
    Pecking on Christ Bonusode

    enJanuary 25, 2021

    About this Episode

    Craig and Troy tackle an issue that has caused so many. first-year seminarians untold sleepless nights: When Jesus was tempted, could He actually have sinned?  

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    Justified? By?  Works?

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    The end . . . but not the end of The Story

    The end . . . but not the end of The Story

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    The "S" word

    The "S" word

    No, not that one . . . this is the other "s" word that no one wants to hear: submit. Paul instructs spouses, families, and the workplace in how God intends for society to properly function. It is a matter of freely giving to one another and faithfully acting according to your vocation.

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    Death to the old! Put on the new!

    Death to the old!  Put on the new!

    God encourages us to take off the old sinful self. Kill it, bury it, burn it, and to put on the new, which is life hidden away in Christ. It is the church's desire to put of the sinful, earthly things of the past and to put on the new heavenly things of Christ.

    What’s New from 1517:

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    How's your walk?

    How's your walk?

    Well, it better be in Christ. Paul refutes the Colossian heresy by emphasizing Christ alone as the foundation of our faith, and how that faith is lived out through right belief and right practice. Our works, efforts, and merits count for nothing in the salvation equation.

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    Suffering for your sake

    Suffering for your sake

    Paul wants to tell the church in Colossae two things: one, that Jesus Christ suffered for them and serves them, and that two, Paul is following the footsteps of Christ. Pastor Paul has the heart of the Shepherd, and in fact cannot do anything apart from Jesus.

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    The God you see

    The God you see

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    What’s New from 1517:

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    Your pastor is a tool

    Your pastor is a tool

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