
    Piers Morgan Uncensored: Political Jobs Age Restriction, New Critical Race Theory, Weird New TikTok Trend

    enJuly 28, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Embracing Aging and Finding Convenient SolutionsMick Jagger's active lifestyle at 80 shows aging is relative, while Blue Nile and Stamps.com offer tools to simplify personal and business needs.

      Aging is a relative concept and it's not about the number of years, but how one embraces and deals with it. While some people may show signs of aging more visibly, others may continue to live their lives to the fullest, defying their age. This was evident in the discussion about Mick Jagger, who at 80, continues to perform and live an active life, contrasting with some politicians who appear less capable due to their age. Another key takeaway is the importance of finding the right tools and services for personal and business needs. Blue Nile was mentioned as a great option for finding the perfect Mother's Day gift, offering a wide selection of jewelry, fast shipping, and free returns. Stamps.com was highlighted as a no-brainer for businesses needing to mail items, with significant discounts on USPS and UPS shipping. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of embracing aging and finding solutions to make life and business more convenient and efficient.

    • Age and Leadership: Focus on Capabilities and MindsetAge doesn't dictate ability to lead effectively. Focus on mental acuity, mindset, and individual capabilities rather than age when evaluating leaders.

      Age is a complex issue when it comes to leadership and productivity. While physical capability is important, mental acuity and mindset are equally significant. The discussion highlighted the cases of politicians and public figures, such as Stanley Johnson and Joe Biden, who have shown that age does not necessarily dictate one's ability to lead. However, it is crucial to acknowledge the potential impact of age on mental and physical abilities and consider contingency plans when necessary. For instance, Mitch McConnell's continued tenure as a senator raises questions about his ability to effectively serve his constituents. In contrast, Jimmy Anderson, who is considered "over the hill" at 41 in the cricket world, continues to excel in his field. Ultimately, it's essential to focus on an individual's capabilities and mindset rather than their age when evaluating their suitability for leadership roles.

    • Age and Political Leadership: Physical vs Mental AbilitiesThe debate over the age of political leaders goes beyond physical abilities, with some advocating for older leaders' intellectual framework and others preferring younger, adaptable minds. Discussions also included mandatory mental competency tests and Chanel O'Connor's passing.

      The debate about the age of political leaders goes beyond just their physical abilities, but also their mental acuity and ability to adapt to new ideas. While some argue that older leaders may be hogging the intellectual framework, others believe that a younger, more vibrant mind is necessary to effectively run a country. The discussion also touched upon the idea of mandatory mental competency tests for politicians over a certain age, similar to mandatory driving tests for older adults. However, the implementation of such a policy raises questions about the practicality and potential for ageism. Additionally, the conversation touched upon the passing of Chanel O'Connor and Morrissey's controversial response to her death.

    • Morrissey criticizes music industry's treatment of troubled artistsMorrissey criticized the music industry for abandoning troubled artists and questioned its 'madness'. Examples given included Judy Garland, Whitney Houston, Amy Winehouse, Marilyn Monroe, Billie Holiday, and Sinead O'Connor.

      The music industry has a history of abandoning troubled artists, only to praise them after their deaths. Morrissey, a musician himself, criticized this trend, pointing to the cases of Judy Garland, Whitney Houston, Amy Winehouse, Marilyn Monroe, Billie Holiday, and Sinead O'Connor. He questioned if the music industry's "madness" was worth these artists' lives. The conversation then touched on the media's role in hounding celebrities and the public's response to Britney Spears' current situation. While agreeing with Morrissey's point about the treatment of troubled artists, it was noted that Morrissey himself is not the ideal messenger due to his controversial statements. The conversation then shifted to cricket and the ongoing Ashes series between Australia and England, with the hosts retaining the trophy despite not technically winning it.

    • Cricket, Controversy, and Morality: A Complex DiscourseSurprised by leniency towards cricket cheating, while controversy over influencer's post sparks intense debate

      The discussion revolved around the actions of a cricket player, Steve Smith, who was involved in a cheating scandal but was not punished severely. The speaker expressed surprise and disappointment, using metaphors and comparisons to describe Smith's perceived perfection and moral policing. The conversation also touched on the unbearable nature of Australians during cricket events and the extraordinary occurrence of eight sixes in a test match. However, the tone shifted when the topic moved to Sue Pearl Davis, a controversial influencer who faced backlash for posting and then deleting a song with controversial themes. The speaker expressed disbelief and confusion over Davis' actions and the ensuing controversy. Overall, the conversation showcased a range of emotions and opinions on various topics, from cricket to free speech and hate speech.

    • Freedom of Speech and Controversial TopicsPeople should be allowed to discuss controversial topics, including historical figures and conspiracy theories, without fear of being banned, as long as they're not inciting violence. Social media is the new town square, corporations should not censor speech.

      The speaker believes cancel culture and social media bans are wrong, and people should be allowed to discuss controversial topics, including those related to historical figures and conspiracy theories, without fear of being banned, as long as they are not inciting violence. The speaker's song about Hitler and the Holocaust was intended to be a tongue-in-cheek exploration of why such conversations are being silenced, rather than an endorsement of Holocaust denial. The speaker also expressed surprise and regret over the backlash and upset caused by the song, particularly from the Jewish community. The speaker's stance is that social media has become the new town square, and corporations should not be censoring speech, even if it is controversial or offensive.

    • The Harmful Impact of Hate Speech on CommunitiesHate speech, particularly towards the Jewish community, is offensive, harmful, and damaging. It's important to recognize and prevent its spread to protect communities from harm.

      Hate speech, even if it's profitable and popular, is offensive and harmful to communities, particularly the Jewish community. Pearl, who engages in such speech, is an example of someone who will eventually fade away due to the damaging nature of their words. Hatred is not something that can be debated or rationalized, and attempting to do so only serves to further expose it. It's important to shed light on such bigotry to expose its harmful nature. The line between acceptable and unacceptable speech is not for individuals to determine, and it's crucial to understand the impact of one's words on others. The Jewish community, in particular, has historically been targeted with hate speech, and it's essential to recognize the harm it causes and take action to prevent its spread.

    • Unequal application of speech regulations by private companiesWhile free speech is important, inconsistent application of speech regulations by social media companies can lead to problematic censorship, particularly against marginalized communities.

      While free speech is a crucial aspect of any democratic society, the issue lies in the unequal application of speech regulations by private companies. The conversation revolved around the topics of Adolf Hitler and cancel culture. Some argue that any speech, including conspiracy theories or hate speech, should be allowed on social media. Others argue that there should be consequences for hate speech, particularly against Jewish people and Israel, which is often allowed to persist without repercussions. The problem, according to the speakers, is not the suppression of anti-Jewish speech but the inconsistent application of speech regulations by social media companies. The conversation also touched upon the importance of being able to have difficult conversations without being censored, even if those conversations may be controversial or offensive to some. Ultimately, the consensus seemed to be that while there should be a line against incitement to immediate violence, the current state of censorship on social media is problematic and requires more nuanced discussions and regulations.

    • Understanding Critical Race Theory: Systemic Racism and Institutional ChangeCritical race theory is a contentious academic framework that identifies systemic racism in US institutions, with proponents advocating for addressing it and critics warning against divisive labeling and potential constitutional rights infringement.

      Critical race theory is a controversial academic discipline that views the United States as a systemically racist nation, with institutions from education to healthcare labeled as racist. Proponents argue that it's necessary to understand and address systemic racism, while critics claim it's a negative and divisive ideology that seeks to suspend constitutional rights and redistribute wealth based on race. The debate around critical race theory has reached schools in both the US and UK, with institutions ranging from the police to universities being labeled as racist. Critics argue that labeling everything as institutionally racist can be exhausting and detracts from the possibility of progress and positivity. Chris Ruffo, a conservative writer and activist, opposes the ideology and works to restrict it in the curriculum, while others see it as a necessary tool for understanding and addressing systemic racism.

    • Understanding the impact of critical race theoryFocus on impact of CRT on individuals and society, involve children in discussions about race, ensure age-appropriate conversations, and avoid shaming or scapegoating individuals based on ancestry.

      The ongoing discourse surrounding critical race theory should focus on understanding its impact on individuals and society as a whole, rather than labeling it as a pseudoscience or a conspiracy theory. The speaker emphasized that it's important to involve children in discussions about race and unfairness, but caution should be taken to ensure these conversations are age-appropriate and not shaming or scapegoating individuals based on their ancestry. Additionally, while TikTok trends like non-playable character role-play can be entertaining and profitable, it's crucial to consider their potential impact on viewers and the broader implications of such trends in society.

    • Considering the implications of social media trendsWhile engaging in social media trends can be entertaining and profitable, it's important to consider the potential exploitation, societal impact, and long-term consequences before participating. Influencers have a responsibility to act as positive role models, and the addictive nature of social media should be acknowledged.

      While participating in trends like "Ashes and Glare" on TikTok can seem like harmless fun and an easy way to make money, there are deeper concerns about the potential exploitation and selling of one's persona to a quasi-soft core sex app owned by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and ByteDance. Some argue that it's important to consider the long-term implications of these actions and the potential impact on society as a whole. Additionally, the responsibility of influencers with large followings to act as positive role models for young girls should not be overlooked. Despite these concerns, many young people may view these criticisms as outdated and not fully understand the potential consequences of their actions. Ultimately, it's essential to consider the bigger picture and weigh the potential benefits and drawbacks before jumping on the latest trend. Additionally, the discussion touched on the addictive nature of social media and the potential harmlessness of engaging in "harmless fun" and sharing content on these platforms. The speakers also acknowledged the potential financial benefits of social media fame and the role of algorithms in determining success on these platforms. The conversation ended with a lighthearted note, with Piers Morgan jokingly passing the baton to Rosanna for the next few weeks while he goes on holiday.

    • Appreciating Moms: Health and HappinessCelebrate Mother's Day by prioritizing moms' health with Health ProtectorGuard, and showing appreciation through special gifts from 1800flowers.com

      This Mother's Day, it's important to show appreciation for the mothers in our lives by taking care of their health and well-being, as well as treating them to special gifts and experiences. To help with the former, consider visiting uhone.com to explore the Health ProtectorGuard plan, which can help cover medical bills. For the latter, check out 1800flowers.com/acast for handmade bouquets, sweet treats, gourmet food, and unique gifts, and take advantage of the limited-time offer for up to 40% off Mother's Day bestsellers. So, let's give back to the ones who have given us so much – both in terms of health and happiness.

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    Piers Morgan Uncensored is the global arena for fearless debate, bold opinions and major interviews. Subscribe for all-new and exclusive daily content. 

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    This episode's question
    I'm looking for a new job. And I'm considering a couple of different kinds of jobs. So do I need a separate resume for each type of job that I'm applying for?


    What you'll learn
    - How to stop wasting your time submitting resumes to recruiters and hiring managers who throw it in the trash or overlook your awesomeness.

    - How to get noticed by talent management "bots" - the automated tools that are screening you as a candidate before a human ever sees your resume.

    - The big secret to getting hiring managers and recruiters to give your resume more than the 10 second skim. Hint: make it all about them.


    Resource of the episode
    Pinterest inspiration boards for Killer Visual Resumes to differentiate yourself and catch the eye of a recruiter. There's also a board on resume writing tips and interviewing tips.


    Tweetable of the episode
    In the world of resumes, if you make recruiters do work to see how your skills are relevant, they will move along to someone who doesn't. via @careerpodcast