
    Podcast Summary

    • John's diverse background and adaptability led to successHaving a diverse skill set, being adaptable, and actively involved in your community are key to achieving long-term business success.

      John Liano's success with Bryan's Cleaners and Laundry over the past three decades can be attributed to his diverse skill set, adaptability, and community involvement. John's background in business development and marketing, as well as his experience in the church music industry, have given him a unique perspective and the ability to adapt to various situations. During the pandemic, he even launched his own marketing company, Adviziano Marketing Labs. John's commitment to the Pasadena community is also evident through his long-standing involvement with the Pasadena Chamber of Commerce. His ability to connect with people and make them laugh, honed through his experience in performance, has helped him build strong relationships and capture audiences. Overall, John's success story highlights the importance of having a diverse skill set, being adaptable, and being actively involved in your community.

    • Building a loyal customer base through customer satisfaction and retentionTo build a business that lasts for generations, prioritize customer satisfaction, retain customers through generational loyalty, and leverage word-of-mouth. Invest in high-quality machinery and skilled workforce, but it's the people and commitment to customers that truly sets a business apart.

      Building a business that lasts for generations requires a loyal customer base, which is achieved through doing the right thing for customers 100% of the time, generational loyalty, and word-of-mouth. The company's culture and excellent leadership also play crucial roles. Brian's Cleaners, which has been in operation since 1938, is a great example of a company that has thrived by prioritizing customer satisfaction and retention. The use of state-of-the-art machinery and hiring skilled craftsmen and craftswomen are essential to producing high-quality work consistently. However, it's the people and the company's commitment to its customers that truly sets it apart from local laundromats. With three locations in Pasadena and free pickup and delivery, Brian's Cleaners aims to make its closest location the customers' front door.

    • Blending high-tech and high-touch care for garmentsSuccessful garment care combines advanced technology and personalized human touch, treating each garment and employee with care, embracing eco-friendly practices, and catering to diverse clients.

      At the heart of successful garment care is a blend of high-tech machinery and high-touch human care. The company values each garment as if it were their own, treating every employee as a craftsman, just like the Saturn automobile production line. Technology has evolved, with wet cleaning becoming more eco-friendly, and the company has embraced it, being ahead of regulations. The company also prioritizes environmental responsibility, recycling hangers and using biodegradable poly bags. Additionally, the company caters to various clients, including individuals and businesses like hotels and banquet halls, which has been a part of their business since the beginning.

    • Longevity and commitment to customer serviceBrian's Cleaners, established in 1939, has built strong relationships and networking through the chamber of commerce since 1993, and is known for its longevity and commitment to customer service with free pickup and delivery, no minimum required.

      Brian's Cleaners has a rich history in the industry, serving individuals and businesses since 1939. Don, who started working there in 1988, learned the inspection and packaging processes from William Bell, the founder's father. Don's involvement in the chamber of commerce since 1993 is a testament to the successful relationships and networking they've built over the years. The company's longevity and commitment to customer service, which includes free pickup and delivery with no minimum, have made them a notable presence in the business community.

    • Building strong relationships in communitiesMaking friends and establishing a presence in local organizations can lead to personal and professional growth. Adaptability and resilience are crucial for businesses in evolving industries.

      Building strong relationships and networking within a community, whether it's professional or personal, can lead to significant rewards. The speaker shared their experience of making good friends and establishing a strong presence in a local chamber of commerce, which has been beneficial for both their personal and professional growth. They also noted the unique culture and long-standing members that make such events more comfortable and effective. Additionally, the conversation touched upon the adaptability of the dry cleaning industry, with examples given of how it has weathered changes such as the shift towards polyester clothing and the rise of casual workwear. The industry continues to evolve, and the speaker acknowledged the impact of economic struggles and the COVID-19 pandemic on their business. Despite these challenges, they remain optimistic and continue to focus on building relationships and providing quality services to their clients.

    • Company infrastructure and brand reputation crucial during pandemicA well-established cleaning business with a good brand name, infrastructure like free pickup and delivery, and a wash and fold subscription program survived the pandemic by offering services at customers' homes and businesses, while competitors struggled to adapt.

      Having a well-established company with a good brand name and reputation, along with infrastructure in place such as free pickup and delivery and a wash and fold subscription program, were crucial factors that helped a cleaning business survive the unprecedented challenges brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. The company in question was able to continue operations during the lockdowns by offering these services to customers at their homes and businesses, while some competitors struggled to implement similar systems on the fly. This infrastructure allowed the business to not only weather the storm but also maintain a strong sense of pride among its employees and customers for having made it through such a difficult time. The free pickup and delivery service, which had been in place since the early nineties, proved to be a game-changer, enabling the company to adapt to the new normal and keep moving forward.

    • Providing quality laundry services with a customer-focused approachOffering versatile engagement methods, considering the environment, and focusing on both customer and garment needs can help businesses build trust and loyalty, leading to positive word-of-mouth and repeat business.

      Providing consistent, high-quality laundry services with a customer-focused approach can help businesses establish a strong reputation and customer base. The interviewee emphasized the importance of taking care of garments while also considering the environment, and being versatile in offering various engagement methods, including a website and old-fashioned phone calls. An additional service they offer is basic laundry for busy customers, making their lives easier. This service has always been a part of their offerings, but not everyone may be aware of it. By focusing on what's best for both the customer and the garment, businesses can build trust and loyalty, leading to positive word-of-mouth and repeat business.

    • Networking in Pasadena: A Community ExperienceThe Pasadena Chamber of Commerce offers valuable networking opportunities through intimate events, fostering a sense of community and connection for businesses and leaders in the area.

      The Pasadena Chamber of Commerce provides a unique and intimate networking experience for its members, fostering a sense of community and connection. The speaker, who was born and raised in Pasadena, became deeply involved in the chamber's events and appreciates the opportunities to engage with other dedicated volunteers and community leaders. The chamber's events, such as the breakfasts and economic summit, offer valuable networking opportunities and serve important purposes for businesses in the area. The speaker also highlighted the chair's role in engaging with the membership and creating a welcoming atmosphere. Despite having limited time, the speaker expressed a desire to ask more questions in future sessions.

    • Authentic leadership and its impact on business successSharing inspiring stories of companies prioritizing employees and community can motivate aspiring entrepreneurs, highlighting the importance of authentic leadership and commitment to values.

      The importance of authentic leadership and commitment to values in building a successful business. The guest, Brian, shared his discomfort with being interviewed but emphasized the significance of sharing inspiring stories of companies that prioritize their employees and community. He revealed his approach to the interview, which involves randomly selecting questions from those emailed to him, adding an element of surprise. Despite his reservations about interviews, Brian emphasized the importance of being an example of integrity and commitment for aspiring entrepreneurs in Pasadena. The host, Don, echoed this sentiment, expressing her belief that listening to such stories can inspire and motivate those looking to make a mark in business. Overall, this conversation underscores the value of authentic leadership and the impact it can have on individuals and communities.

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