
    About this Episode

    CF 262: Physical And Psychological Pain & Disc Herniations And Pain


    Today we’re going to talk about physical and psychological aspects of pain and we’ll talk about low back pain after disc herniations


    Recent Episodes from Chiropractic Forward Podcast

    The WHO’s Sources For Opinion On Spinal Manipulative Therapy (Part 8)

    The WHO’s Sources For Opinion On Spinal Manipulative Therapy (Part 8)

    CF 319: The WHO’s Sources For Opinion On Spinal Manipulative Therapy (Part 8)


    Today we’re going to talk about The WHO’s Sources For Opinion On Spinal Manipulative Therapy (Part 8). 


    If you haven’t been following along, the World Health Organization has recommended spinal manipulative therapy for back pain, however, they rated it at very low confidence. Which is the same rating they gave ultrasound. We know SMT is more effective than that so I went into the recommendations, I found the papers the WHO cited as their references for their rating of SMT, and now I’m covering each and every one of them. We’re doing this every other week and now we’re on Part 8. 


    Also if you’re following along, you’ll know that a lot of these papers are extremely old compared so newer more impressive and more favorable papers that have emerged in more recent years. You’ll also, if you’re like me, continue to get more and more certain that there is an agenda in the WHO leadership that keeps SMT from taking its rightful step forward in the treatment of non-complicated Neuromusculoskeletal issues. 


    Stick with me, we’ll talk more about it. 


    But first, here’s that sweet sweet bumper music

    The WHO’s Sources For Opinion On Spinal Manipulative Therapy (Part 6)

    The WHO’s Sources For Opinion On Spinal Manipulative Therapy (Part 6)

    CF 315: The WHO’s Sources For Opinion On Spinal Manipulative Therapy (Part 6)


    Today we’re going to talk about The WHO’s Sources For Opinion On Spinal Manipulative Therapy (Part 6). If you’ve been following along, and I hope you have…The WHO updated their recommendations recently for pain. Spinal maniuplative therapy was include so we’re on the menu. But, they rated SMT at very low confidence, which is the same as what they rated ultrasound. So, in the eyes of the WHO, smt may be about as effective as ultrasound. Yeah, we’re call BS so we are going through each paper they used to make this determination and they all, except for a few, are old, outdated, and pretty much stink. We’ll talk about it….


    But first, here’s that sweet sweet bumper music