; non-mutating array methods like reverse and sort with the 2 suffixes, which don't modify the original array; and dot-with, a new method for replacing an item in an array without creating a copy. Other proposed features like temporal and record in tuple are also expected to make progress in 2023. Additionally, there's an ongoing discussion about the pipeline operator and its implementation. For those interested in exploring these proposals in more detail, the JavaScript Proposals repo is a great resource. One particularly intriguing proposal is atomics.waitAsync, which allows waiting for a condition to be met. Overall, these new features have the potential to make our code more efficient and easier to write.

    • New JavaScript technologies and specificationsThe JavaScript ecosystem is evolving with new Stage 3 APIs and the Winter CG spec, leading to multiple JavaScript environments and the need for versatile code. Edge rendering is becoming more prevalent, and a new JS framework may bring a paradigm shift.

      The JavaScript ecosystem is evolving with new technologies and specifications that aim to make writing code more efficient, versatile, and accessible across various environments. Two promising developments include the Stage 3 API that will change how JavaScript is written, and the Winter CG spec that will create a unified web spec for JavaScript in different environments, such as serverless functions. These advancements will lead to the rise of multiple JavaScript environments, making it essential for developers to consider writing code that can run in these settings. Additionally, the use of edge rendering is becoming more prevalent, but it needs to become easier for smaller developers and startups to adopt. Lastly, a new JS framework is inevitable, and it may bring a paradigm shift or become more popular among existing ones. Overall, these developments will contribute to a more versatile and efficient JavaScript ecosystem.

    • Exploring new web development frameworks and technologiesNew frameworks like Quik and emerging APIs for page transitions and CSS transitions offer developers innovative approaches to creating better user experiences and simplifying development processes.

      The web development landscape is constantly evolving, with new frameworks and technologies emerging to address the pain points and limitations of existing ones. The speaker expresses excitement about the rise of new frameworks like Quik, which take different approaches to web development, such as resumability. They also look forward to the implementation of the page transitions API, which could make websites feel more like native apps by handling animations and transitions themselves, reducing the need for developers to write these effects from scratch. Another intriguing possibility is the potential for CSS to transition elements during page changes, which could lead to simpler, more native-like transitions for developers. Overall, the speaker sees these developments as positive steps forward for web development, enabling developers to create better user experiences and learn from each other's innovative approaches.

    • Discussing coding trends: Tabs vs Spaces, Rust, and React beta docsExpect debates over tabs vs spaces, Rust's growing popularity, and the long-awaited launch of React beta docs. New proposals for audio and video chunking bring excitement for in-browser video processing.

      The discussion covered various predictions and opinions about trends in coding, including the potential shift towards using tabs instead of spaces, the growing popularity of Rust, and the long-awaited launch of the React beta docs. The argument for using tabs over spaces is that they are adjustable and take up only one character, making them more accessible to users. Rust is predicted to continue gaining popularity due to its efficiency, especially when dealing with complex tasks such as video processing. The React beta docs, which have been in development for an extended period, are expected to finally launch, despite concerns about their accuracy and trustworthiness due to their lengthy development cycle. Another topic touched upon was the excitement over new proposals for audio and video chunking, which will allow for video processing directly in the browser. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of staying updated with coding trends and adapting to new technologies for improved efficiency and productivity.

    • Exciting progress in web development documentation and featuresReact docs launching this year, CSS container queries and parent selection properties coming soon, and the rise of Svelte and SvelteKit expected in 2023

      The documentation for popular libraries and technologies, such as React, can take a long time to be released, despite the excitement and anticipation from the developer community. However, progress is being made, with the announcement that React docs will launch this year. Another exciting development is the imminent arrival of CSS container queries in production, which will allow for more precise and flexible styling based on the content of a parent element. This is a significant change that has been a long-awaited request for many developers. Additionally, the CSS property, not to be confused with a child selector, which allows for selecting a parent based on its children, is another major feature that has recently become available. Finally, the adoption of Svelte and SvelteKit is expected to increase significantly this year, as evidenced by the rise in NPM trends. Overall, these developments represent exciting progress and improvements for the web development community.

    • SvelteKit's stable release and CSS subgrid's approach in major browsers boost adoptionSvelteKit's stable release and CSS subgrid's upcoming implementation in major browsers are driving increased adoption, making web development more efficient and effective.

      The SvelteKit framework is expected to see a significant growth in adoption due to its recent stable release and increased development efforts from the team. Additionally, the long-awaited implementation of CSS subgrid is approaching in major browsers, which will make aligning nested elements within grids much easier. These developments could lead to more projects utilizing these technologies, especially as content creators and developers continue to discover their benefits. Despite Chrome's current absence of support for CSS subgrid, its implementation in other browsers indicates that it is on the horizon. Overall, these advancements represent exciting improvements for web development, making the process more efficient and effective.

    • Apple's business decisions impact Safari's progressApple's focus on monetizing other areas hampers Safari's feature adoption, causing challenges for developers and limiting user experience.

      The perceived lack of progress or features in certain technologies, such as Safari, can be attributed to internal politics and business decisions rather than technical limitations. The speaker expressed frustration with the slow adoption of certain features in Safari, attributing it to Apple's reluctance to invest more resources in the browser due to their focus on monetizing other areas, such as their app store and hardware. This reluctance can lead to edge cases and limitations for developers, making the implementation of certain features more challenging than it may seem. For instance, the lack of support for nested aspect ratios in Safari was mentioned as a major pain point. However, the speaker also highlighted the potential of emerging technologies like WebAssembly (WASM), which allows for running native code in the browser, as a promising development that could lead to faster and more efficient implementations of certain features. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of considering the business and political factors that can impact the development and adoption of technologies, in addition to their technical merits.

    • Drama in the WebAssembly community over Wazee and shifting targetsThe WebAssembly landscape is evolving rapidly, with ongoing discussions about Wazee, WASI, AI applications, and the potential for new frameworks beyond React.

      There has been some drama in the WebAssembly community regarding Wazee and its relationship with the WebAssembly project. Wazee is a modular interface for WebAssembly with its own ideas about which APIs to support. However, the person in charge of WebAssembly announced that Wazee is no longer part of their plans due to shifting targets. This decision has caused some drama because WASI, a WASM-compatible runtime, was a point of contention. The AI field is also experiencing rapid advancements and developments, which can be both exciting and intimidating for developers. The use of AI in the dev world is still in its infancy, and there are many potential applications and use cases that have yet to be explored. CSS Houdini, which allows for custom CSS rules and low-level access to the Paint API, is another technology that has been discussed for years but has yet to see widespread adoption. The community is also starting to explore other frameworks beyond React, which is a positive sign for the development ecosystem. Overall, the WebAssembly and AI landscapes are evolving rapidly, and it's essential to stay informed and adapt to these changes.

    • Discussion on the future of ESLint and emerging toolsESLint's rewrite in Rust and potential competition from new tools may impact its future. Config issues and dependencies are areas for improvement. Machine learning integration and automation tasks are expected trends.

      There's ongoing discussion about the future of popular development tools like ESLint and the potential for new solutions to emerge. ESLint, which is being rewritten in Rust for faster performance, faces the possibility of being overshadowed by other tools or becoming perceived as outdated in the rapidly evolving web development world. The config issues and dependencies in ESLint are also areas for improvement. Additionally, machine learning is expected to become more accessible and integrated into the work of normal developers, leading to an increase in startups focusing on AI and machine learning. The potential for automating tasks such as transcribing and tagging podcasts using machine learning was also discussed. Overall, the development landscape is continuously changing, and staying updated and adaptable to new tools and technologies is crucial.

    • Addressing the issue of inconsistent tagsSpeakers acknowledge the need to effectively utilize and maintain tags in development, but their inconsistent usage and functionality make it a low priority.

      Tags, a common feature in various platforms, have become a maintenance issue for many developers due to their inconsistent usage and functionality. During their discussion on technology predictions for the year, the speakers mentioned that they have a task on their to-do list to address the problem with tags, which are either all over the place or not functional at all. They acknowledged that while tags exist and can be used, they are not being utilized effectively, and staying on top of their maintenance is not a priority. The speakers also touched upon the evolution of tooling and the uncertainty surrounding the future of certain technologies like WebKit and Webpack. Despite not covering all the topics they intended to, they concluded that tooling is set to change and evolve in various ways throughout the year. As a side note, one of the speakers shared a personal experience about investing in Bluetooth headphones for their children due to the frequent damage of their previous headphones and the lack of headphone jacks on newer devices. They were impressed with the Wyze headphones, which offer noise cancellation, durability, and a reasonable price point.

    • Unique headphone feature and Discovering a new calendar appWyze headphones offer transparency mode for affordable hearing assistance and Cron calendar app boasts sleek design, smart defaults, and simple command palette enhancing user experience.

      Technology is constantly evolving to meet our needs, whether it's in the form of noise-cancelling headphones with transparency mode or simple, effective calendar apps. The Wyze noise-cancelling headphones offer a unique feature where users can switch to transparency mode, making them function like hearing aids. This could potentially be a more affordable solution for individuals who need hearing assistance. Regarding calendar apps, the speaker mentioned discovering Cron, which offers a sleek design, smart defaults, and a command palette. Despite having multiple calendars, the speaker found Cron to be the best one yet and appreciated its simplicity. Another takeaway is the importance of good design in apps, as it can significantly enhance the user experience. The speaker praised the design of both the Wyze headphones and the Cron calendar app. Lastly, the speaker mentioned the Level Up Dot video's new SvelteKit course, which is comprehensive, practical, and focuses on teaching the essentials without requiring extra services. This approach allows users to learn the basics effectively and apply them to their projects.

    • Exclusive Offer: Save 30% on Svelte Tutorials from West BossListeners can save 30% on an annual subscription to Svelte tutorials on West Boss using a coupon code. A new TypeScript course is also announced to be released soon.

      During this episode of Level Up with Jason Bohl, Jason shared an exclusive offer for listeners to get 30% off the annual subscription to all Svelte tutorials on West Boss. This extensive library, which is set to grow further in the coming year, can be accessed by using the coupon code during checkout. Jason also announced the upcoming release of his TypeScript course. To access this offer and learn more about Jason's courses, listeners are encouraged to visit westboss.com/forward/courses. Be sure to keep an eye out for the upcoming TypeScript course as well. Don't forget to subscribe to Syntax.fm for the full archive of all shows and leave a review if you enjoy the content.

    Recent Episodes from Syntax - Tasty Web Development Treats

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    Show Notes

    • 00:00 Welcome to Syntax!
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    • 50:39 Sick Picks + Shameless Plugs.

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    Show Notes

    • 00:00 Welcome to Syntax!
    • 00:30 What does the React Compiler do?
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    • 57:51 Sick Picks & Shameless Plugs.

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    Show Notes

    • 00:00 Welcome to Syntax!
    • 01:20 Who is Brian Holt?
    • 02:26 Who is Marco Bambini?
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    • 08:47 What makes SQLite special or interesting?
    • 09:46 What is a big misconception about SQLite?
    • 11:13 Installed by default in operating systems.
    • 12:03 A perception that SQLite is intended for single users.
    • 13:36 Convincing developers it’s a full-featured solution.
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    • 45:52 Sick Picks + Shameless Plugs.

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    Show Notes

    07:28 - Thoughts

    • Apples to oranges, so unfortunately, no super legit ability to compare.
      • SvelteKit isn’t analogous with a custom React setup that uses CSR
        • SSR is usually going to be faster - we can ship less JS
        • Some big things changed beyond React → SvelteKit
        • HLS starts grabbing chunks immediately, so it’s hard to get accurate load time and transfer.
    • Whole conversion took a couple of months.
    • Hardest part was making UI choices and changes, straight up converting components one by one wasn’t actually that tough

    16:14 - Converting React components to Svelte

    • useState becomes just a straight-up variable
    • Graphql calls were hooks now just imported generated functions
    • Remove extranous fragments
    • Convert {things && } to {#if thing}{/if}
    •  becomes 

    24:06 - Spark joys

    • State
      • Our checkout flow became way more transparent, way easier with Svelte stores
    • Render flow
      • Was never something we needed to really think about. Didn’t think about memoizing, or worrying about too many renders down the line, just never needed to
    • Overall developer experience
      • It’s honestly a joy to work in and I don’t want to go back
    • Making a library
    • Creating a sitemap was extremely easy, because of server-side routes. file.returnformat.ts ie sitemap.xml.ts
    • CSS without a css-in-js library for scoping is a dream. CSS props are now 100% via CSS variables using the https://svelte.dev/docs#style_props
    • Animations are all done with Svelte’s internal animations lib

    32:45 - Hosting

    • adapter-node
    • Hosted on render.com as a straight-up node process $7/m for more than enough RAM and CPU,
    • Lots of other options for static, Vercel, workers whatever, I like having just a straight-up node app you can host anywhere

    35:50 - Things to do

    • Admin tools

    37:00 - Challenges

    • ESM is not always smooth sailin
      • Import has from ‘lodash/has’ didn’t working in dev, but import has from ‘lodash/has.js’ didn’t work in prod.
        • Solution was to use lodash.has as the dependency
        • Apollo included all React as a dep unless you import from @core
    • TS is great, but there was once where I wanted to define the entire props ts object for a spread prop, but was not possible
    • Drag animations


    42:46 - Wes’ questions

    • What about the ecosystem?
    • What about forms + DOM data?
    • Serverless functions?
    • Do you always bind to state? Or just access directly?
     formData = writable({   title: "yo" })  {$formData.title}    


    ××× SIIIIICK ××× PIIIICKS ×××

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    Tweet us your tasty treats!

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    Get a 30 day free trial of Freshbooks at freshbooks.com/syntax and put SYNTAX in the “How did you hear about us?” section.

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    Show Notes


    • Why don’t you work with Typescript?


    • How do you recommend working with APIs/libraries that compete with the DOM (e.g. d3 + react, react + google maps)?


    • What is meant by the word “state” when referring to Vue or React?




    • As someone trying to break into the field of programming, should you build everything from scratch, or it ok to use plugins and libraries?


    • What would WordPress be like if it were built on Node and GraphQL?
    • Ghost


    • I’m learning JavaScript at 34… Do you think I can learn to breakdance at 34 too?


    • How do you handle high level page layout when using styled components?


    • As a junior dev, should I switch from PHP and Laravel to full stack JS? I love PHP, but JS is taking over.


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    In this episode of Syntax, Scott and Wes review their predictions and highlights for 2021.

    .TECH Domains - Sponsor

    .TECH is taking the tech industry by storm. A domain that shows the world what you are all about! If you're looking for a domain name for your startup, portfolio, or your own project like we did with uses.tech, check out .tech Domains. Syntax listeners can snap their .TECH Domains at 80% off on five-year registration by visiting go.tech/syntaxistech and using the coupon code "syntax5".

    Sentry - Sponsor

    If you want to know what’s happening with your code, track errors and monitor performance with Sentry. Sentry’s Application Monitoring platform helps developers see performance issues, fix errors faster, and optimize their code health. Cut your time on error resolution from hours to minutes. It works with any language and integrates with dozens of other services. Syntax listeners new to Sentry can get two months for free by visiting Sentry.io and using the coupon code TASTYTREAT during sign up.

    Mux - Sponsor

    Mux Video is an API-first platform that makes it easy for any developer to build beautiful video. Powered by data and designed by video experts, your video will work perfectly on every device, every time. Mux Video handles storage, encoding, and delivery so you can focus on building your product. Live streaming is just as easy and Mux will scale with you as you grow, whether you're serving a few dozen streams or a few million. Visit mux.com/syntax.

    Show Notes

    ××× SIIIIICK ××× PIIIICKS ×××

    Shameless Plugs

    Tweet us your tasty treats

    Potluck × Twitter Following × TypeScript × Playwright

    Potluck × Twitter Following × TypeScript × Playwright

    In this potluck episode of Syntax, Wes and Scott answer your questions about strategies to find good Twitter follows, should we use TypeScript for a company blog, what’s Playwright, and more!

    Prismic - Sponsor

    Prismic is a Headless CMS that makes it easy to build website pages as a set of components. Break pages into sections of components using React, Vue, or whatever you like. Make corresponding Slices in Prismic. Start building pages dynamically in minutes. Get started at prismic.io/syntax.

    Sanity - Sponsor

    Sanity.io is a real-time headless CMS with a fully customizable Content Studio built in React. Get a Sanity powered site up and running in minutes at sanity.io/create. Get an awesome supercharged free developer plan on sanity.io/syntax.

    LogRocket - Sponsor

    LogRocket lets you replay what users do on your site, helping you reproduce bugs and fix issues faster. It’s an exception tracker, a session re-player and a performance monitor. Get 14 days free at logrocket.com/syntax.

    Show Notes

    ××× SIIIIICK ××× PIIIICKS ×××

    Shameless Plugs

    Tweet us your tasty treats