
    Real History Of Ukraine War with Col Jacques Baud

    enMay 08, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Switzerland's military background and Colonel Bowed's diverse careerSwitzerland, a neutral country, has a rich military history and Colonel Bowed, a Swiss national, served in the military, rising through the ranks to become a colonel in the general staff, reflecting the country's paradoxical nature of maintaining a strong military while remaining neutral

      Colonel Jox Bowed, despite being famously neutral, comes from a country with a rich military history and a unique concept of citizens being both civilians and soldiers. Switzerland's history as a mercenary power influenced its decision to be neutral in the 19th century, but it still maintains a well-equipped army to defend its territory. Colonel Bowed, a Swiss national, served in the Swiss military, rising through the ranks from commander unit to colonel in the general staff, which is a rank that allows leadership in any part of a staff in a large unit. This paradox of a neutral country with a military background is reflected in Colonel Bowed's diverse career in intelligence, peacekeeping, and military leadership.

    • Switzerland's commitment to neutrality and military preparednessSwitzerland maintains its neutrality while militarily prepared, historically exchanging intel with NATO, and currently a partner in NATO's Partnership for Peace program.

      Switzerland's neutrality is not only unilaterally recognized by its European neighbors but also deeply ingrained in its national identity. Despite this neutrality, Switzerland is militarily prepared to defend its territory and has historically maintained close intelligence relationships with Western allies, including NATO. During the Cold War, Switzerland was considered part of the Western camp and played a strategic role in intelligence exchanges with Western intelligence services. Switzerland is currently a partner in NATO's Partnership for Peace program, and its representatives have held key positions within NATO, such as in the fight against small arms proliferation during the Ukrainian crisis. This complex relationship reflects Switzerland's commitment to neutrality while maintaining close ties to the West.

    • Ukraine's Internal Tensions and Russian InvolvementUnderstanding Russia's complex reasons for involvement in Ukraine's conflict and acknowledging internal tensions is crucial for finding a peaceful solution, respecting Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

      The Ukrainian army during the time of the conflict in 2014 was plagued by internal tensions between Ukrainian and Russian speaking soldiers, leading to murders, defections, and a loss of reliability for the new Ukrainian authorities. This resulted in the formation of extreme right-wing paramilitary forces, which further escalated tensions with the UK and NATO. The Russian involvement in the conflict was not just for territorial gain, but also due to the defecting of ethnic Russian units to the rebels. The distorted perception of the conflict in the media has led to a collision of reality, causing discrepancies between what was intended to be achieved and what is currently happening in Ukraine. To avoid the war, it is crucial to understand the true reasons behind Russia's involvement and the distorted perception of the conflict in the media. The misperception arises from the belief that Russia attacked Ukraine solely for territorial gain, when in fact, the reasons are much more complex. The events leading up to the conflict, such as the Euromaidan revolution and the role of external forces, also play a significant role in understanding the situation. It is essential to acknowledge the complexities of the conflict and work towards finding a peaceful solution that respects Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

    • Ukraine's economic ties to Russia and EU's role in protestsThe 2014 Ukrainian revolution was driven by economic factors and geopolitical interests, with protests influenced by EU's stance and instigated by US intervention, leading to violent regime change and societal division.

      The 2014 Ukrainian revolution was influenced by economic factors and geopolitical interests. Ukraine's industrial basis, which was tailored for the Russian market, made it difficult for the country to join the European Union. The EU's insistence on a choice between Russia and the EU led to peaceful protests, known as the first Maidan, which were later exploited by radical elements for a more violent and radical regime change. This was instigated by the US, specifically Victoria Nuland, who saw an opportunity to engage in a more significant intervention. The second Maidan, which was much more violent, was led by right-wing militias from the western part of Ukraine, and it resulted in shootings and other violent incidents. The situation was complex and not ethnically motivated, as Ukrainian society was evenly split between those in favor and against joining the EU.

    • Western powers' covert involvement in Ukraine's regime changeThe 2014 Ukrainian regime change was influenced by Western powers, leading to a new government that caused widespread protests and unrest, particularly in Russian-speaking regions, and resulted in significant geopolitical implications for Ukraine and its relations with Russia.

      The events leading up to the regime change in Ukraine in 2014 involved covert involvement of Western powers, including the US and UK, and the Ukrainian court's finding of agent provocateurs from outside the country. This led to a coup that resulted in the ousting of President Yanukovych and the installation of a new, non-elected government. The first law adopted by this new government declared Ukrainian as the sole official language, causing widespread protests and unrest, particularly in Russian-speaking regions. Ultimately, the Ukrainian army, which was ethnically diverse, saw many Russian soldiers defect. The West's involvement in the coup and subsequent events led to a significant shift in the political landscape of Ukraine and had far-reaching implications for the country and its relations with Russia.

    • Historical tensions between Ukraine and Russia over Crimea and eastern regionsUkraine and Russia's long-standing territorial disputes, rooted in historical events, culminated in the annexation of Crimea in 2014 and the ongoing conflict in Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

      The conflict between Ukraine and Russia over Crimea and the eastern regions of Donetsk and Luhansk has deep historical roots. In 1991, Crimea seceded from Ukraine and declared independence under Soviet rule, which was not recognized by Ukraine. The issue was left unresolved after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, leading to tensions that boiled over in 1994 when Ukraine forcibly abolished Crimea's constitution and annexed the region. The eastern regions of Donetsk and Luhansk also experienced unrest in 2014, with separatist movements seeking autonomy rather than independence. The Minsk agreements attempted to establish a federal state structure, similar to Quebec in Canada, but these efforts were unsuccessful until Russia's invasion in February 2022. Prior to that, Putin had refused to annex these regions. The historical context of these conflicts is complex and highlights the long-standing tensions between Ukraine and Russia over territorial sovereignty.

    • Political unwillingness hindered Minsk Agreement implementationDespite the Minsk Agreement's potential to resolve the conflict, it was hindered by domestic politics and ideological differences, preventing its implementation and impacting minority groups like Hungarians and Romanians.

      The implementation of the Minsk Agreement, which could have potentially resolved the conflict between Ukraine and Russia, was hindered by a lack of political willingness due to domestic politics and ideological differences. The Ukrainian government, led by ultranationalist forces, refused to implement the agreement due to their strong opposition to Russian influence and the perceived threat to the Ukrainian language and identity. This issue extended beyond the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and affected other minority groups, such as the Hungarian and Romanian communities. In 2019, the election of Volodymyr Zelensky, who ran on a peace platform, offered hope for the implementation of the Minsk Agreement. However, he pivoted away from this promise due to pressure from ultranationalist forces within the government and external pressure from the US State Department.

    • Ukraine-Russia Conflict: Reconquering Crimea and DonbasThe Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022 was triggered by Ukraine's decree to reclaim Crimea and the southern region, resulting in a buildup of forces and ultimately the recognition of Donetsk and Luhansk republics' independence, with a focus on the Donbas region, rather than Kyiv.

      The Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022 was provoked by Ukraine's President Zelensky's decree for the reconquest of Crimea and the southern part of the country in March 2021. This decree led to a buildup of forces on both sides, with the Ukrainian army focusing on the Donbas area and the Russians responding by building up their own forces at the Ukrainian border. The Russians saw this as a threat to their ethnic Russian population in the Donbas region and invoked the Responsibility to Protect principle of the United Nations. The resulting conflict had a major focus on the Donbas region, with the Russians ultimately recognizing the independence of the Donetsk and Luhansk republics and intervening to assist them during the Ukrainian offensive. Zelensky recognized the magnitude of the Russian operation just one day after it began and called for peace negotiations, which were facilitated by the European Union. The conflict was not about taking Kyiv, but about pinning down Ukrainian army reserves to prevent them from reinforcing the main direction of the Russian operation in the Donbas.

    • Early EU aid for weapons led to resumption of hostilities, later negotiations under Turkish auspicesHistorical context and underlying concerns, such as US nuclear weapons, are crucial for resolving the Ukraine-Russia conflict

      During the early stages of the Ukraine-Russia conflict, the European Union offered financial aid to Ukraine for weapons but refused to engage in negotiations, leading to the resumption of hostilities. Later, Ukraine, under Zelensky, initiated a second round of negotiations under Turkish auspices, proposing Russian troop withdrawal in exchange for neutrality and security guarantees. However, the main concern for Russia was not NATO's presence but the potential deployment of US nuclear weapons. This issue stemmed from the US withdrawal from arms control agreements since the Bush administration, leaving uncertainty about US commitment to such agreements. In the past, Soviet Union's response to NATO's presence at its border had led to crises, such as the Cuban Missile Crisis. Ultimately, understanding the historical context and underlying concerns is crucial for resolving the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia.

    • Historical reasons for some countries not joining NATO due to nuclear focus and US controlSome countries have stayed neutral or not joined NATO due to its nuclear focus and US control over nuclear weapons within the alliance. France left in 1966 due to its nuclear program. Drawing Sweden and Finland into NATO could potentially weaken Russia, but preventing nuclear war should be the priority.

      NATO's nuclear focus and the US's control over nuclear weapons within the alliance have historically been reasons for some countries, particularly those with their own nuclear capabilities, to remain neutral or choose not to join. For instance, France left NATO in 1966 due to its nuclear program and the organization's inability to accommodate multiple nuclear powers. Additionally, some Balkan and Scandinavian states have expressed a desire to join NATO, but there may not be a clear strategic advantage for them to do so. In fact, having neutral states in the northern flank of Europe might benefit Russia, as it would reduce the need for them to take care of that part of Europe in case of war. However, a report published by the RAND Corporation in 2019 suggested drawing Sweden and Finland into NATO as a strategy to weaken Russia. In an all-out nuclear war with Russia, the consequences for both the US and Russia would be catastrophic, with each side having a significant nuclear arsenal. It's important to note that the goal should always be to prevent such a conflict from occurring.

    • Risk of limited nuclear war in EuropeThe Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty's revival is crucial to prevent a potentially devastating limited nuclear war in Europe, which could disproportionately affect European countries.

      The risk of an all-out nuclear war between major powers like the US and Russia is unlikely due to the devastating consequences for both sides. However, the possibility of a limited nuclear war in Europe, which would disproportionately affect European countries, is more likely. This is why the revival of the Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty is crucial to prevent such a conflict. During the Cold War, the deployment of tactical nuclear weapons in Europe led to the fear of a nuclear war limited to Europe, with devastating consequences for the continent. The dismantling of this treaty by the Clinton, Obama, and Trump administrations has increased the risk of such a conflict. It's essential to remember the lessons of history and work towards disarmament and peace.

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    David Knowles (Host). @djknowles22 on Twitter.

    Dominic Nicholls (Associate Editor, Defence). @DomNicholls on Twitter

    Francis Dearnley (Assistant Comment Editor). @FrancisDearnley on Twitter.

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    Subscribe to The Telegraph: telegraph.co.uk/ukrainethelatest

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