
    Outrage Addiction, Suicidal Thoughts, & a Manipulative Mom

    enMay 03, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Surrounding ourselves with kindness and supportNo matter the challenge, surround yourself with kindness and support, and remember you're not alone.

      No matter what challenges we face in life, whether it's dealing with a child's illness, rebuilding a marriage, or moving on from a relationship, it's important to surround ourselves with kindness and support. During the show, we heard from a young mom who is dealing with her child's leukemia diagnosis, a young woman who is working on rebuilding her marriage, and a young man who is getting married and moving on. John, the show's host, shared a lighthearted moment about a critic who had made fun of him and received a backlash from listeners. The episode served as a reminder that we all need support, and it's important to lift each other up instead of tearing each other down. Whether you're going through a difficult time or just need a listening ear, remember that you're not alone and there are people who care about you and want to help.

    • Caring for a child with a serious illness: The emotional burden for parentsParents caring for a child with a serious illness face daily challenges, emotional burden, and guilt, making self-care and communication essential for their well-being.

      Caring for a child with a serious illness like leukemia can be overwhelming and lead to feelings of fracture and splintering for the parent. The mother in this conversation, despite her child's good prognosis and progress in treatment, expressed the daily struggle of keeping up with a normal routine while also dealing with the emotional burden of her child's illness. She acknowledged the importance of self-care but found it challenging to prioritize herself amidst the constant demands of her role as a mother. The guilt of feeling responsible for her child's illness was also a concern she did not grapple with, which is a common feeling for many parents in similar situations. The conversation highlighted the importance of communication and understanding between partners during such challenging times, as well as the need for self-compassion and self-care for the caregiver.

    • Be the author of your story during challenging timesFind balance between planning and letting go, seek advice, tell your story, have a support system, acknowledge emotions, and find joy in the journey

      During challenging times, especially when dealing with a child's illness, it's essential to remember that you are the author of your story. This means you get to decide how to experience and work through the situation. It's crucial to find a balance between planning and preparation, and not letting go completely. Seeking advice from those who have gone through similar experiences can provide valuable insights. Additionally, continually telling the story of your situation can help you retain ownership and stay graceful when faced with insensitive comments. It's also important to have a support system to share your feelings and find solace in their understanding. Lastly, remember that it's okay to acknowledge the frustration and anger, but try not to let it consume you. Instead, focus on the things you can control and find moments of levity and joy in the journey.

    • Building a Supportive Community for Families with Serious Health ConditionsSeek out resources, connect with other families, remember uniqueness of each story, communicate with loved ones, and trust medical professionals.

      Going through the challenges of having a child with a serious health condition is not an easy journey, and it's essential to build a supportive community and maintain open communication with loved ones. This can include seeking out resources and connecting with other families who have gone through similar experiences. It's also important to remember that every family's story is unique, and people will grieve and respond differently. Furthermore, relationships can be put to the test during this time, and it's crucial for partners to communicate and check-in with each other regularly. A simple yet effective way to do this could be through writing in a shared journal. Lastly, trust the advice of medical professionals over the internet, as misinformation can cause unnecessary stress and confusion. Overall, having a strong support system and open communication can make a significant difference in navigating the ups and downs of this journey.

    • Navigating Challenging Situations: Balance, Support, and Self-CareStay connected to supportive communities, listen to medical professionals, maintain boundaries, embrace growth, and be the author of your own story during challenging times.

      Navigating challenging situations, whether it's dealing with a child's illness or personal struggles, requires a balance of love, accountability, and self-care. The speaker emphasized the importance of staying connected to supportive communities, listening to medical professionals, and maintaining boundaries for children, even during difficult times. They also highlighted the transformative nature of overcoming adversity, encouraging the listener to embrace growth and new experiences. The conversation also touched on the importance of involving family and seeking help when needed. Through it all, the speaker emphasized the importance of being the author of one's own story and approaching life's challenges with resilience and gratitude.

    • Rebuilding a stronger life after traumaFocus on creating a new, extraordinary life instead of trying to return to a past filled with trauma and panic attacks. Loved ones support and care, build a wellness plan together, and remember the journey towards healing is worth it.

      Recovery from trauma and mental health struggles is not about returning to a "normal" state, but rather building a new, stronger, and more extraordinary life. The speaker, who has experienced panic attacks and PTSD, shares how she reached a point where she felt unsafe and needed to go to the hospital for inpatient care. Now that she's back home, she's focusing on creating a new tomorrow with her husband, rather than trying to return to a past that was filled with trauma and panic attacks. It's important to remember that loved ones, like the speaker's husband, are doing their best to support and care for us, even if they may not always get it right. Building a wellness plan together can help ensure both parties are on the same page and working towards the same goals. Embarrassment or frustration are natural feelings, but it's important to remember that the journey towards healing and growth is worth it.

    • Healing from Trauma: Self-Advocacy, Honesty, and SupportAccept help from loved ones, communicate openly, prioritize healing, ask for help, and remember that healing takes time and you're worthy of love and support.

      Healing from trauma is a process that requires self-advocacy, honesty, and support from loved ones. It's important to accept help from those around you, even if it's difficult, and to communicate openly about your needs. The journey towards wellness is not always easy, but it's essential to prioritize your own healing before helping others. Remember, it's okay to ask for help and to lean on those who care about you. By doing so, you'll become a stronger, more resilient person who can advocate for others and show them that healing is possible. Don't rush the process or dismiss your own feelings – take the time you need to heal, and know that you're worthy of love and support every step of the way.

    • The importance of seeking help during difficult timesConnecting with others and seeking professional help during tough times can provide hope and create a new, exciting future.

      Seeking help during difficult times is a brave and necessary step, and it's important to remember that you're not alone. The speaker shares her experience of feeling tired but hopeful after attempting suicide, and she emphasizes the importance of connecting with others who have gone through similar experiences. She also uses the analogy of seeking professional help for physical injuries to illustrate the stigma surrounding mental health issues and encourages people to stay connected to their support systems. The speaker reassures those who are struggling that they are worth being here and that they have the power to create a new, exciting future for themselves. Overall, the message is one of hope, connection, and the importance of reaching out for help when needed.

    • Engaging in constant outrage isn't beneficialInstead of wasting energy on outrage, focus on constructive actions for personal growth and societal improvement

      Constant engagement with outrage and anger, whether through social media or other means, may not be beneficial for our personal growth or the resolution of societal issues. According to an article by Pete Ross, outrage is addictive and can make us feel smart and powerful, but it often doesn't lead to positive change. Instead, Ross suggests using our time and energy to actively improve our own lives and the lives of those around us. He encourages us to focus on solutions rather than getting consumed by our anger. While it's important to acknowledge the existence of injustices, thumbs downs, mean comments, and other negative reactions don't help. Instead, taking action through peaceful protests, inviting someone to your house who's hungry, or simply walking away from harmful content can make a difference. In essence, channeling our energy towards constructive actions can lead to more fulfilling and productive outcomes than being constantly outraged.

    • Productive ways to address issuesInstead of getting caught up in outrage and media fights, focus on face-to-face communication and making a positive impact.

      While it's important to address issues that matter to us, the way we do so can have significant impacts on our lives and the lives of those around us. Outrage and media fights may seem like effective solutions, but they can distract us from our core principles and cause unnecessary tension. Instead, when we feel anger towards an issue, it's more productive to get involved face-to-face and make a positive impact. In the context of personal relationships, it's essential to communicate openly and avoid manipulation. If someone is trying to influence our decisions, it's crucial to understand their perspective but also trust our own judgment and involve those directly affected by the decision. By focusing on heartfelt connections and clear communication, we can navigate difficult situations and maintain healthy relationships.

    • Considering loved ones' feelings in decisionsAcknowledge loved ones' perspectives, but ultimately make decisions based on personal future

      While considering significant life decisions, it's essential to acknowledge the feelings and perspectives of those close to us, even if they don't align with our own choices. However, ultimately, we must make decisions based on what's best for us and our future. The discussion also highlights the importance of understanding and respecting the different ways people express love and support. The speaker's mother, despite trying to influence her son's decision, was ultimately expressing her love and concern for him. The speaker encourages respecting and honoring these expressions, even if they don't lead to the desired outcome. In the end, the speaker decides to move forward with his plans to go to DC, acknowledging the sadness and frustration his decision may cause his mother.

    • Understanding difficult relationships and embracing new opportunitiesEmbrace difficult relationships, believe in their love, draw boundaries when necessary, and embrace new experiences as opportunities to learn and grow.

      Even when dealing with difficult relationships, it's essential to try and understand that the other person may be doing their best. It's important to draw boundaries when necessary but also to believe that they are expressing their love in their own way. Life may present unexpected challenges and opportunities, and it's crucial to embrace them wholeheartedly. Whether it's moving away, facing new experiences, or even meeting a legend like Meat Loaf, every moment is an opportunity to learn and grow. And through it all, the bond of love, whether expressed openly or hidden beneath seemingly insignificant interactions, remains the most powerful force.

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    Jim is a stand-up comedian, TV host, actor, podcaster and voice artist. He is best known for co-hosting VH1 Classic's heavy metal talk show series "That Metal Show". He is also known for his work on Comedy Central's show "Crank Yankers". Recently, he appeared in the hit movie "Trainwreck", and on the critically acclaimed TV series "Inside Amy Schumer". He was submitted for an Emmy for best supporting actor for his role of Kenny on the show "Louie". Jim has performed on Jimmy Kimmel Live!, The Late Late Show with Craig Kilborn, The Apprentice, and the Fox News Channel's Red Eye w/ Greg Gutfeld. He has released numerous comedy specials, including "I'm Your Savior", a critically acclaimed one-man show about his about his life and the death of his ex-girlfriend. Earlier this year, he published his first book, "Everybody is Awful (Except You!)".

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    Jim shares some really good insight and wisdom about parenting, honesty, the dangers of comparing oneself to others, dating, communication, boundaries, and self-improvement.




    Jim's book, "Everybody is Awful (Except You!)":


    "I'm Your Savior", Jim's one-man show available on iTunes and Amazon:


    "The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom by Don Miguel Ruiz.


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    The OZ Podcast by Ouss Zoglami is here to guide you toward the life of your dreams. As an international speaker, behavioral and high-performance expert, Ouss is committed to sharing the best tools and strategies in the world of personal development to help you make lasting changes in your life. Whether you want to improve your relationships, career, or well-being, The OZ Podcast will give you the mindset to elevate your mindfulness.

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