
    Potluck — VSCode × Vercel vs Netlify × Models × Mutations × Multi-Vendor Platforms × Websites vs Web Apps × More!

    enMarch 10, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Visual Studio Code tips for TypeScript developersUse 'Peek', 'Go to Type Definition', and autocomplete to explore TypeScript object types in Visual Studio Code.

      When using TypeScript in Visual Studio Code, if you want to see the full type definition of an object variable instead of just the name of the type, there are a few ways to do so. One method is to use the "Peek" feature by hovering over the variable and pressing the keyboard shortcut to open a new editor with the definition. Another method is to use the "Go to Type Definition" feature by pressing the keyboard shortcut and it will take you directly to the file with the full type definition. Additionally, the speakers mentioned using the autocomplete feature by pressing control space to see the available fields and methods on that type. They also suggested remapping a key to "Go to Type Definition" for easier access. Overall, these methods can help developers have a better understanding of the structure and contents of complex types in their codebase.

    • Cheat sheets vs. code examples for learningFocus on understanding underlying patterns and best practices in codebase for effective and sustainable learning, rather than relying on crumpled cheat sheets.

      While some developers find cheat sheets helpful in remembering concepts, especially when moving between different projects or environments, others, like the hosts of the Syntax podcast, prefer to rely on well-written code examples and repositories as a more effective and sustainable learning tool. The hosts shared that they've tried using cheat sheets in the past but found that they often got crumpled, tea-stained, or forgotten. Instead, they recommended focusing on understanding the underlying patterns and best practices in the codebase of the specific environment or project, which can serve as a valuable reference and guide for future work. This approach not only provides a more comprehensive learning experience but also helps developers build a deeper understanding of the concepts and techniques used in their field.

    • The Importance of Effective Documentation and Note-taking for DevelopersDocumenting complex processes with comments and markdown files aids in understanding old projects. Link notes connect high-level concepts, and platforms like Netlify and Vercel offer unique features for hosting documentation.

      Effective documentation and note-taking are essential for developers when working with complex projects or learning new concepts. The speaker shares his personal experiences of returning to old projects and the importance of writing comments and creating markdown files to help remember intricate processes. He also discusses the use of link notes for high-level concepts and the benefits of various hosting platforms like Netlify and Vercel, each with their unique features and target audiences. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the significance of good documentation and effective note-taking to enhance productivity and streamline the development process.

    • Vercel vs Netlify: Choosing the Right Hosting Platform for Your ProjectConsider project requirements when choosing between Vercel for Next.js and Netlify for versatility, background functions, and cost-effective Node.js hosting.

      While Vercel and Netlify are both popular hosting platforms, they serve different purposes. Vercel is primarily known for hosting Next.js applications, as it offers seamless integration and optimal performance for this framework. Netlify, on the other hand, is a more versatile platform that can host a variety of front-end projects and even support serverless functions. However, it's essential to consider the specific needs of your project when choosing a hosting provider. For instance, if you're working with Next.js, Vercel is the go-to choice. But if you need features like background functions, Cron Jobs, or edge functions, then Netlify or Render might be better options. Additionally, it's important to note that Vercel no longer hosts traditional Node.js apps, while Render is a more cost-effective alternative to Heroku for hosting Node.js applications. Ultimately, the choice between Vercel and Netlify (or other hosting providers) depends on the unique requirements of your project. It's crucial to evaluate each platform's features, pricing, and compatibility with your tech stack before making a decision.

    • Automating repetitive tasks saves time and streamlines operationsUsing tools like FreshBooks for billing and invoice tracking can automate repetitive tasks, saving time and improving business efficiency. Consistently singular naming conventions for models help maintain clarity and efficiency in data management.

      Automating repetitive tasks, such as sending invoices and tracking expenses, can save time and streamline business operations. Wes shared his positive experience using FreshBooks for billing and invoice tracking, which automatically sends payment reminders and imports expenses from bank accounts or credit cards. Regarding the question about whether a model name should be singular or plural, the answer is that it should always be singular because a schema defines the structure of individual data pieces, such as a tutorial or a customer. However, relationships between models, such as one customer having many courses, will be pluralized. It's important to keep this consistent across the codebase and the database to avoid confusion. Additionally, Wes expressed a preference for maintaining control over these decisions rather than having tools automatically pluralize or singularize them. He emphasized the importance of clear communication and consistency in naming conventions to make working with data more efficient and effective.

    • Tools for web applications with CRUD and metadata queriesTools like Keystone, Prisma, and Strapi automate CRUD functions and metadata queries, saving time and effort for developers.

      When it comes to building web applications, using tools that provide CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations and metadata queries can save time and effort. These tools, such as Keystone, Prisma, and Strapi, automatically generate CRUD functions and allow developers to easily query metadata, making database management more efficient. Another key difference between designing for websites and web applications is the complexity of the CSS. For websites, a more traditional approach to CSS, where the CSS is scoped to specific pages, can be faster and more appropriate. However, for web applications, a more componentized approach to CSS is often necessary due to the more complex markup and structure. Additionally, if the application is primarily designed for mobile use, mobile design systems and considerations come into play. Lastly, the podcast "Syntax" is a favorite for many developers, including Andy Martusich, who enjoys listening to it while doing the dishes. The podcast makes the chore of dishwashing more enjoyable and keeps the kitchen clean.

    • Adaptive vs Responsive DesignAdaptive design serves specific screen sizes, while responsive design adjusts to all screen sizes. Adaptive design is older and can reduce load times, but responsive design is more versatile and generally preferred.

      Adaptive design and responsive design serve different purposes in web development. Adaptive design, which involves the server sensing the device and serving up specific CSS for that device's dimensions, is an older approach that has largely been replaced by responsive design. In most cases, it makes more sense to make your application responsive, allowing it to adjust to different screen sizes. However, there are specific use cases where adaptive design might be more appropriate, such as when the mobile and desktop versions of an app are significantly different. The development process for adaptive design involves segmenting CSS based on specific screen dimensions and serving those only when needed, reducing load times. However, the consensus is that responsive design is generally the better choice for modern web development.

    • Managing User Registration and Fraud Prevention in a Multi-Vendor PlatformCreating a multi-vendor platform involves managing user registration and fraud prevention. Attract users with clear policies and procedures, use reliable payment processors, and minimize risks with cautious execution.

      Building a multi-vendor platform involves managing both user registration and fraud prevention. Scott and Wes discussed their experiences and shared insights into the challenges of creating a marketplace where users can buy and sell items. They emphasized the importance of attracting users to the platform and cautioned about the risks of fraud, which can come from either side. As a developer, Morgan asked about the best options for payment transactions and recommended frameworks for building a multi-vendor platform using React, Next, Mongo, Arango, or Google Firebase. Scott and Wes advised being cautious about managing fraud and emphasized the importance of having clear policies and procedures in place to handle disputes. They also recommended using reliable payment processors like Stripe or PayPal to minimize risks. Overall, creating a multi-vendor platform requires careful planning and execution to ensure a positive user experience and minimize potential risks.

    • E-commerce and GraphQL: Complexities and Trade-offsSelling digital products or designs in e-commerce involves dealing with complexities like copyright infringement and tax regulations. GraphQL simplifies data fetching but handling mutations requires careful validation and error handling.

      Navigating the world of e-commerce, especially when it comes to selling digital products or designs, can be a complex and potentially risky endeavor. For instance, there are companies that use bots to steal artwork from social media and sell it as merchandise without permission. When it comes to payments, platforms like Stripe and PayPal are popular choices, but handling taxes and regulatory issues in various regions can be a challenge. A third-party platform like Gumroad might be a better option for some sellers as they handle these complexities. Regarding GraphQL, while fetching data is straightforward, mutations can be more complex. There is no one-size-fits-all solution for handling mutations, and best practices are not well-documented. Input validation is crucial, and it should be done both in the HTML form and in the GraphQL schema. The approach to handling mutations, whether sending the entire object or just the changes, also depends on the specific use case. Relations can be managed in a giant mutation or in separate ones. The validation of inputs and the handling of errors should be carefully considered and implemented. Overall, there are many decisions to make when working with GraphQL, and it's essential to understand the trade-offs and complexities involved.

    • Handling partial data in GraphQLSend entire dataset for creating, updated fields for updating, and understand relationship capabilities in specific GraphQL frameworks.

      When working with GraphQL, handling partial data can be challenging, leading to unexpected results or the need to send back the full amount of data. The speaker recommends breaking down data handling into create, update, and delete operations. For creating data, it's best to send the entire dataset, while updating only sends the updated fields. When dealing with relationships, it's essential to understand the capabilities of the specific GraphQL framework being used. For instance, some frameworks offer an "Upsert" feature for updating or inserting data if it doesn't exist. The speaker also discusses their experience with managing relationships in GraphQL, emphasizing the importance of handling each relationship separately when updating and creating them together when creating new data. The speaker expresses envy towards the use of tools like Prisma, which can simplify the process of managing databases and relationships in GraphQL. The future of Svelte is promising, with the development of SvelteKit, which uses Snowpack and offers server-side components and server-side rendering capabilities. The speaker is excited about this project and believes it will be a significant improvement for Svelte.

    • Exciting Developer Experience with SvelteKitSvelteKit's fantastic developer experience and strong server-side rendering capabilities could make it a standout tool. Focus on learning stable projects and start building to improve skills. Check out Vonage's developer APIs for easy app development.

      Having a great developer experience is crucial for the success of a modern framework like Svelte. The speaker expresses excitement about SvelteKit due to his positive experience with Snowpack and the ease of writing Svelte code. He believes that a fantastic developer experience combined with strong server-side rendering capabilities could make Svelte a standout tool in the future. Regarding learning new things, the speaker suggests focusing on stable and well-developed projects and simply starting to build and code to get better. The speaker also mentions Vonage and their developer APIs for SMS, messaging, video, and phone numbers, which can help developers build applications with ease.

    • Applying new skills to your own projectsActively apply new skills to your own projects instead of just following along with tutorials. Consider using alternative tools and libraries, like MJML, for more efficient and effective development.

      While following tutorials can be helpful, the best way to truly learn and apply new skills is by applying them to your own projects. This was emphasized in a recent Cypress tutorial series, where the speaker encouraged learners to use their own websites instead of the provided starter app. This approach allows learners to encounter and solve problems, leading to a deeper understanding of the concepts. Another topic discussed was the use of handlebars templates for generating HTML, specifically for newsletters. The speaker shared their personal experience of using handlebars and recommended MJML, a HTML rendering and generation library for React, as an alternative. MJML offers several advantages, including saving time by generating emails using React, and providing templates for easier email creation. In conclusion, the key takeaway is to actively apply new skills to your own projects and not just follow along with tutorials. Additionally, consider exploring alternative tools and libraries, like MJML, to make development more efficient and effective.

    • Custom email layout design for clientsDevelopers appreciate the custom email layout design feature offered by Unlayer, emphasizing its importance and diversity in the development world. High-quality, long-lasting items are preferred by developers, as seen in Wes's recommendation of Carhartt insulated waterproof gloves.

      During the latest Syntax podcast episode, the topic of custom email layout design for clients was discussed. Impressively, this feature was new to the speakers, and they expressed their admiration for it, especially from Unlayer. The speakers also shared their experiences working on various types of projects, emphasizing the diversity and complexity in the developer world. In the "sick picks" segment, Wes shared his recommendation for Carhartt insulated waterproof gloves, praising their excellent insulation, durability, and practical features like a nose wipe. He also shared his preference for buying high-quality items that last a lifetime. Overall, the episode provided valuable insights into the experiences and preferences of developers, making it an enjoyable and informative listen.

    • Discovering a Favorite Face CleanserThe speaker shares their experience of finding an effective enzyme powder wash for their skin and promotes their advanced React and Cypress courses with discount codes.

      The speaker, who has struggled with skin issues in the past, has discovered a favorite face cleanser in the form of an enzyme powder wash. This product, which is part of a larger Korean skincare routine, has impressed the speaker with its effectiveness and has led them to stock up on multiple bottles. Additionally, the speaker took the opportunity to promote their advanced React course, available at advancedreact.com, and their Cypress course, available at leveluptutorials.com, with discount codes for listeners. Overall, the speaker shared their personal experience with a favorite product and promoted their expertise in technology education.

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    Show Notes

    • 00:00 Welcome to Syntax!
    • 00:30 Who is Paul Copplestone?
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    • 08:42 Simplicity in design.
    • 10:32 How do you take Supabase one step beyond the competition?
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    Show Notes

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    • 36:41 How closely are the NextJS and React teams working?
    • 41:53 Will we ever get Async Client Components?
    • 43:52 Async Local Storage API.
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    Show Notes


    • What’s the best resource for staying up to date with Javascript?


    • How do you stay motivated if you don’t like your current project?


    • What’s your favorite music to work to?


    • In what order should developers learn tools related to GraphQL?


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    • As more websites move to secure connections, where can a noob learn the basics of https, SSL certificates, how to deploy a secure website, etc.?


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    • What are other programming podcasts you listen to?

    ××× SIIIIICK ××× PIIIICKS ×××

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