
    Overwhelmed With the Fitness Industry? Here’s Where To Start with Sal Di Stefeno from Mind Pump

    enOctober 19, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing Health Beyond Numbers with Sal DiStefanoUnderstanding that health involves more than just numbers and adapting to changing environments can lead to better overall well-being.

      Health goes beyond just the right amount of calories, proteins, fats, and carbs, or constant exercise. Sometimes, enjoying food and drinks with loved ones can also contribute to good health. John Deloney shared his personal experiences of discussing disordered eating, body dysmorphia, and fitness struggles during an impactful interview with Sal DiStefano on the Mind Pump show. Sal and his team are known for simplifying exercise and challenging the fitness industry's nonsense. The interview, which covered topics like exercise, nutrition, mental health, and relationships, left a significant impact on John and those involved. The fitness and diet industries have failed us due to our environment changing faster than our ability to adapt. The obesity or poor health epidemic is a result of this mismatch. The solution, according to Sal, is to understand that it's both simple and complex, and we've been approaching the problem from the wrong angle. The Resistance Training Revolution, Sal's book, and his years of experience working with trainers offer valuable insights into addressing these issues.

    • Foods engineered to make us eat moreThe obesity issue is linked to heavily processed foods that hijack our systems of satiety, contributing to overconsumption and the obesity epidemic.

      The obesity issue is not just about the consumption of unhealthy foods, but also about the overconsumption of heavily processed foods, which are engineered to make us eat more than we intended. These foods have hijacked our systems of satiety, making it difficult for us to stop eating even when we're full. The prevalence of heavily processed foods in the American diet mirrors the obesity epidemic. While consumers have some responsibility for their food choices, food producers have also played a role by engineering foods to be more appealing and convenient. The complex nature of poor health means that the solution requires a multifaceted approach, including education, policy changes, and individual responsibility.

    • Food is more than just nutrientsShift perspective to understand emotional and cultural significance of food for long-term weight loss success. Embrace sustainable approach, not restrictive diets.

      Our approach to weight loss often overlooks the emotional and cultural significance of food. Instead of focusing solely on calorie counting and restrictive diets, it's essential to understand that food is more than just nutrients – it's a source of joy, connection, and comfort. The speaker shares his personal experience of realizing this as a trainer, and how shifting his perspective led to better results for his clients. He emphasizes that the real challenge is not losing weight, but keeping it off, and that tackling this issue requires addressing the emotional and behavioral aspects of eating. The speaker also mentions that diets have a high failure rate, and that long-term success comes from making peace with food and finding a sustainable approach that fits into one's lifestyle.

    • Approaching health with self-love and compassionInstead of viewing diet and exercise as restriction and punishment, treat yourself with care and compassion for a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle.

      Approaching diet and exercise from a place of self-hate and punishment can be counterproductive. Instead, treating ourselves with care and compassion can lead to a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle. The speaker shared an example of a woman who, after losing a friend, decided to stop focusing on her health and instead "enjoy her life" by eating and drinking excessively. The speaker argued that this mindset stems from viewing diet and exercise as restriction and punishment rather than self-care. He suggested reframing this mindset by recognizing the value of taking care of oneself and approaching diet and exercise as tools to improve overall well-being. The speaker emphasized that health is a balanced sphere, and sometimes that means enjoying treats or taking time off from strict routines. By approaching health with self-love and compassion, individuals can create a more positive and sustainable relationship with their bodies.

    • Balance health with exercise and dietRecognize the impact of choices, use fitness for personal growth, and prioritize self-care

      Developing a healthy balance with exercise and diet is crucial for overall well-being. It's important to recognize the impact of our choices on ourselves and those around us. For some, like the speaker, this balance was driven by body dysmorphia, but the goal should be to care for ourselves as well as we care for our loved ones. Fitness can serve as an unassuming vehicle for personal growth, leading to acceptance and self-improvement. The speaker's experience shows that it's a journey, and we'll all learn the lesson one way or another. Remember, taking care of ourselves is just as important as taking care of our families.

    • Embrace the journey of health and fitnessFalling in love with the process leads to a deeper appreciation for health and fitness, and a lifelong commitment to wellness. Explore various aspects of wellness for overall health.

      The value of health and fitness goes beyond physical appearance and can be a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. Acceptance of one's limitations and embracing the process can lead to a deeper appreciation for the practice and a lifelong commitment to wellness. The speaker emphasizes the importance of falling in love with the journey rather than being fixated on the destination, as the latter can lead to burnout and a lack of sustainability. Additionally, the importance of exploring various aspects of wellness, such as spirituality and mental health, was highlighted as essential components of overall health. The speaker also shared the ancient wisdom that "the man who loves walking is gonna walk further than the man who loves the destination," emphasizing the importance of enjoying the process rather than solely focusing on the end goal.

    • Shifting focus from aesthetics to overall health and wellbeingFocusing on health as a goal, not just a means to appearance, leads to improved wellbeing and better reflection of self.

      Focusing on overall health and wellbeing, rather than just aesthetics, can lead to both improved physical appearance and better mental health. The speaker shares her personal experience of working with various health professionals, who helped her shift her focus from the mirror to her internal health markers. This approach led her to a new perspective on her reflection at a pool party, where she saw herself objectively and realized she looked better than ever. The speaker encourages listeners to consider the importance of health as a goal, rather than just a means to an aesthetic end. She also suggests that if people are feeling stuck or low energy, they might benefit from talking to a therapist to help recharge their emotional and mental batteries. Additionally, the speaker reflects on how society's emphasis on goals and achievements can sometimes overshadow the importance of enjoying the journey and focusing on wellbeing.

    • Approach goals with the right mindset and enjoy the processFocus on performance over appearance and push through discomfort to achieve long-term success

      It's essential to approach goals with the right mindset and enjoy the process rather than worshiping the end result. The way we enter a situation significantly impacts its outcome. For instance, in relationships or mental health, going in with the intention to help and support, rather than to win or punish, leads to better results. In the context of fitness and health, focusing on performance instead of appearance can be a game-changer. However, we live in a culture that emphasizes feelings and short-term motivators. While motivation can be helpful, it's crucial to develop skills of discipline that last. The fitness industry capitalizes on negative feelings and creates pain points to sell solutions. Instead, we should learn to push through discomfort and keep going, even when we don't feel like it. In essence, the key to success in various aspects of life is to do it anyway, despite feelings or circumstances.

    • Focus on small, realistic steps for long-term goalsInstead of relying on motivation, focus on small, challenging steps to build discipline and confidence for long-term goal achievement. Consistent effort leads to bigger and more consistent changes over time.

      Relying solely on motivation for achieving long-term goals is unreliable. Instead, focusing on small, challenging, and realistic steps that can be maintained for the rest of your life is a more effective approach. This method not only helps develop discipline but also builds confidence as you progress. The first step may seem small, but over time, the steps become bigger and more consistent, leading to long-lasting behavior change. A personal example given was of a doctor's patient who initially only committed to working out once a week. With consistent effort, she eventually started making additional changes to her lifestyle. This approach can be applied to various aspects of life, including fitness, nutrition, and personal growth.

    • Patience, trust, and effective communication build strong relationshipsTransforming relationships requires patience, trust, and effective communication. Consistent presence and respecting individual pace leads to long-lasting results.

      Building a meaningful and consistent relationship with someone, whether it's through exercise and nutrition or in other areas of life, requires patience, trust, and effective communication. In the case of the woman in the discussion, she transformed her health and fitness over a three-year process, starting with one session a week and gradually incorporating more on her own. If the trainer had tried to push her into more sessions right away, she might have given up entirely. Instead, the trainer earned her trust and showed up consistently on her terms, leading to long-lasting results. This approach can be applied to other areas of life, such as parenting or business, where it's important to choose battles wisely and communicate effectively to build strong relationships.

    • The importance of effective communication in fitnessEffective communication helps clients improve their quality of life through fitness. Fitness pros should meet clients where they're at, communicate in relatable terms, and provide a realistic, sustainable approach to fitness.

      Effective communication is key in helping people achieve their fitness goals. The speaker shared a personal story about a time when they failed to communicate effectively with a client, leading to her leaving the gym and potentially giving up on her fitness journey altogether. This experience taught the speaker the importance of meeting people where they're at and communicating in a way that resonates with the average person. The average person wants to improve their quality of life through fitness, but may not have the same level of obsession or dedication as a fitness fanatic. Therefore, fitness professionals should aim to provide structured exercise for 2-3 days a week and focus on helping clients develop healthy eating habits, rather than trying to turn them into fitness fanatics. Effective communication, meeting people where they're at, and providing a realistic and sustainable approach to fitness are essential components of helping individuals reach their goals.

    • Understanding the Complex Relationship with Food and ExerciseApproach exercise for body adaptations, build muscle for metabolism boost, and make it a sustainable part of life

      While some people view food as fuel for their bodies, most people have a more complex relationship with food that involves culture, pleasure, and even numbing emotions. Additionally, in today's busy and sedentary society, we are surrounded by cheap, hyperpalatable food. To effectively address weight loss and overall health, it's essential to approach exercise not just for calorie burn, but for the adaptations it induces in the body. Building muscle through resistance training is particularly effective, as it increases metabolism, allowing for more caloric intake while maintaining a leaner body. Furthermore, muscle building organizes hormones in a more youthful way, benefiting both men and women. Remember, the goal is to make exercise a sustainable part of your life, not a source of self-hatred. Instead, focus on the long-term benefits and the positive adaptations it brings to your body.

    • The importance of strength training for hormonal balance and health benefitsStrength training increases testosterone and androgen receptor density, enhancing muscle growth and offering numerous health benefits like improved insulin sensitivity, reduced cancer risk, increased longevity, and better grip strength. It doesn't cause bulky physiques but boosts confidence and daily task performance.

      The decline in physical activities, particularly heavy lifting, over the past century may contribute to hormonal disruptions and increased health risks. Strength training, on the other hand, is the only form of exercise that directly increases testosterone and androgen receptor density. This not only enhances muscle growth but also offers numerous health benefits, such as improved insulin sensitivity, reduced cancer risk, and increased longevity. Despite common misconceptions, strength training doesn't necessarily lead to bulky physiques. Instead, it boosts confidence and enables individuals to perform daily tasks more effectively. Furthermore, the lack of regular strength training can result in weaker grip strength, which is a significant predictor of all-cause mortality. Embracing strength training can significantly enhance overall health and well-being.

    • Underestimated Capabilities of Women in Building Muscle and Lifting Heavy ObjectsDespite societal influences and media distortions, women can build muscle and lift heavy objects, leading to feelings of empowerment. Not everyone will look like a bodybuilder, and muscle adds less weight to the scale than body fat.

      Women's capabilities to build muscle and lift heavy objects are often underestimated due to societal influences and media distortions. The feeling of empowerment from successfully lifting heavy weights is a universal experience. However, not everyone has the rare genetics required to build muscles like professional bodybuilders, and enhancement with steroids does not guarantee the same results. Moreover, gaining muscle does not mean adding significant size to the scale, as muscle is denser than body fat. It takes up less space despite having a greater mass. The misconception that building muscle leads to unwanted bulk can be debunked by observing the lean and fit bodies of people with a good amount of muscle mass.

    • Managing stress during significant life changesSeek help from trusted providers like Churchill Mortgage during homebuying process, focus on behavioral changes for personal health improvements

      During times of significant change and stress, such as buying a new home or focusing on personal health, it's essential to focus on what you can control. For new homebuyers, this means seeking the help of trusted providers like Churchill Mortgage. Their Home Buyer Edge program can help alleviate some stress by capping interest rates and offering a seller guarantee. For those looking to improve their nutrition and fitness, focusing on behavioral changes, such as avoiding processed foods, eating mindfully, and strength training, can lead to significant progress without feeling overwhelmed. Remember, the key is to take things one step at a time and not get bogged down by the noise of endless diets and quick-fix solutions.

    • Evolutionary adaptations keep hunter-gatherer metabolism similar to modern WesternersEffective weight loss comes from building muscle and feeding the body appropriately, not extensive cardio and calorie restriction

      Despite the fact that hunter-gatherer societies are more active than modern Westerners, their metabolic rates are similar due to evolutionary adaptations. The key to effective weight loss lies not in extensive cardio workouts and calorie restriction, but in building muscle and feeding the body appropriately. This approach leads to a more sustainable and permanent weight loss, as the metabolism speeds up and the body becomes more efficient at burning calories. Strength training is the most effective strategy for achieving this goal, as it not only builds muscle but also adapts the body to a modern lifestyle with easy access to food.

    • Misconceptions About Toning and Strength TrainingBuilding muscle is the key to toning and improving overall health. Resistance training with appropriate methods can help build strength and muscle, but soreness after a workout doesn't always mean better results.

      Toning and strength training are effective ways to build a more shapely body and improve overall health. Toning is a misconception, as it's a byproduct of building muscle. Spot reduction through exercise is a myth, but spot shaping through targeted strength training is real. Resistance training, including weights, machines, bands, and body weight, can be used to build strength and muscle. It's essential to choose appropriate methods based on individual fitness levels. Contrary to popular belief, soreness after a workout does not indicate better results; in fact, it may slow down progress due to the need for recovery. Instead, workouts should leave you feeling more energized and better than before.

    • Approaching vacations and exercise with a balanced mindsetPlanning ahead, engaging in active vacation activities, focusing on form and technique in exercise, and approaching difficult conversations as opportunities for growth can lead to improved physical and mental well-being.

      Approaching vacations and exercise with a balanced mindset can lead to improved physical and mental well-being. Instead of staying up late packing and feeling burnt out upon arrival, try planning ahead and engaging in active activities upon arrival. This can lead to deeper, more restorative sleep and stronger relationships. Similarly, approaching exercise as a skill to be practiced and improved, rather than a chore to be endured, can lead to consistent, amazing results and a reduced risk of injury. By focusing on form and technique, and striving for progress over perfection, individuals can maximize the value they derive from their workouts and enjoy the process. Additionally, practicing difficult conversations and situations, such as having a hard conversation with a spouse or child, can lead to increased strength and resilience over time. By approaching these situations as opportunities for growth and improvement, rather than sources of stress and anxiety, individuals can build stronger relationships and improve their overall well-being.

    • Be open-minded and humble in learning and personal growthBeing open-minded and humble leads to better results and personal growth, fosters peaceful living, and broadens horizons through engaging with opposing views.

      Being open-minded and humble in our approach to learning and personal growth is crucial for improving ourselves and our lives. Whether it's in our fitness journey, dietary choices, or any other aspect of life, it's essential to be willing to admit when we're wrong, seek wisdom from others, and be open to changing our perspectives. This approach not only leads to better results but also fosters a more peaceful and non-anxious way of living. As the speaker shared, learning to argue both sides and understand opposing views can broaden our horizons and help us grow. It's important to remember that being closed-minded and confrontational doesn't lead to productive discussions or personal growth. Instead, we should strive to find smart individuals with opposing views, engage in open-minded discussions, and be willing to have our minds changed.

    • Learning from others and challenging beliefsBe open-minded, engage in discussions, and learn from others to broaden your knowledge and grow personally. Don't let the need to be right hinder your pursuit of truth and understanding individual variances.

      Being open-minded and willing to learn from others, even when it means challenging your own beliefs, is essential for personal growth and finding the truth. The speaker shares his experience of engaging in online discussions in various groups, particularly in the field of neuroscience, and how it helped him change his perspective and broaden his knowledge. He emphasizes the importance of not letting the need to be right overshadow the pursuit of truth and understanding individual variances. The speaker also shares a personal story about a client whose experience with a vegan diet challenged his beliefs, and how he learned to listen more and be less arrogant. He concludes by emphasizing the importance of being thoughtful and open to opposing viewpoints, as championed by Charlie Munger.

    • Understanding the universal truths behind dietsMindful eating and addressing emotional connections to food are essential for maintaining a healthy relationship with food, regardless of the specific diet.

      While there are various diets with different approaches, some general truths apply to all. These include not overeating and focusing on whole natural foods. However, it's essential to be aware that people can develop unhealthy relationships with food, which may not be related to weight gain or loss. These habits can stem from past experiences or coping mechanisms. For instance, my friend realized that her tendency to overorder when eating out was rooted in childhood memories of scarcity and the need to ensure there would always be food available. It's crucial to recognize and address these underlying issues to maintain a healthy relationship with food. Additionally, hospitality and upbringing can also play a role in shaping our eating habits, as I learned from my friend's story about his Sicilian background and the importance of finishing every meal. Overall, while the specifics of diets may be politicized, the importance of mindful eating and addressing the emotional aspects of food remains a universal truth.

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    1:18:41 - Handling a team member who takes "ALL" the responsibility but has sub-standard work. 

    1:39:40 - What "GOOD" can come from a sick child??

    1:55:27 - Support, Cool Onnit, JockoStore stuff, with Jocko White Tea and Psychological Warfare (on iTunes). Extreme Ownership (book), (Jocko's Kids' Book) Way of the Warrior Kid, and The Muster 003. 

    2:17:55 - Closing Gratitude.


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