
    Pioneering Pickleball: Diadem Co-Founder - Michael Manglardi | Profession Session EP. 60

    en-usMay 10, 2023

    About this Episode

    Michael Manglardi, co-founder of Diadem Sports joins.

    Diadem is a tennis and pickleball brand that's pioneering the pickleball space and quickly growing market share in the tennis space.

    Michael shares the story behind the brand, and the incredible journey of growth it's had so far.

    He shares his insights on the skills you need when starting out.

    We talk about making a great product and marketing it effectively.

    He also draws parallels from sport to business, highlighting the importance of discipline, teamwork, and perseverance.

    As someone who has hired many people throughout his career, Michael emphasizes the importance of being a good person and having a strong work ethic.

    He also shares his thoughts on when to hire and how to ensure that your team is aligned and working together effectively.

    Michael emphasizes the importance of caring for your customers and making them feel valued.

    He also shares a lot about the future growth plans that Diadem has as a brand.

    If you're interested in entrepreneurship, building a brand, or want to learn more about the world of pickleball and tennis, this episode is for you.

    Guest: Michael Manglardi




    Host: Brody Vinson




    Recent Episodes from Profession Session

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    For more resources, to book a consultation with me, or to reach out for personalized advice, book a call here: https://www.scaleforsale.com/book45-3483

    Connect with me on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/brodyvinson.io/

    Subscribe for more episodes on business acquisitions, selling strategies, and deep dives into the world of business. Stay tuned for more insightful content and as always, happy value building!

    How We Got His Business Acquired without a Broker in 2 Months - EP94

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    If you're a business owner dreaming of selling your business or you're stuck in the day-to-day grind, this video is a goldmine of practical tips and inspiring success stories. Don't miss out on these valuable insights!

    Subscribe for more content on business consulting and transformation stories. Also, check out the link below for a free consultation if you're looking to sell your business or want to prepare for a future sale.

    Follow me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/brodyvinson.io/ for regular updates and more tips on business growth and acquisitions.

    Book a consultation call with me here: https://www.scaleforsale.com/book45-3483

    Get ready to take your business to the next level and remember, happy value building!


    00:00:00 Introduction to Consulting Services

    00:00:29 Introduction to the Client and His Situation

    00:01:00 Challenges in Business Growth and Operations

    00:02:00 The Journey to Business Readiness for Sale

    00:03:00 Collecting Client Reviews for Business Credibility

    00:04:00 Systemizing Operations and Project Management

    00:05:00 Client Onboarding and Expectation Management

    00:06:00 Profit Margin Analysis and Social Media Tracking

    00:07:00 Organizing Client Communications and Time Management

    00:08:00 Business Sale Announcement and Deal Excitement

    00:09:00 Business Growth Post-Sale and Future Plans

    How to Sell Your Business Like an M&A Firm. EP93

    How to Sell Your Business Like an M&A Firm. EP93

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    Check out the links below for templates for a Confidential Information Memorandum (CIM) and a business teaser, as well as a template for a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). These resources are designed to give you a head start in preparing your business for sale.

    Subscribe for more insights on growing and selling your business. If you have any questions or need guidance, feel free to reach out to me on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/brodyvinson.io/

    Teaser Template: https://www.canva.com/design/DAF4wMpf-TE/jTPUqzu9BEEw-cYgWYHHDA/view?utm_content=DAF4wMpf-TE&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=publishsharelink&mode=preview

    Confidential Information Memorandum Template: https://www.canva.com/design/DAF3bs04N4g/4Ptvq3ez90EKOsZ3AxYgTg/view?utm_content=DAF3bs04N4g&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=publishsharelink&mode=preview

    NDA Template: https://docs.google.com/document/d/15luZwfbANv0CAqZGeecBzdEiK26A9BilbMuqtU9NuCg/edit?usp=sharing

    00:00 - Introduction to Mergers & Acquisitions

    Brody introduces the concept of mergers and acquisitions and its importance in the business selling process.

    00:30 - The Power of M&A Firms

    Exploring how M&A firms successfully sell businesses through a systematic approach.

    01:00 - Brody's Expertise

    Brody shares his background as an exit planning consultant and his insights into M&A processes.

    02:00 - Relevance to Small Business Owners

    Discussing why the M&A process is crucial for small business owners looking to sell.

    03:00 - The Four-Step Selling Process

    Brody breaks down a four-step process for selling your business, inspired by M&A strategies.

    04:00 - Step 1: Creating Marketing Materials

    Details on how to create effective marketing materials for your business sale.

    05:00 - Step 2: Utilizing Confidential Information Memorandum (CIM)

    Guidance on using a CIM and a teaser to attract potential buyers.

    06:00 - Step 3: The Letter of Intent (LOI)

    Understanding the importance of an LOI in the selling process.

    07:00 - Step 4: Navigating Due Diligence

    Brody explains how to handle the due diligence process effectively.

    08:00 - Conclusion and Call to Action

    Final thoughts and an invitation to connect with Brody for personalized advice and future content.

    3 Ways to Get Others to Valuate Your Small Business for Free - EP92

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    01:21 - Key Steps to Prepare for Selling Your Business

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    02:04 - How to Approach Your Valuation

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    03:08 - 3 Strategies for Effective Business Valuation

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    04:29 - Tying it All Together

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    ‍♂️ Role Plays & Real Examples: Through role-plays and storytelling, we illustrate the effectiveness of these techniques in real-life scenarios.

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    Actionable Tips: Get practical tips on body language, emotional intelligence, and the law of reciprocity to enhance your networking skills.

    For All Entrepreneurs: Whether you're new to networking or looking to refine your skills, these insights are invaluable for anyone looking to grow their business through authentic connections.

    Connect with Us: Follow Chonsten Jennings (@chonstenjennings) and me (@brodyvinson.io) on Instagram for more insights and personal support on your entrepreneurial journey.



    Subscribe for More: If you found value in this, please share. Your support helps us bring more content like this to entrepreneurs like you.


    0:00 - Introduction and the Importance of Networking

    An overview of the networking challenges faced by entrepreneurs, featuring Chonsten Jennings.

    0:33 - Redefining Networking

    Chonsten Jennings discusses a new approach to networking, emphasizing genuine assistance over transactional interactions.

    1:01 - The STAR Framework for Networking

    Introduction to the STAR (Start, Talk, Attend, Refer) framework, a guide for effective networking conversations.

    1:50 - Applying the STAR Method

    Examples and role-play to demonstrate the practical application of the STAR framework in real-life networking scenarios.

    2:26 - Effective Conversation Starters and Body Language Tips

    Techniques for initiating conversations and understanding body language in networking contexts.

    3:52 - Beyond Business Cards

    Strategies for establishing genuine connections, moving beyond superficial networking methods.

    4:57 - Deepening Networking Conversations

    Insights on how to engage more meaningfully in networking situations, with a focus on personal storytelling and emotional intelligence.

    6:58 - Practical Networking Applications and Mistakes to Avoid

    Real-life applications of networking skills in various settings, including common mistakes and how to avoid them.

    9:24 - Leveraging Networking Events

    Tips for becoming influential in networking events and the importance of providing value to enhance your networking impact.

    10:34 - The Law of Reciprocity in Networking

    Discussion on the law of reciprocity and its role in building effective business relationships.

    11:59 - Final Thoughts and Advice for Entrepreneurs

    Chonsten Jennings and the host share their concluding thoughts on networking, including advice for entrepreneurs new to the field.

    How to get clients on Instagram in 2024 | EP90

    How to get clients on Instagram in 2024 | EP90

    Welcome to my channel where I share my journey and strategies for business growth and consulting. In today's video, I'm excited to pull back the curtain on how Instagram was instrumental in acquiring my first three consulting clients.

    Client Locations: From Florida to New York, and California - discover how I connected with clients nationwide, despite geographical differences.

    Consulting Expertise: As a hands-on consultant for business owners looking to grow and potentially sell their businesses, I share my personal experience of building and selling businesses without guidance, and how it shapes my consulting approach.

    Why Instagram? I delve into the four key reasons why Instagram was my platform of choice for attracting clients:

    Wide Reach with Reels

    Easy Content Boosting and Ads

    Research-Friendly Platform

    Effective Messaging System

    Client Acquisition Stories:

    Referral through Content Sharing: How LinkedIn connections and repurposing content played a role.

    Engagement through Boosted Ads: Insights into the specific ad strategies that worked.

    Direct Client Outreach: The power of consistent content and effective call-to-action.

    Key Takeaways:

    Importance of being present on multiple platforms.

    The art of qualifying potential clients.

    Creating content that resonates and engages.

    Simplifying complex problems into actionable solutions.

    If you're a business owner or aspiring entrepreneur, find value in my content, and are curious about how to grow and sell your business, be sure to drop a like, subscribe, and share. For more in-depth discussions and tips, stay tuned to this channel.




    Join Our Community: Share your thoughts in the comments below and let's discuss strategies for growing and selling your business.

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    Find me on Instagram @brodyvinson.io

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    Lessons from Bankruptcy & Running Massive Companies - Mark Musselman | EP88

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    Notably, we also cover him going through and surviving bankruptcy, as well as the many difficult times he fought through in his career.

    This one is packed with wisdom and value learned through tough times, struggle, and both successes and failures on the other ends.

    Find Mark here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/markmusselman/

    Lessons on Wealth and Success from Banking, Law Enforcement, and Entrepreneurship - Adaniel Zoga | EP87

    Lessons on Wealth and Success from Banking, Law Enforcement, and Entrepreneurship  - Adaniel Zoga | EP87

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    He is currently a realtor dominating central Florida, but has had incredible success in banking, law enforcement, Turo car rentals, and content marketing as well.

    His career is marked by getting to the top of his field in an area and then moving to another to win in another way.

    He uses content marketing as his source of lead generation and we discussed qualities that lead to wealth creation and success across all industries.

    Find him here: https://www.instagram.com/adaniel.zoga/

    She Made Belly Dancing a Business - Helen Blondel | EP86

    She Made Belly Dancing a Business - Helen Blondel | EP86

    In this engaging episode, I have a deep and insightful conversation with Helen Blondel, a content creator and entrepreneur. We explore the intricacies of entrepreneurship, the creative process, and personal growth.

    Key Points:

    The Importance of Breaks: I reflect on the significance of taking time off to prevent burnout and regain a fresh perspective. I note that such breaks can lead to a renewed sense of purpose and clarity.

    Humanity in Entrepreneurship: Helen emphasizes the importance of acknowledging our human need for rest. She points out that taking breaks is crucial for returning to work with a rejuvenated focus and improved service to others.

    Growth Ambitions: Helen shares her aspirations to expand her influence beyond Florida and even internationally. She plans to use social media and in-person workshops to grow her audience.

    Journey in Content Creation: Helen recounts her evolution as a content creator, starting with dance videos on Instagram and later incorporating educational and comedic elements on TikTok. This strategic shift resulted in a substantial increase in her following.

    Handling Negative Feedback: We discuss managing negative comments. Helen talks about converting criticism into comedic content, which not only engages her audience but also plays well with social media algorithms.

    Vision and Tenacity: Helen advises listeners to envision their future success and persist through obstacles. She highlights the need for discipline and managing attention in today's rapid content landscape.

    Message to Younger Self: Helen would tell her 13-year-old self to disregard others' opinions and to persistently pursue her passions, regardless of any negativity encountered.

    Individual Paths to Success: Helen and I agree that success doesn't have a universal roadmap; each person must find their path by experimenting with different approaches while staying focused on their aspirations.

    Concluding Thoughts: Helen uses the diamond analogy to inspire listeners, suggesting that enduring pressure can lead to becoming the best version of oneself. She encourages embracing challenges as opportunities for growth.

    Find Helen here:


    Profession Session
    en-usNovember 08, 2023