
    Potluck - Dev Culture Fit × Slack Communities × Vanilla JS × Backpacks × Raspberry Pi × More!

    enJanuary 29, 2020
    What career change did Wandering Wolf make recently?
    How do Scott and Wes suggest handling career doubts?
    What unique term from New Zealand does the speaker explain?
    Why is Netlify recommended for hosting front-end code?
    What resources is the speaker seeking for Raspberry Pi projects?

    Podcast Summary

    • Navigating Career Changes and Trusting Your IntuitionEven when you make a career decision, be open to new opportunities and trust your intuition if things don't feel right.

      Even if you've made a career decision and it turns out not to be the best fit, it's important to trust your intuition and be open to new opportunities. In this episode of Syntax, Scott and Wes answer questions from listeners, including one from "Wandering Wolf" who left a creative agency to freelance, but then decided to take a lead developer job at a midsized company after feeling lonely and missing collaboration. After only a week on the job, she's having second thoughts due to a lack of process and collaboration between designers and developers. The hosts offer advice on how to navigate this situation and emphasize the importance of trusting your instincts and being open to change. Additionally, they discuss their experiences using sponsors Dottechdomains and Netlify in their latest projects.

    • Consider sticking it out in a disliked job for a while to gauge culture and potential for changeExplore the possibility of improving a disliked job situation before leaving, but be prepared for resistance and potential backlash, and if no progress is made after several months, consider seeking new opportunities.

      If you find yourself in a job that you dislike despite its benefits, consider sticking it out for a while longer to gauge the culture and potential for change. As a lead developer, you may have the power to instigate positive changes within the company. However, be prepared for resistance and potential backlash. Personal experiences, such as cleaning a disorganized closet at a previous job, can demonstrate the value of improvement efforts even in the face of opposition. If after several months, the situation doesn't improve, it may be time to explore other opportunities. Remember, a paycheck doesn't guarantee happiness, so it's essential to prioritize your overall job satisfaction.

    • Assessing job fit is crucialIt's important to evaluate job opportunities for a good fit before committing, even if it seems like a chance for growth. Quitting a job that isn't the right fit is okay.

      It's essential to assess the fit of a job or role before fully committing, even if it seems like an opportunity for growth. This was highlighted through a personal story about a mentor who moved for a better job only to find that the managers didn't understand development processes and ended up quitting. The speaker emphasized that if a job isn't the right fit, it's okay to look for another one. Additionally, there are various communities, such as Slack, Discord, and Reddit, where people can collaborate and discuss topics related to the Syntax podcast. Regarding the question about what annoys the speaker about JavaScript, it wasn't explicitly stated in the discussion. However, the speaker did mention that they had an episode on JavaScript-related topics that came out recently.

    • JavaScript module imports order frustrationSpeaker advocates for reversing order of module name and source for better auto-completion in JavaScript. Also expresses preference for enforced formatting and shares interest in FaunaDB for serverless applications.

      The speaker expressed frustration with the way JavaScript handles module imports, specifically the order of importing the module name and its source. They believe that if the order was reversed, it would lead to better auto-completion. The speaker also shared their preference for enforced formatting in JavaScript, similar to Python, for consistency across projects. Additionally, the speaker mentioned coming across FaunaDB, a database built for serverless applications, which offers a native GraphQL API and a full-featured database. The speaker has not yet tried FaunaDB but has expressed interest in its offerings. Overall, the discussion touched on the importance of good auto-completion and consistent formatting in JavaScript development and the potential benefits of new tools like FaunaDB for serverless applications.

    • Blurred lines between databases and CMSsNew tools let developers focus on data, but concerns around ownership and portability persist. Transparency and problem-solving skills are key in portfolio projects.

      There's a trend towards blurred lines between databases and their management, with new back end CMSs and hosted data services like Fauna, Hasura, and Firebase, allowing developers to focus more on data and less on technical details. However, concerns around data ownership and portability remain. Another key takeaway is the debate around including tutorial projects in a portfolio. While it's allowed, it's essential to be transparent about their origin and demonstrate problem-solving abilities by adapting and customizing the project to prove your capabilities. Ultimately, what matters most is showcasing your ability to tackle and solve problems independently.

    • Custom interfaces and securing websitesCreating unique interfaces showcases skills, but securing websites is crucial. Change credentials, delete suspicious files, and prioritize damage control over investigation when hacked.

      Creating custom interfaces and solving problems beyond following tutorials is crucial for showcasing your skills in a portfolio. Using a unique domain name, like a .tech domain, can enhance your online presence and branding. However, if your site gets hacked, prioritize securing it by changing credentials and deleting suspicious files before trying to understand the extent of the damage. It's essential to have strong login security, including 2FA, and keep sensitive information private. Remember, I'm not a security expert, but I do my best to secure my projects and respond effectively when faced with potential security issues. The speaker also mentioned the importance of having a domain name for your projects and encouraged listeners to check out dottech.tech for affordable domain registration using the coupon code "syntax2020." They also discussed a client's experience with a hacked site, where over a billion PHP files appeared unexpectedly. The solution was to change all credentials, delete suspicious files, and change passwords. It's crucial to secure your site immediately and focus on damage control before attempting to understand the hack's origin.

    • Securing a Hacked WordPress SiteWhen a WordPress site is hacked, reset all passwords, enable two-factor authentication, assume all files are tainted, rebuild from a fresh Git copy, and check the database. Prevent future attacks by updating software and hiding CMS type.

      When a website, specifically a WordPress site, gets "script kidded," or hacked due to a known vulnerability, the first step is to reset all passwords and enable two-factor authentication. Then, assume all files are tainted and rebuild the site from scratch, ideally using a fresh copy from a Git repository. Malicious code can also infect the database, so it needs to be checked as well. Preventative measures include hiding the CMS type and keeping all software up-to-date. If a site gets hacked, it's crucial to assume everything is compromised and take thorough steps to secure it again.

    • Managing Bookmarks EffectivelyConsider using tools like Notion or Pocket for specific projects or offline reading, and modern JavaScript frameworks like React or Vue for building dynamic website features instead of relying on outdated technologies.

      While bookmarks can be useful for saving information for future use, they can also become overwhelming and disorganized, making it difficult to find what you need when you need it. The speaker shares that they often end up deleting their bookmarks due to this issue. Instead, they suggest using tools like Notion or Pocket for specific projects or offline reading, respectively. For websites with static content and dynamic functionalities, the speaker recommends considering modern JavaScript frameworks like React or Vue for building these features instead of relying on jQuery and plugins. This approach can lead to more efficient and maintainable code. However, it's important to note that learning and implementing these technologies requires time and effort.

    • Add functionality to existing websites with React, Vue, or other frameworksIdentify an HTML element with an ID and render the framework to that specific element for website enhancements. Tools like BrowserSync and Parcel can help with the process.

      React, Vue, and other JavaScript frameworks can be used to add functionality to existing websites rather than building apps from scratch. This can be achieved by identifying an HTML element with an ID and rendering the JavaScript framework to that specific element. This approach is commonly used by large companies like Facebook, which server-renders their websites with React. While there are tutorials available for this method, they may not be as prominent as those showing how to create apps from the ground up. For those interested in this approach, it may be worth exploring the official Vue tutorial or looking into lightweight frameworks like Alpine JS for simpler customizations. Additionally, tools like BrowserSync and Parcel can help with proxying existing HTML and embedding it in the framework.

    • Choosing a Practical and Adaptable Backpack for a MacBook ProThe Peak Design Everyday Bag, with its large openings, magnets, and numerous clasps, offers a flexible and convenient solution for carrying a MacBook Pro and daily essentials, despite its high price tag.

      Flexibility and convenience are essential factors when choosing a backpack for carrying a 16-inch MacBook Pro and other daily essentials. The Peak Design Everyday Bag, with its large openings, magnets, and numerous clasps, offers a practical and adaptable solution for both work and personal use. The speaker has been using this bag for three years and has had great experiences with it, including using it as a suitcase for weekend travels. Despite its high price tag, the bag's durability and versatility make it worth the investment. When it comes to fetching data for components, the speaker prefers using vanilla Fetch instead of wrappers like Axios. While wrappers can make life easier and handle edge cases, the speaker finds that they don't encounter such issues frequently and prefers the simplicity of vanilla Fetch for smaller projects. However, they do acknowledge that using whatever method is preferred in a specific project is essential.

    • Discussing API calls, hosting, and Raspberry Pi projects with the speakerThe speaker recommends Axios for complex API calls and Netlify for hosting front-end code, and shares a goal to automate data collection from a solar power setup using a Raspberry Pi.

      For simple, JSON-based API calls, Vanilla Fetch can be a sufficient choice. However, when dealing with custom headers, API keys, and other complexities, Axios might be a better option due to its convenient defaults. Regarding hosting, the speaker highly recommends Netlify for its ease of use, additional features, and reliability. The speaker is a big fan of Netlify and believes it's the best place to host front-end code. Regarding the question about automation projects on Raspberry Pi, the speaker acknowledges that finding good resources can be challenging, especially when the content gets too technical quickly. The goal is to take data from a solar power setup using a Raspberry Pi and send it to a database every few minutes. The speaker mentions that the data is likely at a lower level (RS 485 MOBUS) and wants to find resources to help with this process. The speaker also shares a brief explanation of what a "batch" is, which is a term used in New Zealand for a small holiday home or beach house. The speaker finds the term intriguing and shares a fun anecdote about cooking up a batch of cookies at their batch. Overall, the discussion covers various topics, including API calls, hosting, and Raspberry Pi projects. The speaker emphasizes the importance of finding the right tools and resources for each project and expresses their enthusiasm for Netlify.

    • Accessing Raspberry Pi data for web appsUse Linux server, Deepgram, or Node.js child process exec to access Raspberry Pi data, then process it with JavaScript.

      Accessing low-level data from devices like Raspberry Pi and using it in web applications involves treating the Raspberry Pi as a Linux server and using tools like Deepgram or Node.js child process exec to access and process the raw data. This approach can be helpful even if one lacks a deep understanding of electronics or low-level Raspberry Pi workings, as the raw data can be processed using JavaScript once it's accessed. The speaker shared his experience of using this method to create a React and Node.js drone video, which required accessing UDP data from the drone over Wi-Fi. He emphasized that finding the time to invest in learning and experimenting with Raspberry Pi projects is a challenge, especially as one gets older and has fewer free hours. Despite this, he expressed his interest in exploring projects involving Raspberry Pi and solar panels.

    • Personal Habits and Preferences: Beards and Self-CareSpeakers Wes and Scott discussed their unique approaches to self-care, with Wes linking beard growth to productivity and stress, and Scott focusing on back flexibility through a yoga wheel.

      Our speakers, Wes and Scott, have shared some interesting and amusing insights about their personal habits and preferences, specifically regarding beards and self-care. Wes revealed that his beard growth is linked to his stress levels and productivity, while Scott has been focusing on improving his back flexibility through daily stretching and the use of a yoga wheel. Wes shared that his beard serves as an indicator of his project progress and stress levels, and he's been trying to improve his self-care by shaving it off. He admitted that he's apathetic about growing a beard due to his wife's disapproval and his tendency to pull out his beard when stressed. Scott, on the other hand, has been focusing on his back flexibility and found a solution in a more affordable yoga wheel from Amazon. He shared that he's been neglecting his back flexibility for a long time and has recently started a daily stretching routine. The yoga wheel, which comes in two sizes, has become a useful addition to his self-care routine, allowing him to stretch his back comfortably and conveniently. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of self-care and the various ways individuals approach it, from grooming habits to physical fitness.

    • Appreciating Simple Pleasures and Organizing WorkspaceThe speaker cherishes simple joys in life like using a new stretching mat with her father and organizing cords with Velcro ties. She's passionate about technology, creating order, and sharing engaging content on Instagram and her courses.

      The speaker shares her appreciation for simple pleasures in life, such as using a new stretching mat with her father and organizing her cords with Velcro cable ties. She also expresses her love for tech-related topics and creating order in her workspace. The speaker also mentions her enthusiasm for creating Instagram-worthy content, like extreme computing photos, and promoting her latest courses on JavaScript and GraphQL servers. Overall, the speaker's conversation reflects her passion for technology, organization, and creating engaging content. The Velcro cable ties, in particular, are highlighted as a game-changer for her desk setup and a must-have for anyone interested in having an IG-ready workspace.

    • Engaging with content creatorsSupport creators by subscribing, reviewing, or interacting. Authenticity and vulnerability build strong followings. Consistency, authenticity, and perseverance key to success. Community and connection crucial in content creation.

      Importance of engaging with content creators and contributing to their work. Whether it's through subscribing to a podcast, leaving a review, or interacting with them on social media, every interaction helps support the creator and allows for a deeper connection to their work. Additionally, the conversation highlighted the value of authenticity and vulnerability in storytelling. Creators who are able to share their personal experiences and emotions with their audience can build a strong and loyal following. And for those looking to create their own content, the discussion offered valuable insights into the importance of consistency, authenticity, and perseverance in the face of challenges. Overall, the conversation underscored the power of community and connection in the world of content creation. By engaging with creators and being authentic in our own pursuits, we can build meaningful relationships and make a positive impact on the world around us.

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    Freshbooks - Sponsor

    Get a 30 day free trial of Freshbooks at freshbooks.com/syntax and put SYNTAX in the “How did you hear about us?” section.

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    Show Notes


    • How long should you stay with each job and/or company?


    • What is the best way to work remotely?
    • Tips for remote working
      • Have a dedicated space
      • Clear on and off times
      • Have a time for winding down
      • Make specific TODO lists
      • Use blocking software to help you stay focused
      • Switch up the scenery / Work in different places


    • What are the trade-offs with using WordPress in a headless setup vs a tradition setup?


    • How do you deal with API credentials in React?


    • How do you keep an eye on performance with an app/site over the long-term?
      • Check uptime
      • Check the performance features in browser dev tools
      • Use error checking software
      • Host-based performance tools
      • Newrelic
      • pingdom
      • LogRocket


    • What happened to Canvas after all the hype around HTML5 a few years ago?


    • How do you deal with analysis paralysis?
      • Just get to work - you can always change things later
      • Do research, but don’t let it get in the way of shipping


    • If you were forced to change your career (and it had to be something you’ve never done professionally in the past), what would it be?
      • Wes: Some sort of buying and selling (eBay, Amazon, etc,)
      • Example: Buying things at wholesale prices and selling them with a markup
      • Scott: Could go a lot of different directions.
      • Example: DJ, Snowboarding instructor, develop a video game that is a sequel to Cruis’n USA


    • As a freelance developer, what are some good questions to ask before taking on a client?
      • Budget
      • Scope
      • Preferred communication methods
      • How do you make money?
      • What are the ultimate goals?
      • Basically, ask as many questions as possible

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    It’s another Potluck! In this episode, Scott and Wes answer your questions about privacy policies, coding for kids, MongaDB hosting, cloud backups, system design, #NoMoreFoo, and much more!

    Prismic - Sponsor

    Prismic is a Headless CMS that makes it easy to build website pages as a set of components. Break pages into sections of components using React, Vue, or whatever you like. Make corresponding Slices in Prismic. Start building pages dynamically in minutes. Get started at prismic.io/syntax.

    Sentry - Sponsor

    If you want to know what’s happening with your code, track errors and monitor performance with Sentry. Sentry’s Application Monitoring platform helps developers see performance issues, fix errors faster, and optimize their code health. Cut your time on error resolution from hours to minutes. It works with any language and integrates with dozens of other services. Syntax listeners new to Sentry can get two months for free by visiting Sentry.io and using the coupon code TASTYTREAT during sign up.

    Cloudinary - Sponsor

    Cloudinary is the best way to manage images and videos in the cloud. Edit and transform for any use case, from performance to personalization, using Cloudinary’s APIs, SDKs, widgets, and integrations.

    Show Notes

    04:49 - Ben Lamers: Heyo Scott and Wes! I am building a web app currently with my brother, and I was wondering when we get to launch it how do you go about correctly writing/adding Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. I’m assuming this may be quite different depending on the platform so maybe general resources or tips for this. Thanks!

    06:45 - Fumbles O’Brian: Do you have any recommendations for teaching young children how to code? I have a 5-year-old niece in kindergarten who is absolutely fascinated watching me work, and I’d like to start teaching her basic concepts when she’s able to read/write better. For example, she loves watching me make UI changes in React, it blows her mind that changing letters on one screen changes what a website looks like.

    11:01 - Kenny: Gentlemen! Love this show and the content you put out. It keeps me occupied during my 5 and 6 mile runs. Thank you both for working so hard to keep it active, I know it takes a lot of work. I’m curious what you think about hosting your own MongoDB server? I’m relatively new to Mongo but want to start working with it for smaller projects. I’ve used MySQL for a decade, hosted online with shared hosting. Worked well for my relational db needs. Should I host my own Mongo when I’m ready for production, or pay the reasonable costs for something like Linode or maybe even Atlas? I have experience in Linux (enough to get by) and have my own virtualization cluster that I can spin up a server in seconds, along with an enterprise level firewall for managing traffic to and from. I actually just spun up a docker server this week and have a Mongo container running on it, though it’s not accessible outside my network. This is purely for my development environments. Despite the firewall, my concern is security. Is it worth paying for a trusted solution like Linode, or should I put a little time in locking down my own Mongo container for my own use? Thank you both! Keep up the great work.

    14:42 - Mike: Not a question but more of a rant… It’s 2021, almost 2022, can we all stop using ‘foo’ and ‘bar’ and ‘baz’ when teaching a programming concept? I applaud both of you because I don’t recall seeing any of your content ever using such atrocious terms, however, I’m sad to see other prominent educators in the web development community use these terms from time to time. I feel like there are so many better examples that we could use to explain a concept and the use of ‘foo’ is just confusing to beginners. That’s all, just wanted to get that off my chest. Thanks for a wonderful podcast! #nomorefoo

    18:53 - Amir: Hey Wes and Scott, thank you for your awesome podcast. What are the best cities in Canada and USA to get (more quantity, highest-paying) developer jobs?

    23:44 - LW: Hi guys, I am finally starting to get into GraphQL and I don’t get it. Specifically I am working to convert an existing REST API to GraphQL. This seems really tough and there is not much guidance out there on how to do it. The main part I am unsure of is how to write resolvers. If I use the existing query then GraphQL just seems like an over-engineered filter method. If I write an individual resolver for each column in the table - that’s gonna be 100s of resolvers and super annoying to write. Have either of you ever moved something from REST to GraphQL? And, if so, how did you handle this?

    27:57 - Dan: How does someone learn and actually practice using these system design topics like load balancing, caching, and database sharding. I have never had the need to use some of these things in my day-to-day work, but recently been interviewing and in the system design portion of the interview I feel a little lost. I’ve read about these topics and watched videos but haven’t really seen how to implement these things. Any good resource recommendations?

    31:57 - Matt: How do you know if you can trust an NPM package, from an unknown developer, that does not have many GitHub stars and has relatively few downloads? (The repo that made me ask this question is https://github.com/Wondermarin/react-color-palette). NPM audit automatically runs when you install a package, do any of you ever use additional security checks?

    38:32 - Yosef: Hi I’m a beginner front-end developer and I heard you saying that being able to copy prototypes is a valuable skill, so I found some Figma free template and I copied them, the question is can I put them in my portfolio or deploy them?

    40:00 - Nick: Hey dudes! I picked up a freelance project to make a brochure-style website and found myself having trouble to decide on what tools to pick for this site. I wanted to ask you and get your take, what tools/tech would you use to build a brochure site? By this, I mean the site should have mainly company information that is ideally editable by the stakeholders and has a contact form. Thanks!

    44:22 - Casey: Hi Scooter and Wild Wes! Why do I feel so dirty when I’m forced to use negative values in CSS?

    45:45 - Gnommer: Do you use some cloud sync service to backup your directory with projects? I mean OneDrive, Dropbox etc.
    I tried to use it alongside with Git, and it just messed my files so badly. On the other side I feel very uncomfortable without any backup apart from Github. BTW, according to last Potluck: polish ‘ł/Ł’ is pronounced like ‘w’ in ‘what a sick podcast you have’. Best from Poland ;)


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    #61 - GeekSprech - Microsoft Build Recap

    #61 - GeekSprech - Microsoft Build Recap
    Nach der Build ist vor dem Recap Podcast :-) daher beschäftigen wir uns in der aktuellen Folge mit den Ankündigungen und News der Microsoft Build. Wenn ihr also die Build verpasst habt (so wie der ein oder andere von uns) oder euch einfach nochmal mit den spannendsten News der Build auseinandersetzen wollt, dann ist das genau euer Podcast. Vergesst auch nicht die Links zu den weiteren Infos in den ShowNotes. Blog: https://geeksprech.de/geeksprech-podcast-folge-61-microsoft-build-recap ShowNotes: - Build 2021 Book of News - https://news.microsoft.com/build-2021-book-of-news - Text Analytics for Health - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cognitive-services/text-analytics/how-tos/text-analytics-for-health - Document Translation - https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/azure-ai/translator-announces-document-translation-preview/ba-p/2144185 - PowerShell Durable Functions - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-functions/durable/quickstart-powershell-vscode - Bicep 0.4 Launch - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xLLFuWhmdQ