
    Podcast Summary

    • Combining Math Tutoring and Self-Defense TrainingMath expert and entrepreneur Henry Nguyen runs a unique business, Commando, Combatives, and Calculus, which offers math tutoring and self-defense training to make complex subjects accessible and build confidence.

      Henry Nguyen, a math expert and entrepreneur, runs a unique business called Commando, Combatives, and Calculus. This company combines tutoring in math and science with self-defense training. Nguyen has a strong educational background, having earned degrees in math and engineering, as well as an MBA. He's been tutoring since 2010 and has a background in teaching. During the interview, it was clear that Nguyen is passionate about making complex subjects accessible and helping people feel confident in their abilities. Whether it's math or self-defense, Nguyen's business offers a solution for those who need it. For parents and students struggling with math, Nguyen's expertise and teaching experience make him an excellent resource. And for those seeking self-defense training, his combatives instruction offers an added layer of protection. Overall, Commando, Combatives, and Calculus is an innovative business that addresses multiple needs in a creative way.

    • From Engineering to Tutoring: The Interviewee's Educational JourneyThe interviewee's educational background and experiences shaped his abilities and passion for helping those who struggle with math, particularly in high school and beyond.

      The interviewee's educational background and experiences have shaped their abilities and passions. After completing his undergraduate degree, he pursued a master's degree in electrical and communication engineering at Tohoku University in Japan, which required passing exams in both English and Japanese. He then returned to the US and obtained an MBA, followed by a stint as an intern at the RAND Corporation. Due to sports injuries, he became disabled and turned to tutoring as a way to re-enter the workforce. He acknowledges that people's abilities in math, like his own strong aptitude, vary widely. His tutoring clients range from elementary school students to adults, with a preference for high school, college, and above. Through these experiences, the interviewee has discovered that he excels at helping those who struggle with math, particularly in high school and beyond.

    • Bridging the gap between experts and learnersEffective teaching involves making complex topics understandable, going at a pace that suits students, and bridging the gap between what seems basic to experts and what may be a challenge for learners.

      No matter how simple a concept may seem to an expert, it may not be the same for a student struggling with it. The speaker shared a personal experience of feeling overwhelmed by a physics problem, despite the professor considering it basic math. This experience highlights the importance of patience and understanding from teachers when working with students. The speaker emphasizes that teaching should be about making complex topics as understandable as possible, taking the fear out of learning by going at a pace that suits the student. This approach is effective for both high school and college students, although the speaker has had more experience with the former. In essence, the role of a teacher is to bridge the gap between what seems basic to them and what may be a challenge for their students.

    • Instilling problem-solving skills and self-reliance in studentsEncourage students to look things up, question authority, and combine academic knowledge with real-world problem-solving skills to better prepare them for their futures

      Effective teaching goes beyond textbooks and requires preparing students for real-world challenges. The educator in this conversation emphasizes the importance of instilling problem-solving skills and self-reliance in students, using personal stories from his professional experience as an example. He encourages students to look things up for themselves and question authority, as they may one day be the experts in their fields. Success stories from his past students include an engineer at Applied Materials and a US Marine, demonstrating the impact of this approach. By combining academic knowledge with real-world problem-solving skills, educators can better prepare students for their futures.

    • The Power of Strong Teacher-Student Bonds and Shared InterestsEffective teachers form deep connections with students through shared interests and act as influential role models. Passion for martial arts led the speaker to form a strong bond with their favorite teacher and discover a simple, effective fighting system.

      Effective teachers form strong bonds with their students, creating lasting impacts on their lives. This was evident in the speaker's personal experience with his favorite high school teacher who acted as a father figure to him. Furthermore, shared interests, such as martial arts, can serve as powerful connections between individuals. The speaker's passion for martial arts, particularly World War 2 combatives, led them to connect on a deeper level. The speaker's journey into martial arts began as a child, inspired by movies and later practiced extensively in Hong Kong, UC Riverside, and Japan. Despite having to quit due to academic commitments, the speaker's interest was reignited when they discovered World War 2 combatives, a simple and effective fighting system that requires minimal time and athletic ability. The speaker's dedication to self-learning and resourcefulness led them to expand their curriculum with techniques used by military forces. Overall, the speaker's story highlights the importance of education, personal growth, and the power of shared interests in building meaningful connections.

    • Learning Self-Defense and Academic Tutoring: A Powerful CombinationCombining self-defense and academic tutoring enhances personal growth by boosting awareness, confidence, and academic success.

      Self-defense and academic tutoring can intertwine to provide individuals with essential life skills. The origins of practical self-defense techniques, like World War Two Combatives, trace back to the Shanghai police commissioner, W.E. Fairburn, who distilled effective martial arts techniques for law enforcement. Today, people often seek out tutors for academic help or self-defense training separately. However, the philosophies behind both can overlap. For instance, being aware of your surroundings and having the ability to defend yourself can be crucial in preventing potential threats, especially in public places. In the context of tutoring, understanding fundamental concepts and being able to apply them effectively can help students excel academically and in their personal lives. When it comes to practical self-defense training, it's essential to find a convenient and safe location, such as a park or a public place, and a qualified instructor. Sessions can range from a single lesson to several months, depending on individual goals and commitment. In summary, the combination of self-defense and academic tutoring can offer individuals a well-rounded skillset for personal growth and safety. By being aware of potential threats and having the ability to defend oneself, individuals can boost their confidence and overall well-being. Meanwhile, academic tutoring can help students grasp essential concepts and excel in their studies.

    • Staying safe requires physical and emotional awarenessKeep eyes and ears open to surroundings and control emotions to make effective decisions under stress

      Staying safe involves both physical awareness and emotional control. Sensei Henry emphasizes the importance of keeping your eyes and ears open to your surroundings, as being distracted can make you an easy target. Additionally, he advises against letting emotions like fear, ego, pride, or anger cloud your judgment. Sensei Henry incorporates these lessons into his self-defense classes, teaching situational exercises to help students make decisions under stress. For those seeking self-defense training or math tutoring, Sensei Henry's business, Commando Combatives and Calculus, can be found on Yelp or his website, commandocombativesandcalculus.com.

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