
    Philadelphia mass shooting, Moscow drone attack, Harvard's admissions challenged

    enJuly 04, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Mass shooting at 4th of July celebration in Fort Worth, TX and other newsA mass shooting at a 4th of July celebration in Fort Worth leaves two people dead and eight injured. Other news includes a mass shooting in Philadelphia, Russia's claim of a Ukrainian drone attack on Moscow, and a civil rights complaint against Harvard's legacy admissions program.

      The Sleep Number smart bed is designed to meet individual's ever-evolving sleep needs, offering features such as adjustable firmness and temperature, quieting snoring, and earning high customer satisfaction ratings from JD Power. However, news on this holiday Tuesday includes a mass shooting in Philadelphia where at least five people have been reported dead and two are injured, with the suspect in custody and wearing body armor and carrying multiple guns. Additionally, Russia claims Ukraine attacked Moscow with drones, and a civil rights complaint has been filed against Harvard's legacy admissions program. Republican presidential candidates are also reaching out to voters in key battleground states, and extreme weather is causing concerns for cookouts nationwide. In Fort Worth, Texas, eight people are injured and two are dead after a mass shooting at a 4th of July celebration, with no suspect in custody yet.

    • Tensions between Ukraine and Russia continue, with recent drone incidents adding to the conflictUkraine and Russia's tensions escalate with drone incidents, Ukraine responds with sarcasm, and the US Republican primary season continues with Trump as the front-runner

      The situation between Ukraine and Russia continues to be tense, with recent incidents involving drones over Moscow adding to the ongoing conflict. Ukraine is responding to Russia's accusations of international terrorism with sarcasm, given Russia's history of invasion and attacks on Ukrainian territory. The drones, which caused no damage or injuries, resulted in the diversion of flights at one of Moscow's airports. It's unclear if this was a deliberate act of retaliation or part of Ukraine's psychological warfare efforts. Meanwhile, in the United States, the Republican primary season is in full swing, with multiple candidates campaigning on the 4th of July in New Hampshire and Iowa. Former President Donald Trump remains the clear front-runner, despite recent indictments, and his supporters seem to be rallying behind him. The early stages of the campaign season mean that many candidates are still figuring out their paths and trying to make an impact.

    • Crucial Primaries and Weather ChallengesPolitical campaigns face crucial primaries while former correspondents deal with early mornings. Severe weather conditions pose threats to holiday plans and cause chaos in the West Bank, with military operations and civilian casualties.

      The upcoming primaries in states like Merrimack, New Hampshire, are crucial for political campaigns as they mark the beginning of the election season. Former campaign correspondents like Omar Khaled face early morning hustle to look presentable on the campaign trail, despite wrinkled clothes. Meanwhile, meteorological conditions pose a threat to holiday plans, with severe storms and record temperatures expected in various regions across the country. The plains, south, and East Coast are particularly vulnerable, with damaging wind, hail, and heavy rain possible. The Israeli military operation in the West Bank, now in its second day, has resulted in at least 10 deaths and nearly 100 injuries, as the Israeli military continues to target weapons manufacturing sites and explosive storage sites in the Jenin refugee camp. The operation has caused chaos in the camp, with streets torn up, electricity and water affected, and residents held up in their homes for hours. The IDF aims to completely dismantle what they call a safe haven for militants, but the civilian population bears the brunt of the chaos.

    • Israeli military operation in Jenin: Escalating conflict with civilians caught in the crossfireThe Israeli military operation in Jenin, targeting terrorist groups, has resulted in civilian casualties, leading to protests and a general strike in the West Bank. Iran's involvement through Islamic Jihad adds complexity, and without political changes, the conflict could escalate further.

      The ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestinians in Jenin, a refugee camp in the West Bank, has escalated into a major military operation. The Israeli military claims it is targeting terrorist groups, but civilians have been injured and killed, leading to widespread protests and a general strike across the West Bank. The political situation in Israel and the weakening Palestinian Authority have created a volatile environment, with Iran making inroads into the West Bank through Islamic Jihad. The Israeli military, with its priority on protecting its forces, is bringing significant resources to bear in the operation. The post-Abraham Accords period, with normalization of relationships between Israel and several Arab countries, adds complexity to the situation as these nations may be challenged to maintain their positions. Without significant changes in political attitudes or actions, this conflict could continue to escalate, leading to more military actions and potential terrorist attacks.

    • Arab Leaders' Difficult Position with PalestiniansArab leaders face opposition from their populations over Israel normalization, limiting their diplomatic options. Israel's military actions in West Bank fuel Palestinian sympathy, while leaders try to frame Iran as common enemy.

      The normalization of relations between Arab leaders and Israel has put these leaders in a difficult position with their own populations, as there is still significant sympathy for the Palestinians among ordinary Arabs. However, these leaders are not elected governments but rather emirs and self-appointed rulers, limiting their ability to diplomatically address the situation. Netanyahu is trying to communicate to Arab states that Iran is the common enemy, but the Israeli military's operations in the West Bank, such as the recent one in Jenin, aim to reduce Hamas' ability to wage war against Israel, buying them time. In the Republican primary race, DeSantis acknowledged the uphill battle he faces against Trump and the impact of Trump's indictment on donors. While this acknowledgment may help DeSantis rectify the situation, it remains to be seen if he can win over voters who have shifted their allegiance to Trump.

    • Cult of Personality and Retail Politics in 2024 Republican PrimarySuccessful candidates in 2024 Republican primary need to engage in retail politics, prove themselves to voters in early states, navigate a dystopian narrative and consider vice presidency as a possibility.

      The 2024 Republican primary is not just about policy or soaring speeches, but a cult of personality and retail politics, especially in early primary states like New Hampshire and Iowa. Candidates like DeSantis, who are successful in their home states, face a different challenge when campaigning in these states, where voters expect them to engage in retail politics and prove themselves. Additionally, the rhetoric of the Republican Party is shifting towards a dystopian narrative, with a focus on waging war against the establishment rather than unity and patriotism. Lastly, while candidates may deny running for vice president, voters are considering them as potential options, making the vice presidency a factor in the primary race.

    • Ukraine's NATO membership on the line at upcoming summitThe upcoming NATO summit in Vilnius will decide whether to invite Ukraine to join, impacting their counter-offensive against Russia and long-term security. The US is considering their request for cluster munitions and focusing on releasing detained journalist, Evan Gerskovich.

      The decision of whether Ukraine joins NATO hinges on President Biden's decision at the upcoming NATO summit in Vilnius. The Ukrainian president, Zelensky, has made it clear that this decision will significantly impact their counter-offensive against Russia and their long-term security. However, the traditional reluctance of the US to embrace Ukraine into NATO, due to concerns about the ongoing conflict, complicates the situation. The summit can invite Ukraine to join when conditions are appropriate, providing a firm commitment to the Ukrainians for future membership. Additionally, the US is considering the Ukrainian request for cluster munitions, which is effective against Russian troops but controversial due to the risk of unexploded bomblets. The US government is also focused on securing the release of wrongfully detained Wall Street Journal reporter, Evan Gerskovich, who was recently met by the US ambassador to Russia.

    • US Ambassador Visits Detained Person, Uncertainty Surrounds Berberine Weight Loss ClaimsAn ambassador's visit to a detainee shows support, but Berberine's weight loss benefits are unproven and potentially risky.

      The US government's visit by an ambassador to a wrongfully detained person can demonstrate support and show solidarity during their detainment. Meanwhile, the effectiveness and safety of the herbal supplement Berberin, being hailed as "nature's Ozempic," for significant weight loss are still uncertain. While there are anecdotal claims of weight loss, there is a lack of scientific data to support these claims. Additionally, there are potential risks and side effects associated with taking Berberine, especially for pregnant or breastfeeding women, and those taking certain medications. It's important to consult a healthcare professional before trying any new supplements. Elsewhere, there have been multiple mass shootings over the 4th of July weekend, resulting in several fatalities and injuries. Harvard University is facing a new lawsuit over its admissions policy, following the Supreme Court's decision to dismantle affirmative action. In international news, Israel is conducting military operations in the occupied West Bank, warning that it's not over yet.

    • Mass shooting in Philadelphia leaves seven dead, suspect carried multiple weaponsDespite ongoing debates about gun control and violent crime, incidents like the mass shooting in Philadelphia continue to occur, leaving policymakers to consider more nuanced approaches to prevent tragedies.

      The motive behind the mass shooting in Philadelphia on the night before the 4th of July is still unclear, but the suspect was carrying multiple weapons and body armor when he was apprehended. The shooting resulted in six fatalities and two injuries initially, but later, a seventh victim was found dead and is believed to be connected to the shooting. City leaders across the country are grappling with the issue of violent crime and gun control, as incidents like this one continue to occur during holiday weekends. The question remains, what policies can be implemented to keep criminals off the streets and prevent such tragedies? Natasha Alford raises the point that this constant state of fear and violence in America, including the threat of domestic terrorism, requires a more nuanced approach to policy-making.

    • Addressing gun violence requires a comprehensive approachFocus on preventative policies like education, systemic issues, and mental health to effectively address gun violence

      The issue of gun violence in the United States is complex and multifaceted, requiring a comprehensive approach that addresses legislative, cultural, and leadership aspects. The failure of some local leaders to effectively address rising crime rates is a significant concern, but it's important to remember that there are also state-level conflicts regarding gun policies and their enforcement. The conversation around gun violence often gets reduced to an either/or comparison between being for or against guns, but what gets lost is the need to focus on preventative policies. These policies could include addressing educational opportunities, systemic issues, and mental health. However, it's challenging to have these conversations forcefully when they don't resonate with certain sections of the electorate, particularly in Republican primaries where urban issues are not the primary focus. It's crucial to acknowledge the underlying causes of despair and violence and to address them through policies that have a tangible impact on communities.

    • Politics and Controversial DevelopmentsRussia's drone claim and Supreme Court's affirmative action ruling are examples of politically charged issues, highlighting the impact of partisan politics on primary elections and societal debates.

      While politicians should focus on addressing issues for the broader American people, it's important to acknowledge the impact of partisan politics on primary elections and the issues that come up during those periods. For instance, Russia's recent claim of intercepting Ukrainian drones near Moscow raises skepticism, as the resources and capabilities required for such an attack seem unlikely for Ukraine at this time. Meanwhile, the Supreme Court's ruling against affirmative action in higher education has led to a lawsuit against Harvard's legacy admissions program, with advocacy groups arguing that the preferential treatment violates the Civil Rights Act and disadvantages students of color due to the high number of white legacy applicants. These developments underscore the complex and evolving nature of political and social issues in the United States and beyond.

    • Legacy preferences in college admissions and their impact on diversityLegacy preferences in college admissions limit opportunities for non-legacy students, potentially decreasing diversity and increasing admissions for white students. Efforts to challenge these policies in court are ongoing, but their future remains uncertain.

      The discussion revolves around the impact of legacy preferences in college admissions, particularly at Harvard. If a spot is given to a legacy applicant, it denies that opportunity to someone else, potentially resulting in a decrease in admissions for students of color and an increase for white students. The argument is that removing legacy preferences would lead to a more merit-based system and increase diversity. The legal and political implications of this issue were discussed, with some suggesting that the Supreme Court's recent ruling on affirmative action could pave the way for a challenge to legacy preferences. However, it was noted that courts may apply different levels of scrutiny to these types of policies, and the Supreme Court may not choose to take up the issue. Overall, the consensus seemed to be that legacy admissions may be coming to an end, but the political and legal complexities of the issue make it a contentious and ongoing conversation.

    • Tensions in West Bank and Jerusalem worsen with weak Palestinian authority, Israeli military action, and young Palestinian resistance groupsThe situation in the West Bank and Jerusalem is complex and entrenched, with no clear path to diplomatic resolution due to a weak Palestinian authority, a right-wing Israeli government, determined young Palestinian resistance groups, and the international community's lack of engagement.

      The situation in the West Bank and Jerusalem is expected to worsen due to the interplay of several factors. These include a weak and divided Palestinian authority, a right-wing Israeli government committed to pursuing military action, and the emergence of determined young Palestinian resistance groups. The international community, including the Biden administration, has checked out, making a diplomatic solution difficult. Israel itself is facing internal protests and the prime minister's desire for judicial reform. The Israeli Defense Forces did not want to launch such a large operation, but politics played a role in its decision. Ron DeSantis, the Florida governor and potential Republican presidential candidate, has gained support from suburban parents due to his handling of the pandemic and stance on culture wars. However, the situation in the West Bank and Jerusalem remains entrenched and resistant to amelioration. An external catalyst may be needed to create a pathway to calm the situation, but this would involve a difficult choice for the Biden administration.

    • Moms push for school reopenings during COVID-19, inspired by Florida Governor Ron DeSantisA group of moms formed an informal network during COVID-19 lockdowns, advocating for school reopenings and looking to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis as a model. Despite facing backlash, they continued to push for in-person learning and connect online. Some are now considering voting for DeSantis in 2024, but are not fully convinced by his campaign.

      During the COVID-19 lockdowns in 2020, a group of frustrated moms built an informal Twitter network, bonding over their shared desire to reopen schools. Led by vocal advocates like Julie Hamill and Jin Tse, these women saw Florida Governor Ron DeSantis as a model for what they wanted in their own cities. Despite facing backlash and being labeled as "granny killers" and "teacher killers," they continued to advocate for in-person learning and connect with each other online. While some appreciated DeSantis' stance on education and his early efforts to reopen schools, they were less supportive of his more controversial stances on issues like abortion and transgender rights. These women, who had previously identified as socially liberal Democrats, are now considering voting for DeSantis in the 2024 presidential election, but are not fully sold on his campaign. The media's focus on DeSantis' culture war tactics has overshadowed the real impact he's had on individuals and businesses, particularly in helping them reopen and return to normalcy.

    • Republican women's disillusionment and Democratic opportunityDespite some Republican women's disillusionment, Democrats can address their concerns and build empathetic coalitions, showcasing human ingenuity and the ability to overcome challenges.

      The political landscape can shift rapidly, and individuals or groups who once felt strongly aligned with a particular party or candidate may feel disillusioned and seek alternative options. In the case of the Republican Party, some women who previously identified as conservative have expressed frustration and formed communities with like-minded individuals due to perceived attacks and marginalization. However, their grievances do not necessarily make them lost causes for the Democratic Party. Instead, there is an opportunity for Democrats to address these concerns and offer counter messaging. The Mars Ingenuity helicopter's successful phone call home serves as a reminder of human ingenuity and the ability to overcome challenges, no matter how seemingly insurmountable. In politics, this means recognizing the complexities of voter motivations and working to build empathetic coalitions.

    • Hot Dog Eating Competition at Nathan's FamousJoey Chestnut dominates hot dog eating competition, pushing human limits, American culture symbol, respect for vegetables, international competition potential

      The hot dog eating competition at Nathan's Famous in Coney Island, New York, has become a global spectacle, with Joey Chestnut currently leading the era of record-breaking performances. The discussion also touched upon the physical requirements for such a feat and the intrigue surrounding America's dominance in the competition. Despite the seemingly absurd nature of the event, it highlights the human capacity for pushing limits and the fascination with competitive eating. Chestnut himself expressed his respect for vegetables and acknowledged the physical toll of his eating habits. The interview also hinted at the potential impact of international competitors and the future of the competition. Overall, the hot dog eating competition serves as an unusual yet captivating symbol of American culture and determination.

    • 4th of July shootings mar Philadelphia and Fort WorthMultiple people were injured or killed during 4th of July celebrations in Philadelphia and Fort Worth. The suspect in Philadelphia was heavily armed, but officers managed to take him into custody peacefully. The incidents underscore concerns about gun violence and large gatherings.

      The 4th of July holiday in Philadelphia was marred by a chaotic shooting incident that left several people injured, including children. The mood in the city is tense due to the recent incident and last year's high-profile shooting during a concert on the parkway. The suspect was heavily armed and had body armor, magazines, and a police scanner, but officers were able to take him into custody without using force. The incident highlights the concern of law enforcement regarding large gatherings and the increasing use of assault weapons. Charles Ramsey, a former Philadelphia police commissioner, emphasized the need for stricter gun laws and holding offenders accountable for their crimes. In Fort Worth, Texas, at least 3 people were killed and 8 others injured in a shooting during 4th of July celebrations, and investigators are still working to determine the causes of the eruption of violence.

    • Staying Safe and Pressuring Elected Officials on the 4th of JulyThe 4th of July calls for safety awareness and pressing elected officials for action against crime, while the Republican presidential race heats up with candidates campaigning and debating policies, some potentially unconstitutional.

      The 4th of July holiday is not only a time for celebration but also a reminder of the need for safety and action against crime. Commissioner Ramsey emphasized the importance of being aware of surroundings and putting pressure on elected officials to take action beyond thoughts and prayers. Meanwhile, the Republican presidential race is heating up, with candidates like Ron DeSantis, Mike Pence, and Tim Scott campaigning in parades and events. Donald Trump remains the clear front runner, but other candidates are working to make up ground. The race also includes debates over policies, some of which may be unconstitutional, such as ending birthright citizenship. The dynamic of the race is complex, with supporters of some candidates remaining loyal despite allegations or indictments.

    • Ongoing debate around birthright citizenship and the 14th amendmentPolitical desire to change birthright citizenship policy is unlikely due to constitutional amendment requirement, highlights larger immigration and border security issues

      The ongoing debate around birthright citizenship and the 14th amendment is primarily a political issue, not a legal one. Governor Ron DeSantis and former President Donald Trump have both expressed their desire to change the policy, but it would require amending the Constitution, which is a highly unlikely scenario. The discussion around this topic highlights the larger issue of immigration and border security, which is a contentious and complex problem in the United States. Despite the political rhetoric, the fundamental principle of birthright citizenship remains a deeply rooted aspect of American identity and values. The ongoing debate serves as a reminder of the importance of addressing the underlying issues related to immigration and border control in a comprehensive and effective manner.

    • Political climate stifles innovative ideasThe current political climate is hindering the exploration of new ideas in the Republican Party, with figures like Trump and Biden dominating the scene and limiting approaches to pressing issues like China, climate change, education, and border crisis.

      There is a lack of innovative ideas and a prevailing trend towards limiting approaches in the current political climate, according to the discussion. The Republican Party is in search of bold, unexplored ideas to address pressing issues such as China, climate change, education, and border crisis. However, the dominance of figures like President Trump and the Democratic Party's protective stance around Joe Biden hampers the competition and exploration of new ideas. The proposed solutions, such as raising the voting age or limiting immigration, are seen as blocking and undermining meaningful discussions. The need for fresh, expansive ideas is crucial, especially during times of crisis, but the current political landscape is stifling this intellectual exploration.

    • Hamas' role in Israeli attacks and Harvard's affirmative action under scrutinyHamas is inciting attacks vs Israel, while Harvard's affirmative action faces investigation for potential discrimination against students of color.

      Hamas is encouraging attacks against Israel and claiming responsibility for them, as seen in the recent stabbing attack in Tel Aviv by a Hamas member. Meanwhile, advocacy groups are challenging Harvard's legacy admission practices, alleging discrimination against students of color and violating the Civil Rights Act. The Supreme Court's recent ruling on affirmative action has renewed focus on these issues, and organizations like Lawyers Committee For Civil Rights and Economic Justice are pushing for the elimination of donor and legacy-based admissions preferences. They believe this will lead to a more fair and merit-based admissions process, allowing more students of color to attend Harvard. The Department of Education is currently investigating the complaint, and the group is keeping all legal options open, including going to federal court. The Yale admissions director's concerns about government intrusion are acknowledged, but the focus remains on ensuring equal access to the admissions process without preferences.

    • Addressing biases and power imbalances in education and workplacesScrutinize race-conscious admissions, acknowledge advantages in education, ensure thorough investigations in workplaces, and promote cultural shifts for fairness and respect

      Fairness in education and workplaces requires addressing systemic biases and power imbalances. In the education context, this means scrutinizing race-conscious admissions, but also acknowledging and addressing advantages enjoyed by the wealthy and those with family affiliations. Meanwhile, in workplaces, allegations of misconduct, such as the hidden camera incident at the West Virginia State Police Academy, highlight the need for thorough investigations and cultural shifts to ensure a level playing field and respect for all employees. The consequences of these issues can be far-reaching and long-lasting, affecting individuals' sense of safety and trust in their educational or professional environments.

    • American consumers prioritize US jobs when buying goods65% of US consumers prefer American-made products, driven by a desire to support domestic jobs, even if prices are higher.

      American-made products are experiencing a surge in popularity due to consumers prioritizing US jobs. According to a survey by Morning Consult, 65% of US consumers prefer buying American products, with the trend being more prominent among Republicans and baby boomers. Despite higher prices, the demand for American-made goods has remained steady. In the world of burgers, keeping it simple is key, and the original method of making a hamburger involves smashing balls of meat. While some may prefer topping their burger with various ingredients, the most popular choice remains meat, bun, and cheese. Controversial toppings, such as blue cheese or mushrooms, can spark debate. Overall, the survey highlights the importance of American jobs in consumers' purchasing decisions and the enduring appeal of traditional American foods like hamburgers.

    • Exploring the Art of Making a Perfect Burger and Optimizing SleepExplore the art of making a perfect burger with various toppings, consider using a flat top or skillet for even cooking, and invest in a Sleep Number smart bed for personalized sleep preferences and needs, ranked #1 in customer satisfaction by JD Power.

      While some people prefer adding ketchup to their burgers for a sweet taste, others might find it too overpowering. For those struggling with grilling burgers, using a flat top or skillet on the grill can help ensure even cooking. And for optimal sleep, consider investing in a Sleep Number smart bed, which can adapt to individual sleep preferences and needs. The Great American Burger Book offers valuable insights into the art of making the perfect burger. Remember, whether you're working, playing, or sleeping, always aim for excellence. Sleep Number's smart beds have been ranked number 1 in customer satisfaction by JD Power, providing high-quality sleep solutions for your unique needs. For a limited time, enjoy savings on Sleep Number's limited edition smart bed. Happy July 4th from CNN This Morning!

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    Although progress is slow, 15 Republican senators did vote for the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act in 2022. This was made possible because of 10 years worth of pressure from constituents. Since Sandy Hook, grassroots organizing has made a significant difference. The notion that there is no point in fighting because nothing will ever change is false. As Nick told us, “Just because we can’t get everything we want, doesn’t mean we shouldn’t act every way we can.”


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    Host: Mila Atmos 

    Guests: Nick Suplina

    Executive Producer: Mila Atmos

    Producer: Zack Travis

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    Wud up doe, thank you for pressing play on yet another episode of SkinFolk!

    In Episode 61 we get into :

    The most recent mass shooting targeting LGBTQ people in Colorado, The questionble death of Shanquella Robinson,  and also occuring this past week a deadly shooting on the campus of UVA that took the lives of 4 people & more!

    Follow us on Twitter: Skinfolkpodcast IG: Skinfolk.pod 

    Dirty Moderate Ep: 112: A Well Regulated Militia w Matthew Littman of 97Percent

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    "A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed."

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