
    Censorship Forum with Glenn Greenwald and Matt Taibbi

    enAugust 31, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Censorship: Control, Not ProtectionGovernment and social media companies collaborate to censor information, claiming it's for our own good but in reality, they're afraid of losing control.

      Censorship, as experienced by panelists including Robert F. Kennedy, Yuri Beckman, and Sheryl Atkinson, is not about protecting individuals but rather exerting control. Kennedy, a Democrat and presidential candidate, has faced censorship and smear campaigns, and he believes reinvigorating the First Amendment is crucial for his campaign. The panelists argue that those who censor claim to do so for our own good, but the reality is, they're afraid of losing control. Google and YouTube are being sued for acting as proxies for the government. The cooperation between social media titans and the government is bizarre, with agencies like the FBI, CIA, Census Bureau, and IRS given portals to censor people. The censorship extends to doctors, such as Merrill Nass in Maine, who have been silenced for speaking out against COVID countermeasures. The legal theory behind these lawsuits is that when the government asks or requires social media companies to censor, they become government proxies, and the First Amendment is implicated. The panelists' experiences illustrate the opaque nature of those in power and their fear of losing control over information.

    • Governments, Intelligence Agencies, and Major News Organizations Collaborate to Suppress Alternative NewsGovernments, intelligence agencies, and major news organizations have formed an alliance, the Trusted News Initiative, to suppress alternative news, protecting their business models and public trust by banning non-compliant organizations through social media sites.

      There is a concerning collaboration between governments, intelligence agencies, and major news organizations, like the BBC, The Washington Post, Reuters, AP, and social media sites, to suppress alternative news and information deemed non-compliant with official narratives. This alliance, known as the Trusted News Initiative, started organizing in late 2019, and their motivation was to protect their business models and public trust while eradicating alternative news sites. The social media sites agreed to ban non-compliant organizations, effectively destroying their businesses. This censorship scheme involves the intelligence agencies and law enforcement agencies in both the UK and the US. Journalist Glenn Greenwald, who has experienced censorship firsthand, has identified the government's role as a fundamental aspect of this discussion. Despite the First Amendment's impediments on direct government censorship, the suppression is more insidious and dangerous due to its circuitous nature.

    • Pressure for Tech Companies to Censor ContentMedia corporations, gov't, and US security state push tech firms to censor content via threats, shaming, or extortion, violating First Amendment.

      The pressure for tech companies to censor content is not just coming from the government but also from powerful media corporations and even the US security state. This pressure, which can take the form of regulatory threats, public shaming, or extortion, is a form of indirect censorship that violates the First Amendment. This is a disturbing development, as journalists, who are supposed to uphold the principles of free speech and open communication, are among the leading advocates for censorship. This shift towards censorship goes against the early vision of the internet as a liberatory platform, and it's important to recognize the far-reaching implications of this trend. The consequences of this censorship regime extend beyond the tech industry and impact our democracy and our fundamental rights to free speech.

    • Government and Tech Companies Pushing for Increased CensorshipObama's call for information curation led to increased censorship efforts by government and tech companies, targeting dissenting voices and threatening core liberties.

      There is a concerning convergence of forces between government agencies and tech companies leading to increasing censorship and suppression of dissenting voices. This is not just targeting the right, but also left-wing and independent voices who challenge establishment orthodoxies on various issues. The normalization of this censorship regime is a significant threat to our core liberties, especially given the Internet's potential as a liberatory technology or the greatest tool of propaganda and coercion in history. This push for censorship gained momentum around 2016 when President Obama called for someone to curate information, and since then, there have been organized campaigns advocating for censorship and shaping of information. In the case of Jamelle Hawley, the enemies of constitutional rights were big pharma, which targeted democratic control states to remove religious exemptions and segregate children in public schools when they couldn't achieve their goal through the legislative process.

    • Censorship of individuals advocating for religious exemptions in education policiesAdvocating for religious exemptions in education policies can lead to censorship in various forms, including media and within political parties, and even government involvement in social media censorship.

      The removal of religious exemptions in education policies went beyond that issue for some individuals, leading to censorship in various forms. This was seen in the case of a democratic legislator who, after advocating for such exemptions, faced censorship in the press and within the party. This trend extended to other states, with many legislators hesitant to defend such bills. Simultaneously, there have been revelations of government involvement in social media censorship, with emails and internal documents showing the government putting pressure on social media companies to censor certain content. These instances highlight the potential for far-reaching consequences when individuals challenge certain policies.

    • Censorship of the Great Barrington Declaration authorsThe suppression of free speech can lead to skewed public perception and harmful policies. Public pressure and advocacy, legal action, and the role of institutions like courts and journalism are crucial in holding those in power accountable.

      The suppression of free speech, as seen in the case of the Great Barrington Declaration authors being censored, can lead to a skewed public perception and harmful policies. The government's role in this issue is complex, and while legal action is one avenue, public pressure and advocacy are crucial in holding those in power accountable. The current situation calls for continued activism and challenging the status quo. Additionally, the role of institutions like the courts and journalism in protecting democracy and free speech is being tested, with the potential for draconian censorship measures in other countries posing a threat. The ongoing dialogue and engagement around these issues are essential steps towards ensuring the preservation of individual rights and an informed public.

    • Mainstream media's role as a guardian of truth is under threatThe normalization of censorship in media is a threat to democracy, and it's crucial to challenge it. Recent court ruling against Biden admin's censorship campaign is a step towards accountability.

      The mainstream media has lost its role as a guardian of truth and democracy by becoming intertwined with propagandists and censors. Real journalists are being pushed out, and the goal of many news organizations is no longer to provide accurate information but to promote messages or narratives. The normalization of censorship is a threat to our democracy, and it's crucial that we recognize this and challenge it. The fact that a Democratic Party candidate, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., is making this a central issue in his campaign is an important step towards bringing more public attention to this issue and combating the censorship regime. The recent federal court ruling against the Biden administration's censorship campaign is a significant step towards holding those in power accountable for their actions.

    • The Growing Importance of Independent Media PlatformsIndependent media platforms prioritize free speech and are growing in popularity as people migrate from traditional media and tech companies that suppress dissenting voices. These platforms are building their own invulnerable networks to ensure their continued existence.

      The importance of independent media platforms cannot be overstated in the face of increasing censorship and silencing of dissenting voices by corporate media and tech giants. The EU's law prohibiting social media platforms from carrying Russian state media is an extreme example of government interference in free speech. Independent platforms like Rumble and Substack, which prioritize free speech, are growing in popularity as people migrate from traditional media and tech companies that suppress dissenting voices. These platforms are building their own invulnerable networks, including their own cloud and hosting services, to ensure their continued existence in the face of potential silencing efforts. The information war is real, and fortifying and supporting independent media platforms is crucial for preserving free speech and ensuring that diverse perspectives can thrive.

    • Protecting Free Speech on the Internet: A Necessary FightThe importance of defending free speech on the Internet against censorship and control, with ongoing legal battles against government actions and concerns about financial ties in the pharmaceutical industry.

      The protection and preservation of free speech on the Internet is a significant priority for individuals and communities, as platforms that allow for free expression and dissent face threats of censorship and control. The discussion also touched upon the ongoing legal battles against government actions that some consider unconstitutional, raising questions about why such fights are necessary and what the ultimate outcomes could be. The speakers expressed concerns about the current state of appreciation for free speech in the country and the need for renewed emphasis on this fundamental right. The connection between politics, censorship, and the pharmaceutical industry was explored, with suggestions that financial ties may play a role in attempts to silence opposing viewpoints. Ultimately, the speakers emphasized the importance of public awareness and engagement in defending free speech and preventing the silencing of political opponents.

    • The Pharmaceutical Industry's Influence on PoliticsThe pharmaceutical industry's significant financial contributions to political parties and government agencies have blurred the lines between these entities, leading to a complex web of relationships that can impact democratic processes and individual freedoms.

      The relationship between political parties, particularly the Democratic Party, the pharmaceutical industry, and government agencies like intelligence and health organizations, has become increasingly intertwined. This relationship is driven by significant financial contributions from the pharmaceutical industry, which is now the largest industry in the world. The military-industrial complex, once a major concern for democracy, has expanded to include the medical cartel. This has led to a situation where it's difficult to distinguish where one entity ends and another begins. This entanglement was evident before the COVID-19 pandemic, with vaccine hesitancy identified as a major public health threat by the WHO and demands for censorship from politicians like Adam Schiff. The pharmaceutical industry's influence extends beyond just vaccines and reaches into various aspects of media and policy-making. It's essential to recognize this complex web of relationships and the potential impact on democratic processes and individual freedoms.

    • The cultural war's impact on journalism and truth-tellingThe pharmaceutical industry's influence on politics and journalism hinders truthful reporting, with both parties now equally affected, and those who speak truth facing consequences.

      The cultural war in American politics has led to a significant influence of money, particularly from the pharmaceutical industry, on journalism and the ability of politicians to tackle important issues. This has resulted in journalists being marginalized and unable to report the truth effectively. The political shift towards Democratic control of government has intensified this issue, with both parties now equally beholden to the pharmaceutical industry. The situation is further complicated by the fact that those who speak truth to power, like Bobby Kennedy, are often given a raw deal due to the political climate. It's essential to continue efforts to challenge censorship and break the ice on this issue, as the political shift is likely to continue. The Obama administration's deal with pharmaceutical companies during the passage of Obamacare was a turning point, allowing them to charge high prices for their products. Without addressing this issue, we can expect to deal with it for some time.

    • Shift in Democratic Party's Relationship with Pharmaceutical CompaniesFrom 2014-2015, the Democratic Party saw an influx of pharmaceutical money due to permissibility and past restrictions. Vaccine debates during the 2016 election solidified this as a tribal issue. Despite the urgency of censorship and information dissemination, individuals are increasingly fact-checking news sources.

      The relationship between the Democratic Party and pharmaceutical companies shifted dramatically around 2014-2015, leading to an influx of pharmaceutical money into Democratic campaigns. This was due to the permissibility of such donations and the Democratic Party's previous inability to accept funds from this industry. The issue of vaccines and Donald Trump's public statements on the topic during the 2016 election further solidified this as a tribal issue. Meanwhile, the urgency surrounding censorship and the importance of unfettered information dissemination is not being treated with the necessary attention. However, there are signs of a transition towards individuals fact-checking news sources and seeking out the truth beyond what they are presented with in the media.

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    PBD Podcast Episode 209. 

    Kevin's new movie "Left Behind: Rise of the Antichrist" is in theatres on January 26th. For more info: http://bit.ly/3OJV5RE

    Purchase Kevin's book "True Strength: My Journey from Hercules to Mere Mortal and How Nearly Dying Saved My Life" here: http://bit.ly/3gRk2Oy

    Purchase Kevin's book "True Faith: Embracing Adversity to Live in God's Light" here: http://bit.ly/3OIGpT5

    Follow Kevin on social media: http://bit.ly/3u5tuRH

    For more info check out SorboStudios.com: http://bit.ly/3F94SxG

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    Patrick Bet-David is the founder and CEO of Valuetainment Media. He is the author of the #1 Wall Street Journal bestseller Your Next Five Moves (Simon & Schuster) and a father of 2 boys and 2 girls. He currently resides in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

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