
    Presidential candidates clinch, Putin's nuclear threat, TikTok ban vote

    enMarch 13, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • 2024 Presidential Race Kicks Off: Biden vs. TrumpThe 2024 presidential race between Joe Biden and Donald Trump is underway, with both parties preparing for the general election. Controversy surrounds Biden's handling of classified documents, while Trump aims to capitalize on criticisms. Sleep Number offers customizable smart beds and Armor All provides car care solutions for summer.

      The 2024 presidential race between Joe Biden and Donald Trump is officially underway, marking what is expected to be the longest and most grueling campaign in U.S. history. The rematch between the two candidates comes as both parties prepare for the general election, with Biden's team looking to build on momentum from the State of the Union address and Trump aiming to capitalize on criticisms of the president's handling of classified documents and age. Meanwhile, former special counsel Robert Hur's testimony during a congressional hearing on Biden's handling of documents sparked controversy and anger from both sides, but it remains to be seen who came out on top politically. In the meantime, consumers can focus on improving their own lives, with Sleep Number offering customizable smart beds for individual sleep needs and Armor All providing car care solutions for a perfect summer shine.

    • Senate Intel Report on Hunter Biden: Context MattersThe release of the Senate Intel Committee report on Hunter Biden revealed important context missing in initial headlines and partisan expectations, emphasizing the need for full context in understanding complex situations. Tensions between Russia and the US escalated, with Putin threatening nuclear weapons and new US military aid to Ukraine.

      The initial release of the Senate Intel Committee report on the Hunter Biden investigation did not live up to the partisan expectations of some, with important context missing and potential misrepresentations. For instance, President Biden's memory of his son Beau's death was a point of contention, but the transcript reveals that Biden himself brought up the topic and clarified the details. Democrats emphasized the importance of considering the full context of such situations, as clips or headlines can be misleading. Meanwhile, tensions between Russia and the US continue to escalate, with Russian President Putin threatening to use nuclear weapons if Russia is threatened. The US has announced new military aid to Ukraine in response to ongoing tensions.

    • US Election Impact on Ukraine AidTrump's stance on Ukraine aid differs from Biden's approach, and the reliability of information from Buckingham Palace is in question, adding uncertainty to the situation.

      The upcoming US election could significantly impact international aid, specifically in relation to Ukraine, if Donald Trump is re-elected. Trump's recent statement to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban that he would not provide any funds to Kyiv raises concerns about the future of US support for the country. This stance contrasts with the Biden administration's creative accounting to get an aid package out the door. Additionally, the manipulation of an image of the Princess of Wales and her family by Buckingham Palace, which was then distributed as news to organizations like CNN, has raised questions about the reliability of information from the palace and fueled conspiracy theories. These issues, along with the ongoing investigation into the princess's whereabouts, add complexity to the situation.

    • Multiple crises hit the US: wildfires, snowstorm, and political tensionsWildfires rage in Texas, Denver braces for a snowstorm, political tensions escalate in Washington D.C., and Southwest Airlines pauses hiring due to aircraft delivery delays from Boeing. South by Southwest Festival performers and speakers cancel in solidarity with Gaza.

      Multiple crises are unfolding across the United States, from wildfires in Texas to a major snowstorm in Denver, and political tensions in Washington D.C. Southwest Airlines has paused hiring due to fewer expected aircraft deliveries from Boeing, while the South by Southwest Festival in Austin saw performers and speakers cancel in solidarity with the people of Gaza. In Texas, the ongoing fires have been raised to an extreme level, with strong winds, dry conditions, and hot weather fueling the flames. Denver and the Rockies are bracing for a major snowstorm, while parts of Texas and Oklahoma face critical fire danger. Meanwhile, the presidential race between Joe Biden and Donald Trump has reached its longest stage, with both candidates clinching their nominations amidst political fallout from special counsel Robert Hurst's testimony on Capitol Hill. The vibe in the room was far from positive, as Hurst faced demands and outrage from both sides of the aisle.

    • Congressional hearing intensifies political divisionsThe recent Congressional hearing showcased intense scrutiny, contradictory information, and political partisanship, deepening political divisions and making it harder for the US political system to function effectively.

      The recent Congressional hearing regarding the President's actions featured intense scrutiny and criticism from both parties, leaving the President feeling "screwed if you do, screwed if you don't." The hearing also revealed new information that contradicted initial reports, adding to the confusion. The event further highlighted the politicized nature of the Justice Department and the partisan divide in Congress. Republican Congressman Ken Buck's surprise announcement to leave Congress underscores the growing dissatisfaction and dysfunction on Capitol Hill. The departure of moderate voices could make it even more challenging for the Republican party to pass legislation and could weaken the leadership of Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Overall, the hearing and Buck's decision to leave underscore the deepening political divisions and the challenges facing the US political system.

    • Congressman Jake Auchincloss Expects Strong Bipartisan Vote to Ban TikTokCongressman Jake Auchincloss believes the House will pass a bill to ban TikTok with a strong bipartisan majority, focusing on holding social media corporations accountable for their impact on children's mental health and development.

      The current state of Congress is facing significant criticism for its lack of productivity and dysfunction, with a particular focus on the potential ban of TikTok. Despite the slim majority and potential opposition from the President, Democratic Congressman Jake Auchincloss expects the House to pass the bill with a strong bipartisan majority. The reason for the forced sale, according to Auchincloss, is to hold social media corporations accountable for their impact on children's mental health and development. While there are concerns about national security and Chinese influence on TikTok, Auchincloss believes that regulation of American companies like Meta, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube is equally important. The difference lies in the fact that these American companies are already subject to US law, while TikTok is not.

    • Regulating Big Tech and Addressing Social IssuesDemocrats focus on protecting families from social media's effects, bipartisan support for Ukraine aid, and gun violence legislation are key issues in Congress.

      There is a need for regulation of big tech companies, with concerns over their impact on platform and disinformation, kids' mental health, and civil discourse. Democrats are addressing these issues through policy-making, with a focus on protecting families from the effects of social media screen time. Additionally, there is bipartisan support for providing financial aid to Ukraine, with ongoing debates over the best methods for delivering this aid. Lastly, Representative Jake Auchincloss is advocating for gun violence legislation as a key issue in his reelection campaign, emphasizing the importance of banning assault weapons and requiring safe storage to keep kids safe. While the messenger and approach may vary, the goal is to address these issues with the majority of American support.

    • Nick Saban Retires Due to College Athletics' Focus on MoneyNick Saban retired due to concerns over the prioritization of financial compensation over player development in college athletics, and his disagreement with student-athletes being considered school employees.

      Former Alabama football coach Nick Saban, a highly influential figure in college sports, retired due to his concerns over the current state of college athletics. He believes the focus on financial compensation through endorsement deals has overshadowed the importance of player development, which was a core belief of his for over five decades of coaching. Saban also expressed his disagreement with the idea of student-athletes being considered school employees and advocated for some sort of guidelines or system to be put in place. The NCAA's rules on NIL and transfer deals are currently being challenged in a larger lawsuit.

    • 2022 Midterm Elections: A Closely Contested BattleDemocrats must energize base, draw contrasts on key issues, and persuade undecided voters, while third-party candidates pose a challenge. Success depends on persuading voters of the best option.

      The 2022 midterm elections are shaping up to be a grueling and closely contested battle between the two major parties. The contrast between the candidates is becoming clearer, and the task for the Democratic Party is to energize their base and draw sharp contrasts on key issues like democracy, abortion, and the economy. However, there are undecided voters who express dissatisfaction with both candidates and may not vote unless persuaded that one is significantly worse than the other. The potential presence of third-party candidates, such as Robert F. Kennedy Jr., poses a significant challenge and could sway votes from either major candidate. Ultimately, the success of each party will depend on their ability to persuade voters that they offer the best option despite any reservations.

    • Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s potential impact on disillusioned Trump votersRobert F. Kennedy Jr.'s candidacy could sway disillusioned Trump voters, a significant part of Trump's coalition, but the Biden campaign must educate them on the consequences of third-party votes, which could lead to a second term for Trump.

      Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s presidential candidacy could potentially sway voters who supported Donald Trump in 2016 and 2020 but have since grown disillusioned with him. These voters, often referred to as low propensity voters, are a significant part of Trump's coalition and could shift their allegiance to Kennedy. The Biden campaign faces the challenge of educating these voters about the consequences of casting a vote for a third-party candidate, as it would not result in a presidency for Kennedy but instead could lead to a second term for Trump. The Kennedy name still holds considerable influence, especially in swing states, and could attract voters looking for an alternative to both Trump and Biden. The outcome of this dynamic could significantly impact the election's outcome.

    • U.S. 2022 Election: A Long and Contentious Battle Over Election IntegrityThe 2022 U.S. election is expected to be a prolonged and divisive battle, with the Trump team and RNC focusing on election integrity after Donald Trump's claims of fraud in the 2020 election.

      The 2022 U.S. general election is shaping up to be a prolonged and contentious battle, with the Trump team already gearing up for a fight over election integrity. Donald Trump, who is effectively a quasi-incumbent as a former president, has been earnest in his efforts to expand his campaign across several battleground states, and the RNC is eager to unite behind him and focus on election integrity. The RNC has brought in new staffers, including a Republican lawyer and a former One America News Network correspondent, to lead their efforts on this issue. Trump has long expressed frustration over what he views as election fraud during the 2020 election, and this focus on election integrity is expected to continue throughout the campaign. The election is still eight months away, and the outcome is uncertain, but the signs point to a long and potentially divisive campaign.

    • Northwestern Arkansas Storm Threat and Political UpdatesA storm in northwestern Arkansas may bring hail and a tornado, while President Biden secures the Democratic nomination. Some former Trump supporters are reconsidering their votes, which could impact the election's outcome.

      The upcoming storm in northwestern Arkansas poses a significant threat with the potential for hail and an isolated tornado. Meanwhile, in politics, President Biden has secured the Democratic nomination for the November election, with Georgia playing a crucial role. The White House is focusing on mobilizing voter enthusiasm as key state races are absent this year. Additionally, there's a growing trend among Republican voters who supported Trump in the past but now express dissatisfaction with him as their nominee. A focus group conducted by The New York Times sheds light on how these former supporters are reconsidering their options for November's contest. Their decisions could potentially determine the election's outcome.

    • Navigating the Challenges of the 2022 Presidential ElectionBoth Biden and Trump face difficulties in the 2022 election due to media fragmentation, incumbency, and public frustration. Biden must rebuild his coalition, highlight stakes, translate achievements, and address concerns, while Trump aims to regain support and capitalize on dissatisfaction.

      The current political climate in the United States presents significant challenges for both President Biden and former President Trump as they prepare for the upcoming presidential election. Fragmentation of the media environment makes it difficult for politicians to reach and be heard by a credible audience. Both candidates are incumbents, and public frustration with institutions and government adds to their challenges. For the Biden campaign, reconstituting the coalition built in 2020 is crucial, as is reminding voters of the stakes and the worst of Trump. Translating legislative achievements into tangible benefits for people and addressing concerns about age are also important tasks. While some voters may have left the Trump train, many are uncertain about Biden's ability to win and succeed in November. The political landscape is complex, and the outcome of the election remains uncertain.

    • Balancing Coalition and National Security ConcernsThe Biden administration faces a fragile coalition that prioritizes democracy, allies, and NATO, while managing national security concerns and lobbying efforts from companies like TikTok.

      The coalition supporting President Biden's administration is fragile and relies on voters who may not agree with his programs. This coalition is necessary to defend American democracy, allies, and NATO, despite concerns about Biden's record. Meanwhile, the TikTok controversy illustrates the influence of money in politics, as the Chinese app's parent company pays former Trump associates to lobby against a potential ban. The Biden administration must balance national security concerns with campaign strategy, as both parties recognize the importance of TikTok in reaching young voters. The complexities of these situations highlight the nuances of modern politics and the challenges of navigating competing interests.

    • Mass retirement of experienced Congress members causing concernsExperienced representatives retiring due to challenging political climate, potential lack of effective leadership and understanding of governance, unconventional campaign methods emerging

      The current state of Congress is causing many experienced representatives to retire, leading to concerns about a lack of institutional knowledge and effective governance. The expedited process for passing certain bills, such as the disapproval resolution, is one of the few things Congress seems to be accomplishing, but the political climate has become so challenging that even dedicated public servants like Colorado Congressman Ken Buck are leaving. This mass exodus of experienced representatives is a cause for concern, as it could lead to a lack of quality leadership and a potential lack of understanding about how to govern effectively. Additionally, some candidates, like Robert F. Kennedy Jr., are using unconventional methods, such as aligning with celebrities, to raise awareness for their campaigns. While these methods may be reminiscent of past presidential campaigns, the potential impact of such candidates on the political landscape remains to be seen.

    • Cars Sharing Driving Data with Third PartiesCheck your car's connected services, request consumer files from data brokers, or contact car manufacturers for privacy requests to learn if your vehicle is sharing driving data.

      Modern cars collect and share driving data with third parties, potentially leading to increased insurance premiums for drivers. This practice, which is often hidden from consumers, has been particularly prevalent with General Motors and its OnStar Smart Driver program. Drivers may not even realize they're being tracked, as some are unknowingly enrolled when purchasing a new car. To find out if your car is sharing your data, you can check the connected services or apps associated with your vehicle, request your consumer file from data brokers like LexisNexis and Verisk, or contact your car manufacturer for a privacy request. Stay informed about the data your car collects to protect yourself from potential privacy and financial implications.

    • Advancements in humanoid robots raise concerns about AI's impact on societyHumanoid robots with celebrity voices and human-like expressions signal rapid AI advancement, but also raise concerns about potential threats and societal implications

      The future of artificial intelligence is advancing rapidly, as evidenced by the creation of humanoid robots like Amuka, Amica, which can mimic celebrity voices and display human-like facial expressions. This development is historic and unprecedented, but it also raises concerns about the potential threats and implications of AI on society, as highlighted by the state department's warning about the possible impacts of AI and the ongoing debate over banning popular social media apps like TikTok due to national security concerns. It's important to note that this is just the beginning, as engineers hope to make the robot walk and create more advanced AI systems. The use of AI is not only limited to robots but also extends to various industries and applications, such as the Sleep Number smart bed designed for individualized sleep needs. As we navigate this new era of AI, it's crucial to stay informed and consider the potential benefits and risks.

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    We Need to Stop the Temperature From Rising If We Don't Want to Ice the CISO Role | A Black Hat Europe 2023 Event Coverage Conversation with Joe Sullivan

    We Need to Stop the Temperature From Rising If We Don't Want to Ice the CISO Role | A Black Hat Europe 2023 Event Coverage Conversation with Joe Sullivan

    Guest: Joe Sulllivan, CEO at Ukraine Friends [@UkraineFriends_]

    On Linkedin | https://www.linkedin.com/in/joesu11ivan/

    At Black Hat Europe | https://www.blackhat.com/eu-23/briefings/schedule/speakers.html#joe-sullivan-47056



    Sean Martin, Co-Founder at ITSPmagazine [@ITSPmagazine] and Host of Redefining CyberSecurity Podcast [@RedefiningCyber]

    On ITSPmagazine | https://www.itspmagazine.com/itspmagazine-podcast-radio-hosts/sean-martin

    Marco Ciappelli, Co-Founder at ITSPmagazine [@ITSPmagazine] and Host of Redefining Society Podcast

    On ITSPmagazine | https://www.itspmagazine.com/itspmagazine-podcast-radio-hosts/marco-ciappelli


    Episode Notes

    Most of the time, for these event coverage conversations, we get to connect with keynote speakers to learn more about the topic they plan to share at the event. During our conversation with Joe Sullivan, we did that ... and so, so much more.

    We talk about Joe's role in prosecuting cyber crime—and the ironic twist where he was charged and convicted as the former CISO at Uber. We touch on Tim Brown's situation with the SEC as a result of the SolarWinds Breach. And then Joe takes this conversation to the stratosphere to shed some light on the trends he is seeing, the rise in the pressure for the role and the rise in the temperature across the CISO community. He discusses the challenges the CISO role continues to face, and how the growing fear of personal liability as a result of the conflict between the public and private sectors could ultimately ice the role and make it ineffective. Joe wants to change this, is leveraging Black Hat, ITSPmagazine, and other outlets to do so. But he needs the community's help as well.

    Tune in to this (dare we say, approaching emotional) conversation to hear about Joe's journey and all the things he is doing to help keep the CISO role safe and successful. And, most importantly, how you—a security professional that cares about good winning over evil—can join yet another fight for good.

    About Joe's Keynote at Black Hat Europe 2023 in London, England—'My Lessons from the Uber Case': In a case closely watched and debated by security professionals globally, Joe Sullivan was convicted of two felonies related to a security incident at Uber that the company had labeled a coverup when it fired him. The decision reverberated throughout the security community, but still left many unanswered questions. Before the judge sentenced him, Sullivan committed that he would speak wherever possible about the need for a better model for collaboration between the private sector and government. The judge rejected the claims by the prosecutors and Uber that the use of an NDA during the investigation was a coverup, and sentenced Sullivan to probation only.

    Today, Sullivan mentors security leaders and consults on security best practices, in addition to serving as volunteer CEO of the nonprofit humanitarian relief organization Ukraine Friends. In a candid conversation, Sullivan will share the lessons he hopes security professionals all learn from his case, so that they, their team, and their company don't ever go through anything similar. He will also make suggestions for how the private sector and government can better collaborate and share other insights about the high-stakes pressures on security executives in an era of unrelenting breaches, ransomware, and automated attacks.



    My Lessons from the Uber Case: https://www.blackhat.com/eu-23/briefings/schedule/index.html#my-lessons-from-the-uber-case-36399

    Black Hat Executive Summit: https://www.blackhat.com/eu-23/executive-summit.html

    Learn more about Black Hat Europe 2023: https://www.blackhat.com/eu-23/


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