
    Podcast Summary

    • The Influence of Companies and the Power of InnovationThe story of PayPal and its founder, Max Levchin, highlights the impact of companies beyond their products, and offers valuable lessons for aspiring entrepreneurs. Stay tuned for more insights.

      The impact of a company goes far beyond its products. Companies like Hewlett Packard, Atari, and PayPal have laid the foundation for entire industries and movements. PayPal, in particular, gave rise to what is now known as the "PayPal Mafia," a group of individuals who went on to found or fund major companies like YouTube, Tesla, and Facebook. The story of PayPal is filled with drama and intrigue, but it all started with the early idea of its founder, Max Levchin. His journey, from humble beginnings in Soviet Ukraine to becoming a successful entrepreneur, offers valuable lessons for anyone hoping to create something of value. Stay tuned for part two of Max's story to discover what he has accomplished after PayPal.

    • Overcoming challenges, standing up against discrimination, and the power of immigration shaped Max Levchin's journey.Solidarity and taking a stand against discrimination, along with the significance of immigration, can shape and inspire individuals to pursue their passions and achieve success.

      Max Levchin's upbringing in the Soviet Union exposed him to both anti-Semitism and a strong emphasis on education. Despite the risks, he and his classmates stood up against anti-Semitic slurs, submitting a formal complaint that ultimately led to the teacher being removed. This experience highlighted the power of solidarity and taking a stand against discrimination, even at a young age. Additionally, Levchin's early exposure to programming came through his mother's order to learn programming for her job, which sparked his passion for software engineering. The story also emphasizes the significance of immigration, as Levchin's parents made the courageous decision to leave Ukraine for a new life in the United States, even though they had no concrete plans for their future.

    • Overcoming Hardship and Embracing Diversity: Max Levchin's Journey to SuccessEmbrace opportunities, break stereotypes, and adapt to unexpected circumstances to pursue a better life and achieve success.

      Max Levchin's family history and personal experiences shaped his resilience and determination. Despite facing hardship, such as his grandfather's sudden death and his grandmother's battle with cancer, they managed to engineer their escape from the Soviet Union. This demonstrates the importance of seizing opportunities and taking risks in pursuing a better life. Additionally, Levchin's upbringing in a diverse school environment allowed him to embrace his identity as an immigrant and break stereotypes. This highlights the significance of inclusivity and acceptance in fostering a sense of belonging and success. Lastly, Levchin's experience with his dream of attending MIT being redirected to a different university emphasizes the need to adapt and make the most of unexpected situations.

    • Max Levchin's Unexpected Journey to Success in TechDespite facing discouragement and unexpected turns, Max Levchin's determination and encounters with entrepreneurs shaped his path towards becoming a successful software engineer and entrepreneur in the tech industry.

      Max Levchin's journey to becoming a software engineer and entrepreneur was shaped by unexpected encounters and opportunities. Despite facing discouragement from his counselor about not attending the desired Montana Technical Institute, Max's determination led him to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Initially considering a career as a professor, Max's path took a turn when he met entrepreneurs during his sophomore year who inspired him to pursue coding and building businesses instead. Being immersed in a rapidly evolving technological landscape at the university further fueled his ambition. With the launch of the graphical browser Mosaic, Max recognized that he was witnessing the creation of the future right in front of him. These encounters and experiences ultimately set him on a trajectory towards success in the tech industry.

    • Max Levchin's Journey: From Failure to Success in Technology and Entrepreneurship.Max Levchin's resilience, passion, and willingness to take risks were instrumental in his success and the establishment of groundbreaking companies.

      Max Levchin's early experiences with technology and entrepreneurship shaped his mindset and set him on a path of innovation and resilience. He was initially captivated by the combination of text and images in a digital format, sparking a desire to create unique experiences through technology. Despite early failures with web advertising and classifieds, Levchin remained undeterred and continued to explore new ideas and opportunities. These setbacks did not discourage him, but rather fueled his determination to succeed. Levchin's willingness to take risks and his enthusiasm for problem-solving drove him to persist in his entrepreneurial endeavors, even when faced with rejection. This resilience and passion are key factors in his eventual success and establishment of groundbreaking companies.

    • Bouncing Back: The Resilience of EntrepreneursFailure should not discourage entrepreneurs; instead, it should fuel their determination to seek new opportunities and surround themselves with experts who can provide guidance and inspiration.

      Failure doesn't deter some entrepreneurs from pursuing their next venture. Max Levchin's experience with his first failed company didn't discourage him; instead, he was already thinking about what his next company would be. Despite setbacks and the inability to raise funds, Levchin's former co-founders convinced him to move to Silicon Valley, where the startup scene was booming. He surrounded himself with people who excelled in product design, like Scott Banister, and sought their guidance on refining his ideas. Attending a lecture by Peter Thiel further inspired Levchin, showing that even successful entrepreneurs had faced challenges. This highlights the resilience and determination required to bounce back from failure and pursue new opportunities.

    • Seizing the Moment: How Chance Encounters Shape SuccessTaking chances and embracing unexpected opportunities can lead to significant outcomes and shape one's future trajectory.

      Chance encounters and unexpected opportunities can lead to significant outcomes. Max Levchin's decision to attend a lecture at Stanford, despite not being a student, led to a life-changing encounter with Peter Thiel. This encounter not only introduced him to the world of currency trading but also allowed him to witness Thiel's brilliance firsthand. Despite feeling awkward and out of place, Levchin mustered the courage to approach Thiel and engage in a conversation. This interaction eventually paved the way for their future collaboration and the founding of successful companies like PayPal. This anecdote serves as a reminder that seizing the moment and taking chances can open doors to unforeseen possibilities and shape one's future trajectory.

    • The Importance of Sharing Niche Ideas and Finding the Right MentorBeing open and sharing unconventional ideas can lead to unexpected opportunities, highlighting the importance of finding a supportive mentor who believes in your potential.

      Max Levchin's meeting with Peter Thiel for breakfast turned out to be a pivotal moment in his career. Despite initially pitching an idea about a competitive intelligence company for the web, which didn't impress Peter, Max reluctantly shared his second idea about cryptographic software for Palm Pilots. To his surprise, Peter was super excited about it and offered to invest in the company. This unexpected turn of events highlights the importance of being open and willing to share ideas, even if they seem niche or unconventional. It also emphasizes the value of finding the right mentor or partner who can see the potential in your ideas and support your entrepreneurial journey.

    • A Surprising Investment: Max Levchin's Turning PointFinding investors who genuinely support your vision can make a significant difference in achieving success.

      Max Levchin's meeting with Peter Thiel was a turning point in his entrepreneurial journey. Despite having no previous positive investor interactions, Levchin took a risk and shared his need for half a million dollars to start his company. Surprisingly, Thiel agreed to invest $300,000, showing faith in Levchin's idea. What stood out about Thiel was his ability to see Levchin's potential and wholeheartedly support him. This genuine excitement and belief in Levchin's abilities fueled his motivation and energy. Thiel's investment not only provided financial backing but also enabled Levchin to embrace his true potential. This takeaway highlights the importance of finding investors who genuinely understand and support your vision, as it can make a significant difference in achieving success.

    • Overcoming Rejection: Max Levchin's Journey to Fundraising SuccessResilience, adaptability, and leveraging personal networks are crucial in overcoming obstacles during the early stages of entrepreneurship.

      Max Levchin's early fundraising experience was filled with rejection and challenges. Despite having Peter Thiel's support and connections, Levchin struggled to secure funding for his company, initially named FieldLink. His lack of charisma and unconventional appearance made it difficult to win over venture capitalists who were accustomed to polished MBA graduates. Levchin even admitted that his pitch skills may not have been great. However, what stood out was his determination and willingness to adapt. He shifted his strategy and turned to friends and family, leveraging the relationships and resources of those close to him. This experience highlights the importance of resilience, flexibility, and using personal networks when faced with obstacles in the early stages of entrepreneurship.

    • From Encrypting Data to Something DifferentBeing open to change and adapting your business strategy when necessary is crucial for success.

      The initial idea for the company, which was to develop crypto software to encrypt data between PalmPilots, shifted to a completely different business. This realization came when Max Levchin and Peter Thiel faced difficulties in fundraising and started questioning their approach. While standing on the steps of city hall, discussing another failed attempt at fundraising, Max expressed his desire to just focus on writing code while Peter suggested bringing in smart engineers from college. This sparked the idea that maybe Max should persuade Peter to become the CEO. Eventually, Peter became the CEO and the focus of the company shifted from encryption software to something else entirely. This shows the importance of being open to change and adapting your business strategy when necessary.

    • Shifting focus and finding success: The journey of Max Levchin and his team in building PayPal.Adapting to the market and exploring new possibilities can lead to unexpected success, as seen in Max Levchin's shift from struggling software development to the creation of PayPal with the guidance of Reid Hoffman.

      Max Levchin and his team initially struggled to find demand for the software they were building. They realized that security was not a priority for many consumer products, which made it difficult for their software to gain traction in the market. However, through late-night brainstorming sessions and the influence of Reed Hoffman, they shifted their focus to exploring other possibilities for their technology. This eventually led them to the idea of an electronic wallet and securing money transfers, which became the starting point for PayPal. It's interesting to note that Reid Hoffman, who later went on to found LinkedIn, played a significant role in the early stages of PayPal and provided valuable insights and support.

    • Revolutionizing Financial TransactionsMax Levchin aimed to simplify financial transactions by introducing a user-friendly system that allowed individuals to digitally exchange promissory notes, eliminating the need for cash or IOUs.

      Max Levchin recognized the need for a more convenient way to handle financial transactions, particularly when it came to splitting the bill at a dinner. He envisioned a system where individuals could use their Palm pilots to beam digital promissory notes to one another, which would later be automatically processed and deducted from their bank accounts or credit cards. This idea aimed to solve the problem of carrying cash or relying on IOUs, making transactions simpler and more efficient. Although other companies had attempted similar solutions, Levchin identified the key factor for success: user-friendliness. By ensuring that their system was easy and quick to use, Levchin's team aimed to revolutionize the way people handled money and transactions.

    • The Power of a User-Friendly Interface and IntegrationPayPal's success came from its simple and seamless interface, as well as its integration with eBay, which filled a market gap and led to rapid growth.

      PayPal's success was initially driven by its user-friendly interface and its ability to offer a seamless payment process. Max Levchin recognized the importance of creating a friendly and easy-to-use platform, even going so far as to design special onscreen buttons for the Palm pilot app. This demonstrated the power of a simple user interface, as the demo version of PayPal quickly gained traction and attracted early adopters. Additionally, PayPal's integration with eBay played a crucial role in its early success. By providing a solution for individuals to process credit card payments online, PayPal filled a gap in the market and experienced rapid growth within the eBay community.

    • PayPal's rapid growth and success, driven by the eBay seller community and a viral marketing strategy, faced challenges with fraud and highlighted the need for improved security measures.PayPal's success can be attributed to its organic growth through the eBay seller community and its approach of positioning itself as a reliable and secure payment option. However, fraud became a major challenge, emphasizing the importance of enhanced security measures in the financial system.

      PayPal's rapid growth was driven by the eBay seller community and a clever viral marketing strategy. Sellers on eBay quickly discovered the convenience of using PayPal for transactions and started promoting it to others. This organic growth was a crucial factor in PayPal's success. Additionally, PayPal's early success can be attributed to their approach of asking forgiveness rather than permission when it came to cooperating with credit card companies and banks. At that time, the industry was less regulated, and PayPal positioned itself as a reliable and secure payment option. However, one of the major challenges PayPal faced was fraud, which cost them millions of dollars per month. This fraud highlighted the need for improved security measures in the financial system.

    • Collaboration and Innovation in Intense CompetitionCompetition can sometimes lead to unexpected collaboration and innovation, as seen in the merger between x.com and PayPal, which ultimately helped them become the leading player in the market.

      Intense competition can sometimes lead to collaboration and innovation. Initially, x.com and PayPal were bitter enemies, fighting for dominance in the online payment market. However, their close proximity and the realization that they were both missing out on valuable ideas led them to consider merging. The hire of Bill Harris, who saw the potential synergy between the companies, played a crucial role in the merger. Despite initial awkwardness and disagreements, the collective power of the merged company allowed them to focus on the bigger picture and capitalize on the vast opportunity in the market. By joining forces, they were able to position themselves as the leading player in the eyes of capital markets, gaining a competitive advantage against other potential competitors. Ultimately, this collaboration proved to be highly productive in their journey towards success.

    • The Complex Dynamic Between Max Levchin and Elon Musk at PayPalDespite disagreements and complications, Max Levchin and Elon Musk's ability to reconnect highlights the importance of letting go of grudges and focusing on growth and success.

      Working with Elon Musk at PayPal was a combination of amazing and infuriating for Max Levchin. Elon's intelligence, charm, and ability to engage in intellectual debates made him an ideal partner for engineers like Max. However, his strong-willed approach and insistence on being the boss created some discomfort. Despite their disagreements, Max always respected Elon's capabilities and honesty. When Elon was ousted as CEO, the situation became complex due to the 50-50 merger and the absence of a clear senior partner. Emotions ran high, but it was not a personal vendetta. Ultimately, Max and Elon reconnected, demonstrating the futility of holding grudges and the importance of focusing on growth and success.

    • The Unconventional Lifestyle at PayPalAdaptability and foresight are crucial in navigating challenging times and markets, as demonstrated by PayPal's survival during the dot-com crash thanks to Peter Thiel's strategic brilliance.

      Max Levchin's time at PayPal was characterized by an intense and unconventional lifestyle. He admits to sleeping in his office and following a very unhealthy routine in order to dedicate more time to work. However, Levchin emphasizes that the early PayPal culture was not a frat culture, as many mistakenly believe. They sought to foster intellectual debates and avoid self-righteousness. Despite the challenging dot-com crash of 2000, PayPal survived thanks to the strategic brilliance of Peter Thiel, who predicted the market crash and took measures to secure financial stability. The experience left a lasting impact on Levchin, highlighting the importance of adaptability and foresight in navigating challenging times and volatile markets.

    • Overcoming Challenges and Achieving Success: The Story of PayPal's Early DaysIn the face of obstacles and uncertainty, staying focused on your goals and working hard can lead to positive outcomes, even during turbulent times.

      During the early days of PayPal, the team faced numerous challenges and uncertainties. Despite the collapsing tech world and the constant need to scale their systems, they remained focused on keeping the company afloat. The team worked tirelessly, even when the world seemed to be burning, to ensure the site stayed up and running. They experienced frequent crashes, which led to apologies and negative press coverage. However, they persevered and continued to grow. This determined mindset and resilience ultimately led to their success and the company going public. It's a reminder that even in turbulent times, staying committed to your goals and remaining dedicated to your work can lead to positive outcomes.

    • PayPal's Fear of Dependency and Drive for ExpansionFaced with the constant concern of eBay kicking them off, PayPal's leadership team focused on diversifying their revenue streams and developing contingency plans, teaching them resilience and adaptability.

      PayPal's dependency on eBay was a constant concern for Max Levchin and the leadership team. They knew that if eBay decided to kick them off, it would have catastrophic consequences for PayPal's business. To prepare for this possibility, they focused on diversifying their revenue streams by expanding internationally and exploring offline opportunities. However, finding something that could grow faster than eBay was a challenge. The fear of losing everything and the uncertainty of their future drove them to constantly brace for impact and come up with contingency plans. This experience of uncertainty and volatility at a young age served Levchin well in his entrepreneurial journey, teaching him the importance of resilience and adaptability.

    • The Limitations of Success and Financial SecurityTrue fulfillment comes from having a clear sense of purpose and prioritizing mental and emotional well-being, regardless of financial success.

      Success and financial security don't guarantee happiness or fulfillment. Max Levchin, co-founder of PayPal, experienced this firsthand. Despite walking away with a significant sum of money after eBay acquired PayPal, Levchin found himself in a year of uncertainty and lack of purpose. He struggled to find direction and felt mentally out of control. This serves as a reminder that money and material success alone cannot fulfill our deepest needs and desires. True fulfillment comes from having a clear sense of purpose and direction in our lives. It's important to prioritize our mental and emotional well-being, even in the face of financial success.

    • Overcoming Cynicism and Envy as an EntrepreneurMax Levchin learned that cynicism and envy can stem from personal frustrations, but recognizing and addressing these emotions can lead to personal growth and the opportunity to create something great.

      Max Levchin's journey as an entrepreneur taught him a valuable lesson about his own cynicism and envy. As he met young entrepreneurs with half-baked ideas, he found himself ripping into their concepts and taking pleasure in dismantling them. However, he realized that this behavior stemmed from his own frustration of not being involved in a startup himself. Looking back, he admitted that he wasn't very nice during that time. This experience served as a moment of truth for Max, leading him to recognize his desire to defend his own ideas and build something great. Ultimately, his wife's encouragement gave him permission to go on and create another successful venture, learning from his previous mistakes.

    Recent Episodes from How I Built This with Guy Raz

    Advice Line with Mark Ramadan of Sir Kensington's

    Advice Line with Mark Ramadan of Sir Kensington's

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    Today we meet Pat, a physician assistant working to bring his solution for clogged sinks to major retailers. Then Lucas, a chef whose local quick service taco joint is fending off national competition. And Beth, a working mom whose baby products brand is caught in the "messy middle" between launch and mass scale.

    If you’d like to be featured on a future Advice Line episode, leave us a one minute message that tells us about your business and a specific question you’d like answered. Send a voice memo to hibt@id.wondery.com or call 1-800-433-1298.

    And to hear the story of how Sir Kensington’s was founded, check out Mark's first appearance on the show in 2023.

    This episode was produced by Sam Paulson with music by Ramtin Arablouei. It was edited by John Isabella. Our audio engineer was Cena Loffredo.

    You can follow HIBT on X & Instagram and sign up for Guy's free newsletter at guyraz.com.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Spin Master/PAW Patrol: Ronnen Harary (2021)

    Spin Master/PAW Patrol: Ronnen Harary (2021)

    Ronnen Harary built a 4 billion dollar toy company without relying on market research or focus groups. Instead, he believed wholeheartedly in intuition: the "ah-hah" moment that comes from thinking like a 7-year old. Over a 25-year period, he and his Spin Master partners launched innumerable hit toys and amusements, including Air Hogs, Bakugan, and the smash hit franchise PAW Patrol. Spin Master's journey began in the mid-1990s, when Ronnen and his friend Anton Rabie began selling the Earth Buddy, a chia-pet-like novelty gift made of pantyhose, sawdust, and grass seed. Today, it's a publicly traded company with a portfolio that includes TV shows, video games, and toys ranging from puzzles to plush.

    This episode was produced by Casey Herman, with music by Ramtin Arablouei

    Edited by Neva Grant, with research help from Claire Murashima.

    You can follow HIBT on X & Instagram, and email us at hibt@id.wondery.com.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Advice Line with Sarah Kauss of S'well

    Advice Line with Sarah Kauss of S'well

    S’well founder Sarah Kauss joins Guy on the Advice Line, where they answer questions from three early-stage founders about positioning their products in competitive markets. 

    Today we meet Chiara, a recent college grad who invented a protein-packed chickpea hot cereal. Then Jesús, who left his tech job to go all-in on a line of greeting cards inspired by his Latino heritage. And Adam, a former X Games gold medalist who launched a brand of razors for men who shave their legs.

    If you’d like to be featured on a future Advice Line episode, leave us a one minute message that tells us about your business and a specific question you’d like answered. Send a voice memo to hibt@id.wondery.com or call 1-800-433-1298.

    And be sure to listen to S’well’s founding story as told by Sarah on the show in 2020.

    This episode was produced by Chris Maccini with music by Ramtin Arablouei. It was edited by John Isabella. Our audio engineer was Neal Rauch.

    You can follow HIBT on X & Instagram and sign up for Guy's free newsletter at guyraz.com.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    The Cronut and Dominique Ansel Bakery: Dominique Ansel

    The Cronut and Dominique Ansel Bakery: Dominique Ansel

    Dominique Ansel’s invention of the Cronut — an inspired liaison between croissant and donut — was supposed to be a one-time indulgence for Mother’s Day. But once word spread about the perfect hybrid pastry, his Manhattan bakery was overwhelmed by endless lines and Cronut scalpers. Dominique eventually learned to manage the hype and grow his business while maintaining his craft. Named the World’s Best Pastry Chef in 2017, he has found an entrepreneurial sweet spot in three brick-and-mortar locations and a mail-order business, which will overnight a Cronut to your door, sans the line, and scalpers be damned.  

    This episode was produced by Carla Esteves with music by Ramtin Arablouei.

    It was edited by Neva Grant with research help from Katherine Sypher. Our audio engineer was Robert Rodriguez.

    You can follow HIBT on X & Instagram, and email us at hibt@id.wondery.com.

    And sign up for Guy’s free newsletter at guyraz.com.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Advice Line with Randy Goldberg of Bombas

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    Today we meet Rivky, an Orthodox Jewish woman who's redefining modest clothing for plus-size women. Then Shyam, a rocket engineer who wants to introduce Americans to a popular South Asian tabletop game. And Änna, a boutique owner who wants to translate her hip brick-and-mortar vibes into the digital space.

    If you’d like to be featured on a future Advice Line episode, leave us a one minute message that tells us about your business and a specific question you’d like answered. Send a voice memo to hibt@id.wondery.com or call 1-800-433-1298.

    And check out Bombas's founding story from Randy’s first appearance on the show in 2022.

    This episode was produced by Alex Cheng with music by Ramtin Arablouei. It was edited by John Isabella. Our audio engineer was Cena Loffredo.

    You can follow HIBT on X & Instagram and sign up for Guy's free newsletter at guyraz.com.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Dave’s Hot Chicken: Arman Oganesyan

    Dave’s Hot Chicken: Arman Oganesyan

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    This episode was produced by Sam Paulson with music by Ramtin Arablouei.

    It was edited by Neva Grant with research help from Katherine Sypher. Our audio engineers were Robert Rodriguez and Patrick Murray.

    You can follow HIBT on X & Instagram, and email us at hibt@id.wondery.com.

    And sign up for Guy’s free newsletter at guyraz.com

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Advice Line with Fawn Weaver of Uncle Nearest Premium Whiskey (April 2024)

    Advice Line with Fawn Weaver of Uncle Nearest Premium Whiskey (April 2024)

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    If you’d like to be featured on a future Advice Line episode, leave us a one minute message that tells us about your business and a specific question you’d like answered. Send a voice memo to hibt@id.wondery.com or call 1-800-433-1298.

    And check out the origin story of Uncle Nearest Premium Whiskey, told by Fawn on the show in 2021.

    This episode was produced by Chris Maccini with music by Ramtin Arablouei. It was edited by John Isabella. Our audio engineer was Neal Rauch.

    You can follow HIBT on X & Instagram, and sign up for Guy’s free newsletter at guyraz.com.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    ECKO UNLTD and COMPLEX: Marc Ecko

    ECKO UNLTD and COMPLEX: Marc Ecko

    Growing up in the ‘80s in New Jersey, Marc Ecko loved hip hop, graffiti art, and painting t-shirts for friends. His passion soon bloomed into a full-on business: ECKO UNLTD, a streetwear brand known for its iconic rhino logo. By the 1990’s, the brand had become a cultural force, but not without its share of bad deals, daunting debt, and a close brush with bankruptcy. 

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    This episode was researched and produced by Katherine Sypher with music composed by Ramtin Arablouei. It was edited by Neva Grant. Our audio engineers were Gilly Moon and Kwesi Lee.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Advice Line with Mauren Kelly of Tarte Cosmetics

    Advice Line with Mauren Kelly of Tarte Cosmetics

    Tarte cosmetics founder and CEO Maureen Kelly joins Guy on the Advice Line, where they answer questions from three early-stage founders about their marketing strategies.

    Today we meet Kristina, who’s designed sweat-wicking underwear that's both functional and stylish. Then Ashley, who recently launched a line of chemical-free hair care products. And Marcelle, the owner of an international career coaching service.

    If you’d like to be featured on a future Advice Line episode, leave us a one minute message that tells us about your business and a specific question you’d like answered. Send a voice memo to hibt@id.wondery.com or call 1-800-433-1298.

    And check out Tarte’s founding story from Maureen’s first appearance on the show in 2023.

    This episode was produced by Kerry Thompson with music by Ramtin Arablouei. It was edited by John Isabella. Our audio engineer was Robert Rodriguez.

    You can follow HIBT on X & Instagram and sign up for Guy's free newsletter at guyraz.com.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Concept2 Rowing Machines: Dick and Peter Dreissigacker

    Concept2 Rowing Machines: Dick and Peter Dreissigacker

    Brothers Dick and Peter Dreissigacker used their experience as Olympic-level rowers to build a rowing machine that captured the sensation of being on the water. Initially made of bicycle parts in a Vermont barn, the machines had a limited market at first: mostly rowing clubs and schools that competed in the sport. But in the 2000’s, business began to take off when Greg Glassman, the founder of Crossfit, began putting the machines into his gyms. Today Concept2 sells rowing machines to thousands of gyms and teams around the world, plus rowers, stationary bikes and skiing machines for people who train at home.

    This episode was produced by J.C. Howard, with music by Ramtin Arablouei

    Edited by Neva Grant, with research help from Katherine Sypher.

    You can follow HIBT on Twitter & Instagram, and email us at hibt@id.wondery.com.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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    Blue Collar Side Hustles, Covid Businesses, and Going Viral On TikTok For An "A"

    Blue Collar Side Hustles, Covid Businesses, and Going Viral On TikTok For An "A"
    Episode 423: Sam Parr (@TheSamParr) and Shaan Puri (@ShaanVP) talk about Shaan's rich neighbor's Covid business success, an Emory professor who's giving A's for going viral, Sam's short-lived employment at Airbnb, and blue collar side hustles. Want to see more MFM? Subscribe to the MFM YouTube channel here. ----- Links: * Professor Marina Cooley TikTok * Jupe * Marathon Ranch * Smash My Trash * Mobile Home Park Guy * Parcast * Do you love MFM and want to see Sam and Shaan's smiling faces? Subscribe to our Youtube channel. * Want more insights like MFM? Check out Shaan's newsletter. ------ Show Notes: (00:45) - Shaan's rich neighbor and Covid businesses (11:15) - TikTok Professor and the future of education (15:12) - The story of Sam dropping out to try to work for Airbnb (26:05) - Did Shaan and Sam get girls when they were younger? (29:25) - Jupe (38:25) - Blue Collar Side Hustle: Smash My Trash (51:25) - Parcast ----- Past guests on My First Million include Rob Dyrdek, Hasan Minhaj, Balaji Srinivasan, Jake Paul, Dr. Andrew Huberman, Gary Vee, Lance Armstrong, Sophia Amoruso, Ariel Helwani, Ramit Sethi, Stanley Druckenmiller, Peter Diamandis, Dharmesh Shah, Brian Halligan, Marc Lore, Jason Calacanis, Andrew Wilkinson, Julian Shapiro, Kat Cole, Codie Sanchez, Nader Al-Naji, Steph Smith, Trung Phan, Nick Huber, Anthony Pompliano, Ben Askren, Ramon Van Meer, Brianne Kimmel, Andrew Gazdecki, Scott Belsky, Moiz Ali, Dan Held, Elaine Zelby, Michael Saylor, Ryan Begelman, Jack Butcher, Reed Duchscher, Tai Lopez, Harley Finkelstein, Alexa von Tobel, Noah Kagan, Nick Bare, Greg Isenberg, James Altucher, Randy Hetrick and more. ----- Additional episodes you might enjoy: • #224 Rob Dyrdek - How Tracking Every Second of His Life Took Rob Drydek from 0 to $405M in Exits • #209 Gary Vaynerchuk - Why NFTS Are the Future • #178 Balaji Srinivasan - Balaji on How to Fix the Media, Cloud Cities & Crypto * #169 - How One Man Started 5, Billion Dollar Companies, Dan Gilbert's Empire, & Talking With Warren Buffett • ​​​​#218 - Why You Should Take a Think Week Like Bill Gates • Dave Portnoy vs The World, Extreme Body Monitoring, The Future of Apparel Retail, "How Much is Anthony Pompliano Worth?", and More • How Mr Beast Got 100M Views in Less Than 4 Days, The $25M Chrome Extension, and More

    28. Vinay Chandra: The relentless optimism of the entrepreneur

    28. Vinay Chandra: The relentless optimism of the entrepreneur
    Vinay Chandra, CEO of High Peak Software based in India and Atlanta, USA talks to Sue Stockdale about the highs and lows of being a serial entrepreneur. Vinay is a versatile and multifaceted entrepreneur who has devoted his creative energy and restless passion into starting and running businesses around the globe. Over the last 25 years, he has successfully and unsuccessfully founded and operated multiple businesses on three continents.
    He is an Alabaman by birth, Bangalorean by upbringing and Bostonian by education.

    After graduating with degrees in electrical engineering and mathematics from Boston University, his first stint involved working with his family’s electronic component manufacturing business facing bankruptcy in India. While this initial endeavor did not succeed, it embedded into him the words of Churchill, “Success is not final; failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts.”

    He continued his journey by moving to Germany and buying the assets of an energy saving lighting manufacturer and helped turn it around by innovating its products and globalizing the manufacturing supply chain. Along with quickly learning the German language, he also accumulated some experience trading commodities in the newly opened economies of Romania and Bulgaria.

    His next stint involved moving to Atlanta, GA, and starting up a consulting business helping technology companies with their manpower needs. Facing the economic crisis of the early 2000’s, he saw the opportunity of leveraging talent in India and remotely supporting customers in the US. The challenge of finding qualified technical people in the US enabled the next phase of his venture-building by remotely developing software products for global customers, from the development center in India.

    Over the last few years, as CEO of High Peak Software, he has been able to leverage his diverse entrepreneurial, social, educational, cultural and linguistic backgrounds to create products across fintech, manufacturing, legal tech and other industries leveraging the power of artificial intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning. http://highpeaksw.com/

    Connect with Vinay Chandra on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/chandravinay/

    You can read the transcription of this podcast at our website www.accesstoinspiration.org

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    Building Resilience and Bravery by Focusing on Strengths -- S9E37

    Building Resilience and Bravery by Focusing on Strengths -- S9E37
    Learn from author, entrepreneur and Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach Belle Lockerby how a focus on your strengths can help you learn from failure and build resilience in your life and work.

    View the complete transcript for this webcast, along with audio and video, at

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    Calendly: Tope Awotona

    Calendly: Tope Awotona
    After emigrating from Nigeria to the US to attend college, Tope Awotona worked as a door-to-door salesman and eventually set out to become a tech entrepreneur. He launched a series of e-commerce businesses that quickly fizzled when he realized he had no passion for them. But then he landed on an idea he was truly excited about: designing software that would minimize the hassle and headache of scheduling meetings. In 2013, he cashed in his 401k and went into debt to build Calendly, a scheduling service expected to make about $60 million this year.

    Pre-order the How I Built This book at:

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