
    Poland to send 74 tanks to Ukraine & interview with a volunteer chef in Lviv

    enJanuary 27, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Effective communication and alignment in work managementAsana helps teams stay focused on company-wide objectives by keeping tasks and goals connected in one platform.

      Effective communication and alignment between teams and goals are crucial for productivity and success. Asana, an enterprise work management platform, helps achieve this by keeping tasks and company-wide objectives in one place, ensuring teams understand the connection between their daily work and the larger goals. Meanwhile, in the news, tensions remain high in Ukraine as both sides engage in military activity, with Poland and the UK sending tanks to bolster the country's defenses. Additionally, concerns continue over the safety of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, which is located in an active combat zone and has experienced explosions in recent days. The UN's nuclear watchdog has urged the establishment of a protection zone to prevent a potential nuclear accident.

    • Growing concerns about nuclear safety at Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power PlantRussia controls the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine, causing safety concerns and potential conflict escalation. European officials seek negotiations to establish a protection zone, while Western tank deliveries are labeled as evidence of direct involvement.

      There are growing concerns about nuclear safety and potential escalation at the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine, which is currently under Russian control. Russia has denied accusations of not upholding nuclear safety and has labeled the delivery of Western tanks to Ukraine as evidence of direct involvement in the conflict. European officials have expressed concerns about Russian forces using Ukrainian power plants as safe havens and have called for negotiations to establish a protection zone. The UN has identified the plant as a potential flashpoint in the war. The situation is complex, with Ukrainian personnel operating the plant under Russian management, and there have been reports of direct shelling. The Western strategy of gradually ramping up munitions donations to Ukraine has been effective in avoiding a crisis point, but it also increases the risk of unintended escalation. Both sides have engaged in gradual escalation, and the absence of red lines in the war has consequences for both.

    • Poland sending Soviet-era T-72 tanks to UkrainePoland and other countries send older Soviet-style tanks to Ukraine, which can be delivered faster than newer Western tanks, and there's a suggestion to build a Western arms factory in a neighboring country to ensure long-term support for Ukraine's military modernization

      Poland is sending Soviet-era upgraded T-72 tanks to Ukraine, in addition to the German-made Leopard 2 tanks that have caused controversy. This is significant as Poland was the first country to send tanks to Ukraine last year, and other countries like the Czechs and Slovaks have followed suit. The Ukrainians will likely appreciate these tanks, as they can be delivered faster than the Leopard 2s, Challenger 2s, or US Abrams tanks due to their similarity to the tanks Ukraine already has. Tobias Ellwood, British MP and chairman of the defense select committee, suggested that the West should consider establishing a massive arms factory in a neighboring country like Poland to ensure long-term support for Ukraine. This factory could produce cohesive systems, such as artillery howitzers and potentially even Leopard 2 tanks on license, to help Ukraine build a more unified and collaborative military. Ellwood emphasized that this would ultimately benefit Ukraine in its long-term goal of moving away from Soviet military tactics and potentially joining NATO.

    • Proposed Ukrainian weapons factory on NATO soilA proposed factory in Poland could produce weapons for Ukraine using Western engineers and arms companies, providing an independent source and helping to replenish depleting stockpiles. However, logistical complexities remain a challenge.

      There is a proposal for building a Ukrainian factory on NATO soil in Poland, which could produce weapons for Ukraine using Western engineers and arms companies. This idea, proposed by Tobias Ellwood, aims to provide an independent source of weapons for Ukraine while also helping to replenish Western countries' depleting stockpiles. The challenge lies in the logistical complexities, such as the need for tools and ammunition in different measurements and fuel types for various tanks. This proposal is inspired by Taiwan's microchip factory in the United States and is seen as a potential long-term strategy for supporting Ukraine and filling the gap in global leadership on this issue. The British government has shown interest in this idea, which could lead to job creation in Poland and ultimately benefit both Ukraine and the West.

    • Turkey-Sweden tensions escalate over Quran burning incidentA far-right journalist's actions could hinder Sweden's NATO membership due to Turkey's concerns over terror groups' presence in Sweden, adding to the geopolitical complexities surrounding NATO expansion and Russia's opposition.

      The ongoing diplomatic tensions between Turkey and Sweden over Sweden's bid to join NATO have escalated with the burning of a copy of the Quran outside the Turkish embassy in Stockholm. The incident was allegedly orchestrated by a far-right journalist with links to the Kremlin, aimed at undermining Sweden's NATO membership. This incident comes after Turkey demanded Sweden and Finland sign a memorandum of understanding to crackdown on terror groups, specifically the PKK, which has a significant presence in Sweden. Turkey's concerns stem from the belief that these countries have become safe havens for such groups. The incident could potentially hinder Sweden's NATO membership process, as Turkey is a key ally in the alliance. The situation highlights the geopolitical complexities and tensions surrounding NATO expansion and Russia's opposition to it.

    • British Volunteer's Role in Feeding Ukrainian SoldiersA British volunteer, Richard Woodruff, helps run a kitchen in Lviv that prepares and delivers fresh meals to Ukrainian soldiers on the front lines every 30 minutes. The kitchen, founded by locals, initially provided dried rations but now uses drones to send supplies and document the situation.

      The ongoing conflict in Ukraine has led to a humanitarian crisis, with many volunteers stepping up to help. Richard Woodruff, a British volunteer, has been working in Lviv for the past eight months at Frontline Kitchen, which provides meals to soldiers on the front lines. The kitchen, founded by Luda and Oksana nine years ago, initially supplied dried rations to soldiers in the east due to food shortages. Today, the kitchen sends out fresh meals every 30 minutes to the front lines. The operation involves 50 people working in a small kitchen in Lviv, preparing and drying ingredients, which are then packaged and sent to an undisclosed location. Recently, the kitchen has also started using drones to deliver supplies and document the situation on the ground. The volunteer-led effort shows the resilience and determination of the community to support their soldiers during these challenging times.

    • A man's compassionate response to the Ukraine crisisIndividuals can make a difference by providing necessary resources during crises. Staying informed and finding volunteering opportunities can lead to meaningful contributions.

      The war in Ukraine has led to a significant need for resources, including technology like drones, to help save lives and direct artillery fire effectively. A man named Rich, moved by the situation, raised funds for a new DJI Matrice 30 drone after realizing the impact it could have. This is just one example of how individuals can make a difference by providing necessary resources. Going back to the beginning of the conflict, Rich was deeply affected by the news of the war and decided to help Ukraine in a more meaningful way. Initially, he considered joining the fight, but after realizing the lack of necessary equipment, he opted to help in a different way. He researched online and eventually found an opportunity to volunteer at a kitchen in Lviv. Now, there is a dedicated website for volunteering opportunities in Ukraine, making it easier for individuals to get involved. The story of Rich and the drone is a powerful reminder of the impact that even a single donation or resource can have in times of crisis. It also highlights the importance of staying informed and finding ways to contribute effectively.

    • Ukrainians Welcome Foreign Volunteers into Their CommunityInitially skeptical, Ukrainians welcomed foreign volunteers with open arms, forming deep connections despite language and cultural barriers.

      The initial reaction of Ukrainians towards foreign volunteers was skeptical, but with time and dedication, they welcomed them into their community. The kitchen in Ukraine was mostly staffed by elderly Ukrainian women, known as Babousias, who were incredibly loving and caring. Volunteers from all over the world came to help, but most of them were only there for a few months due to visa restrictions. The Ukrainians, however, were a constant presence. The volunteers had contact with soldiers on the front lines, and while the stories they shared were horrific, the founders shielded them from the worst of it. The volunteers formed deep connections with the Ukrainian people, and their experiences were emotionally charged.

    • Life on the front lines in Ukraine: constant movement and dangerVolunteering in Ukraine is a dangerous and challenging experience, but the deep connection and appreciation from the Ukrainian people make it worthwhile.

      Serving on the front lines in Ukraine is an incredibly harsh and dangerous reality. Volunteer Dymco shared his experience of constantly being on the move and avoiding accommodations due to the risk of attacks. The consequences of stopping or taking a break can be fatal. Despite the danger, there's a deep sense of connection and family between the volunteers and the Ukrainian people. The speaker shared their personal experience of feeling completely Ukrainian and being embraced by the community despite language barriers. There were no moments of culture clash or non-acceptance, only dedication and appreciation for the volunteer's efforts. The ladies in the kitchen, regardless of the weight of the object, would always ask for help, showcasing small cultural differences. Overall, the experience has been positive, with the speaker feeling more connected to the Ukrainian people than ever before.

    • Gender roles and expectations in volunteering at Frontline Kitchen in LvivWomen's capability and willingness to perform heavy lifting tasks is often discouraged, men are expected to take on these responsibilities, and there's a cultural difference in media coverage of the war between Ukrainian and Western sources. Speaker Richard is committed to staying in Ukraine to support the cause.

      There exists a distinct cultural difference in terms of gender roles and expectations regarding heavy lifting in the context of volunteering at the Frontline Kitchen in Lviv, Ukraine. Despite women's capability and willingness to perform heavy lifting tasks, they are often discouraged and men are expected to take on these responsibilities. Furthermore, there is a notable difference in the media coverage of the war between Ukrainian and Western sources, with Ukrainian media focusing primarily on Ukraine's efforts to win the war, while Western media covers both sides of the conflict. Lastly, Richard, the speaker, has committed himself to staying in Ukraine for the duration of the war to support the cause.

    • Ukrainian resilience leaves deep impact on volunteersVolunteers inspired by Ukrainian hospitality and kindness, some plan to stay and help rebuild after war ends.

      The Ukrainian people and their resilience during the war have left a deep impact on many volunteers, making them feel like adopted Ukrainians. The hospitality and kindness shown to them have led many to consider staying in Ukraine after the war. However, for some, like the speaker, their plans are to return to their home countries once the war is over, but with the intention of helping rebuild Ukraine and support it in its recovery. The generosity and determination of the Ukrainian people during the war have inspired many to offer their assistance, and it is expected that Ukraine will need continued support for years to come.

    • Ukraine's resilience attracts tourists and volunteersUkraine's determination to rebuild post-war attracts tourists and volunteers, while the government takes a firm stance against corruption.

      Ukraine's beauty and resilience are attracting increased interest from tourists and volunteers alike, who will likely bring much-needed help and resources to the country post-war. However, not all volunteers may return for the rebuilding process, but the strong Ukrainian community will ensure progress. Additionally, Ukraine's government is taking a firm stance against corruption, with recent actions demonstrating a commitment to rooting out any semblance of wrongdoing within the party and government. This is a significant move, especially given the country's sensitivity to such accusations and the precarious diplomatic climate. Overall, these developments highlight Ukraine's determination to move forward despite the challenges and rebuild a better future for its people.

    • Russia excluded from Auschwitz commemoration due to Ukraine conflictThe Ukraine conflict has severe consequences, including Russia's exclusion from an international event, underscoring the need for accountability and recognizing both evil actions and heroic responses.

      The ongoing conflict in Ukraine has led to unprecedented consequences, including Russia's exclusion from this year's commemoration marking 78 years since the liberation of the Nazi death camp at Auschwitz. The international community's strong response to the atrocities in Ukraine reflects the severity of the situation and the need for accountability. Hannah Arendt's concept of the "banality of evil" can also be applied to the current crisis, highlighting the importance of recognizing both the evil actions and the heroic responses. Regarding military support for Ukraine, there is a need for caution in setting expectations and for exploring longer-range military options to increase Ukraine's ability to defend itself. Lastly, a reminder that cooking with love, a good mood, and high-quality produce are essential elements for creating a delicious dish, as shared by our guest, Richard.

    • Creating the ideal Ukrainian borscht involves cooking various vegetables and seasoningsCook beets, onions, carrots, parsley root, parsnip, celery, bell pepper, tomato puree, potatoes, cabbage, and garlic in separate pans. Combine, add seasonings, and serve with dill and parsley.

      Making the perfect Ukrainian borscht involves several steps and ingredients. Begin by boiling and frying various vegetables, including beets, onions, carrots, parsley root, parsnip, celery, bell pepper, and tomato puree. Once softened, add potatoes to the broth and cook until half done. Next, add cabbage and cook for an additional 10 minutes. Season the dish with the previously fried vegetables and let it boil for another 5 minutes. Garnish with garlic, green dill, and parsley before leaving it to rest for 15-20 minutes before serving. Key ingredients include beef, chicken, or pork, cabbage, potato, beetroot, and a variety of root vegetables. For seasoning, use garlic, dill, and parsley. To stay updated on Ukraine news, listen to Ukraine the Latest podcast, available on various platforms, including Twitter Spaces every weekday at 1 PM.

    Recent Episodes from Ukraine: The Latest

    Saving lives on the frontline: from D-Day to Ukraine with an ambulance convoy

    Saving lives on the frontline: from D-Day to Ukraine with an ambulance convoy

    Day 857.

    Today, we bring you the latest news from Ukraine and have a special report from Francis Dearnley’s recent trip across Europe from the D-Day commemorations with the charity Ukraine Focus.


    David Knowles (Host). @DJKnowles22 on X

    Dom Nicholls (Associate Editor, Defence). @DomNicholls on X.

    Francis Dearnley (Assistant Comment Editor). @FrancisDearnley on X.

    Ukraine Focus (Ambulances):

    To learn more about their work, visit:


    Or you can email: info@ukrainefocus.org

    Upcoming events:

    Scarborough Fair (29th June): 


    Subscribe to The Telegraph: telegraph.co.uk/ukrainethelatest

    Email: ukrainepod@telegraph.co.uk

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ukraine: The Latest
    enJune 28, 2024

    North Korea to send engineering troops to help Russia in Ukraine

    North Korea to send engineering troops to help Russia in Ukraine

    Day 856.

    Today, we bring you updates from the battle front, analyse North Korea’s reported decision to send engineering and construction troops to Ukraine, and discuss the Voldymyr Zelensky’s visit to Brussels to sign a Security Pact with the European Union.


    Roland Oliphant (Senior Foreign Correspondent, Host). @RolandOliphant on X

    James Rothwell (Berlin Correspondent). @JamesERothwell on X.

    David Knowles (Journalist). @djknowles22 on X.

    Upcoming events:

    Scarborough Fair (29th June): 


    Articles referenced:




    Subscribe to The Telegraph: telegraph.co.uk/ukrainethelatest

    Email: ukrainepod@telegraph.co.uk

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ukraine: The Latest
    enJune 27, 2024

    Biden ‘to allow Pentagon contractors to deploy to Ukraine’ & Mark Rutte appointed new head of NATO

    Biden ‘to allow Pentagon contractors to deploy to Ukraine’ & Mark Rutte appointed new head of NATO

    Day 855.

    Today, we bring you updates from the battlefront, analyse the appointment of former Dutch PM Mark Rutte as the new head of Nato, and discuss reports that the Biden administration is moving toward lifting a de facto ban on American military contractors deploying to Ukraine.


    David Knowles (Host). @DJKnowles on X

    Dom Nicholls (Associate Editor, Defence). @DomNicholls on X.

    Francis Dearnley (Assistant Comment Editor). @FrancisDearnley on X.

    Upcoming events:

    Chalke Valley History Festival (27th June): 


    Scarborough Fair (29th June): 


    Articles Referenced:

    'US could halt weapons deliveries if Ukraine refuses peace talks' (The Telegraph)


    'Biden administration moves toward allowing American military contractors to deploy to Ukraine' (CNN)


    'A Methodology for Degrading the Arms of the Russian Federation' (RUSI report)


    'IT Army attacks Russian banking system, disabling Mir payment system' (Ukrainian Pravda)


    Subscribe to The Telegraph: telegraph.co.uk/ukrainethelatest

    Email: ukrainepod@telegraph.co.uk

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ukraine: The Latest
    enJune 26, 2024

    War crimes warrant issued for top Russian generals & how Chinese trade is underwriting the Russian military effort

    War crimes warrant issued for top Russian generals & how Chinese trade is underwriting the Russian military effort

    Day 854.

    Today, we bring you updates from Ukraine as Zelensky again changes his top team, we analyse a deadly fire at a Russian research institute and discuss the impact that trade from China is having on the Russian war effort. 


    David Knowles (Host). @DJKnowles on X

    Dom Nicholls (Associate Editor, Defence). @DomNicholls on X.

    Joe Barnes (Brussels Correspondent). @Barnes_Joe on X.

    With thanks to Joe Webster, Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council in Washington DC. @Joe_Webster_CRR on X.

    Upcoming events:

    Chalke Valley History Festival (27th June): 


    Scarborough Fair (29th June): 


    Subscribe to The Telegraph: telegraph.co.uk/ukrainethelatest

    Email: ukrainepod@telegraph.co.uk

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ukraine: The Latest
    enJune 25, 2024

    Ukraine suspected of ATACMS strike on Russian space control centre in Crimea

    Ukraine suspected of ATACMS strike on Russian space control centre in Crimea

    Day 853.

    Today, we bring you updates from the battlefront, analyse suspected Ukrainian ATACMS strike on a Russian space control centre in Crimea, and discuss this weekend’s terrorist violence in Russia’s Dagestan region.


    David Knowles (Host). @DJKnowles on X

    Dom Nicholls (Associate Editor, Defence). @DomNicholls on X.

    Francis Dearnley (Assistant Comment Editor). @FrancisDearnley on X.

    Roland Oliphant (Senior Foreign Correspondent). @RolandOliphant on X.

    Upcoming events:

    Chalke Valley History Festival (27th June): 


    Scarborough Fair (29th June): 


    Article Referenced:

    'The West’s errors in Ukraine have been catastrophic' (Nigel Farage in The Telegraph) -


    'Why it’s too late to stop World War 3 – according to one of Britain’s greatest military historians' (Richard Overy in The Telegraph) -


    Subscribe to The Telegraph: telegraph.co.uk/ukrainethelatest

    Email: ukrainepod@telegraph.co.uk

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ukraine: The Latest
    enJune 24, 2024

    Ukraine reinforces Chasiv Yar amid fierce fighting & rage, love and memory with Ukrainian author Oleksandr Mykhed

    Ukraine reinforces Chasiv Yar amid fierce fighting & rage, love and memory with Ukrainian author Oleksandr Mykhed

    Day 850.

    Today, we bring you updates from the front lines, discuss Ukraine’s ongoing bid for NATO membership and we interview Ukrainian writer and soldier Oleksandr Mykhed.


    David Knowles (Host). @DJKnowles on X

    Dom Nicholls (Associate Editor, Defence). @DomNicholls on X.

    Francis Dearnley (Assistant Comment Editor). @FrancisDearnley on X.

    With thanks to Ukrainian author Oleksandr Mykhed. @mykhed_o on X.


    Upcoming events:

    Chalke Valley History Festival: 


    Scarborough Fair 29th 


    Article Referenced:

    Exclusive Olena Zelenska interview (The Telegraph)


    Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jY2UD11kbmE

    Subscribe to The Telegraph: telegraph.co.uk/ukrainethelatest

    Email: ukrainepod@telegraph.co.uk

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ukraine: The Latest
    enJune 21, 2024

    US to redirect key Patriot air defence orders to Ukraine & analysing Russian diplomacy in Vietnam and South Korea

    US to redirect key Patriot air defence orders to Ukraine & analysing Russian diplomacy in Vietnam and South Korea

    Day 848.

    Today, we bring you the news from Ukraine, analyse Vladimir Putin’s diplomacy in Vietnam and North Korea, and we speak to Ukrainian teenagers in Warsaw on studying abroad and adapting into Polish society more than two years since the start of the war.


    David Knowles (Host). @DJKnowles on X

    Dom Nicholls (Associate Editor, Defence). @DomNicholls on X.

    Roland Oliphant (Senior Foreign Correspondent). @RolandOliphant on X.

    Gabriella Jozwiak (Freelance Journalist). @GabriellaJ on X.

    Upcoming events:

    Chalke Valley History Festival: 


    Scarborough Fair 29th 



    Subscribe to The Telegraph: telegraph.co.uk/ukrainethelatest

    Email: ukrainepod@telegraph.co.uk

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ukraine: The Latest
    enJune 20, 2024

    Russia accused of beheading Ukrainian soldiers & Kim Jong Un signs ‘groundbreaking’ security pact with Vladimir Putin

    Russia accused of beheading Ukrainian soldiers & Kim Jong Un signs ‘groundbreaking’ security pact with Vladimir Putin

    Day 848.

    Today, we bring you the news from Ukraine, continue analysing Putin’s state visit to North Korea, and talk to Security Analyst Jimmy Rushton in Kyiv on the situation on the front line and Ukrainian strategy for the year ahead. 


    David Knowles (Host). @DJKnowles on X

    Dom Nicholls (Associate Editor, Defence). @DomNicholls on X.

    Francis Dearnley (Assistant Comment Editor). @FrancisDearnley on X.

    Jimmy Rushton (Security Analyst). @JimmySecUK on X.

    You can read Jimmy's Substack here:


    Articles Referenced:

    The haunting pictures of emaciated Ukrainian prisoners of war (The Telegraph)


    ‘This country gave me a lot’: the Vietnamese people staying in Ukraine (The Guardian):


    Niall Ferguson: 'We’re All Soviets Now' (The Free Press)


    To hear Francis on The Daily T, listen here:


    Upcoming events:

    Chalke Valley History Festival: 


    Scarborough Fair 29th 



    Subscribe to The Telegraph: telegraph.co.uk/ukrainethelatest

    Email: ukrainepod@telegraph.co.uk

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ukraine: The Latest
    enJune 19, 2024

    Ukraine pushes Russia back in Kharkiv & Vladimir Putin meets Kim Jong Un in North Korea

    Ukraine pushes Russia back in Kharkiv & Vladimir Putin meets Kim Jong Un in North Korea

    Day 847.

    Today, we bring you the latest updates from across Ukraine, analyse Putin’s visit to North Korea, and go to Germany to hear about the tricky start Ukraine have had at the European football championships  


    David Knowles (Host). @DJKnowles on X

    Dom Nicholls (Associate Editor, Defence). @DomNicholls on X.

    Francis Dearnley (Assistant Comment Editor). @FrancisDearnley on X.

    Andrew Todos from Zorya Londonsk, Ukrainian football expert. @zoryalondonsk on Twitter.

    To hear Francis on The Daily T, listen here:


    Ukrainian Football video:


    Telegraph report on Romania 3:0 Ukraine


    Upcoming Events:

    Chalke Valley History Festival: 


    Scarborough Fair (29th June): 


    Subscribe to The Telegraph: telegraph.co.uk/ukrainethelatest

    Email: ukrainepod@telegraph.co.uk

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ukraine: The Latest
    enJune 18, 2024

    New US weapons narrowing gap in Ukraine & exclusive interview with Nato's Jens Stoltenberg

    New US weapons narrowing gap in Ukraine & exclusive interview with Nato's Jens Stoltenberg

    Day 846.

    Today, we discuss the latest news from across Ukraine, summarise last weekend's peace weekend in Switzerland, and Joe Barnes interviews NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.


    David Knowles (Host). @DJKnowles on X

    Dom Nicholls (Associate Editor, Defence). @DomNicholls on X.

    Joe Barnes (Brussels Correspondant). @Barnes_Joe on X.

    Hear 'Ukraine: The Latest' Live at the Chalke Valley History Festival:

    Tickets are available for our two talks on Thursday 27th June.


    Hear 'Ukraine: The Latest' live from Scarborough


    Subscribe to The Telegraph: telegraph.co.uk/ukrainethelatest

    Email: ukrainepod@telegraph.co.uk

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ukraine: The Latest
    enJune 17, 2024

    Related Episodes

    Russia's 'Frankenstein' tanks, mutiny in Vuhledar & Ukrainian refugees in Poland

    Russia's 'Frankenstein' tanks, mutiny in Vuhledar & Ukrainian refugees in Poland

    Day 376.

    Today, we bring you updates from the battlefront, discuss the frankenstein military Russian vehicles that seem to be heading to the front lines & we hear from a Ukrainian in Warsaw on the experiences of Ukrainian refugees in the country.


    David Knowles (Host). @djknowles22 on Twitter.

    Dominic Nicholls (Associate Editor, Defence). @DomNicholls on Twitter

    Hamish de Bretton-Gordon (Former Commander of the First Royal Tank Regiment). @HamishDBG on Twitter.

    Joe Barnes (Brussels Correspondent). @Barnes_Joe on Twitter.

    With thanks to Daria Khrystenko (CARE International).

    Find out more about CARE International: https://www.careinternational.org.uk/get-involved/events/walk4women-international-womens-day-podcast/

    Subscribe to The Telegraph: telegraph.co.uk/ukrainethelatest

    Email: ukrainepod@telegraph.co.uk

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ukraine attacks Russia’s fuel depots & how drones are sinking the Black Sea fleet

    Ukraine attacks Russia’s fuel depots & how drones are sinking the Black Sea fleet

    Day 745.

    Today, we bring you the latest news from the battlefront, discuss the ongoing Ukrainian campaign against Russian fuel depots, and analyse the sea drones that have forced the retreat of the Russian fleet in the Black Sea.


    David Knowles (Head of Audio Development). @djknowles22

    Dominic Nicholls (Associate Editor, Defence). @DomNicholls on X.

    Francis Dearnley (Assistant Comment Editor). @FrancisDearnley on X.

    Joe Barnes (Brussels Correspondent). @Barnes_Joe on X.

    Relevant Links:


    Subscribe to The Telegraph: telegraph.co.uk/ukrainethelatest

    Email: ukrainepod@telegraph.co.uk

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Transform your Approach to Business and Volunteering with Olivia Cook

    Transform your Approach to Business and Volunteering  with Olivia Cook
    Join my conversation with the amazing Olivia Cook!

    Olivia Cook is a certified Transformational Success Coach & NLP Practitioner, podcast host and motivational speaker. She helps service-based female entrepreneurs and content creators build habits to reach their next level of success. Focusing on productivity, mindset and using their menstrual cycles to their benefits. Her clients are able to increase their income, reduce their stress levels and enjoy their success journey.

    Her podcast, The Empowered Woman Badass & Unfiltered was made to inspire, empower and educate. It showcases badass women from all over the world. Providing tips on personal development, mindset and healing.

    She is the co-founder of the motivational Christian brand, Relentless Glory. A brand whose purpose is to spread the word of God through motivation, education and praise.

    Olivia is also a christian, military wife and humanitarian. She actively gives back to her community.

    Here’s how you can reach her:

    Email - olivia@oliviatmcook.com
    Links and Freebies - https://linktr.ee/Oliviatmcook

    Free 20 Minute Strategy Session - https://calendly.com/oliviatmcookcoaching/strategy-session

    Special thanks you to Marcus for podcast music Sunday Coffee. You can reach him at: https://linktr.ee/mrcxs

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    State Senator, Homeschooling Mom: An Interview with Patricia Rucker

    State Senator, Homeschooling Mom: An Interview with Patricia Rucker

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