
    Potluck - How to Pick a Tech Stack × useEffect × setTimeout × Staying Focused

    enSeptember 07, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Factory functions vs classes: Performance and memory considerationsConsider using factory functions for more memory-efficient object creation and focus on overall project goals instead of micro-optimizations

      When deciding between creating an object using a factory function versus a new class in JavaScript, the choice may depend on factors such as performance and memory usage. JSPerf is a useful tool to measure the speed of different JavaScript operations, but it may not always be necessary to focus on micro-optimizations. Object literals created using a factory function can be more memory-efficient than objects created with the "new" keyword and a class. However, the difference in memory usage might not be significant in most cases. Ultimately, the choice between using a factory function and a class to create objects depends on the specific use case and development priorities. Additionally, during the podcast, the hosts discussed the importance of stretching and staying active while working, especially when standing for extended periods. They also mentioned sponsors Linode Cloud Computing, LogRocket JavaScript session replay, and auth0 for authentication and authorization. If you're interested in a more in-depth comparison of object literals and classes, consider using tools like JSPerf or Performance.now() to measure the performance differences. However, keep in mind that micro-optimizations might not always be essential, and focusing on readability, maintainability, and overall project goals should be a priority.

    • Measuring code performance with tools and understanding interfaces in TypeScriptTools like perf and memory tab can help optimize code performance, but not all code requires optimization. TypeScript interfaces may not always display all fields in VS Code, try using an extension like 'TS Quick Fixes' to improve interface display.

      When it comes to measuring the performance of code, using tools like `perf` or the memory tab in dev tools can provide valuable insights. However, it's important to keep in mind that performance optimization might not always be necessary for every piece of code, especially for smaller functions or websites. The speaker also mentioned that TypeScript interfaces can sometimes display only the interface name instead of the fields when hovering over a parameter in VS Code. This can be frustrating, but it's likely due to the complexity of the types and the need for VS Code to run through the entire codebase to fill in the details. A possible solution is using an extension like "TS Quick Fixes" which can help declare missing members and display the full signature of the type. Overall, being curious about performance and understanding the tools available to measure it can lead to improved code and a deeper understanding of the underlying technology.

    • Choosing the right technology stack for a projectConsider personal preferences, project goals, team expertise, and long-term implications when selecting a tech stack. Utilize tools like TS extension in VSCode for efficiency and time-saving features.

      When working on a new project, the choice of technology stack involves careful consideration based on personal preferences, project goals, and long-term implications. For instance, when it comes to front-end frameworks, developers may prefer one over others due to their liking or familiarity. However, the decision should also take into account the project's lifespan, intended audience, and the team's expertise. Moreover, the TS extension in Visual Studio Code, specifically the quick fixes feature, can significantly speed up the development process by automatically suggesting types and refactoring functions. This can save time and effort, especially during the initial stages of a project. Additionally, the speaker emphasized the importance of understanding the goals and deadlines of a project, as well as considering one's own learning objectives and comfort level with various tools. Ultimately, the choice of a stack is a crucial decision that can impact the overall success and sustainability of a project.

    • Choosing the right technology stack and hosting solutionConsider project goals, learning curve, cost, scalability, and available plugins when selecting tech stack and hosting. Linode is a recommended option for scalability and cost-effectiveness. Snapshot testing can save time but may require acceptance of new snapshots for minor changes.

      When starting a new project, carefully considering the technology stack and hosting solution is essential for long-term success. The balance between learning new things and moving quickly versus investing time upfront to make future progress faster should be weighed against project goals. Hosting considerations include cost, scalability, and available plugins or ecosystems. Linode is a recommended hosting option due to its scalability and cost-effectiveness. Snapshot testing is another topic worth mentioning. It involves rendering a component or page to HTML and taking a snapshot of the output, which is then compared to the previous snapshot during each test run. This can save time by checking for visual consistency rather than individual properties. However, changes, even minor ones, can cause multiple snapshot tests to fail, requiring acceptance of the new snapshot. Overall, the decision-making process for stack and hosting involves a trade-off between learning, cost, and long-term maintainability.

    • Snapshot testing vs true testing experienceSnapshot testing can be limiting and may not provide a true testing experience. Cache control headers should be set at the server level, and ISR is a technique used in static site generation frameworks to improve performance by regenerating parts of a page on demand.

      Snapshot testing, while useful for simple HTML components, can be limiting and may not provide a true testing experience. The speaker mentioned that some people prefer to write tests specifying the expected output, while others use recording features to simplify the process. However, the speaker also acknowledged that snapshot testing is not a silver bullet and has its limitations. Regarding the first question from Slane, Rich Harris' statement about setting cache control headers on HTML being a mistake refers to the practice of setting cache control headers on the HTML file itself. Harris argues that this approach can lead to unintended consequences and that cache control should instead be set at the server level. As for the second question, ISR or Incremental Static Regeneration is a technique used in static site generation frameworks like Sveltekit. It allows for parts of a page to be regenerated on demand, rather than regenerating the entire page every time it is requested. This approach can improve performance and reduce the amount of data that needs to be transferred between the server and client. In summary, snapshot testing can be a useful tool for testing simple HTML components, but it has its limitations and may not provide a true testing experience. Cache control headers should be set at the server level, and ISR is a technique used in static site generation frameworks to improve performance by regenerating parts of a page on demand.

    • Improve website performance with SSR and ISRSSR and ISR can cache generated HTML pages, reducing the need for repeated generation and improving website performance.

      Server-side rendering (SSR) and incremental static regeneration (ISR) can significantly improve website performance by reducing the need for repeated generation of HTML pages. ISR allows for caching of generated HTML pages, which are then updated in the background when necessary. This approach leaves the logic of caching to the application server, rather than relying on CDNs or browsers. Regarding the use of `useEffect`, it's a popular hook in React for managing side effects, but some developers have expressed frustration with it. While it's possible to make top-level API requests and power lower-level components without a third-party library like React Query, using `useEffect` is the most common way to accomplish this. The recent criticism of `useEffect` may be due to its complexity and potential for misuse, but it remains a powerful tool for managing side effects in React applications.

    • React Hooks and Libraries: Understanding their strengths and weaknessesExplore alternatives to useEffect, like React Query, for managing API fetches and handling data. Gain visibility into user behavior with tools like LogRocket. Be aware of workarounds for setInterval with setTimeout.

      For managing API fetches and handling data in React, there are alternatives to using the built-in useEffect hook, such as libraries like React Query. Some developers argue that useEffect can be frustrating, custom, and comes with its own set of challenges, like dependency arrays and potential foot guns. However, others, like the speaker in the "Goodbye UseEffect" talk, believe that useEffect is still a valuable tool and that understanding its quirks is important. The debate comes down to personal preference and the specific needs of your project. Another important point discussed was the value of having visibility into user behavior on your website. This is where tools like LogRocket come in, offering session replay to help developers understand user interactions and identify potential bugs or areas for improvement. Additionally, there was a brief mention of an alternative to using setInterval with setTimeout, which some developers have used in popular packages. While it may seem odd, it's a workaround for achieving the same functionality. Overall, the discussion revolved around the use of various React hooks and libraries, with a focus on understanding their strengths and weaknesses, and the importance of having tools to help optimize and debug user experience.

    • Understanding the Differences Between setTimeOut, setImmediate, and requestAnimationFrameSetImmediate runs a function immediately and then sets a new timeout, while requestAnimationFrame runs the function right before the next repaint. Choose setImmediate for running functions right away and at specific intervals, and requestAnimationFrame for tasks related to the UI.

      When it comes to JavaScript's setTimeOut function versus requestAnimationFrame, both can be used for repetitive tasks, but there are specific use cases where setImmediate and requestAnimationFrame may be preferred. The main difference lies in when the function is executed in relation to the set time out. SetImmediate runs the function immediately and then sets a new timeout, while requestAnimationFrame runs the function right before the next repaint. The speaker mentions that setImmediate can be useful when you want to run a function right away and then at a specific interval. As for the choice between Mongoose and Prisma for interacting with MongoDB, the speaker personally opted for the Node Mongo native driver and MongoDB's built-in schema feature. This approach allows the schema to live at the database layer rather than in the application code, ensuring consistency across all services accessing the data. However, the choice ultimately depends on the specific needs of the project. Mongoose and Prisma offer different benefits, such as Mongoose's function-like hooks for the database and schema, and Prisma's ability to generate a schema for the entire API. It's essential to consider the trade-offs and determine which approach aligns best with your project's requirements.

    • Prisma vs Hasura: Choosing the Right ORMPrisma is a GraphQL layer on top of databases, offering more features for free. Hasura is a database server with a GraphQL frontend, focusing on real-time functionality.

      When it comes to choosing between Prisma and Hasura for your data needs, both are ORMs but they offer different functionalities. Prisma is a GraphQL layer on top of your database, providing more features for free, while Hasura also sits in front of your database but is not strictly equivalent to Prisma. The decision ultimately depends on your specific use case and preferences. Another topic discussed was generating HTML to PDF. The recommended solution was Gottenberg, a Docker image offering an API for converting HTML, Doc, or XLS files to PDF. Its benefits include ease of use, isolation from other parts of your application, and various PDF engine options. With 30 million Docker Hub pulls, it appears to be a popular choice, even if not well-known to some developers.

    • Async-await complicates function chainingAsync-await requires assigning returned values to variables and manually passing them to next functions, while promises allow for easier chaining without additional variables. A proposed pipeline operator aims to simplify chaining methods, including those with async-await.

      While async-await simplifies the understanding of asynchronous code, it makes chaining functions more complicated compared to using promises. This is because with async-await, you need to assign the returned value to a variable and manually pass it to the next function, whereas with promises, you can chain methods more easily without the need for additional variables. However, this issue is being addressed with the proposed pipeline operator, which aims to make chaining methods, including those with async-await, more convenient. The pipeline operator would allow for a more linear flow of code, reducing the need for nested variables and simplifying error handling. Despite the ongoing debate over which pipeline proposal will be adopted, it's clear that there is a strong desire for a solution to the chaining challenges presented by async-await.

    • Staying Focused While Coding: Tips for ProductivitySchedule dedicated work hours, limit meetings, respect work time, use do not disturb modes, and balance code formatting consistency and flexibility.

      TypeScript often implements new JavaScript features before JavaScript itself, but focusing on work without distractions is crucial for productivity. To stay focused, consider blocking off dedicated work hours in your calendar, limiting meetings, and training people to respect your work time. Use tools like do not disturb modes on email and messaging apps to minimize interruptions. Code formatters should be configured and combined based on your team's preferences and the specific requirements of your project. It's essential to find a balance between consistency and flexibility, ensuring that your codebase remains readable and maintainable for all team members.

    • Using ESLint and Prettier together for JavaScript developmentESLint and Prettier are best used together for JavaScript development, with ESLint handling linting and Prettier handling formatting. Use editor config for consistency across editors if needed.

      For JavaScript development, using both ESLint and Prettier together can provide the best of both worlds. Prettier can handle the code formatting, while ESLint can focus on identifying errors and issues. Editor config can also be used to ensure consistency across different editors, but it may not be necessary if Prettier and ESLint are being used effectively. ESLint and Prettier have different strengths and weaknesses. ESLint is great for identifying issues such as variable definitions, accidental variable updates, and other errors. Prettier, on the other hand, focuses on formatting, including indentation, spacing, and semicolons. There is some overlap between the two, but it's generally best to let each tool do its job. To use both tools together, configure ESLint and add Prettier as a plugin. This will allow ESLint to handle linting and Prettier to handle formatting in one process. It's a powerful setup that can help ensure both code quality and consistent formatting. As for the latest changes in SvelteKit, opinions on the new load file-based routing and other features may depend on individual preferences. Some developers may feel that these changes make SvelteKit more magical or less explicit than before. However, others may see these new conventions as a way to make development even more streamlined and efficient. Ultimately, the decision to use SvelteKit or another framework will depend on the specific needs and preferences of each development team.

    • Improved User Experience in SvelteKitSvelteKit's recent changes enhance user experience, and the speaker prefers it over Astro, which now recommends NanoStore for state management. Auth0 is suggested for authentication.

      The recent changes in SvelteKit have significantly improved the user experience, making it more explicit and easier to use than before. Despite initial apprehension towards the changes, the speaker has found that every adjustment has resulted in a better experience. SvelteKit remains the preferred choice over Astro, but Astro's new recommendation of NanoStore as a tiny state manager for various frameworks is intriguing. For authentication, the speaker recommends using Auth0 due to its extensive features and ease of integration. Lastly, a fun pick of the day is the affordable and abundant supply of dog poop bags on Amazon, ensuring that pet owners never run out.

    • Unexpected challenges and learning new skillsFrom dealing with a misbehaving dog to terminating Ethernet cables, unexpected challenges can teach us new skills and the importance of having the right tools.

      Life can present us with unexpected challenges, whether it's dealing with a misbehaving dog or terminating Ethernet cables. The speaker shared his experience of being caught without a dog poop bag and the awkwardness of asking neighbors for help. He also discussed his new project of rewiring his office and the learning process of terminating Ethernet cables himself. Despite the frustration, he found a useful kit to help him with the task. The speaker also expressed disappointment about some podcasts that used to put out great episodes but have since declined in quality. He wondered if the creators were putting too much of themselves into the content, making it unsustainable in the long run. In a lighter moment, he mentioned a cereal brand and a podcast, but the conversation quickly returned to the topic of learning new skills and the importance of having the right tools for the job. The speaker ended by promoting a website for web development tutorials and encouraging listeners to sign up for new courses.

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