
    Out of exile, Trump aide in court, UPS strike looms

    enJuly 06, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Russian Mercenary Leader Back in Russia Amidst Allegations and Police RaidsRussian mercenary leader Evgeny Prigozhin, accused of rebellion, is back in Russia despite reported exile deal. Police raids uncovered gold, money, weapons, and passports. Belarusian president confirms Prigozhin not on Belarusian territory, implying deal may be reconsidered. Potential further action against Prigozhin by Russian authorities.

      The Russian mercenary leader, Evgeny Prigozhin, who was accused of launching a rebellion and was offered exile in Belarus, is actually back in Russia in Saint Petersburg. Russian police have raided his properties there and allegedly found stashes of gold, money, weapons, and passports. The Belarusian president, Alexander Lukashenko, confirmed that Prigozhin is not on Belarusian territory. This development suggests that the deal to bring an end to the military uprising in Russia last week may be under review. Meanwhile, Lukashenko hinted at the possibility of Putin taking action against Prigozhin, adding to the uncertainty around the situation. The implications of these events are significant and could potentially lead to further moves against Prigozhin by the Russian authorities.

    • Russian Businessman's Exile to Belarus May Be a RuseIntelligence sources dispute Prigozhin's exile to Belarus, suggesting his assets are being seized and he may not have left Russia permanently.

      The deal that reportedly sent Yevgeny Prigozhin, a Russian businessman and alleged war criminal, into exile in Belarus may not have been truthful. While Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko claimed Prigozhin was in his country, US and Ukrainian intelligence sources dispute this claim. Instead, it appears that Prigozhin's assets are being dismantled and folded back into government control, indicating that he may not have been allowed to leave Russia permanently. The timing of these events coincides with the Russian military's ongoing aggression towards Ukraine, including a deadly missile attack on Lviv and harassment of US drones in Syria. This raises questions about the true nature of Prigozhin's deal and his current status. The situation highlights the complex geopolitical tensions between Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, and the United States.

    • Tensions between US and Russia escalating over SyriaRussian jets intercept American drones and fighter jets in Syria, escalating tensions between the US and Russia, with experts seeing Putin trying to assert power and distract from domestic issues.

      Tensions between the US and Russia are escalating, with Russian fighter jets intercepting American drones and manned fighter jets in Syria in unsafe and unprofessional ways. This behavior is part of a broader pattern, according to US military officials, and comes amid concerns in Washington about the potential for the war in Ukraine to expand horizontally or vertically. Some experts see this as Putin trying to assert his power and distract from domestic issues, including the Wagner Group's uprising and Russia's instability. Meanwhile, former Trump aide Walt Nada is set to be arraigned in the classified documents case, and new details have emerged about the Mar-a-Lago search warrant, including the discovery of surveillance video of Nada moving boxes before the FBI's arrival.

    • FBI Interviews Former Arizona House Speaker Rusty BowersThe FBI interviewed Rusty Bowers about calls from Giuliani and Trump regarding election results, while a codefendant in the Mar-a-Lago documents case is expected to plead not guilty and a PAC supports Pence with an ad criticizing Trump's relationships with world leaders.

      The investigation into efforts to overturn the 2020 election results continues to expand, with former Arizona House Speaker Rusty Bowers revealing he was interviewed by the FBI regarding phone calls from Rudy Giuliani and Donald Trump. Meanwhile, Walt Nada, a codefendant in the Mar-a-Lago documents case, is expected to appear in court today to plead not guilty. Additionally, a Super PAC supporting Mike Pence released an ad criticizing Trump for his relationships with world leaders like Putin and Kim Jong Un. These developments underscore the ongoing investigations and political tensions within the Republican Party.

    • Pence shifts tone as Jan 6th investigation expands beyond GeorgiaPence distances himself from Trump amid expanding Jan 6th probe, with interviews of key figures like Rusty Bowers and potential interview of Doug Ducey.

      That Mike Pence's recent direct statement regarding former President Trump's actions leading up to January 6th marks a change in tone for the potential 2024 presidential candidate. This shift comes as the Justice Department's investigation into election interference expands beyond Georgia and focuses on other key states, including Arizona. The Rusty Bowers revelation that he was interviewed by the FBI for four hours and provided corroborating documents adds significance to the investigation. Pence's past defense of Trump's relationships with foreign leaders, such as Putin and Kim Jong Un, puts him in a challenging position as he now tries to establish his own political identity and draw clear contrasts on matters of principle. The potential interview of Arizona Governor Doug Ducey adds to the growing list of important figures in the investigation, highlighting the significance of the state in the broader effort to overturn the election results.

    • White House investigations: Election audit results and cocaine discoveryTwo separate investigations are underway at the White House: one concerning disputed election audit results from Cyber Ninja, leading to additional votes for Biden, and another involving the discovery of cocaine, with Secret Service using various tools to identify the culprit.

      There are ongoing investigations at the White House – one into a disputed election audit result from 2020 and another into the discovery of cocaine at the entrance area of the White House. The cybersecurity audit, conducted by the now-defunct Cyber Ninja company, resulted in Biden gaining an additional 300 votes. The cocaine investigation involves Secret Service using various tools like DNA and fingerprint analysis, as well as surveillance video and visitors' logs to determine who brought the illegal substance into the White House. The area where the cocaine was found is heavily traveled and includes cubbies where visitors drop off their belongings before tours of the West Wing. The president is currently promoting his legislative accomplishments in South Carolina despite economic concerns and disapproval from 2/3 of Americans regarding his handling of the economy.

    • Potential Source of Mysterious Substance in White House Traced to Situation RoomTourists may have introduced a mysterious substance in the White House situation room during weekend tours, while the approval of Lekembe, an expensive Alzheimer's drug with potential side effects, is a significant development in Alzheimer's treatment.

      The situation room in the ground floor of the West Wing of the White House, which is open to tourists on weekends, could be a potential source of the mysterious substance found there. With most West Wing staff being away during the president's absence, a tourist is more likely to have introduced the substance during a tour. The situation room, although having a lower posture during weekends without a crisis, still attracts a large volume of people due to its significance and the availability of tours. The full approval of the first Alzheimer's drug, Lekembe, by the FDA, which has shown to slow down the disease's progression, is a significant development in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. However, the high cost of the drug and potential side effects limit its accessibility to only eligible patients.

    • Ongoing investigations involving Trump and Russian mercenary leader PrigonyinNew details emerge about Russian mercenary leader Prigonyin's raid, while Trump's former aid Nada is expected to plead not guilty in classified documents case. Former House Speaker Bowers interviewed by FBI in election interference probe.

      There are ongoing investigations involving both former President Donald Trump and a Russian mercenary leader named Evgeny Prigonyin. Prigonyin, who staged a rebellion last month, is currently under investigation by Russian authorities, with new details emerging about what was found in his home during a raid. Meanwhile, in the United States, Trump's former aid and alleged coconspirator, Walt Nada, is expected to plead not guilty in the classified documents case, with new information about FBI surveillance video of him moving boxes at Mar-a-Lago. Additionally, former Republican House Speaker Rusty Bowers, who refused to decertify Biden's 2020 victory in Arizona, was interviewed by the FBI for four hours as part of the special counsel's investigation into election interference. Both investigations are significant and could potentially have major implications for the individuals involved.

    • Arizona's Election Probe ExpandsThe FBI interviews former Arizona House Speaker Rusty Bowers, who refused to find election fraud evidence, and subpoenas the secretary of state's office in the expanding investigation into Trump's efforts to overturn the 2020 election results in Arizona.

      The criminal investigation into efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election results is expanding beyond Georgia, with former Arizona House Speaker Rusty Bowers being interviewed by the FBI for four hours. Bowers, a longtime Republican who supported Trump, testified last year that he was pressured by Giuliani and Trump to find evidence of election fraud but couldn't. The Arizona secretary of state's office has also been subpoenaed by the special counsel, with a focus on the fake elector scheme in which states submitted fraudulent slates of electors for Trump. The investigation comes after reports that Trump tried to pressure then-governor Doug Ducey to overturn the election results in Arizona. The widening probe indicates that the investigation is getting more serious and comprehensive.

    • January 6th Capitol attack investigation gains momentumSpecial counsel Jack Smith's appointment accelerates Jan 6 investigation, focusing on intent and interviewing key figures, including Mike Pence, amidst allegations of election overturning attempts by a sitting president.

      The investigation into the January 6th Capitol attack is gaining momentum with the appointment of Jack Smith as special counsel. The Jan 6 committee played a crucial role in bringing the issue to the forefront, but the DOJ was initially slow to act. However, since Smith's appointment, there has been a significant increase in the pace, intensity, and focus of the investigation. Notable figures like Mike Pence have also publicly distanced themselves from the events and accused former President Trump of being an apologist for Putin. The investigation is zeroing in on the question of intent and has involved interviews with key figures, including Pence himself. The stakes are high as this is the first time in American history that a sitting president has attempted to overturn an election. The shift in the investigation's trajectory is significant and suggests that decisive action may be on the horizon.

    • Russian Mercenary Leader Prigozhin in Russia Despite Belarus ClaimsDespite previous claims, Russian mercenary leader Prigozhin is in Russia, contradicting Belarusian leader's statement. The Wagner uprising deal's status is uncertain. Russian military strikes in Lviv kill 4, injure dozens, highlighting the danger in Ukraine.

      The Russian mercenary leader Evgeny Prigozhin, who was believed to be in exile in Belarus after a failed mutiny, is actually in Russia in Saint Petersburg. This contradicts previous statements from the Belarusian leader and raises questions about the status of the deal to end the Wagner uprising. Meanwhile, in Ukraine, at least 4 people were killed and dozens more injured in a Russian military strike on a residential area in Lviv. The Russian government's crackdown on Wagner and Evgeny Prigozhin continues, with reports of raids on his properties and the seizure of gold, cash, passports, and wigs. The situation remains uncertain, with Belarusian leader Alexander Lukashenko expressing doubt about Putin's intentions towards Prigozhin. The attack on civilians in Lviv underscores the fact that there's nowhere in Ukraine that's completely safe.

    • Russian army's disarray revealed by captured soldiersCaptured Russian soldiers report lack of supplies, weapons, and adequate food, disorderly commanders, and uncertainty over Wagner Group leader's fate

      The Russian army, according to captured soldiers' accounts, is in a state of disorder. The soldiers, who were convicted drug offenders and had only received two weeks of basic training, reported a lack of supplies, weapons, and adequate food. Their commanders were often under the influence of drugs and gave nonsensical orders. This situation paints a picture of an army that is not impressive and raises questions about the Russian military's readiness and capabilities. Another significant takeaway is the uncertainty surrounding the fate of Yevgeniy Prigozhin, also known as Putin's chef, who leads the Wagner Group, a private military company. Despite his troops' rebellion and public criticism of Putin, he remains alive and in Russia. Putin may be keeping him alive due to his valuable global operations and past contributions, including interfering in the American election in 2016. The recent announcement from Belarusian President Lukashenko that Prigozhin is in Saint Petersburg, not in Belarus, may indicate that Putin is considering taking action against him. However, the situation remains unclear, and many questions remain about Putin's plans for Prigozhin and the Wagner Group.

    • Crisis between Progynyan and Russia, UPS labor disputeRussia-Progynyan crisis threatens Wagner Businesses, UPS labor dispute puts 340,000 workers at risk of strike, both issues may have significant economic consequences

      The ongoing crisis between Progynyan and the Russian defense ministry, fueled by Putin's delayed intervention, has led to the potential dissolution of the Wagner Businesses and discrediting of Evgeny Prigozhin. Meanwhile, the UPS labor dispute remains unresolved, with 340,000 workers edging closer to a strike due to disagreements over wages for part-time employees. The Teamsters Union and UPS have made some progress in negotiations but have not reached an agreement, potentially leading to major economic consequences if a deal is not reached by the end of the month. UPS workers, many of whom provide essential services, are demanding better wages and benefits despite already high starting salaries. The union argues that UPS, which made record profits during the pandemic, should focus on rewarding its workers at the ground level instead of prioritizing Wall Street.

    • UPS-Teamsters labor dispute could impact 340,000 workers and 6% of GDPThe UPS-Teamsters labor dispute could impact 340,000 workers and 6% of GDP, with Casey DeSantis playing a key role in her husband's presidential campaign due to her ability to humanize his image

      The ongoing labor negotiations between UPS and the Teamsters Union have reached a critical point, with UPS having ended negotiations and the potential for a strike looming. This situation could significantly impact UPS employees, as well as the broader economy, with estimates suggesting that up to 340,000 people might be on the picket line and 6% of GDP could be affected. However, it's important to note that the accuracy of the Teamsters' statement regarding UPS's unwillingness to negotiate is disputed, with some experts suggesting that UPS may be the one to ultimately suffer from any negative consequences. Furthermore, the interview highlighted the role of Casey DeSantis, the wife of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, in his presidential campaign. She is described as his closest adviser and a key asset due to her ability to humanize him and bring warmth to his political persona. This dynamic is different from that of other political spouses, with Casey reportedly playing a much more active role in her husband's political decisions and inner circle. In summary, the labor dispute between UPS and the Teamsters could have significant economic and employment consequences, while Casey DeSantis is poised to play a crucial role in her husband's presidential campaign due to her unique ability to connect with voters and humanize his political image.

    • Casey DeSantis' emotional ad takes the lead in Florida gubernatorial raceA study reveals over 50% of US tap water contains harmful forever chemicals, and public utilities are working to address the issue with increased regulation.

      The most effective ad in Florida's 2022 gubernatorial midterm election, which didn't feature Ron DeSantis directly, was the emotional ad about Casey DeSantis' battle with breast cancer. Meanwhile, a new study reveals that nearly half of the tap water in the US is contaminated with forever chemicals, which are more hazardous to health than previously believed. These chemicals, known as PFAS, are prevalent in urban and rural areas, even protected lands, and can lead to various health issues like cancer and thyroid diseases. Despite the challenges in removing these forever chemicals, public utilities are trying to address the issue with increased regulation. Elsewhere, President Biden is heading to South Carolina to tout his record on the economy, and Russian mercenary Progoshen's whereabouts remain unclear despite Russian police raiding his home and Belarus' president denying his exile in their country.

    • Trump Aide Walt Nada to Plead Not Guilty to Obstruction ChargesTrump aide Nada is expected to plead not guilty to obstruction and lying to investigators over classified documents. New details of him moving boxes before FBI arrival. FBI has surveillance video. Election fraud investigation ramps up with interviews and subpoenas. Russian mercenary leader Prigozhin in Russia, raids uncover gold, guns, wigs, and passports.

      Former President Donald Trump's personal aide and alleged co-conspirator, Walt Nada, is expected to plead not guilty in court today to obstruction charges and lying to federal investigators regarding the handling of classified documents at Mar-a-Lago. New details have emerged about Nada moving boxes of classified documents from a storage room before the FBI arrived to retrieve them, and the FBI reportedly has surveillance video of these actions. Meanwhile, the investigation into efforts to overturn the 2020 election results is ramping up, with former Arizona House Speaker Rusty Bowers confirming he was interviewed by the FBI and reporting that the special counsel had subpoenaed the Arizona Secretary of State's office for information on two lawsuits alleging election fraud. Additionally, the Russian mercenary leader Evgeny Prigozhin, accused of launching a rebellion, is reportedly in Russia instead of living in exile in Belarus, and Russian police raided his home and office, uncovering stashes of gold, money, guns, wigs, and several passports.

    • Renegotiating the deal with Wagner Group leader PrigozhinThe Kremlin is trying to reduce Wagner Group leader Prigozhin's influence by taking control of the group and potentially extraditing him to Russia, impacting his mercenary troops in Ukraine and potentially escalating tensions with the West.

      The situation surrounding Yevgeny Prigozhin, the Wagner Group leader, remains uncertain and volatile. Despite earlier reports of his presence in Belarus, he is no longer there, leading to speculation that the Kremlin is renegotiating the deal with him. This comes after Russian state television aired footage of raids on his properties in Saint Petersburg, seizing gold, cash, and other items. Prigozhin's popularity in Russia had briefly increased after his public speeches, but the Russian government seems to be trying to make him irrelevant by taking control of Wagner and potentially extraditing him to Russia. The impact of this on Wagner's mercenary troops in Ukraine is still uncertain, but some have already signed up for the Russian military. The recent bombing of a residential area in Lviv and a Russian jet clipping a drone over Syria suggest that Putin may be trying to escalate tensions with the West, and the war in Ukraine is unlikely to end anytime soon.

    • US and China continue communications despite challengesPolitical leaders remain in power and focus on their missions, including US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen's visit to China and President Biden's infrastructure program, while addressing ongoing concerns like mass shootings in the US.

      Despite geopolitical tensions and economic challenges, key political figures remain in place, and leaders are continuing their missions, such as US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen's visit to China to deepen communications between the US and China. Additionally, President Biden is focusing on his economic policies, specifically his infrastructure program, as he seeks reelection, acknowledging the need to connect the dots between the government's actions and their positive impacts on people's lives. Meanwhile, mass shootings continue to be a concern in the US, raising questions about what a Republican president would do to address the issue.

    • Gun Control and Abortion: Controversial Issues in the 2022 CampaignFormer Republican congressman Will Hurd advocated for universal background checks, raising the minimum age for high-capacity guns, addressing mental health issues, and supporting law enforcement in the gun control debate. He also supported a 15-week abortion ban but acknowledged concerns regarding maternal health and urged states to invest in better care.

      The recent 4th of July holiday weekend was marked by tragedy with multiple mass shootings leaving at least 16 people dead and 94 injured. The debate over gun reform intensified following these incidents, with some calling for stricter measures like a federal ban on assault weapons. However, former Texas congressman and Republican presidential candidate Will Hurd, who has had an A rating from the NRA, expressed his opposition to such a ban. Instead, he advocated for universal background checks, raising the minimum age to purchase high-capacity guns, addressing mental health issues, and supporting law enforcement. Another issue discussed was abortion, with Hurd expressing his support for a 15-week ban. However, he acknowledged the concerns raised by medical professionals regarding the potential impact on maternal health and urged states to invest in better maternal health care. Hurd also made headlines for his refusal to sign a loyalty pledge to the Republican nominee, stating that he would not support Donald Trump due to his losses in elections and his handling of national security matters. The takeaway is that the gun control and abortion debates continue to be contentious issues, and the candidates' stances on these matters can significantly impact their campaigns.

    • Connecting with voters and implementing strategic plansEffective campaigning involves reaching out to voters and bringing the best people into an administration to tackle pressing issues, rather than relying on gimmicks.

      Effective campaigning involves connecting with voters and implementing strategic plans, rather than relying on gimmicks like the ping pong ball stunt. The candidate's experience in identifying and mobilizing supporters was crucial in his past victories, and this approach will be essential in his run for the White House. He plans to reach out to potential voters, particularly those who are looking for a candidate who offers a vision for the future and is not afraid to challenge the status quo. The candidate also emphasized the importance of bringing the best people into his administration, regardless of political affiliation, to tackle pressing issues like the impact of artificial intelligence on jobs and the need to address the new cold war with China.

    • Discussing the need for AI regulation and skills educationFormer congressman Will Hurd emphasized the importance of preparing children for future jobs, particularly in advanced skills like coding and statistics, and warned of potential dangers from unregulated AI. He criticized the RNC's strict debate standards and called for a focus on moral arguments against Trump.

      There's a pressing need for education in advanced skills like coding and statistics starting from middle school, and for the regulation of artificial intelligence (AI) to prevent misuse and protect civil liberties. Will Hurd, a former congressman, emphasized the importance of preparing children for future jobs and the potential dangers of unregulated AI. He also criticized the RNC's strict standards for candidates, arguing that moral arguments against Trump should be the focus instead. The discussion also touched on the challenges faced by candidates in meeting the RNC's threshold to get on the debate stage. Hurd's comments on AI regulation were particularly noteworthy, as they highlighted the need for oversight in the private sector to prevent the misuse of powerful AI tools. The conversation underscored the importance of addressing these issues in the political discourse.

    • Regulating AI: Necessity and ChallengesCollaboration between industry and government is essential to find effective ways to regulate AI and prevent potential harmful consequences, while respecting first amendment concerns and practical implementation issues.

      As technology advances faster than our laws, it's crucial for common sense measures and regulation to prevent potential harmful consequences. The idea of an AI review and licensing board may not be feasible due to first amendment concerns and practical implementation issues. However, industry and government should collaborate to find effective ways to regulate AI. A recent case involving a man who allegedly targeted former President Obama's home after seeing a social media post by a previous president highlights the need for regulation in the digital age. This incident underscores the importance of addressing the implications of technology on society and ensuring proper regulations are in place.

    • Secret Service Investigating White House Cocaine FindA ziplock bag of cocaine was found at the White House entrance, and the Secret Service is using various methods to identify the person responsible. Meanwhile, Ellie Dela Cruz of the Cincinnati Reds hit a long home run despite the Nationals checking his bat for suspicious substances.

      The Secret Service is conducting a thorough investigation after discovering a ziplock bag of cocaine at the entrance area of the White House. The bag was found on Sunday evening in a heavily traveled area where both visitors and staff leave their belongings as they go through tours. The Secret Service is using various methods, including fingerprint analysis, DNA tests, and surveillance video, to determine who brought the cocaine into the White House. However, due to the large number of people traveling through that area, there is a possibility that they may not be able to identify the person responsible. Meanwhile, in the world of baseball, Ellie Dela Cruz of the Cincinnati Reds continues to be a force to reckon with, despite the Washington Nationals trying to check his bat for suspicious substances. The league had granted him special permission to keep a plastic covering on the knob of his bat, but the umps were not aware of this. Despite the Nationals' efforts, Dela Cruz hit a 455-foot home run, gesturing towards the dugout for them to check his bat once again. The Reds went on to win the game.

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    Critical Thinking – A very Russian coup: Warner, Prigozhin, Putin & the West

    The Black Spy Podcast, Season 10, Episode 0003

    This week's special Critical Thinking episode sees Carlton assess the present state of Russia, the Wagner group, Prigozhin head of Wagner, the effect on the Ukraine war of the attempted coup and the position and standing of President Putin.

    Carlton also assesses the potential involvement of Western intelligence Services in the coup, was Prigozhin a Western spy or under western influence, are the actions that Russia might now take as a result of the coup detrimental or advantageous to the Ukraine, Russia, NATO, the USA abd the West.

    Carlton also analyses the self-interest and culpability of Western politicians in creating and maintaining the conflict - from former Prime Minister Boris Johnson, US President Joe Biden, the US neo-conservative weltanschauung and the human cost in military lives for Ukrainian forces and even Russian forces.

    So, if you want to gain a better understanding of the war’s intelligence operations, the Western intelligence world view of the conflict and the duplicity of military conflict and media manipulation in general.

    If you want to have a deeper historical understanding of the Ukraine conflict, this is the Black Spy podcast episode for you.

    This is another Black Spy Podcast episode that goes where other media outlets fear to tread.

    Don’t forget to subscribe never to miss a Black Spy Podcast episode.

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    Jack Smith gets KEY Grand Jury Testimony and Pete Buttigieg TELLS ALL in Exclusive Interview

    Jack Smith gets KEY Grand Jury Testimony and Pete Buttigieg TELLS ALL in Exclusive Interview
    On today’s episode of The MeidasTouch Podcast, we sit down with Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg! During this interview, we cover a variety of topics including the the tangible impacts of the Infrastructure Act, how the Department of Transportation is addressing the challenges of rural transportation and the needs of rural communities, what Secretary Buttigieg makes of Republicans who voted against the Infrastructure Act that try to go back to their constituents and take credit for the improvements in their home states & much more! The rest of the episode we break down the latest breaking news of the week to keep you up to date! We discuss the latest developments with Jack Smith’s criminal investigation into Donald Trump as he secures grand jury testimony from a top Trump official, new George Santos updates that put the MAGA fraud in massive legal jeopardy, Kevin McCarthy weaponizing congress and instituting a committee to “investigate the origins of COVID,” the mental gymnastics Republicans are doing in order to rationalize the classified documents found at Mike Pence’s Indiana home and much more. New full-length episodes of the MeidasTouch Podcast featuring the brothers are released every Tuesday & Friday morning. The rest of the week, enjoy our short-form content we call ‘The Mighty.’ If you enjoyed this episode, please be sure to rate, review and subscribe! DEALS FROM OUR SPONSORS: AG1 by Athletic Greens: https://athleticgreens.com/meidas ZBiotics: https://zbiotics.com/meidas Shop Meidas Merch at: https://store.meidastouch.com Join us on Patreon: https://patreon.com/meidastouch Remember to subscribe to ALL the Meidas Media Podcasts: MeidasTouch: https://pod.link/1510240831 Legal AF: https://pod.link/1580828595 The PoliticsGirl Podcast: https://pod.link/1595408601 The Influence Continuum: https://pod.link/1603773245 Kremlin File: https://pod.link/1575837599 Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: https://pod.link/1530639447 The Weekend Show: https://pod.link/1612691018 The Tony Michaels Podcast: https://pod.link/1561049560 American Psyop: https://pod.link/1652143101 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices