
    Pick A Side, Before It’s Too Late (Ep 1695)

    enJanuary 31, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Musicians Call for Censorship of Joe RoganMusicians from the 'free love' generation are pushing for censorship, threatening to remove their music from Spotify if Rogan isn't censored, while Henry's Gun Company stands for free speech and offers a range of firearms with a lifetime warranty.

      There is a growing push for censorship in America, and individuals and organizations must choose a side. This was highlighted by the recent calls for censorship of Joe Rogan by musicians like Neil Young, Joni Mitchell, and Peter Frampton. This is ironic as these musicians are from the "rockin' in the free world" generation that was supposed to stand for free love and free speech. The situation is getting heated, with these musicians threatening to remove their music from Spotify if Rogan is not censored. It's essential to understand the terrain and be prepared for the upcoming fight for free speech. Henry's Gun Company, a family-owned business, offers a range of affordable to high-end firearms, and they stand behind their products with a lifetime warranty. So, whether you're preparing for the fight or enjoying the outdoors, Henry's has you covered.

    • Censorship and Misinformation: Who Decides What's Fact?Growing concern over political censorship and inconsistent labeling of misinformation. Biased organizations like NewsGuard, funded by leftist groups, may not combat misinformation but instead promote their own agenda. Transparency and critical thinking are crucial to evaluating information.

      There is a growing concern over censorship and the labeling of information as "misinformation" based on political ideologies. The discussion highlights the inconsistency in how this term is applied, with examples given from the Washington Post and figures like Joe Biden and Jussie Smollett. The speaker argues that organizations like NewsGuard, which are supposed to combat misinformation, are actually biased and funded by leftist groups. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of transparency and questioning who gets to decide what information is considered misinformation. The conversation underscores the need for critical thinking and a healthy skepticism towards information presented as fact, especially when it comes from sources with potential biases.

    • Discussion on NewsGuard's bias and misinformationRecognize the importance of questioning sources and understanding that what is considered misinformation today may change in the future

      There are concerns about misinformation and who gets to determine what is considered misinformation. During a discussion, it was pointed out that NewsGuard, a self-proclaimed fact-checking service, has a significant left-wing bias, as evidenced by their rating system. Right-leaning sites like Fox, The Washington Times, and Breitbart received lower ratings than left-leaning sites. Joe Rogan, a podcast host, was criticized for spreading misinformation, but it was argued that what is considered misinformation today may not be accurate in the future as new facts emerge. Oliver Darcy from CNN was criticized for his lack of expertise in the health space and his attempt to label Rogan's podcast as unhealthy, drawing an analogy between Doritos and the podcast. The discussion highlights the importance of questioning the sources of information and recognizing that what is considered true or false can change over time.

    • The line between truth and misinformation can be blurryRecognize the importance of questioning sources and being aware of potential biases, as the reliability and consistency of information can change over time.

      The line between truth and misinformation can be blurry, and people's beliefs and trust in certain sources can influence their perception of information. The discussion touched upon the case of Joe Rogan and his podcast, where some believe he spreads misinformation, while others see him as a truth-teller. Darcy compared this to having a "bad informational diet," but the reliability and consistency of information are not set in stone. The speaker pointed out how our understanding of what's healthy or beneficial changes over time, using examples like rice cakes and egg yolks. Oliver Darcy himself was criticized for his shifting stance on issues and his past criticisms of CNN. The speaker emphasized the importance of questioning the sources of information and being aware of potential biases, especially from those claiming to be gatekeepers of truth. Ultimately, it's essential to approach information critically and recognize that it evolves and changes over time.

    • Dan Bongino accuses tech companies of censoring his contentDan Bongino, a conservative host, accuses Google, Facebook, and YouTube of colluding to censor his content, resulting in him banning Google ads permanently. He also criticizes PolitiFact for labeling a Biden quote 'mostly false' when it was accurate.

      Dan Bongino, the host of BonginoReport.com, is experiencing a full-scale war against him from tech companies like Google, Facebook, and YouTube. He believes they are colluding to censor his content, and as a result, he has banned Google ads from his site permanently. Bongino claims that these companies are targeting him because he is a conservative voice and a public enemy number one in their crosshairs. He also criticized a staff writer at PolitiFact, Bill McCarthy, who labeled a literal quote from President Biden as "mostly false," despite it being an accurate representation of Biden's words. Bongino encourages his audience to check their eligibility for medication coverage on TrilifeMD.com.

    • Growing concerns over censorship and free speech suppression, particularly regarding COVID-19 discussionsConservative commentator Dan Bongino warns of increasing authoritarianism and tyranny, encourages joining alternative platforms, and supports conservative candidates to fight for civil liberties.

      There is growing concern over censorship and suppression of free speech, particularly regarding COVID-19 related discussions. Dan Bongino, a conservative commentator, shared his experience of recovering from COVID-19 and expressing his opinion on government policies. However, his post was fact-checked by AFP, which led to accusations of censorship and bias. Bongino believes that the left is becoming increasingly authoritarian and tyrannical, and warns of the potential danger ahead. He encourages people to join alternative platforms for free speech and prepare for potential bans from mainstream social media. Glenn Greenwald, a journalist known for his investigative reporting, has also raised concerns about the growing power of the state and the erosion of civil liberties. The solution, according to Bongino, is to get involved in the political process and support conservative candidates to fight back against the perceived overreach of the government.

    • Censorship and Authoritarianism Threaten Free SpeechCertain media outlets and politicians push for censorship, potentially violating the First Amendment. Stay informed and stand up for free speech while utilizing effective weight loss solutions like GLP1 medications.

      While there are solutions available to help people struggling with weight loss, such as GLP1 prescription medications offered by LifeMD, there is a growing concern over censorship and authoritarianism in society. Greenwald's article highlights how certain media outlets and politicians have been pushing for censorship and even coercing private companies to do so, potentially violating the First Amendment. This trend towards authoritarianism is not going away and could have serious implications for free speech. Meanwhile, individuals can take action by staying informed and standing up for free speech. The ease and effectiveness of the GLP1 medication, as shared by satisfied users, serves as a reminder that there are still positive developments and solutions available in the face of these challenges.

    • Censorship and the Role of Tech Companies and GovernmentGoogle and YouTube's potential censorship practices and the government's influence on their decisions could infringe on First Amendment rights, raising concerns over the impact on civil liberties and individual freedoms in the digital age.

      The discussion revolves around the issue of censorship and potential First Amendment violations by tech companies, specifically Google and YouTube, and the role of the government in influencing their decisions. The speaker argues that if these companies are coerced by the government to censor content, it could constitute a First Amendment issue. The speaker also expresses concern over the growing power of tech companies and their impact on civil liberties, using the example of Pope Francis' criticism of misinformation on social media as a potential threat to free speech. The speaker also shares his personal experience and faith, expressing doubts about his allegiance to the church due to its stance on censorship. In essence, the conversation highlights the complexities and implications of censorship in the digital age, and the potential risks to individual freedoms and civil liberties.

    • Disappointment with Institutions Infringing on Personal LibertiesThe speaker expresses concern over religious and political institutions limiting personal freedoms and calls for awareness and participation in the electoral process during a time of political realignment.

      There's a growing divide between those who support individual freedoms and those advocating for government control. The speaker expresses disappointment with certain religious and political institutions, believing that they're infringing upon personal liberties. He points to recent events, such as the Canadian trucker convoy protesting vaccine mandates, as evidence of a widespread rebellion against tyranny. The speaker also criticizes those who claim to be against censorship but support it in practice. He encourages people to be aware of the massive political shifts happening and to participate in the electoral process. The speaker believes that these events could lead to a realignment in politics, with individuals frustrated by confinement and government overreach turning to alternative parties or ideologies.

    • Growing disillusionment with Democrats and political landscapeMajority of Americans feel country is on wrong track, fear future, and question Democratic Party actions, potentially leading to GOP generational hold on power in upcoming elections

      There's a growing disillusionment among Americans with the current political landscape, particularly towards the Democratic Party. This discontent, driven by feelings of being forgotten and the perceived overreach of government, has led to a potential realignment in American politics. The GOP, if successful in addressing these concerns, could secure a generational hold on power. The data supports this, with polls showing a majority of Americans feeling the country is on the wrong track and expressing more fear than hope for the future. Notably, even some voices on the left, like prominent radio host Charlemagne, are beginning to question the Democratic Party's actions and intentions. While it's essential not to celebrate these criticisms, ignoring them could be a mistake. The 2022 elections are fast approaching, and the political landscape is shifting. The time to act is now.

    • Engaging with those who question beliefsHold accountable figures, regardless of political alignment, for upholding commitments to the Constitution

      It's important to engage with those who are starting to question their beliefs, rather than turning them away. This was emphasized in a discussion about the role of figures like Bill Maher and Barry Weiss, who may not always align with conservative values but can still contribute to the fight for freedom. Additionally, accountability was emphasized in the context of the Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz, who was criticized for not adequately enforcing border policies and playing political games with terms like "illegal alien." The speakers, who have experience as former federal agents, urged for holding such figures accountable and encouraging them to uphold their commitments to the Constitution.

    • The debate over racial and gender preferences in political nominationsPresident Biden's stance on only considering a black woman for the Supreme Court vacancy raises concerns of racism and sexism, limiting potential candidates and tarnishing reputations, while most Americans prefer merit-based decisions.

      The ongoing debate around racial and gender preferences in political nominations has come under scrutiny once again, with criticism that such preferences can be seen as racist and sexist. During a recent discussion, it was pointed out that President Joe Biden's announcement that he would only consider a black woman for the Supreme Court vacancy was, by definition, a racist and sexist statement. This stance puts the Democrats in a difficult position, as they risk being labeled for making decisions based on skin color and gender rather than merit. Meanwhile, a poll by ABC News shows that most Americans want Biden to consider all qualified candidates for the position, not just those who fit a certain demographic. The irony lies in the fact that there are likely many qualified minority women who could be considered, but the public announcement of racial and gender preferences may limit the pool of viable candidates and potentially tarnish their reputations. The conversation highlights the importance of merit-based decision-making and the ongoing awakening to the potential consequences of racial and gender preferences.

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    Follow Kevin on social media: http://bit.ly/3u5tuRH

    For more info check out SorboStudios.com: http://bit.ly/3F94SxG

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    Patrick Bet-David is the founder and CEO of Valuetainment Media. He is the author of the #1 Wall Street Journal bestseller Your Next Five Moves (Simon & Schuster) and a father of 2 boys and 2 girls. He currently resides in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

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