
    Preview APEC 2023 and San Francisco Update with Darlene Bryant from GlobalSF

    en-usAugust 30, 2023

    About this Episode

    Darlene Bryant, dchiubryant@globalsf.biz
    GlobalSF, https://www.globalsf.biz/
    APEC 1-day spinoff event, https://www.globalsf.biz/apec2023
    Feel free to contact us with any questions
    Bill Kenney, bill@meetroi.com
    MEET, http://meetroi.com/

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    Maria Onorato, maria.onorato@gobiz.ca.gov
    Claire Gordon, claire.gordon@gobiz.ca.gov
    California GO-BIZ: https://business.ca.gov/
    Feel free to contact us with any questions
    Bill Kenney, bill@meetroi.com
    MEET, http://meetroi.com/

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    Spinoff event: https://mailchi.mp/maryland/innovation-maryland-selectusa-2024-spinoff-tour
    Feel free to contact us with any questions
    Bill Kenney, bill@meetroi.com
    MEET, http://meetroi.com/