
    Hope From Farmers with John Kempf

    enMay 30, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Regenerative AgricultureIntensive use of chemicals in agriculture can worsen pest problems and crop losses, as John Kemp discovered when he compared the results of conventionally treated land to untreated land and found significant crop loss in the former due to diseases and insects.

      Intensive use of chemicals in agriculture, despite initial successes, can lead to worsening pest problems and crop losses. This was the experience of John Kemp, an entrepreneur, speaker, and leading crop health consultant from the Amish community in Pennsylvania. Growing up on a vegetable farm in Ohio, John and his family used intense fertilizer and pesticide applications, but faced significant losses due to diseases and insects in the early 2000s. They tried increasing chemical use, but the problems only worsened. A turning point came when they rented a previously uncultivated field and compared the results of their conventional methods to those of the untreated land. The conventionally treated field suffered significant crop loss due to powdery mildew, while the untreated field thrived. This experience led John to advocate for regenerative agriculture and soil management systems that prioritize natural methods over intensive chemical use.

    • Plant Immune SystemProper nutrition and microbiome management are crucial for plant health and can make plants resistant to diseases and pesticides, revolutionizing agriculture and eliminating the need for harmful chemicals

      Plants, like humans, have an immune system that can be supported to make them resistant to diseases and pesticides. This was discovered on a farm when two identical plants, managed the same way, were found to have vastly different levels of powdery mildew, with one plant being completely resistant. This finding led to an intensive learning journey and the realization that proper nutrition and microbiome management are crucial for plant health. This discovery revolutionized the farm, leading to the elimination of pesticides and the successful resolution of all disease and insect problems on a large scale. It's important to note that this concept, while not widely discussed in mainstream agriculture, is well-documented in scientific research. Despite this, the conversation about plant immune systems had not made its way into mainstream agriculture, leading to some initial pushback. However, the success of this approach speaks for itself, with over 4 million acres of farmland across North America and internationally being managed using these principles. It's an inspiring example of the power of nature and the potential for sustainable agriculture.

    • Amish community educationCommunity-based education in the Amish community leads to deep focus and expert knowledge in specific areas, but can be overlooked due to siloing and limited funding.

      Within the Amish community, education is primarily community-run, with teachers being graduates from the same system. This community-based education system allows for a deep focus on various domains of knowledge, leading to remarkably knowledgeable individuals in specific areas, such as plant immune systems in agriculture. However, this knowledge often goes unnoticed due to siloing within academia and limited funding for non-commercial research. Despite having a small farm, the speaker was able to influence agricultural practices on a larger scale through consulting and mentoring other farmers, leading to the founding of a consulting company focused on advancing eco agriculture. The speaker's unique education and experiences allowed them to identify and leverage the potential of managing plant immune systems for improved yield, quality, and sustainability.

    • Robust immune systems in plantsFocusing on regenerative farming practices can increase production of immune-boosting compounds and improve soil health, leading to growing food as medicine and contributing to public health at scale.

      By focusing on creating robust immune systems in plants through regenerative farming practices, we can not only increase the production of essential immune-boosting compounds like lycopene, resveratrol, and anthocyanins, but also improve soil health and contribute to solving ecological challenges. This holistic approach to agriculture can lead to growing food as medicine and positively impact public health at scale. Additionally, the Amish community, with its strong focus on community and family, has shown an appreciation for the benefits of this way of living, even as society around them experiences social deterioration.

    • Amish communities health and safety measuresEffective health and safety measures during the pandemic required community cooperation and practical solutions. Amish communities successfully enforced mask mandates in stores, with local banks leading the way, and achieved significant successes in regenerative agriculture through economic incentives and valuing the role of humans as caretakers of the land.

      Community cooperation and practical solutions were essential for implementing effective health and safety measures during the pandemic. For Amish communities, this meant enforcing mask mandates in stores, despite resistance from some customers. Surprisingly, the only businesses able to enforce this rule successfully were local banks. The biggest successes of their regenerative agriculture program, on the other hand, include bringing joy and hope back into farming, reducing input costs, and increasing yields, all while promoting stewardship and engaging more people in the ecosystem. Ultimately, the success of these initiatives relies on providing economic incentives and valuing the role of humans as caretakers of the land.

    • Farmers' financial strugglesFarmers in unsustainable systems are financially strained due to low pay and debt from contracts with large corporations, leading to environmental degradation and health risks. Transitioning to a sustainable food-focused model is a long-term process, but necessary for economic stability and environmental regeneration.

      The agricultural system in many areas, particularly in the US, is unsustainable for farmers due to the economic model that leaves them financially strained. Farmers are often locked into contracts with large corporations, which results in them being paid very little for their labor and being financially indebted. This system also relies heavily on monocultures, heavy use of chemicals, and subsidies, leading to environmental degradation and health risks. Transitioning to a more sustainable and food-focused model is a long-term process, but it's necessary to ensure economic stability and environmental regeneration for rural communities. Empathy and understanding for farmers' current situations are crucial in facilitating this transition. While the current system may seem easy from a management and financing perspective, the shift to a more complex and labor-intensive model that includes livestock and high-quality food production is worth the effort in the long run.

    • Engineering innovations in public healthEngineering innovations, such as improving nutrition and public health infrastructure, played a significant role in reducing mortality rates from infectious diseases in the 20th century, contributing more than medical interventions like vaccines and antibiotics.

      The decline in mortality rates from infectious diseases in the 20th century was not solely due to medical interventions like vaccines and antibiotics, but rather the result of engineering innovations that improved nutrition and public health infrastructure. The study "Guyer et al." published in Pediatrics in 2000, funded by CDC and NIH, revealed that medical interventions contributed less than 1% to the 80% reduction in mortalities. The real cause was the elimination of malnutrition and the strengthening of immune systems. This is a powerful reminder that the root causes of health issues often lie beyond the surface level information we are given, and it's essential to dig deeper to understand the underlying causes. In plant pathology, this concept is known as the disease triangle, which requires the presence of a pathogen, a proper environment, and a susceptible host. Not all hosts are uniformly susceptible, and understanding why is crucial for effective disease management. Similarly, in public health, it's essential to consider the root causes of health issues and not just focus on surface-level symptoms or interventions.

    • Root causes of diseaseAddressing nutrient deficiencies across the board can lead to the reversal of seemingly uncurable diseases, as shown in the example of bacterial canker on cherry and stone fruit orchards.

      A comprehensive and systemic approach to addressing health issues, whether in agriculture or in humans, can lead to successful reversals of seemingly uncurable diseases. John Camp, an expert in agriculture, shares an example of bacterial canker on cherry and stone fruit orchards that were on the brink of being bulldozed due to their lack of productivity. Instead of giving up, they conducted a ferro nutritional assessment and addressed the nutrient deficiencies across the board. The disease disappeared, but it's unclear which of the 10 interventions was the key factor. Camp emphasizes the importance of digging for root causes and taking a thorough approach to health management, as this is often missing from our discourse. For more information, visit johncamp.com or connect with him on social media. Collectively, as a human race, we have the knowledge and wisdom to solve the world's challenges, including those in agriculture. It's up to us to find the collective will and alliance to put that knowledge into action.

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    Why? Hundreds of millions of dollars of grants and unreported royalties were at stake, and heads would roll if the truth got out.


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