
    Potluck — Coding for Kids × MongoDB Hosting × NoMoreFoo × Best Cities for Dev Jobs × GraphQL Resolvers × Package Security × Prototypes and Portfolios × More!

    enOctober 20, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Maintaining Order in Our Physical and Digital WorldsTrimming overgrown trees and shrubs in our physical environment, just like eliminating dead code in web development, keeps things clean and well-maintained. Our actions, no matter how small, can have ripple effects in the interconnected online world.

      Just like in web development where eliminating dead code and keeping things clean and well-maintained is essential, the same applies to our physical environments. Scott and Wes shared their experiences of trimming overgrown trees and shrubs, and the satisfaction of seeing the results. They also discussed the importance of being aggressive in maintaining their properties to prevent them from becoming sloppy and unkempt. During a break in their discussion, Wes shared an interesting story about discovering a comment he left on a random YouTube video, which had received several thumbs-up reactions. This anecdote underscored the interconnectedness of the online world and the potential impact of our actions, no matter how small. Throughout the episode, they also highlighted their podcast sponsors – Prismic, Sentry, and Cloudinary – and shared their appreciation for the solutions these companies provide in their respective areas of web development. In essence, the conversation between Scott and Wes touched upon the importance of maintaining order, whether it's in our digital or physical environments, and the potential ripple effects of our actions.

    • Protecting Users and Creators with Terms of Use and Privacy PoliciesConsult a lawyer for tailored terms of use and privacy policies. Use educational tools for teaching young children to code.

      When creating or launching a web app, it's crucial to have proper terms of use and privacy policies in place. These legal documents protect both the creators and users of the app. Wes and Scott recommend consulting a lawyer for this task, as they can provide tailored advice based on the specifics of the app. Alternatively, services like LegalZoom offer templates and assistance for creating these documents. Another topic discussed was teaching children how to code. Wes and Scott agreed that 5 years old might be too young for complex coding concepts, but recommended using educational toys and tools, such as those based on Scratch, to introduce the basics. Additionally, Wes shared his experience with leaving valuable comments on YouTube videos and the impact they can have, especially on larger channels. He emphasized the importance of providing thoughtful, constructive comments and appreciating those from others.

    • Fostering curiosity and problem-solving skills in young childrenEngaging young children in coding might not be the most effective way, instead focus on hands-on activities to foster curiosity and problem-solving skills. For coding, consider starting with MongoDB and hosting your own server or using managed services like Linode or MongoDB Atlas.

      While teaching coding to young children can be beneficial, it might not be the most effective way to engage them at a young age. Instead, focusing on fostering their curiosity and problem-solving skills through hands-on activities, such as fixing broken toys, can help set the foundation for a stronger interest in programming as they grow older. For those interested in starting with MongoDB, hosting your own server can be an option if you have the necessary experience and resources, but there are also affordable alternatives like Linode or MongoDB Atlas that offer managed services. Ultimately, the decision depends on your comfort level with managing a server and the specific needs of your project.

    • Managed MongoDB hosting vs Self-hostingManaged MongoDB hosting offers better security, ease of use, and performance monitoring, making it a better choice for smaller projects, while self-hosting might be worth considering only for larger scales with a dedicated DB admin.

      For hosting a MongoDB database, using a managed service like MongoDB Atlas can offer better security, ease of use, and performance monitoring compared to self-hosting, especially for smaller projects where the cost is relatively low. The speaker shared their personal experience of having good results from using managed hosting services like Atlas and Compose, and the added benefits of features like IP blocking, user interface, and performance optimization. They also mentioned that self-hosting might be worth considering only when at a larger scale and having a dedicated DB admin on staff, as the cost and responsibility can be significant. Additionally, they agreed that using clear and relevant examples instead of metasyntactic variables like "foobarbaz" in teaching programming concepts can be more helpful for beginners in understanding the concepts better.

    • Using clear language in programming and web developmentUse clear language in programming and web development for effective communication and better understanding of concepts. Consider using a headless CMS like Prismic for efficient and effective website building. Popular cities for high-paying developer jobs include Denver, Boulder, Toronto, and Vancouver, but consider the cost of living before making a move.

      When it comes to building interfaces and websites, using unconventional or obscure language like "FU" or "FOOBAR" doesn't make sense and doesn't help illustrate programming concepts in a meaningful way. Instead, it's more effective to build things in a way that reflects how they're used in the real world. The speaker recommends using a headless CMS like Prismic, which allows you to build websites in terms of components and associate data with them, making the development process more efficient and effective. As for the best cities in Canada and the US to find high-paying developer jobs, the speaker mentions that Denver and Boulder in the US, and Toronto and Vancouver in Canada are popular options. However, the cost of living in these cities can be high, which may offset any potential salary increase. Other cities like Atlanta, Austin, and Salt Lake City also have strong tech industries and may offer more affordable living costs. Additionally, for those looking to immigrate to Canada, the speaker suggests that Toronto and Vancouver are the two major hubs for tech jobs, but the cost of living is very high. Other cities like Ottawa may offer more reasonable living costs and still provide access to good tech jobs. Overall, it's important to consider both the job market and the cost of living when deciding where to move for a tech career.

    • Considering Cost of Living and Talent Competition for Developer BusinessesExploring smaller, more affordable cities for a developer business can offer access to talent without the high costs of larger cities. Immigrating for work requires navigating a complex process and may require legal assistance. GraphQL requires writing resolvers for each type, which can be challenging but necessary.

      When considering a location for a developer business, it's important to consider the cost of living and competition for talent. Ottawa, with its high-paying tech companies like Shopify, can make it difficult to hire locally. Instead, exploring smaller, more affordable cities like Kitchener Waterloo or London may be a better option. For those looking to immigrate for work, the process can be complex and may require the assistance of an immigration lawyer. Regarding GraphQL, converting a REST API to GraphQL can be challenging, particularly when it comes to writing resolvers. However, each type in GraphQL requires a resolver, which exists to resolve the type, whether it's fetching data from a database or providing plain text. While it may seem overwhelming to write individual resolvers for each column, it's a necessary part of the GraphQL framework.

    • GraphQL APIs have one endpoint with multiple queries, each with its own resolverNumber of resolvers is closer to number of types in the site, not each column in a table. Start with simple implementation of advanced topics in small projects or local environment.

      In a GraphQL API, instead of having multiple endpoints like in a REST API, there is one endpoint with multiple queries, each with its own resolver. These resolvers can be thought of as translations of the endpoints from the REST API. However, there seems to be confusion about the number of resolvers required. The speaker mentions that hundreds of resolvers might be needed based on each column in a table, but this is likely an exaggeration. In reality, the number of resolvers would be closer to the number of types in the site. For example, for tutorials, there might be a single tutorial resolver and a list tutorials resolver. When it comes to learning and practicing advanced design topics like load balancing, caching, and database sharding, it can be challenging if you haven't had the opportunity to use them in your day-to-day work. A good starting point would be to read up on these topics and try to implement them in a small project or even in a local development environment. For load balancing and caching, you can start with a simple implementation using tools like Nginx or Redis. For database sharding, which is a more complex topic, you might want to consider using a database sharding solution like Vitess or CockroachDB. Additionally, there are many online resources and tutorials available that can help you get started. It's important to remember that these are specialized skills, and it may take some time and practice to become proficient.

    • Advanced database management skills and NPM package securityExamine code of smaller packages for potential security risks or use tools like npm audit for larger packages, but prioritize security and be cautious when integrating new packages.

      When it comes to specialized skills like sharding, load balancing, and caching in database management, these are advanced topics that require deep understanding and can be full-time careers on their own. It's important to consider if this is the area of expertise you want to pursue before diving in. Regarding trusting NPM packages from unknown developers, the easiest answer is to examine the code yourself. For simpler packages, you can go through the files to ensure there are no potential security risks. However, keep in mind that this method has its limitations and may not be feasible for larger or more complex packages. Additionally, using tools like npm audit can help identify potential vulnerabilities. Ultimately, it's essential to prioritize security and be cautious when integrating new packages into your projects.

    • Managing Risks of Third-Party Software DependenciesAudit packages, wait before upgrading, use popular packages, sandboxing, and tools like Snyk can help mitigate risks of third-party software dependencies. Trust, but be aware of inherent risks.

      Relying on third-party software, especially in the Node.js and JavaScript world, comes with risks. Unknown packages and developers, outdated dependencies, and unexpected network requests are just a few potential issues. The infamous "left pad" incident is a prime example, where a simple package removal caused widespread disruption. To mitigate these risks, you can audit packages yourself, but remember that what's published on NPM might not match the code on GitHub. Waiting a week or two before upgrading dependencies can also help you avoid potential issues. Popular packages and slow upgrades are safer bets than obscure or outdated ones. Additionally, sandboxing, like in Deno, can help protect your system by requiring explicit permissions for file system and network access. Tools like Snyk can help identify potential security vulnerabilities in your dependencies. However, it's impossible to thoroughly review every line of code in every dependency. So, have faith in the developers and tools you trust, and be aware that some risks are inherent in using third-party software. With the recent acquisition of NPM by GitHub, there's hope that more transparency and better tools will help address these challenges.

    • Mitigating Risks in Front-End DevelopmentWhile using untrusted code or templates can pose risks, transparency and reliable tools help mitigate them. For beginners, using Figma templates for portfolio projects is acceptable with proper explanation. For brochure websites, using stable CMS-compatible tech like Prismic is recommended.

      While there are risks involved in running untrusted code or using templates in your work, there are ways to mitigate those risks through transparency and using reliable tools. For beginners in front-end development, using Figma templates to build projects for your portfolio is acceptable as long as you clearly explain the purpose and origins of the project. In the context of building a brochure website, using a stable and CMS-compatible technology is recommended, such as Prismic, to ensure ease of updating and longevity of the site. Ultimately, we all take calculated risks in our work, and being transparent about those risks and the steps we take to mitigate them is essential.

    • Building a fast and efficient brochure site using Sveltekit and negative CSS valuesConsider using a front end framework like Sveltekit for a static site, embrace negative CSS values, and use cloud sync services for backups to create a fast and efficient brochure site.

      When building a simple brochure site, the goal is to ship as little JavaScript as possible and serve HTML as quickly as possible. For this, a front end framework capable of outputting a static site, such as Sveltekit, is a good choice. Negative values in CSS are also perfectly fine and a valid technique. When it comes to choosing a tech stack, consider factors like developer familiarity, project handoff potential, and future growth needs. Regarding backups, using cloud sync services like OneDrive or Dropbox can be helpful for safeguarding project directories. During the discussion, the importance of creating a fast and efficient brochure site was emphasized. To achieve this, the speaker suggested using a front end framework with the capability of outputting a static site, such as Sveltekit. They also mentioned the debate between client side and server side routing and their preference for client side routing. Negative values in CSS were brought up, with the speaker encouraging the use of negative values as they are a valuable tool and a standard feature in the browser. They also discussed the importance of considering future growth needs and the potential need for handing off projects to other developers when choosing a tech stack. Lastly, the use of cloud sync services for project backups was suggested.

    • Multi-faceted backup strategyUse Git for version control, Backblaze for whole-drive backups, Synology for network storage, and Time Machine for local backups for added security and backup history

      While Git is a great tool for version control, it's important to have a reliable backup system in place. The speaker mentioned using Dropbox for backup in the past, but warned against syncing large projects or NPM files due to performance issues and potential confusion. Instead, they now use Backblaze for whole-drive backups, which works efficiently and automatically. They also use a Synology for network storage and a local Time Machine backup. The speaker emphasized the importance of having both local and remote backups for added security, and praised the long-term history kept by Visual Studio Code. They also mentioned that they commit and push to Git frequently to minimize the risk of losing work. While they expressed some reservations about Time Machine, they acknowledged its usefulness for rolling back files. Overall, the speaker recommended a multi-faceted backup strategy that includes version control, automatic backups, and local and remote storage.

    • Personal experiences and emotions shape tech choicesFrustration with missing features can lead to avoiding a tech company, while Cloudinary's convenience and time-saving capabilities make it a preferred choice for technical users.

      Personal experiences and emotions can influence our choices in technology. The speaker expressed frustration towards a company for not providing a feature they desired, leading them to avoid using that company's services. On a positive note, they shared their appreciation for Cloudinary, a modern image hosting service that offers features like automatic image optimization and format selection. Cloudinary's capabilities include transforming images based on quality, cropping, and even adding layers with text or face detection. The speaker emphasized the convenience and time-saving benefits of using Cloudinary, making it a reliable choice for technical folks. Additionally, they mentioned a documentary recommendation, but warned viewers of sensitive content related to child abuse.

    • A Cult Leader's Story and the Best PaintbrushDiscover the intriguing tale of a cult leader and the top-rated Wooster Shortcut brush for precise painting control and time savings.

      The podcast "The Way Down: God, Greed, and the Cult of Gwen Shamblin" offers an intriguing and wild story about a cult leader from Tennessee with an extraordinary hairstyle. Meanwhile, the speaker discovered the best paintbrush for cutting in, the Wooster Shortcut, which provides excellent control and saves time compared to taping. The podcast episode was a heavy but engaging listen, while painting continues to be a frustrating experience with less-than-ideal tape options. A recommended watch or listen for those who enjoy true crime stories, and a recommended purchase for painters seeking a high-quality brush. The latest Level Up Tutorials course by Ryan Olinska on Prisma is also a valuable resource for building databases.

    • New Modern GraphQL QL Databases with Prisma course on LevelUpTutorials.comExplore GraphQL and databases with a new 30-video course on LevelUpTutorials.com. Flexible subscription and a la carte purchases available.

      There's a new Modern GraphQL QL Databases with Prisma course available on LevelUpTutorials.com. This 30-video course, taught by excellent teacher Ryan, covers working with a file system, creating buckets, and more. It's perfect for those interested in GraphQL and databases. LevelUpTutorials.com offers flexibility with both subscription and a la carte course purchases, making it an attractive option for individuals and companies. If you're looking to learn JavaScript, check out westboss.com/courses instead, where you can find beginner JavaScript courses with real-life examples and a coupon code (syntax) for an additional discount. Remember to subscribe or review the show if you enjoy it. For a full archive of all Syntax.fm shows, head over to syntax.fm.

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    Show Notes

    • 00:00 Welcome to Syntax!
    • 01:30 Brought to you by Sentry.io.
    • 02:25 What is reverse proxy?
    • 03:16 Some examples of reverse proxies.
    • 05:04 Why do you need a reverse proxy?
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    Check out the font Syntax uses! MD-IO.

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    • Richard: Javascript

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    Show Notes

    3:10 - Q: Recently I took a job as a lead dev doing the exact kind of work I’ve always wanted to do. But after the first week, I really hate it. I feel like I don’t fit in and I’m seeing many red flags. There are no processes and there doesn’t seem to be any real excitement around what we are building. What should I do? Do I suck it up for a while? Or do I start looking for something else, potentially taking a pay cut (and moving back into doing web dev as opposed to building apps) to work at another creative agency with people who are more my jam?

    10:32 - Does Syntax have a Discord or Slack community channel to collaborate on topics?

    12:00 - What is one thing that really annoys you about Javascript? I’m curious if you could change one thing about the language itself, what would it be?

    15:08 - Have you tried Fauna DB?

    19:13 - What are your thoughts on including tutorial projects in a portfolio? (For example, putting the Sick Fits site from Wes’ Advanced React course in a portfolio.) I’m relatively new to React and have a couple of my own projects, but a bunch of projects from following a course.

    23:58 - A site you’re maintaining is hacked, how do you handle fixing it?

    30:28 - My bookmarks are overwhelming! I just started learning web dev and even though I sort my bookmarks into folders, I end up with so much that I don’t even know how to use them. What do you guys do for managing bookmarks on browsers?

    34:15 - How would you recommend integrating React and other modern JS frameworks into (more or less) “static” or “brochure” websites? Say for instance I have a banking website that has mostly static content, but also has complicated JS pieces such as calculators, location finders and sign-up forms? I currently reach for jQuery & jQuery plugins for these pieces of functionality, but React and Vue sound like they could also help solve these one-off pieces of functionality. Most tutorials and examples are based on creating apps from the ground up, but what if you only want to sprinkle these frameworks in and only use them where JS is necessary? How might the both of you solve for these scenarios?

    38:00 - I was wondering whether you could share which backpack, or bag do you use for carrying your laptops? I’m looking for something that would be useful for carrying my 16" Macbook Pro, but also could hold some other stuff like groceries, clothes, or other various things that one may want to put there.

    41:50 - Do you write out a vanilla fetch() in your components that need it, or do you use a fetch “wrapper” written by yourself or someone else? If so, what does it look like?

    46:16 - Have you ever done any automation projects using a Raspberry Pi? I am trying my hand at remote access to the solar power setup at our ‘bach’ (pronounced ‘batch’) here in New Zealand, which is the same thing as a ‘cottage’ in Canada. Finding it hard to find good resources for this online as most get really technical really fast. My idea is to take the RS485 modbus data and just send it up to a DB every 5 minutes or so.

    51:38 - What do Wes and Scott think about beards and have you ever thought about growing one?


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    Full Show Notes: https://wiki.securityweekly.com/Episode619

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    Show Notes


    • How long should you stay with each job and/or company?


    • What is the best way to work remotely?
    • Tips for remote working
      • Have a dedicated space
      • Clear on and off times
      • Have a time for winding down
      • Make specific TODO lists
      • Use blocking software to help you stay focused
      • Switch up the scenery / Work in different places


    • What are the trade-offs with using WordPress in a headless setup vs a tradition setup?


    • How do you deal with API credentials in React?


    • How do you keep an eye on performance with an app/site over the long-term?
      • Check uptime
      • Check the performance features in browser dev tools
      • Use error checking software
      • Host-based performance tools
      • Newrelic
      • pingdom
      • LogRocket


    • What happened to Canvas after all the hype around HTML5 a few years ago?


    • How do you deal with analysis paralysis?
      • Just get to work - you can always change things later
      • Do research, but don’t let it get in the way of shipping


    • If you were forced to change your career (and it had to be something you’ve never done professionally in the past), what would it be?
      • Wes: Some sort of buying and selling (eBay, Amazon, etc,)
      • Example: Buying things at wholesale prices and selling them with a markup
      • Scott: Could go a lot of different directions.
      • Example: DJ, Snowboarding instructor, develop a video game that is a sequel to Cruis’n USA


    • As a freelance developer, what are some good questions to ask before taking on a client?
      • Budget
      • Scope
      • Preferred communication methods
      • How do you make money?
      • What are the ultimate goals?
      • Basically, ask as many questions as possible

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    Shameless Plugs

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    Capital One Breach, Edgewise - Peter Smith - PSW #619

    Capital One Breach, Edgewise - Peter Smith - PSW #619

    Peter Smith is the Founder & CEO of Edgewise. Peter will be covering the Capital One breach and the AWS metadata service with request forgery. He will explain how to solve this problem with Edgewise.

    To learn more about Edgewise, visit: https://securityweekly.com/edgewise

    Full Show Notes: https://wiki.securityweekly.com/Episode619

    Visit https://www.securityweekly.com/psw for all the latest episodes!