
    Preparing for Change with Cassandra Worthy

    enJune 27, 2023
    What is the role of fear in embracing change?
    How can preparation help during vacations at Disney World?
    What strategies can businesses use to adapt to change?
    How did the speaker's DUI incident impact her view on change?
    Why is community important when facing significant life changes?

    Podcast Summary

    • Preparing for Change: Turning Fear into OpportunityPreparation for change can help transform fear into opportunity, saving money on vacations or transforming businesses.

      Change, whether it's feared or desired, is an inevitable part of life. While some people may fear the unknown and the potential discomfort that comes with it, others may long for change as a means of improvement. During our discussion, we explored various aspects of change, including the importance of being prepared for it and the potential benefits it can bring. When it comes to making the most of your Walt Disney World vacation, being prepared can mean saving money by purchasing adult theme park tickets at child prices from Undercover Tourist. This little-known trick can help make your vacation more affordable and enjoyable. Similarly, in business, being prepared for change can mean generating present and future value through tailored solutions from trusted advisers like Cross Country Consulting. Change can be scary, but as Cassandra Worthy, an expert on the subject, emphasized, being completely prepared for it before it happens can turn it from a source of fear into an inspiring opportunity. By embracing change and approaching it with a positive attitude, we can overcome our fears and unlock new opportunities for growth and success. So whether you're looking to save money on your vacation or transform your business, remember that change is a constant and preparing for it can lead to great rewards.

    • Fear as a source of motivation and growthFear can be a powerful catalyst for growth and acceptance, leading to new opportunities and passions.

      Fear, though uncomfortable and often unwelcome, can be a powerful source of motivation and growth. The unknown and the darkness it brings can inspire us to stay alert and move forward. A personal example of this is the speaker's journey with alcoholism. She had convinced herself she was not an alcoholic, despite her parents' warnings and genetic predisposition. But when she was arrested for a DUI, she was faced with crippling fear and shame. In that moment of despair, she heard a voice that told her she was an alcoholic and that it was okay. This acceptance allowed her to embrace sobriety and discover a new passion and expanded life. The fear that initially seemed debilitating became the catalyst for her greatest opportunity for growth.

    • The power of community in overcoming challengesFear of negative outcomes and community support can motivate and help individuals navigate change, making sobriety a possibility.

      The fear of hitting rock bottom and the support of a community played crucial roles in the speaker's decision to pursue sobriety and navigate the challenges of change. The speaker's experience in AA meetings taught her about the importance of acknowledging her "yets" or potential negative outcomes and using the stories of others to avoid repeating the same patterns. The fear of facing these potential outcomes, combined with the support of the AA community, gave her the clarity and motivation to make the choice to not drink and embrace the practice of sobriety. The speaker also emphasized that having a sense of community and belonging is essential for successfully navigating change, as it provides a sense of connection and reduces feelings of isolation. While it's possible to try to navigate change alone, the support of a community can greatly enhance the experience and increase the chances of success.

    • The power of personal belief in changeBelieving in the need for change is a personal decision, but seeking support and community can help navigate the process. Embrace uncertainty and find value in new opportunities.

      The decision to make a change, whether it's personal or professional, requires an internal belief in the need for change. This belief can be inspired by external factors, but ultimately, it's a choice that must be made within oneself. This inflection point, this moment of embracing change, can be a difficult and isolating experience. But once the decision is made, seeking out community and support can help navigate the next steps. I have personally experienced this in my journey to sobriety, where the realization of my addiction and the decision to abstain happened within me before I sought out community. This lesson served me professionally during times of significant change, such as acquisitions, where uncertainty and fear of job loss required me to make a choice and find value in the situation rather than being consumed by it. The belief in change and the courage to seek new opportunities, even in uncertain circumstances, is a powerful tool for growth.

    • Fear as a catalyst for growth and changeFear and setbacks can lead to innovation and growth in businesses, as illustrated by the stories of Chobani, Drunk Elephant, and the speaker's personal experience. Oracle Cloud Infrastructure offers a solution to help businesses train their AI models more efficiently and cost-effectively.

      Fear can be a powerful catalyst for growth and change. The speaker shares how a fearful interaction with a manager led her to a new role that brought more value to the business and added to her passion and enthusiasm. This story is not unique, as many successful businesses have also faced challenges and setbacks that ultimately led to innovation and growth. For instance, Chobani's first yogurt factory was discovered through a piece of junk mail, and the founder of Drunk Elephant was told that her name sounded unappealing. These stories illustrate that fear, doubt, and failure are inevitable parts of the entrepreneurial journey, but they can also be opportunities to learn and evolve. Additionally, the advancement of AI technology requires significant speed and processing power, and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure offers a solution with consistent pricing and increased bandwidth to help businesses train their AI models more efficiently and cost-effectively.

    • Acknowledging fear is the first step in managing itRecognizing fear allows us to separate emotional energy from conscious thought, enabling effective problem solving and personal growth

      Recognizing and acknowledging fear is the first step in managing it. Fear can ignite our imaginations and trigger strong reactions, but ignoring it or numbing out with unhealthy coping mechanisms only prolongs the discomfort. Instead, allowing the emotion to exist and giving yourself grace can help you separate emotional energy from conscious thought, enabling you to effectively address the situation. Numbing mechanisms like alcohol, blame, or lashing out may provide temporary relief, but they ultimately hinder personal growth and hinder the ability to face challenges head-on. By acknowledging fear and allowing emotions to exist, we can begin the process of turning fear into an opportunity for growth.

    • Recognizing and managing emotions for changePracticing self-awareness through emotional inventory can help identify emotional patterns and triggers, leading to better understanding and preparedness for change.

      Developing self-awareness and emotional intelligence are crucial for handling change and managing difficult emotions. When we recognize and name our emotional energy, we can better understand our reactions and make conscious choices to grow and learn instead of numbing ourselves or inflicting pain on others. Practicing self-awareness through techniques like emotional inventory can help us identify patterns and triggers, leading to greater self-understanding and preparedness for change. Ultimately, this prework can enable us to respond effectively to the inevitable challenges and emotional upheavals we encounter in life.

    • Identifying and managing emotions with the emotion wheelRecognize emotions with the emotion wheel, build emotional resilience by intentionally pushing beyond comfort zones, and prioritize self-care to maintain energy and resilience.

      Understanding and managing our emotions, as well as pushing ourselves out of our comfort zones, are essential skills for navigating change and adversity. The emotion wheel is a tool that can help us identify and name our emotions, and recognizing the physiological responses associated with them. Building muscle memory by intentionally challenging ourselves and stretching beyond our comfort zones prepares us for the inevitable changes in life. This doesn't mean constantly quitting jobs or seeking out unnecessary hardships, but rather actively seeking opportunities for growth and development. Additionally, it's important to be aware of our social batteries and prioritize self-care to maintain energy and resilience in the face of social demands.

    • Embrace discomfort for personal growthSeeking intentional discomfort can help build new skills, gain new perspectives, and foster personal growth.

      Embracing discomfort and seeking out new challenges can lead to personal growth and professional development. As heard on the podcast "How I Built This," entrepreneurs share stories of overcoming doubts and failures on their path to success. Similarly, in our personal and professional lives, we can push ourselves out of comfort zones by trying new things, even if we're not experts. This practice of intentional discomfort can help us build new skills, gain new perspectives, and ultimately, grow as individuals. As the speaker in the podcast shares, "I am here to be the idiot. I am here to be the least experienced person because I like putting myself in a situation where I am uncomfortable." By acknowledging our lack of expertise and embracing the discomfort that comes with learning something new, we can build muscle memory and become more resilient in the face of challenges. So next time you're feeling stuck or uncomfortable, consider seeking out a new challenge or trying something unfamiliar. The discomfort may be temporary, but the growth and development it brings can last a lifetime.

    • Embrace vulnerability and learn from mistakesSharing mistakes accelerates growth, fear and discomfort are opportunities for learning, and authentic connections form through discussing failures.

      Embracing vulnerability and learning from mistakes are essential skills for personal and professional growth in an uncertain world. Fear, humiliation, sadness, grief, and frustration can signal opportunities for learning, and trusting that these moments exist is crucial. Sharing our mistakes not only accelerates our own growth but also inspires and connects others. Authentic connections are formed when we discuss failures, and these connections can empower and engage. Change is inevitable, and the fear and discomfort it brings are also inevitable. To better handle change, we can understand our feelings and label them, and create opportunities for discomfort and change to prepare ourselves. This doesn't mean we have to create dramatic change, but rather, small steps towards growth can make a big difference. Older generations have a role to play in sharing their mistakes and failures to help younger generations feel less humiliated when they inevitably encounter challenges.

    • Embrace new learning opportunities, prioritize mental health, and plan aheadBy embracing new learning opportunities, prioritizing mental health, and planning ahead, we can better handle change and uncertainty in various aspects of our lives. Embrace the role of the 'idiot' to learn, prioritize mental health with accessible online therapy, and plan for retirement with flexible income options.

      Being open to learning new things and putting ourselves in unfamiliar situations can help us better handle change and uncertainty. As Cassandra Worthy shared, it's not necessary to quit a job to learn something new, but rather to embrace the role of the "idiot" in a new environment. This mindset can help us adapt and grow, making us more resilient when faced with unexpected changes. Additionally, mental health is an essential aspect of our overall well-being, and everyone deserves access to mental health support. BetterHelp provides online therapy, making mental health care more accessible and affordable. Lastly, planning ahead can help us save money on expenses like theme park tickets. Undercover Tourist offers adult tickets at child prices, allowing us to enjoy the magic of Walt Disney World for less. For women, planning for retirement is crucial, and Cambridge's Parity Flex Annuity offers flexible withdrawals and a guaranteed lifetime income benefit, ensuring retirement income that can't be outlived. In summary, embracing new learning opportunities, prioritizing mental health, and planning ahead can help us navigate change and uncertainty in various aspects of our lives.

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    Hey everyone!


    My name is Alex E Kheyson, and I want to welcome you to the Heart & Mind of a Leader podcast, wish you the best of luck and determination on your exciting and often challenging personal development and professional growth journey.


    Can I ask you for a big favor? Could you please leave your honest feedback about the topic, content, level of interest and engagement after listening to this episode of the Heart & Mind of a Leader podcast. Also, please let me know if you found this episode especially helpful in your existing situation, based on where you are today in your life and career.  I appreciate your support in helping me to create and share topics and information with each episode that is actionable and relatable to those listening and following this show. 


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    • Fear does not exist until it is created in our own mind and becomes the reality that we choose to follow


    I hope you enjoyed listening and find this episode useful for you or someone else that you may know. Please share this episode if you know someone who may benefit from listening to it

    One more thing, if you enjoy this podcast show and are interested in receiving free Growth and Success Mindset Digest (weekly newsletter) from me, delivered straight to your inbox with latest updates, then please complete quick form at the bottom of this page and you will be on your way! It's that simple! You may also click the following link and sign up: http://eepurl.com/b0ReHz

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    God Bless you.

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