
    Roundup - Sick AI Tools For Developers

    enJuly 10, 2023
    What tasks did Scott and Wes use AI tools for?
    Name some AI tools mentioned for web development.
    How do AI tools enhance productivity in coding?
    What caution did the speaker advise regarding AI outputs?
    What are the differences between free and paid AI coding tools?

    Podcast Summary

    • Using AI for quick and accurate solutions in web development and lifeAI tools like Google, GitHub Copilot, Kite, and Tabnine save time and effort by providing quick and accurate answers, suggestions, and automation in web development and other areas of life. However, it's important to use these tools responsibly and be aware of potential risks.

      Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools are increasingly being used in web development and other areas of life to provide quick and accurate solutions. Scott and Wes discussed their recent experiences using AI to help with non-development tasks, such as determining the equivalence of bolt sizes and troubleshooting TV issues. They also highlighted the frustration of sifting through irrelevant search results and outdated information. However, they found that using AI tools, such as Google, could quickly provide accurate answers, saving time and effort. In the realm of web development, they mentioned the use of AI tools and extensions for Visual Studio Code, which can provide suggestions, automate tasks, and enhance productivity. Some examples they mentioned include GitHub Copilot, Kite, and Tabnine. These tools can help with coding, debugging, and even generating code snippets. They also mentioned the use of AI for generating SSL certificates and securing networks. Overall, the use of AI tools in web development and other areas of life is becoming more common and can provide significant benefits in terms of time savings, accuracy, and productivity. However, it's important to be aware of the potential risks, such as the generation of inaccurate or biased results, and to use these tools responsibly.

    • CodeAI: A Coding Assistant on SourcegraphCodeAI is a powerful coding assistant on Sourcegraph that provides context-aware suggestions and optimizations based on your codebase and current tab.

      CodeAI, an extension by Sourcegraph, is a powerful coding assistant that provides context-aware suggestions and optimizations. It integrates with your codebase on Sourcegraph and offers features like generating code comments, identifying code smells, and optimizing code. The tool uses context from your codebase and the current tab to provide accurate and helpful suggestions. It also has a UI where you can log in to access additional features. The extension works by taking context cues from your coding environment, such as the current tab name, other tab names, and code snippets before and after your current location. It also looks at your ESLint or TS config for formatting. The token limits for text input are increasing, allowing for more comprehensive input. CodeAI is a valuable tool for developers looking to streamline their coding process and improve their code quality.

    • AI-powered coding assistants: Revolutionizing code developmentAI tools like Mhmm, Quest Graph, and Amazon Code Whisperer analyze codebases, understand context, and offer suggestions to optimize code, find bugs, and generate documentation.

      We're witnessing an exciting advancement in coding tools with the introduction of AI-powered assistants like Mhmm, Quest Graph, and Amazon Code Whisperer. These tools can analyze your entire codebase, understand context, and provide suggestions to optimize code, find bugs, and even generate documentation. While some features are free, like Codea AI and Copilot Labs, others are paid, like Quest Graph. It's important to note that the line between free and paid might blur over time. For instance, Codea AI, despite being free, might eventually become a paid product due to its advanced capabilities. Amazon Code Whisperer, a free alternative to GitHub Copilot, offers similar functionality but with some differences in performance. These AI coding assistants are revolutionizing the way we write and maintain code by providing valuable insights and suggestions, making coding more efficient and enjoyable.

    • Boosting productivity with AI tools in Visual Studio CodeAI tools like Copilot's custom brushes and chat feature in Visual Studio Code can enhance productivity by providing quick conversions, code generation, and effective code reviews.

      The use of AI tools like Copilot's custom brushes and chat feature in Visual Studio Code can significantly enhance productivity and efficiency in coding tasks. The custom brushes allow for quick conversions and modifications, while the chat feature can generate code based on given prompts. These tools are experimental and may have occasional issues, but they offer a convenient alternative to manually documenting or writing tests. The Copilot chat, in particular, has shown impressive results in generating accurate code. However, it's important to note that these features are currently invite-only and require application for access. Another interesting tool mentioned was lintrule.com, a command-line tool for code reviews. It can help identify incorrect code styles during code reviews, making the process more effective. The tool is free for up to 1,000 lines of code change, but it may be a paid product beyond that. Overall, these AI tools offer valuable additions to the coding workflow and can save time and effort in various aspects of software development.

    • AI enhances development tools with intelligent functionalityAI-powered linters identify privacy issues and generate commit messages, enhancing productivity and maintaining code quality.

      AI is increasingly being integrated into development tools to provide more intelligent and nuanced functionality beyond what traditional linting rules can offer. For instance, an AI-powered linter can identify potential privacy issues, such as logging sensitive user information, which a standard linter might not be able to detect. Moreover, tools like Open Commit use AI to generate commit messages, saving developers time and effort in crafting clear and descriptive summaries of their changes. The potential applications of AI in development tools are vast, from improving formatting options to providing more accurate and contextually relevant suggestions. These tools not only enhance productivity but also contribute to maintaining code quality and consistency. The future of development tools lies in the integration of AI to provide more intelligent, flexible, and user-friendly solutions.

    • Exploring tools and techniques for coding productivityTools like GitHub's Diffing Tool with OpenAI and Replit's Ghostwriter can enhance coding productivity and efficiency. Conventional commit messages also offer benefits, but sticking to this practice consistently can be challenging.

      There are several tools and techniques discussed during the conversation that can enhance coding productivity and efficiency. One such tool is GitHub's "Diffing Tool with OpenAI," which can help parse code changes and generate meaningful commit messages with minimal cost. Another tool mentioned is Replit's Ghostwriter, a browser-based IDE with an auto-completion extension and an open-source language model. The Starcoder model, a part of Hugging Face, was also discussed as a powerful language model for programming languages, but its effectiveness may depend on how it's used. The conversation also touched upon the topic of using conventional commit messages and the benefits they bring, such as generating change logs and maintaining a clear record of changes. However, some participants found it challenging to stick to this practice consistently. In summary, the conversation provided valuable insights into various tools and techniques that can streamline coding processes and improve productivity. While some tools, like the OpenAI-powered GitHub diffing tool and Replit's Ghostwriter, showed promise, others, like Starcoder, may require further exploration to fully understand their potential and how to use them effectively.

    • Exploring Open-Source Alternatives to Codex for Coding AssistanceSeveral open-source tools like CodeWhisperer, Code Geeks X, and Codeium AI offer coding assistance features including code completion, generating tests, and infusing AI into coding. Each tool has its strengths and weaknesses, and evaluating them objectively can help developers make informed decisions.

      There are several open-source alternatives to Codex, OpenAI's large language model, for coding assistance, including CodeWhisperer, Code Geeks X, and Codeium AI. These tools offer various features like code completion, generating tests, and infusing AI into coding. Some, like CodeWhisperer, are extensions for code editors like Visual Studio Code, while others, like Codeium AI, are in-house models. During a discussion, it was mentioned that CodeWhisperer, while not as advanced as Copilot, is supposed to be smaller and run locally or on a computer. The speaker also tried Code Geeks X, which is an open-source alternative with a chat feature, and found it similar to other tools but not the best. Regarding the evaluation of these tools, it was noted that OpenAI has introduced various tests to measure their performance objectively. The speaker suggested comparing these tools by writing the same application line by line in each one to observe their differences. Codeium AI was introduced as another tool that assists in coding, offering features like generating unit tests and infusing AI into coding. It can work with various code editors and is an in-house model, not an API wrapper. In conclusion, while there are several open-source alternatives to Codex for coding assistance, each offers unique features and has its strengths and weaknesses. Evaluating these tools objectively can help developers make informed decisions about which one best fits their needs.

    • Security concerns with GitHub Copilot in corporate environmentsDespite Copilot's effectiveness, security concerns limit its use in corporate settings. Alternatives like Codium offer similar features but run locally and are free, making them attractive options for businesses.

      While GitHub Copilot is a powerful AI coding tool, its use in corporate environments is not yet clear-cut due to security concerns. Some companies may not allow the use of Copilot due to the potential risk of uploading proprietary code to an external server. However, there are alternatives like Codium, which offers similar features but runs locally and is free. Codium also supports more editors and languages than Copilot, and has lower latency. In comparison to Amazon's CodeWhisperer, Codium has better performance. It's worth noting that Tab 9, a sponsor of the podcast, is also offering a corporate version of an AI coding assistant, which may fill the gap left by the shutdown of Kite. This corporate version promises to be private, secure, and compliant, making it an attractive option for businesses. Overall, while Copilot is a popular and effective tool, the need for a secure, corporate solution persists.

    • Using AI tools for productivity but with human oversightAI tools like ChatGPT and GitHub Copilot can boost productivity, but human oversight is crucial for accuracy and quality.

      AI tools, such as ChatGPT and GitHub Copilot, can be incredibly helpful in accomplishing tasks and generating dummy data, but they are not a replacement for human understanding and oversight. The speaker shared their experience of using these tools to generate code and data, and how they were able to effectively communicate their requirements to get accurate results. The speaker mentioned that having a chat interface with these tools allows for a lot of productivity, especially when dealing with specific formatting or version requirements. They also shared an example of a rambley prompt they gave to generate dummy data, and how the tool was able to correctly interpret the request and generate the desired output. However, the speaker also cautioned that the output from these tools should always be double-checked for accuracy. They mentioned instances where the code generated was not flawless and required manual corrections. The speaker emphasized the importance of knowing what to expect from these tools and being able to quickly assess whether the output is correct or not. In conclusion, while AI tools can be valuable assets in software development and other fields, they should not be relied upon blindly. Human oversight and understanding are still essential for ensuring the accuracy and quality of the output. The speaker encouraged developers and users to experiment with these tools, but to always maintain a healthy skepticism and a critical eye towards the results.

    • AI tools for developersAI tools help save time, reduce manual effort, and improve coding process for developers, continuing to evolve and become essential

      AI tools are becoming increasingly essential for developers, helping save time and reduce manual effort in writing code. These tools can significantly improve the coding process and are expected to continue evolving. If you have a favorite AI tool that you can't live without, share it with us for a potential deep dive in a future episode. Stay tuned for more insights and discussions on all things tech and development on Syntax.fm. Don't forget to check out our full archive of episodes and subscribe in your podcast player or leave a review if you enjoy our content.

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    Show Notes

    04:49 - Ben Lamers: Heyo Scott and Wes! I am building a web app currently with my brother, and I was wondering when we get to launch it how do you go about correctly writing/adding Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. I’m assuming this may be quite different depending on the platform so maybe general resources or tips for this. Thanks!

    06:45 - Fumbles O’Brian: Do you have any recommendations for teaching young children how to code? I have a 5-year-old niece in kindergarten who is absolutely fascinated watching me work, and I’d like to start teaching her basic concepts when she’s able to read/write better. For example, she loves watching me make UI changes in React, it blows her mind that changing letters on one screen changes what a website looks like.

    11:01 - Kenny: Gentlemen! Love this show and the content you put out. It keeps me occupied during my 5 and 6 mile runs. Thank you both for working so hard to keep it active, I know it takes a lot of work. I’m curious what you think about hosting your own MongoDB server? I’m relatively new to Mongo but want to start working with it for smaller projects. I’ve used MySQL for a decade, hosted online with shared hosting. Worked well for my relational db needs. Should I host my own Mongo when I’m ready for production, or pay the reasonable costs for something like Linode or maybe even Atlas? I have experience in Linux (enough to get by) and have my own virtualization cluster that I can spin up a server in seconds, along with an enterprise level firewall for managing traffic to and from. I actually just spun up a docker server this week and have a Mongo container running on it, though it’s not accessible outside my network. This is purely for my development environments. Despite the firewall, my concern is security. Is it worth paying for a trusted solution like Linode, or should I put a little time in locking down my own Mongo container for my own use? Thank you both! Keep up the great work.

    14:42 - Mike: Not a question but more of a rant… It’s 2021, almost 2022, can we all stop using ‘foo’ and ‘bar’ and ‘baz’ when teaching a programming concept? I applaud both of you because I don’t recall seeing any of your content ever using such atrocious terms, however, I’m sad to see other prominent educators in the web development community use these terms from time to time. I feel like there are so many better examples that we could use to explain a concept and the use of ‘foo’ is just confusing to beginners. That’s all, just wanted to get that off my chest. Thanks for a wonderful podcast! #nomorefoo

    18:53 - Amir: Hey Wes and Scott, thank you for your awesome podcast. What are the best cities in Canada and USA to get (more quantity, highest-paying) developer jobs?

    23:44 - LW: Hi guys, I am finally starting to get into GraphQL and I don’t get it. Specifically I am working to convert an existing REST API to GraphQL. This seems really tough and there is not much guidance out there on how to do it. The main part I am unsure of is how to write resolvers. If I use the existing query then GraphQL just seems like an over-engineered filter method. If I write an individual resolver for each column in the table - that’s gonna be 100s of resolvers and super annoying to write. Have either of you ever moved something from REST to GraphQL? And, if so, how did you handle this?

    27:57 - Dan: How does someone learn and actually practice using these system design topics like load balancing, caching, and database sharding. I have never had the need to use some of these things in my day-to-day work, but recently been interviewing and in the system design portion of the interview I feel a little lost. I’ve read about these topics and watched videos but haven’t really seen how to implement these things. Any good resource recommendations?

    31:57 - Matt: How do you know if you can trust an NPM package, from an unknown developer, that does not have many GitHub stars and has relatively few downloads? (The repo that made me ask this question is https://github.com/Wondermarin/react-color-palette). NPM audit automatically runs when you install a package, do any of you ever use additional security checks?

    38:32 - Yosef: Hi I’m a beginner front-end developer and I heard you saying that being able to copy prototypes is a valuable skill, so I found some Figma free template and I copied them, the question is can I put them in my portfolio or deploy them?

    40:00 - Nick: Hey dudes! I picked up a freelance project to make a brochure-style website and found myself having trouble to decide on what tools to pick for this site. I wanted to ask you and get your take, what tools/tech would you use to build a brochure site? By this, I mean the site should have mainly company information that is ideally editable by the stakeholders and has a contact form. Thanks!

    44:22 - Casey: Hi Scooter and Wild Wes! Why do I feel so dirty when I’m forced to use negative values in CSS?

    45:45 - Gnommer: Do you use some cloud sync service to backup your directory with projects? I mean OneDrive, Dropbox etc.
    I tried to use it alongside with Git, and it just messed my files so badly. On the other side I feel very uncomfortable without any backup apart from Github. BTW, according to last Potluck: polish ‘ł/Ł’ is pronounced like ‘w’ in ‘what a sick podcast you have’. Best from Poland ;)


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