
    People Who Take Advantage of Others & Businesses On My Blacklist | #AskGaryVee 216

    enJuly 06, 2016

    Podcast Summary

    • Gary Vee's Excitement for Solo Episodes and Addressing CriticismsGary Vee is thrilled to be back to solo episodes, addresses criticisms about his fast-paced interviewing style, and aims to provide more thoughtful answers in this comeback series.

      Gary Vaynerchuk, the host of the Ask Gary Vee Show, shares his excitement about getting back to solo episodes after a month of having guests. He acknowledges that some viewers find his fast-paced interviewing style disruptive, but he believes the pressure of not being able to edit his responses during live shows contributes to this. He also reveals that he keeps no "shit list" of people or organizations he refuses to work with, and aims to provide more thoughtful answers to viewer questions in this comeback series. The episode begins with a casual conversation between Gary and his team about their Fourth of July celebrations and the growth of their team. Gary expresses his eagerness to get back into the rhythm of the solo show and addresses criticisms about his interviewing style. He also shares an amusing anecdote about a viewer's criticism of his humor on the DailyVee bus episode. The episode ends with Gary answering a viewer's question about having a "shit list" and promising to provide more substantive answers in future episodes.

    • Holding grudges can hinder growthLetting go of grudges allows for personal and professional growth, and focusing on positivity is a more productive use of energy and time.

      Holding grudges and focusing on negativity can hinder personal and professional growth. The speaker shares an experience from his 20-year career in the wine industry where a winemaker's harsh words towards him for undercutting the price of his wine led to a grudge that lasted for years. However, when the winemaker reached out to him years later, the speaker saw the value in forgiveness and letting go of the past. The speaker emphasizes that maintaining a positive attitude and not allowing negativity to consume oneself is a key factor in his success. He encourages optimism and positivity as a more productive use of energy and time. By letting go of grudges, individuals can focus on growth and building meaningful relationships.

    • Letting go of grudges for personal growthFocusing on negativity hinders growth. Let go of grudges and work towards positivity and achieving results with patience and persistence for long-term success.

      Holding grudges and focusing on negativity can hinder personal growth and success. Instead, it's important to navigate around potential negativity and focus on positivity and achieving results. The speaker shares his personal experience and encourages letting go of grudges and instead, working towards bigger goals with patience and persistence. He emphasizes that those who are willing to endure short-term discomfort for long-term rewards are more likely to be successful. Additionally, the speaker shares his personal preferences and experiences related to basketball and social media.

    • Granny V's Values: Hard Work and PatienceGranny V prioritizes hard work and patience over material possessions and external validation, working tirelessly towards her goal of owning the New York Jets.

      The speaker, Granny V, values hard work and patience above material possessions or external validation. She shared that she would be willing to work for decades if it meant eventually owning the New York Jets. Her perspective is unique as she doesn't feel FOMO or the need to compare herself to others. Instead, she focuses on her own goals and works tirelessly towards them, often putting in 15-18 hours a day. The speaker also mentioned her experience with going into character on Snapchat, where she adopted the persona of Granny Vee, which gained significant traction. Despite the filter being gone, she expressed her willingness to do a Granny V episode of her show if the team could make it happen. Overall, Granny V's mindset is one of dedication, resilience, and a strong belief in the power of hard work.

    • Using tools to engage audiences and learning from anonymous reviewsEngaging audiences with creative content and addressing anonymous reviews as opportunities for improvement can benefit companies.

      Creating engaging content, even if it means stepping out of your comfort zone and using tools like Snapchat filters, can be an effective way to reach and entertain audiences. However, building and maintaining a positive company culture can be challenging, especially during periods of rapid growth and frequent change. Anonymous reviews on sites like Glassdoor can provide valuable feedback but may not accurately represent the experiences of the majority of employees. Instead of trying to manipulate these reviews, it's important for companies to use them as an opportunity to learn and improve. Additionally, the entrepreneur's quick decision-making and constant changes can create angst for employees, and it's essential to communicate effectively and consider their perspectives. Ultimately, it's important to remember that negative feedback is just one piece of the puzzle and should be used as a tool for growth rather than a source of frustration.

    • Beyond Anonymous ReviewsOnline reviews can be misleading, consider direct communication with potential employers for a more accurate understanding of a company's culture and work environment.

      While online reviews, such as those on Glassdoor, can be influential, they may not accurately represent the experiences of the majority of employees within a company. The speaker believes that individuals who rely solely on these reviews to make decisions about joining a company are not thinking critically and are potentially missing out on valuable opportunities. He shares a personal story of a former employee who left a negative review out of guilt and immaturity, and emphasizes that such reviews should not be the sole determinant of one's perception of a company. The speaker, who is a CEO, values open communication and strives to address any issues directly with his employees. He also points out that his company has a low voluntary turnover rate, indicating that the majority of employees are satisfied with their experience there. Overall, the speaker encourages people to look beyond anonymous reviews and engage in direct communication when considering joining a company.

    • CEO values transparency and meritocracy despite negative reviewsGary Vaynerchuk embraces transparency, meritocracy, and open-ended communication, using negative reviews as data points to make informed decisions and build strong relationships.

      Gary Vaynerchuk, the CEO of VaynerMedia, values transparency and meritocracy, even if it means dealing with negative reviews on Glassdoor. He sees these reviews as data points that help him make decisions about people and opportunities. Vaynerchuk believes in not manipulating situations and instead, letting things play out naturally, which can be hurtful but also enlightening. He encourages open-ended communication and not holding grudges, as it allows for the truth to be revealed. Despite the challenges, Vaynerchuk is proud of his relationships with former employees and is always available to those who may still harbor negativity. He is more concerned with his legacy and the 20 people who are upset with him, rather than the public perception of his company. Vaynerchuk's approach to business and relationships is rooted in emotional strength, data-driven decision making, and a commitment to meritocracy.

    • Observing people's true behavior through givingFocus on positive experiences and appreciate acts of kindness, even when giving without boundaries can lead to being taken advantage of.

      Creating an environment of giving without setting boundaries can lead to being taken advantage of, but the speaker finds comfort in this dynamic as it allows them to observe people's true behavior and win in their own way. They believe that being emotionally capable of handling such situations is a form of leverage. The speaker encourages focusing on positive work experiences and the good things happening in the world, rather than dwelling on negativity. They admire acts of kindness and appreciation, like Chauncey Billups acknowledging Terrell Brandon's support.

    • Focus on positivity and support each otherIn challenging situations, rally around team members and provide encouragement to foster growth and strengthen team bonds

      Even in challenging situations, it's important to focus on positivity and optimism. The story of a star player getting injured and a kid taking his place and winning is inspiring, but it's not the only way success comes about. Instead, we should aim to uplift and support each other, creating an environment that fosters growth and positivity. I'd like to share a personal experience where I saw this in action. I worked on a project where a team member faced a setback, but instead of dwelling on the negative, the team rallied around them and provided encouragement and support. This not only helped the team member bounce back but also strengthened the team's bond. So, I encourage you to reflect on your own experiences and identify the people who have made a positive impact on your life or work. Tag them and share your appreciation for their contributions. Remember, every interaction is an opportunity to spread positivity and optimism. Keep asking questions and I'll keep answering them.

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    shoutout to this awesome YouTuber for use of the laugh track!