
    Potluck - Tabs are better? × Coding Music × SEO × Is Angular good? × Biggie Smalls × Soy Sauce × More!

    enDecember 04, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Angular and React: Both Modern and In-DemandAngular and React are both modern web development technologies with large job markets, and developers should continue learning and staying updated with new technologies.

      Modern technologies like Angular and React are both widely used in the job market for web development, and there's no need to worry about one making it harder to get a job with the other in the future. Scott and Wes reassured a listener who was starting a new job as an Angular developer but was concerned about the potential impact on their future employability with more modern tech like React. They emphasized that Angular itself is a modern technology and that both Angular and React have large job markets. They also mentioned that it's important for developers to continue learning and staying updated with new technologies. Additionally, Scott shared his excitement about his new MacBook Pro and its keyboard, which he finds has better key separation for his reckless typing style. They also mentioned that they will be doing a full episode on hardware for developers in the future.

    • Exploring Angular and Modern Web DevelopmentAngular offers great career opportunities and staying open-minded to new ideas and technologies is essential in web development.

      Angular, a modern framework for building web applications using TypeScript, offers excellent career opportunities and the ability to keep up with the latest trends in web development. Angular and other modern frameworks are component-based, meaning many concepts apply regardless of the specific syntax used. While there may be debates among developers on seemingly trivial matters like where to store soy sauce, the most important thing is to continue learning and staying open-minded to new ideas and technologies. Scott and I may not always agree on every topic, but we respect each other's perspectives and recognize the value of diverse opinions in the ever-evolving world of web development.

    • Coding preferences evolve over timeBe open-minded to new ideas and perspectives in coding, continually adapt and learn, and question your own assumptions

      Coding styles and preferences are subjective, and it's important to continually reevaluate and adapt to new information and arguments. The speaker shared how they have changed their stance on using semicolons and tabs in their codebase, citing accessibility and personal comfort as reasons. They also discussed the debate around using double equals versus triple equals in JavaScript for comparisons. The speaker mentioned that they used to believe in using semicolons for every statement, but after considering the arguments against it, they no longer use them. They found that removing semicolons did not negatively impact their application or their ability to read the code. Similarly, they were swayed by an argument for using tabs over spaces due to accessibility reasons and the ability to customize tab widths. Regarding JavaScript comparisons, the speaker acknowledged that there is a difference between double equals (==) and triple equals (===). However, they admitted they could not recall the exact technical distinction. They encouraged listeners to look into the specifics of this comparison operator for a better understanding. Overall, the speaker emphasized the importance of staying open-minded and being willing to adapt to new ideas and perspectives in coding. They encouraged listeners to continue learning and questioning their own assumptions.

    • Comparing Values in JavaScript: Type and Strictness MatterBe mindful of type and strictness when comparing values in JavaScript to avoid unexpected results and bugs. Check licenses when using others' code as boilerplate.

      When it comes to comparing values in JavaScript, the type and strictness of the comparison matter. The triple equals (===) checks both type and value, while the double equals (==) only checks for value equality. This can lead to unexpected results and bugs if not used carefully. When it comes to using other developers' repos as boilerplate, always check the license to ensure it's permissive. As for music preferences while coding, it's all about personal choice, and there's no one-size-fits-all answer. It's important to remember that strict comparisons and checking licenses can save time and prevent issues in the long run.

    • The developer shares his favorite music genres for codingFind the right music and tools to optimize coding productivity. Try metalcore, head-bobbing music, or collaborative coding playlists like 'Syntax Coding Music'. Use Sentry for efficient error handling.

      The speaker, a developer, shares his favorite music genres and playlists that help him focus while coding. He mentions his popular playlists "Retired Scenester Metalcore" and "HeadBob," which are metalcore and head-bobbing music without screaming, respectively. He also enjoys listening to golden era rap music and modern rap music. He recommends a collaborative playlist called "Syntax Coding Music" for listeners to add their favorite coding tracks. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the importance of error and exception handling using Sentry, a sponsor of the show. Sentry is an error and exception handling tool that logs and connects exceptions, allowing developers to track and fix bugs efficiently. The speaker encourages listeners to try Sentry by using the coupon code "tasty treat" for two months free. Overall, the speaker's key takeaway is the importance of finding the right music and tools to help optimize coding productivity.

    • Adapting to Different Technologies and ToolsLearn to work with chosen technologies, communicate effectively, and stay informed about SEO trends and updates for a solid foundation in website development.

      As a developer, you may encounter situations where you need to work with different technologies and tools due to client or team preferences or industry trends. While it's natural to have opinions about what tools are best, it's essential to be adaptable and learn to work with the chosen technology. Proper communication and understanding of each other's perspectives can help resolve any disagreements. Regarding SEO, it's important to note that best practices constantly evolve, and there's no guaranteed formula for achieving top search rankings. However, having a solid foundation in HTML semantics and proper structure is crucial. Using the correct tags, such as h1, article, section, main, header, footer, and nav, can help improve your website's SEO. While these practices won't guarantee a high ranking, they're essential for ensuring your website is accessible and understandable to search engines. Additionally, staying informed about SEO trends and updates can help you make informed decisions about optimizing your website.

    • Creating a fast, mobile-friendly website for SEO successFocus on content accessibility, quality, and mobile optimization for SEO success. Prioritize best practices over tricks or hacks.

      Creating a fast, mobile-friendly website with good HTML semantic structure is crucial for SEO success. Google prioritizes providing the best possible results for users, so focusing on content accessibility, quality, and mobile optimization is key. Avoid relying on tricks or hacks that may change over time, and instead, strive for best practices. When it comes to showing the desktop site on iOS Safari or Google Chrome mobile, responsive sites don't respect user agent requests since they adapt to the device. Unfortunately, there's no straightforward answer for developers to implement it. Lastly, the term "app" used in the podcast refers to web applications, not iPhone or Android apps.

    • Understanding the differences between web apps, node apps, and mobile appsWeb apps are websites with advanced JavaScript functionality, while class properties in React simplify class setup by defining state directly within the class

      The term "app" can have different meanings depending on the context, specifically when comparing node apps, web apps, and mobile apps. In the context of this discussion, a web app is a website that uses advanced JavaScript to fetch data from APIs, handle accounts, and more, while being hosted on or created with web technologies. Class properties, mentioned in a question from Robbie, refer to properties on a class in React that allow you to define state directly within the class, eliminating the need for a constructor. This can make the setup process simpler and more streamlined. It's essential to understand the nuances of these programming terms and their meanings in various contexts.

    • Understanding Class PropertiesClass properties simplify setting class properties and reduce constructor clutter. Learning both front-end and back-end technologies is beneficial for becoming a well-rounded developer, and accurate expense tracking is important for tax purposes.

      Class properties provide a cleaner syntax for setting properties in classes, making the constructor look less cluttered. However, the decision to use class properties or not depends on personal preference and development goals. For beginners, focusing on mastering front-end technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and React before exploring back-end technologies like Node.js can be beneficial for getting a job as a front-end developer. But, to become a well-rounded developer, learning both front-end and back-end technologies is recommended. Class properties are just one aspect of understanding how classes work, and having a basic understanding of the server side can be beneficial for front-end developers. Additionally, keeping accurate records of expenses, including soy sauce purchases, is important for tax purposes, and FreshBooks can help with that.

    • Versatile developers have more opportunitiesChoosing a framework depends on community size and job market, while using tools like DaisyDisk helps manage files and prevent hard drives from filling up.

      Being a versatile developer and learning different technologies can open up new opportunities and possibilities. Whether it's building a full-stack project or choosing a new framework, having a diverse skill set can be beneficial. When it comes to frameworks, the size of the community and job market can be a significant factor in making a decision. For instance, if the goal is to secure a job, Vue might be a better choice due to its larger community and more abundant job opportunities. However, if the focus is on personal development and enjoyment, Svelte could be a more appealing option. As for managing files and preventing hard drives from filling up, using tools like DaisyDisk can help provide a visual representation of disk usage and make it easier to identify and delete unnecessary files.

    • Managing Digital Files for Optimal Computer PerformanceProperly manage files and folders using apps like DaisyDisk and CleanMyMac, name temporary folders for deletion, avoid storing files on desktop, delete old node modules, archive old projects, maintain a folder structure, use off-site backups, and consider a larger hard drive for large game collections.

      Effective management of digital files and folders is crucial for optimizing computer performance and saving storage space. The speaker uses two key applications, DaisyDisk and CleanMyMac, to monitor and manage their file system. They also employ strategies such as naming temporary folders "Delete Me," deleting old node modules, and archiving old projects on an external drive. The speaker emphasizes the importance of proper folder structure and avoiding storing important files on the desktop or downloads folder. Additionally, they suggest using a service like Backblaze b 2 for off-site backups. For those with large collections of games that only work on Windows, investing in a larger hard drive can provide the necessary space for a dedicated Windows partition.

    • The importance of having enough storage space for backups and planning for future storage needsUpgrade storage regularly to prevent data loss and ensure future needs are met. Don't let hard drives reach full capacity.

      Having adequate storage space for backups is crucial to avoid data loss. The speaker shared his experience of upgrading his NAS drive to a larger capacity to prevent deleting files due to insufficient space. He emphasized the importance of planning for future storage needs and keeping hard drives from reaching full capacity. Another topic discussed was removing known modules in JavaScript projects. The speaker mentioned having an alias to remove these modules and encouraged sharing the command in the show notes. The conversation took an unexpected turn when a question from Twitter about the JavaScript library most similar to the Tesla Cybertruck was brought up. The speaker jokingly suggested RxJS due to its performance-minded nature, fast speed, and the community's passion for it, which he likened to Tesla owners. He then shared his preference for the Synthwave 84 Versus code theme, comparing it to the Cybertruck's cyberpunk aesthetic. Finally, the speaker shared his "sick pick" of a crewneck from Everlane, emphasizing its comfort and style.

    • Investing in high-quality items that cater to specific needsEverlane's Uniform line ensures durability and is a great choice for ethically-conscious individuals, while the Keychron K One offers advanced features for a comfortable typing experience.

      Both Everlane's Uniform line and the Keychron K One keyboard offer high-quality products that cater to specific needs. Everlane's Uniform line ensures durability with its guarantee of replacement within a year, making it an excellent choice for ethically-conscious individuals who prioritize long-lasting and well-made clothing. The Keychron K One, on the other hand, is a unique Bluetooth mechanical keyboard with RGB lighting and MAC settings, making it an ideal choice for those seeking a comfortable typing experience with advanced features. The Everlane Uniform crewneck is a testament to Everlane's commitment to quality, with its ability to withstand frequent washes and maintain its shape. The speaker's positive experience with the product highlights its excellent value, making it a worthy investment. The Keychron K One, although initially having issues with sensitivity, has been significantly improved with its third edition. Its low-profile mechanical switches and customizable RGB lighting make it a desirable keyboard for both functionality and aesthetics. Both products represent the importance of investing in long-lasting, high-quality items that cater to specific needs and preferences. Whether it's ethically-sourced clothing or a customizable keyboard, the value of owning products that meet and exceed expectations is undeniable.

    • Sign up for LevelUp tutorials' Black Friday offerSave on a yearly subscription to LevelUp tutorials during Black Friday and contribute to their platform's growth

      If you're eager to learn new skills and contribute to the development of LevelUp tutorials, you can sign up for their yearly subscription during Black Friday and enjoy significant savings. This offer is available at leveluptutorials.com/forward/pro. It's a fantastic opportunity for those who value continuous learning and want to be part of shaping the future of this platform. Additionally, we'd like to express our gratitude for your continued support and tuning in to our podcast. Don't forget to visit syntax.fm for a complete archive of our shows and subscribe to your preferred podcast player for updates. If you enjoy our content, we'd appreciate a review to help us reach a broader audience. Stay tuned for more informative and engaging discussions on Syntax.fm, and have a great week!

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    Show Notes

    • 00:00 Welcome to Syntax!
    • 00:30 Who is Paul Copplestone?
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    • 08:42 Simplicity in design.
    • 10:32 How do you take Supabase one step beyond the competition?
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    Vue.js: The Documentary.

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    Show Notes

    • 00:00 Welcome to Syntax!
    • 00:30 What does the React Compiler do?
    • 05:04 Will React Compiler help with managing Context?
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    • 20:17 Clearing up the frustrations around retrofitting server components.
    • 23:13 Handing migration.
    • 28:30 Is this just a fetch request with props?
    • 36:41 How closely are the NextJS and React teams working?
    • 41:53 Will we ever get Async Client Components?
    • 43:52 Async Local Storage API.
    • 45:31 Turbopack.
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    DevLifts — Sponsor

    DevLifts - Thad and JC are on a mission to make web developers healthy. They’re currently offering two options: The first is Fit.Start - perfect for beginners or those looking to get back at it.
    Use the coupon code “syntax” to get 50% off the fit.start plan. The second is DevLifts Premium - for those looking for a laser-focused approach and maximum accountability. Use the coupon code “tasty” to get 50% off the premium plan. Check it out today! Just for January their eight-week plan is back. Use the coupon code “newyear19” to get $50 off.

    Kyle Prinsloo’s Freelancing & Beyond — Sponsor

    Kyle Prinsloo teaches you everything you need to know about freelancing, including how to quit your job, earn a side-income and start taking control of your life. Check it out at https://studywebdevelopment.com/freelancing and use the coupon code “syntax” at checkout to get 25% off.

    Show Notes


    • Where is the best place to start with JS coming from WordPress?


    • How do you set up cron jobs? What are the best tools to use, should they run on their own server or on the application server, etc.?


    • What new skills, frameworks, projects are you look forward to learning in 2019?


    • Do you use any software for tracking analytics on your site and do you ever use this data to run split tests? If so, what is your preferred method for running split tests?


    • What’s your best tip for young coders to stay productive and not lose time?


    • I’m 17 and learning web dev. I’m pretty concerned about my skills and feeling some impostor syndrome. Is it ok to start freelancing?


    • What is React Native? How do people tend to use it? If you want a native and web app, do they share code?


    ××× SIIIIICK ××× PIIIICKS ×××

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    Podcast SEO : JavaScript et SEO : pas si incompatibles que ça !

    Podcast SEO : JavaScript et SEO : pas si incompatibles que ça !

    Pour cette nouvelle saison du Wamcast, le podcast SEO, les équipes de WAM-Référencement ont le plaisir d’accueillir Guillaume André CTO de Wex IT. Au menu de ce 13e numéro : un point complet sur les liens entre le JavaScript et le SEO.

    Bonne écoute !

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    L'Agence WAM vous accompagne sur tout votre projet de visibilité : SEO, Edito, RP & Data.
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    L'Agence WAM a été fondée en 2008 à Lyon par David Eichholtzer. La mission de notre agence est de développer votre visibilité naturelle sur Google et en dehors à travers tous les leviers impactant. Nous accompagnons tous types d'enseignes comme Orange, Kiabi, Matmut, Chronodrive, Botanic, Waterair ou Philibert.
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    Rendering Methods Explained

    Rendering Methods Explained

    In this Hasty Treat, Scott and Wes talk through the various rendering methods in use today and the pros / cons of each.

    Sentry - Sponsor

    If you want to know what’s happening with your code, track errors and monitor performance with Sentry. Sentry’s Application Monitoring platform helps developers see performance issues, fix errors faster, and optimize their code health. Cut your time on error resolution from hours to minutes. It works with any language and integrates with dozens of other services. Syntax listeners new to Sentry can get two months for free by visiting Sentry.io and using the coupon code TASTYTREAT during sign up.

    Sanity - Sponsor

    Sanity.io is a real-time headless CMS with a fully customizable Content Studio built in React. Get a Sanity powered site up and running in minutes at sanity.io/create. Get an awesome supercharged free developer plan on sanity.io/syntax.

    Show Notes

    • 00:26 Welcome
    • 01:31 What is rendering?
    • 02:41 Sponsor: Sentry
    • 03:58 Sponsor: Sanity
    • 04:55 Rendering methods
    • 05:48 Single page application (SPA)
    • 07:36 Multi-page Application
    • 09:14 Static Site Generation (SSG)
    • 11:10 Service Side Rendered (SSR)
    • 13:08 Partial hydration
    • 14:03 Progressive hydration
    • 15:38 Island architecture
    • 16:25 Progressive enhancement
    • 18:18 Incremental Static Generation
    • 19:12 Streaming SSR
    • 19:53 Resumability
    • 21:51 Edge rendering
    • 23:11 Missing from the list

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    Our Predictions for 2023

    Our Predictions for 2023

    In this episode of Syntax, Wes and Scott talk about their predictions in web development for 2023.

    Show Notes

    • 00:07 Welcome
    • 01:25 SSR JS sites more the norm
    • 03:32 React doing forms
    • 05:39 TypeScript Inferred becomes hot
    • 08:11 Deno gets hotter
    • 12:51 JS Runtimes Mature
    • HTMX
    • 15:00 We will see a new TS Type Checker written in Rust
    • 19:20 New JS APIs
    • 23:37 Writing towards Winter CG Spec Popular. “Worker Ready” script
    • STC
    • 27:05 A new JS framework
    • SolidJS
    • Qwik
    • 29:44 Page Transitions API
    • 32:40 Scott was right / Scotts gonna be right
    • 34:06 Rust becomes more Popular
    • 36:00 React Beta Docs launch after 5 year dev cycle
    • 37:45 CSS Container Queries in Production
    • 41:07 Svelte and Sveltekit Glow Up
    • 43:38 CSS Subgrid
    • 49:19 WASM
    • 51:51 AI
    • Open AI
    • 53:16 Houdini
    • 54:30 People souring on React, Eslint
    • 57:47 Machine learning
    • 01:08 SIIIIICK ××× PIIIICKS ×××

    ××× SIIIIICK ××× PIIIICKS ×××

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