
    Part One: The Fake Doctors Who Gave Everyone Alzheimer's

    enMarch 26, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Find your comeback storyDespite past mistakes, there's always a chance to learn, grow, and make a positive impact through education, self-expression, and authenticity.

      No matter what your past may hold, there's always an opportunity for a comeback. Whether it's through furthering your education with a respected institution like Purdue Global or sharing your unique voice and story with the world, like Amy Winehouse in the film "Back to Black," there's always a chance to make a difference and be remembered for who you truly are. Additionally, quality and authenticity matter, whether it's in the form of a degree, a supplement, or even a simple interaction with a stranger. And sometimes, the most unexpected places can lead to the greatest rewards.

    • Young Man's Deception Exposes Healthcare FraudA young man's undercover work at hospitals led to the uncovering of a widespread healthcare fraud scheme, disrupting routine operations and impacting countless lives.

      The discussion revolves around an uncovered health care scam in the insurance industry, which was discovered during the investigation of a young man named Malachi Love Robinson. Malachi, who went around hospitals posing as a doctor, led authorities to a larger issue of fraudulent activities in the healthcare sector. His actions disrupted the regular hospital routines but ultimately exposed a significant issue affecting public health and countless Americans' lives. This discovery ties into the deep, sinister theme of deceit and manipulation in the healthcare industry.

    • A minor's impersonation of a doctor raises questionsWhile a child's fascination with medicine might explain impersonating a doctor, potential mental health issues or criminal behavior should also be considered. Proper oversight in healthcare settings is crucial.

      Malachi, a minor who was reported to have impersonated a doctor in a hospital, raises questions about the intentions and motivations behind such actions. While some may see it as a sign of a child's fascination with medicine, others might view it as a red flag for potential mental health issues or even criminal behavior. Malachi's case is particularly intriguing because he went on to open a medical clinic as an adult, further fueling suspicions about his true intentions. Despite the hospital's downplaying of the incident, it's still worth considering the potential implications of a minor having extensive access to medical facilities and resources. Ultimately, Malachi's story serves as a reminder of the importance of addressing the root causes of unusual behavior in children and ensuring proper oversight in healthcare settings.

    • Using fake titles to gain trust and stealBe cautious and skeptical, even with those who claim professional titles, as some may use them deceitfully to gain access and steal.

      The title and appearance of respectability, such as being a doctor, can be used deceitfully by individuals to gain trust and access to vulnerable people's lives and possessions. In this case, a young man named Malachi Love Robinson posed as a doctor to scam an elderly woman, Anita Morrison, out of thousands of dollars. He used his fake medical identity to gain entry into her home, offering in-home visits and selling her unnecessary vitamins. However, he took advantage of her trust and stole from her, even going as far as cashing her checks after she was taken to the hospital. This incident highlights the importance of trust and the potential dangers of individuals misusing professional titles for nefarious purposes. It serves as a reminder for individuals to be cautious and skeptical, especially when dealing with unexpected visitors or unsolicited offers, regardless of the person's appearance or title.

    • Questionable Organization: American Association of Drugless PractitionersThe AADP allows anyone to join and claim the title of a 'drugless practitioner,' creating a dangerous environment where unqualified individuals can pose as medical professionals and potentially harm vulnerable people.

      The American Association of Drugless Practitioners (AADP) is a questionable organization that allows anyone to join and claim the title of a "drugless practitioner," regardless of their qualifications or expertise. This organization often serves as a tool for individuals, like the infamous hospital imposter Malachi Love-Robinson, to mislead and manipulate people, especially those in vulnerable situations. The lack of credibility and regulation within the AADP creates a dangerous environment where unqualified individuals can pose as medical professionals, potentially causing harm and exploiting trust. It's crucial to be aware of such organizations and to always verify the qualifications and credentials of medical professionals before seeking their help.

    • Misuse of Credentials: A Deceptive PracticeSome organizations issue credentials that can be misused to misrepresent qualifications, leading to deceitful practices. Always verify the authenticity of professionals' credentials before seeking their services.

      Credentials from certain organizations, like the American Alternative Medical Association (AAMT) and the Universal Life Church, can be misused by individuals to misrepresent their qualifications. The AAMT clarified that their credentials do not authorize diagnosing or treating patients, while the Universal Life Church sells doctorate degrees in divinity that can be used to claim the title "Doctor." This misuse of titles can lead to deceitful practices, as seen in the case of Malachi Love Robinson, who was exposed for falsely claiming to be a doctor. While some may argue that these titles have benign uses, such as allowing individuals to marry others, the potential for misrepresentation remains a concern. It's crucial for individuals to be aware of these issues and verify the authenticity of professionals' credentials before seeking their services.

    • Faking Professional Credentials with a Fake NPI NumberThe ease of falsifying NPI numbers allows individuals to deceive and potentially harm patients in the medical field, resulting in severe consequences including jail time and a damaged reputation.

      The ease with which someone can fake professional credentials, such as an NPI number, can lead to significant deception and fraud in the medical field. This was exemplified in the case of Malachi, who used a fake NPI to bill Medicare and build a false resume, ultimately leading to his downfall. The lack of protections against the falsification of such numbers allows for individuals to misrepresent themselves and potentially harm patients. The consequences of such actions can be severe, including jail time and a damaged reputation. It's crucial for healthcare systems and insurance companies to address this issue and implement stronger safeguards to prevent such incidents from occurring.

    • Misuse of National Provider Identifiers leads to severe consequencesMisusing National Provider Identifiers can result in fraud, abuse, legal repercussions, public embarrassment, and potential harm to patients. Adhere to ethical and legal guidelines to maintain trust and ensure quality patient care.

      The misuse of National Provider Identifiers (NPIs) can lead to severe consequences, including fraud and abuse of the healthcare system. In the case discussed, a woman named Sherry Anne Jenkins used her husband's NPI number to bill Medicare for services she provided at a cognitive center, despite not being a medical doctor herself. This not only goes against the rules but also undermines the trust and integrity of the healthcare system. The consequences of such actions can be far-reaching, leading to public embarrassment, legal repercussions, and potential harm to patients. It's essential to recognize the importance of adhering to ethical and legal guidelines in the healthcare field to maintain trust and ensure the best possible patient care. Additionally, the case highlights the need for increased awareness and vigilance against such fraudulent activities.

    • Medicare Scam Involving False Alzheimer's DiagnosesA group exploited patients' fear of Alzheimer's by falsely diagnosing them, causing distress and potential harm, underscoring the importance of accurate diagnoses and healthcare industry regulation.

      A group of individuals ran a Medicare scam by diagnosing patients with Alzheimer's disease, exploiting the fear and shock that comes with such a diagnosis, and billing Medicare for unnecessary tests. The scam was effective due to the high rates Medicare pays for Alzheimer's tests and the overwhelming nature of the diagnosis, leaving patients vulnerable to accepting any recommended treatments. The diagnosis of Alzheimer's was given to many individuals who did not have the condition, causing significant distress and potentially devastating consequences. This case highlights the importance of accurate diagnoses and the potential harm caused by false diagnoses. It also emphasizes the need for proper oversight and regulation in the healthcare industry to prevent such scams from occurring.

    • Recognizing Alternatives and AuthenticityDon't overlook affordable or efficient alternatives, express yourself authentically, and approach health claims with skepticism.

      Sometimes we become so used to certain situations or expenses that we fail to recognize more affordable or efficient alternatives. This was discussed in relation to the price difference between expensive wireless plans and the more budget-friendly options offered by Mint Mobile. Additionally, Amy Winehouse's biopic, "Back to Black," serves as a reminder for self-expression and authenticity. The entertainment industry discussion touched on unexpected topics such as potential alternative boxing matches and the historical context of Olympic events. Lastly, it's important to be cautious of health scams and to seek second opinions when in doubt. The conversation around Alzheimer's diagnosis and coconut oil as a potential cure highlighted the need for skepticism and ongoing research.

    • Caution: Don't assume foods can halt Alzheimer'sWhile research suggests some foods may benefit Alzheimer's, direct consumption doesn't guarantee prevention or slowing down progression. Always consult professionals for medical advice.

      While certain foods or substances may show promise in laboratory studies, it's essential not to jump to conclusions and assume they can halt or reverse conditions like Alzheimer's just by consuming them in their natural state. For instance, there is ongoing research into the potential benefits of coconut oil for Alzheimer's, but there is no concrete evidence yet to support the claim that consuming coconut oil directly can stop or slow down the progression of the disease. It's crucial to remember that research and anecdotal evidence are not the same thing. While waiting for clinical trials to yield results, it's perfectly fine to include coconut oil in your diet if you believe it may help, but it should not replace professional medical treatment. Additionally, if you ever feel unsure about a diagnosis or treatment plan, don't hesitate to seek a second opinion.

    • The Importance of Seeking a Second Opinion in Uncertain Health DiagnosesIncorrect diagnoses can lead to unnecessary treatments, wasted resources, and emotional distress. Always consult multiple experts and trust your instincts if something seems off.

      It's crucial to seek a second opinion when dealing with potential serious health conditions, especially when the diagnosis is uncertain or questionable. In the discussed case, a woman named Schmidt was diagnosed with Alzheimer's by a neurologist named Sherry Anne Jenkins, but later discovered that the diagnosis was incorrect. This incident led to a lawsuit against the Jenkinses, revealing that they had been misdiagnosing patients and using old medical records to make diagnoses. Additionally, the Jenkinses were falsely advertising the use of advanced testing methods like PET CT scans, which they did not actually perform. The importance of double-checking diagnoses cannot be overstated, as incorrect diagnoses can lead to unnecessary treatments, wasted resources, and emotional distress. It's always best to consult multiple experts and trust your instincts if something seems off.

    • Misdiagnosis by an unqualified doctor causes distress and financial burdenSeeking proper medical advice is crucial to avoid misdiagnosis and its harmful consequences, including emotional distress and financial burden.

      The misdiagnosis of Alzheimer's by a quack doctor, Jenkins, caused significant distress and financial burden to a patient named Smith. Jenkins, who did not have the proper qualifications or expertise, prescribed coconut oil, an organic diet, and exercise as treatments, and falsely diagnosed Smith with Alzheimer's. Smith was told she had only a few years left to live and was encouraged to volunteer at an adult day care. This diagnosis was not only incorrect but also destructive to Smith's mental and emotional wellbeing. The cost of this misdiagnosis totaled around $4,036, a significant sum for a diagnosis that was ultimately proven to be false. This incident highlights the importance of seeking proper medical advice and the potential harm caused by unqualified individuals providing false diagnoses.

    • Suspicions Raised Over Doctor's Unusual Termination and Destruction of RecordsDoctor-patient trust and competence are crucial, and unusual terminations or destruction of records may indicate a larger issue

      The situation between Smith and the not-real doctor, Sherry Anne Jenkins, took a turn when Jenkins sent Smith a letter terminating their physician-patient relationship. This action was unusual and unexpected, as Smith had previously refused to continue seeing Jenkins. The radiologist at the Toledo Clinic later revealed that Jenkins had misdiagnosed numerous patients, including the radiologist's own 21-year-old daughter, and had destroyed the related medical records. The destruction of medical records and the unusual termination of the patient-physician relationship raised suspicions that Jenkins was involved in an elaborate scheme. The real doctor, Jenkins, had diagnosed the radiologist's daughter with Alzheimer's, despite her being clearly too young for the disease. The reasons for this action and the destruction of records remain unclear, but they suggest that something was amiss in Jenkins' practice. The situation highlights the importance of trust and competence in the doctor-patient relationship and the potential consequences of misdiagnosis.

    • Alleged False Alzheimer's Diagnoses Cause Harm and Financial LossA couple in Ohio potentially harmed hundreds with false Alzheimer's diagnoses, causing emotional distress, financial loss, and even death.

      A woman named Sherry Anne Jenkins and her husband, Oliver, were accused of giving false Alzheimer's diagnoses to hundreds of patients in Ohio, potentially costing Medicare hundreds of thousands of dollars per year and causing emotional distress and even death. The couple reportedly diagnosed entire families and pressured them into bringing in more family members for testing. The implications of these false diagnoses were devastating, with some patients and their families falling into depression and even suicide. The motivations behind this alleged scam are unclear, with theories ranging from greed to delusion. The case ultimately led to investigations by the FBI and numerous lawsuits. Despite their apparent lack of effort to hide their actions, the Jenkinses were eventually indicted by a grand jury. The tragic story highlights the importance of accurate medical diagnoses and the potential harm caused by false ones.

    • Stories of healthcare fraud's consequencesHealthcare fraud can lead to severe consequences for innocent people, including financial loss, job loss, and retirement setbacks. The actions of fraudsters contribute to the high cost and limited accessibility of healthcare.

      The actions of healthcare fraudsters like the Jenkinses can have devastating consequences for innocent people. USA Today reported that in addition to Gary's suicide, a patient took a leave of absence and lost her job, another retired early and lost retirement benefits, one man sold his house, and another was placed in a nursing home. The Jenkinses were found guilty of conspiracy, mail fraud, wire fraud, and health care fraud, and were sentenced to prison and fined. The civil cases are expected to take a significant amount of money from their hides. These stories are not isolated incidents but are tied together with the reasons why healthcare is so expensive, hard to access, and difficult to find in-network care when needed. The Jenkinses' actions contributed to these issues, and we will discuss this further in part 2. Kaveh, a doctor podcaster from San Francisco, joined the conversation. He recommended checking out his podcast, "The House of Pod," for medical topics and fun guests. Kaveh also mentioned that the French language has over 30 words for podcaster. The show then ended with a promotion for BetterHelp, an online therapy service, and a shoutout to The Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily, the voice of Detroit's black community, and The Motor Racing Network, the voice of NASCAR.

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    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

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    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

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    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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