
    Preserving Digital History: How to Close the Web's 'Memory Hole'

    enJuly 13, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Preserving Digital History: Brewster Kahle and Sam WilliamsBrewster Kahle founded the Internet Archive to preserve web pages and digital content, while Sam Williams co-founded Arweave to store information permanently using decentralized crypto networks. Their initiatives address issues of censorship, government manipulation, and the importance of historical context in the face of deep fakes and fake news.

      Despite the widespread belief that all important information is accessible online and will last forever, over 98% of web content is lost within 20 years. This includes published works like news reports, books, music, and video. Two innovators, Brewster Kahle and Sam Williams, are tackling this issue with different approaches. Brewster founded the Internet Archive, which preserves web pages and digital content, and Sam co-founded Arweave, which uses decentralized crypto networks to store information permanently. Their efforts go beyond just data storage, touching on issues of censorship, government manipulation of information, and the importance of historical context for functioning societies. With the rise of deep fakes and fake news, the challenges of preserving digital history are more pressing than ever. The Internet Archive is working to make all footnotes and references live, creating an ecosystem of references and context to combat the fragility of information in the digital age.

    • Preserving Historical Events on the Decentralized WebThe decentralized web and perma web with Arweave help preserve historical events, prevent information erasure, and ensure factual accuracy by storing data trustlessly and permanently across the world.

      Having a better understanding of historical events, especially those from the digital age, is crucial for accountability and preventing the erasure of information. This is particularly important for the 20th century, which is largely not available online due to copyright issues and lack of digitization. The benefits include preventing politicians and pundits from rewriting history, ensuring access to important information for future generations, and maintaining factual accuracy. The decentralized web and perma web with Arweave aim to address this issue by storing large amounts of data trustlessly and permanently across the world, making it resilient to deletion and centralized control. This technology can be used to store all types of permanently archived information, not just news archives.

    • Two Approaches to Data Permanence: Internet Archive vs ArweaveThe Internet Archive and Arweave tackle web data permanence differently: the Internet Archive collects and archives web pages, while Arweave offers a decentralized, permanent data storage solution as a base layer protocol.

      Both the Internet Archive and Arweave aim to address the issue of data permanence on the web, but they approach it from different angles. The Internet Archive, with its Wayback Machine and SavepageNow, collects and archives web pages, aiming to have multiple copies in various locations for safety. Arweave, on the other hand, offers a decentralized, permanent data storage solution as a fundamental base layer protocol. Instead of collecting specific web pages, Arweave allows anyone to purchase and store information permanently on its network. While the Internet Archive can be seen as an archive layer built on existing technology, Arweave is a decentralized protocol offering permanent storage. Both have the goal of ensuring data permanence on the web, but through different means.

    • Decentralized digital storage system Arweave preserves censored informationArweave's decentralized technology preserves censored information and makes it globally accessible, highlighting it through the 'Streisand Effect'.

      Arweave is a decentralized platform focused on building a permanent digital storage system, or a "hard drive that never forgets." This technology has the potential to be used in environments where censorship is rampant, such as China, to collect and distribute censored information in a censorship-resistant way. An example of this was seen during the outpouring of free speech on Weibo following the death of doctor Li Wenliang. A small scraper was built to collect and commit these artifacts to Arweave, making them available globally and inside China. This not only preserves the information but also highlights it through the "Streisand Effect." The Internet Archive and Arweave serve different decentralization models, with the Internet Archive having partners in established institutions and Arweave being born decentralized. Both have their value, and progress is being made towards peer-to-peer information sharing through the use of hashes and cryptography. The web is evolving with technologies like JavaScript and digital cash, which enable decentralized systems to bridge to more traditional server-based structures. Overall, these advancements have the potential to revolutionize the way we store, share, and access information, particularly in environments where free speech and access to information are restricted.

    • Preserving digital information with blockchain technologyBlockchain technology enables the unaltered preservation of digital information, ensuring access to past data for critical thinking, accountability, and transparency.

      The use of blockchain technology for verifiable time-stamping of data, as demonstrated by Arweave and the Internet Archive, offers a compelling solution to ensure the unaltered preservation of digital information. This is particularly important in an era where digital content is constantly changing or disappearing, and the ability to access and verify past information is crucial for critical thinking, accountability, and transparency. The Internet Archive's Wayback Machine serves as a powerful example of this concept, allowing users to access past versions of web pages and hold public figures accountable for their statements. The average person can relate to this by recognizing the importance of being able to access and quote reliable information for educational and critical thinking purposes. The loss of digital content, such as videos and websites, can lead to a lack of trust and accountability in the digital world. The Internet Archive's vast collection of digital content is a testament to the importance of preserving digital information for future generations.

    • Decentralized, permanent web storage with ArweaveArweave is a decentralized platform for permanent web storage, enabling the creation of tamper-evident blog posts, accountability ledgers, and composable applications, while ensuring data remains unchanged and accessible forever.

      Arweave is a decentralized, permanent web storage platform that offers unique benefits for preserving information and maintaining accountability. Its first notable use cases include creating perpetual blog posts or thought pieces, and using it as an accountability ledger for contracts or emails. The platform's economic structure ensures that data remains unchanged, providing a reliable and tamper-evident solution. Moreover, Arweave functions as a massive open database, enabling the creation of composable applications, such as FeedWeave, a simple blogging platform. This system offers strong user guarantees, as applications and their data persist forever, eliminating the concerns of privacy abuses and data manipulation commonly seen in traditional web 2.0 services. Essentially, Arweave provides a decentralized and permanent solution for data storage, ensuring that information remains accessible and unaltered, while also fostering innovation through composable applications.

    • Decentralized technologies bring benefits of ease, community, and innovationDecentralized systems like Arweave and the Internet Archive offer benefits of data portability, community-driven preservation, and an API-like infrastructure for innovation.

      The decentralized nature of technologies like Arweave and the Internet Archive brings significant benefits, including ease of data portability and a community-driven approach to preserving knowledge. The frictionless nature of these systems allows users to easily switch applications without losing their data, and the open-access databases create an API-like infrastructure for innovation. The importance of community in the preservation of knowledge is emphasized, with the Internet Archive relying on both financial and organizational support from its users to ensure the ongoing availability of information. Technology, as defined by science fiction author Kim Stanley Robinson, is not just physical, but also includes social innovations that enable us to coordinate and scale at greater levels. The economic dimensions of digital technologies like cryptocurrencies and digital tokens further highlight this perspective.

    • Understanding the intersection of technology, economics, politics, and social dimensions for new protocols and technologiesNew technologies like token systems and blockchain have potential beyond financial transactions, enabling cultural preservation and coordinating human activities. Decentralized web promises accessibility and resilience, preventing publishers from controlling content.

      The intersection of technology, economics, politics, and social dimensions is crucial in understanding the importance and potential of new protocols and technologies, such as those based on token systems and blockchain. These innovations can be used not only for financial transactions but also for cultural preservation and coordinating human activities. The technologies themselves can function as money, and the sustainability of these efforts lies in the ability to financialize the lowering cost of storage over time. The ultimate goal is to create self-archiving structures, making the web a decentralized and evolving entity that can be replayed to any point in time and ensuring that data and code live in multiple places for resilience. The decentralized web promises to make every reading event accessible to all, preventing the dystopian scenario of publishers having the power to take content away at will.

    • Decentralized content storage and retrieval is more robust and future-proofDecentralized technologies like Arweave create copies, preventing content removal and ensuring future access. Metadata and context are crucial, with persistent identifiers and query capabilities enabling complex web apps and new context over time.

      The decentralized approach to content storage and retrieval, such as through the use of technologies like Arweave, is a more robust and future-proof solution compared to the current centralized web. This is because it allows for the creation of decentralized copies, preventing the potential misuse of power by content providers to remove unfavorable content. Additionally, the importance of metadata and context in content was emphasized, with the need for persistent identifiers and the ability to query and reference related materials. The ongoing challenge is finding a stable and long-term solution for maintaining hash values, but the use of tags and indexes on decentralized networks offers promising solutions for enabling more complex web applications and the ability to build new context around content over time.

    • The importance of metadata and its potential impactsMetadata, providing info about other data, is crucial and can have significant consequences. DAOs, self-governing orgs using code, are a new innovation. Decentralizing tools like Slack, Google Docs, and Google Maps is a goal for more community control and less reliance on third-party services.

      Metadata, the data that provides information about other data, is increasingly important and can have significant impacts. This was emphasized with the quote, "we kill people with metadata," which refers to the use of metadata in controversial programs like the NSA's drone strike program. The technology surrounding metadata is constantly evolving, with new innovations such as Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) on the horizon. DAOs are self-governing organizations that operate through code, and have shown great success in small-scale experiments. In the future, DAOs are expected to play a larger role in society, potentially decentralizing power and allowing for more community-driven initiatives. Additionally, there is a growing interest in "definancializing" systems, which involves moving away from leveraged financial systems and towards more decentralized and community-owned models. In terms of technology, there is a desire to decentralize popular tools like Slack, Google Docs, and Google Maps, to reduce reliance on third-party services and data hoarding.

    • Building a more reliable and thoughtful infrastructure for informationStrive for technology enabling secure, cash-like transactions and based on open standards, make the internet into a library with easily accessible subject indexes and helpful reference desk, and aim for a rich, deep background of knowledge that is accessible and empathetic.

      We need to find ways to access and utilize information without leaving a trace or relying on organizations that may not have society's best interests at heart. The speaker suggests that we should aim for technology that allows secure, cash-like transactions, and is based on open standards. He also emphasizes the importance of making the internet into a library, with easily accessible subject indexes and a helpful reference desk. The current state of the web falls short of these goals, and we should strive to build a more reliable and thoughtful infrastructure for our information needs. The speaker's vision is for a rich, deep background of knowledge that is accessible and empathetic, allowing us to understand history and current events in context. We're not quite there yet, but organizations like the Internet Archive are working towards this goal.

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    Learn more about pricing, packaging, and monetization strategies: a16z.com/pricing-packaging

    Find Dan on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BurrillDaniel

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    Link to the Gen AI 100: https://a16z.com/100-gen-ai-apps

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    OpenAI’s Spring announcement: https://openai.com/index/hello-gpt-4o/

    Google I/O announcements: https://blog.google/technology/ai/google-io-2024-100-announcements/


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    Make sure to check out our new AI + a16z feed: https://link.chtbl.com/aiplusa16z

    a16z General Partner Anjney Midha joins the podcast to discuss what's happening with hardware for artificial intelligence. Nvidia might have cornered the market on training workloads for now, but he believes there's a big opportunity at the inference layer — especially for wearable or similar devices that can become a natural part of our everyday interactions. 

    Here's one small passage that speaks to his larger thesis on where we're heading:

    "I think why we're seeing so many developers flock to Ollama is because there is a lot of demand from consumers to interact with language models in private ways. And that means that they're going to have to figure out how to get the models to run locally without ever leaving without ever the user's context, and data leaving the user's device. And that's going to result, I think, in a renaissance of new kinds of chips that are capable of handling massive workloads of inference on device.

    "We are yet to see those unlocked, but the good news is that open source models are phenomenal at unlocking efficiency.  The open source language model ecosystem is just so ravenous."

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    a16z Podcast
    enMay 16, 2024

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    Now, with Discord's recent release of embeddable apps, what can we expect now that it's easier than ever for developers to build? 


    Find Jason on Twitter: https://twitter.com/jasoncitron

    Find Anjney on Twitter: https://twitter.com/AnjneyMidha


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