
    CIA Propagandizing Americans with Weston Sager

    enMay 26, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Historical Use of State Media by US GovernmentThe US government has a long history of using state media to shape public opinion, dating back to World War 1, raising concerns over false information and censorship.

      The use of state media or propaganda by the US government is not a new phenomenon, with its roots tracing back to World War 1 and the Committee on Public Information (CPI). The CPI was formed under the Wilson administration to generate support for the war effort when America was hesitant to get involved. The government saturated the American market with US state media in various formats to sway public opinion, sparking controversy and concerns over false information and censorship. After World War 1, the use of state media subsided, but it resurfaced during World War 2 with the creation of the Office of War Information. Today, with the ongoing debate around government control of media and the recent TikTok ban, understanding this historical context is crucial in assessing the potential implications for democracy.

    • US Government's use of media for propaganda since WW2From WW2 to present, US gov't used media for propaganda, including Voice of America, with ban on domestic dissemination lifted in 2013

      The US government's use of media as a tool for propaganda dates back to World War 2 with the creation of Voice of America. This office, under the umbrella of the Office of War Information, produced radio broadcasts to counter Nazi propaganda in Europe and also domestically to generate support for the war. After the war, concerns about Soviet anti-American propaganda led to the Smith-Mundt Act in 1948, which established a peacetime international state media network. However, there was a ban on the domestic dissemination of US state media, which became permanent in 1972 due to American opposition to government propaganda, economic considerations, and the desire to contrast the US as a free and democratic country. The CIA also covertly funded and founded Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty in the 1950s to broadcast in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. With the repeal of the domestic dissemination ban in 2013, US state media outlets can now disseminate their content to the American public.

    • CIA's covert influence on media during the Cold WarThe CIA used various tactics to control media narratives during the Cold War, including funding, blackmail, and bribery, and continues to influence journalism abroad through USAID, making it the largest journalism funder globally.

      The CIA's involvement in media outlets like Radio Free Europe during the Cold War was kept hidden to give the impression of an organic movement rather than government-controlled propaganda. The CIA also operated covertly to influence journalists worldwide through funding, blackmail, and bribery. Although the CIA's domestic journalism propagation program was dismantled in the 1970s due to its illegality, the agency continues to fund journalism abroad, primarily through USAID, making it the largest journalism funder globally. Additionally, the CIA's influence extended to various cultural and artistic movements, including funding parts of the abstract art scene in the US and abroad. This historical context sheds light on the complex role of government agencies in shaping global media narratives.

    • Repeal of Smith-Mundt Act allows US gov media to reach Americans, but legal limits are testedThe repeal of the Smith-Mundt Act in 2013 opened up US government media for domestic dissemination, but the application and enforcement of these policies continue to pose challenges and raise concerns.

      The Smith-Mundt Act, which historically prevented the dissemination of US government media within the United States, was repealed in 2013 due to the increasing unenforceability of the ban with the rise of the Internet, the desire to reduce domestic terrorism, and promote government transparency. However, despite the legal change, there have been reported instances of US Agency for Global Media targeting Americans with Facebook ads, which is against the law. This incident highlights the ongoing complexity and uncertainty surrounding the implementation and enforcement of these media dissemination policies.

    • Changes in US state media under Trump administrationDuring Trump's tenure, US state media underwent significant changes, with the CEO gaining more power to shape the agencies to align with White House desires, resulting in a shift towards becoming mouthpieces for the administration. Biden's removal of Pack and reforms to the leadership structure aim to prevent excessive politicization.

      During the Trump administration, the US state media underwent significant changes that raised concerns over its editorial independence. The Broadcasting Board of Governors (USAGM) requested a CEO to manage daily operations more effectively, which led to the National Defense Authorization Act of 2016 granting the CEO immense power to shape US state media agencies to reflect the White House's desires. Michael Pack, a conservative filmmaker, was appointed and made sweeping changes, turning these agencies into mouthpieces for the Trump administration. President Biden removed Pack upon taking office and reformed the leadership structure to prevent excessive politicization. However, US state media, with over 450 million weekly viewers globally and a $1 billion annual budget, remains a significant entity, and Americans can access its content through outlets like Voice of America, Radio Free Europe, and others. While these outlets offer news and information, it's essential to recognize that they are state media and may present a particular perspective.

    • Government-funded media outlets disguise US propagandaAmericans may unknowingly engage with gov't propaganda, potentially harming democracy, reinstating a ban or promoting transparency can help mitigate issue.

      The US federal government operates media outlets like Voice of America and Radio Free Europe under the guise of independent entities, but in reality, they are government-funded and advocating for US policies. This lack of transparency can lead Americans to unknowingly engage with government propaganda, which is misleading and potentially harmful to an informed democracy. The Smith-Mundt Act does not prohibit intelligence agencies from propagandizing US citizens, and there have been instances where the government has overstepped its boundaries without significant consequences. To mitigate this issue, options include reinstating a domestic dissemination ban, promoting transparency by allowing access to older materials, or requiring clear government attribution on all produced materials. The failed Truth in Broadcasting Act of 2005 was an attempt to address this issue by requiring government-produced materials to be labeled. The danger lies in the potential for Americans to be unknowingly influenced by their own government's propaganda, undermining the trust and credibility of the media landscape and the democratic process.

    • Government control over news media under the guise of counteracting foreign disinformationThe potential expansion of US government control over news media could compromise a free and independent press, making America resemble totalitarian regimes. Transparency and labeling of state-owned media outlets could help preserve free public discourse and the role of independent media.

      The potential expansion of US government control over news media, under the guise of counteracting foreign disinformation, could lead to a compromised free and independent press, making America resemble totalitarian regimes. This is a complex issue, as foreign disinformation is a concern, but the solution should not involve the government becoming a dominant player in the media space. Instead, transparency and labeling of state-owned media outlets could help preserve free public discourse and the role of independent media outlets. The Smith-Mundt Act, an existing law, could potentially be used to expand government control, and it's crucial for Americans to be aware of these developments and engage in open dialogue to prevent potential negative consequences.

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