
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the Art of Bringing People TogetherPriya Parker's book 'The Art of Gathering' provides practical advice on effectively bringing people together for meaningful and memorable gatherings, from small dinner parties to large corporate events.

      Priya Parker, a conflict resolution facilitator, has spent her career helping groups in transition and crisis find a better way forward. Her work began in the context of race relations at the University of Virginia, where she was asked intrusive questions about her racial identity and learned about the process of sustained dialogue. This experience led her to become a group dialogue facilitator and expand the process to other universities in the wake of 9/11. After college, she worked with the Dalai Lama's Peace Foundation, focusing on Hindu Muslim conflict. Through these experiences, she developed a specific way of bringing groups together who were at odds with one another and wanted to make things better. Her book, "The Art of Gathering," explores the art of gathering and offers practical advice on how to bring people together effectively. The book covers everything from the size of gathering spaces to the importance of creating a shared sense of purpose. Whether you're planning a small dinner party or a large corporate event, Parker's insights can help you create meaningful and memorable gatherings.

    • Effective gatherings require personal stories and trust buildingThoughtful preparation and focusing on relationships and trust are essential for successful dialogue events.

      Effective gatherings require careful planning and a clear purpose. The facilitator, Ronny Sen, learned this through his experience working with large groups in transition, sometimes in crisis, where the goal was to help them establish their identity and vision. He was very influenced by the process of "sustained dialogue," which emphasizes the importance of listening to each other's stories and experiences before delving into strategy. Sen found that starting with personal stories helped build trust and develop a more nuanced understanding of the community's issues. His first event, which launched the sustained dialogue process at the University of Virginia, used a controversial skit to name unspoken tensions and encourage open dialogue. Overall, the key takeaway is that gathering people for meaningful dialogue requires thoughtful preparation and a focus on building relationships and trust.

    • Start with why instead of logisticsBegin gatherings with a reason that resonates with the audience to capture their attention and set the tone for the event

      The opening moments of a gathering hold significant power in setting the tone and capturing the audience's attention. Starting with logistics or announcements can make the experience feel banal and miss the opportunity to create a profound impact. Instead, starting with an embodiment of the problem or a jarring yet real naming can set the pathway for the rest of the event and win the audience over. The first and last 5% of an audience's experience is when their attention is the highest, making these moments crucial for legitimizing the gathering and engaging the audience. As the famous saying goes, "People don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it." So, never start a gathering with logistics, and instead, start with why.

    • Define the purpose of a gathering to create a successful eventA clear purpose with specific goals leads to successful events, shaping guest list, format, and experience.

      The success of any gathering or event hinges on having a clear and specific purpose. This purpose should be more than just a category or expected format, such as a birthday party or networking night. Instead, it's essential to ask why we want to have that gathering and what we hope to achieve. By doing so, we can create an event tailored to our goals, which in turn determines who should attend and what the experience should look like. Furthermore, having strict rules, standards, and codes of conduct can counterintuitively lead to better events. Social gatherings, in particular, often suffer from a lack of guidance, resulting in awkward interactions and missed opportunities for connection. As a host, it's our responsibility to navigate and facilitate experiences, ensuring that guests feel comfortable and connected. By setting clear expectations and guidelines, we can create an environment where everyone feels valued and engaged. In essence, the purpose of a gathering is the germinating seed that shapes every aspect of the event. By asking why and being specific about our goals, we can create meaningful and memorable experiences for all involved.

    • Hosting and moderating rules for meaningful conversationsEffective hosts and moderators establish rules to guide conversations, protect purpose, and encourage profound contributions from attendees.

      Effective hosts and moderators create rules and structures to help facilitate meaningful conversations and extract creative output from attendees, particularly in larger groups. Rules are not arbitrary but serve to guide the conversation, make it understandable to most people, and ensure that everyone has a chance to participate. For instance, a host like Pence waited for a girl or woman to ask a question at his public Q&As, while David Gergen primed the audience to ask short, question-ending questions during town halls. These rules help to protect the purpose of the gathering and encourage real, profound contributions from the group. In essence, thoughtful hosting and moderating can break down barriers to sharing and enable larger groups to have meaningful conversations.

    • Exploring the Purpose of Gatherings: Beyond FunUnderstand the deeper needs a gathering serves to create meaningful experiences, rather than just focusing on activities.

      The purpose of a gathering or activity should not be confused with the underlying need or identity it serves. A good gathering is about providing a space for people to evolve their identities, rather than confirming biases or identities. When bringing people together across differences, it's essential not to try to stamp out individual differences but to understand and appreciate the collective identity that emerges. For example, a family reunion may initially seem like an activity to have fun together, but the deeper purpose could be to strengthen the bonds of the next generation. In this case, the focus shifts from activities to the underlying need to maintain family connections. Moreover, the form of the gathering can change based on the generation's needs. For instance, a family reunion that honors the past generation may look different from one that aims to build the glue of the next generation. Identity plays a significant role in good and bad gatherings. A good gathering allows people to explore and evolve their identities, while a bad gathering may reinforce biases or confirm negative stereotypes. By understanding the underlying purpose and needs of a gathering, we can create meaningful experiences that bring people together.

    • Creating Meaningful Connections by Defining Gathering Purpose and Enforcing IntegrityDefine gathering purpose and enforce integrity to create meaningful connections, avoiding dilution and weakening of relationships.

      Meaningful connections can be made when we recognize and celebrate the complexities and diversity of individuals, rather than trying to make everyone the same. Gatherings, such as weddings or student-only bars, can serve as opportunities to create collective identity, but it's essential to define the purpose of the gathering and enforce who is invited to ensure its integrity. By doing so, we can avoid diluting the gathering and create more meaningful connections. The story of Nora Abu Stephan's father illustrates this idea, as he held firm to the purpose of his student-only bar and refused to let the vice mayor in, despite the potential attention and benefits it could bring. Similarly, when we gather without a clear purpose or let people in who don't fit the purpose, we risk diluting the gathering and weakening the connections we hope to make.

    • Balancing inclusivity and focus in gatheringsClear purposes and selective invitations ensure effective gatherings, but exclusion is a necessary aspect of community building

      Thoughtful and intentional gathering requires setting clear purposes and being selective about who to invite. This decision-making process can be challenging, as it involves balancing the desire for inclusivity with the need to maintain focus on the purpose of the gathering. The example of a wedding where an unexpected guest was not invited illustrates this dilemma. While some may view this as exclusionary, the speaker argues that it's essential to ensure that the time spent together is used effectively and that the gathering remains focused on its intended purpose. However, it's important to remember that there is a risk involved in setting boundaries, as some people may not be included. Historically, this concept of line drawing has been associated with negative outcomes, but it's a necessary aspect of community building and gathering. The key is to approach gathering with a clear purpose, understanding that exclusion is not permanent but rather a means to ensure that the gathering remains productive and focused.

    • Setting the Tone for a Memorable GatheringThe beginning and middle of a gathering are crucial for creating a memorable experience. Hosts can set the tone, shape expectations, and encourage meaningful exchange through creative structures and formats.

      The beginning of a gathering, starting from the moment of invitation, sets the tone and primes guests for the experience. Hosts have the opportunity to create a sense of discovery and anticipation, shaping guests' expectations and preparing them for vulnerability and engagement during the event. The structure and content of the middle part should encourage meaningful exchange and provide moments of intimacy and heat, where guests feel compelled to pay attention and participate authentically. Creatively exploring different formats and structures can enhance the overall experience, making the 80% in the middle as enjoyable and impactful as the beginning and end.

    • Creating a safe space for moral dilemmasDesigning gatherings with provocative questions can lead to deep discussions, helping individuals face fears and transform perspectives.

      Creating a safe and intimate environment at gatherings can lead to meaningful and thought-provoking discussions. By asking questions that provoke moral dilemmas and challenging social norms, event organizers can encourage participants to share their experiences and perspectives, leading to a sense of relevance, intimacy, and moral provocation. Ida Benedito, an underground experience designer, emphasizes the importance of identifying what groups are avoiding, the gift in helping them face it, the risk in doing so, and whether the gift is worth the risk. These principles can be applied to various contexts, including the design industry, where freelancers and companies grapple with ethical questions surrounding who to work for and what projects to take on. The use of prompts that increase in risk can help individuals face their fears and transform their perspectives. Ultimately, these gatherings and experiences can serve as threshold crossings, ushering people into new realms of understanding and growth.

    • Designing experiences like a hero's journeyEffective experience design pushes people through conflict and controversy to achieve a purpose, encouraging authentic discussions and productive collaboration.

      Effective experience design involves taking people on a journey filled with conflict and good controversy, which pushes forward a purpose. This concept, often referred to as the hero's journey, is a metaphor used by experienced designers. Companies and brands also have their own core conflicts, which can be identified and addressed through introspective exercises. House of Genius, a gathering that gathers individuals who need help, is an example of an experience that inverts norms and encourages genuine conversation and collaboration. By following specific rules, such as not revealing what one does for a living and only adding to conversations that have already been made, this gathering fosters authentic and productive discussions. Overall, the goal is to create experiences that help people face challenges and discuss what's truly going on, rather than just presenting a polished exterior.

    • Effectively ending eventsThoughtful endings help make gatherings meaningful and memorable by acknowledging the end and facilitating reflection, ensuring the purpose and connections continue beyond the event.

      Thoughtfully planned and executed endings are crucial for making gatherings meaningful and memorable. Unlike our cultural tendency to avoid endings, effective event organizers issue a last call and help the group make meaning before people leave. This can be done through formal announcements or informal discussions, encouraging participants to reflect on their insights and learnings from the event. By acknowledging the end and facilitating reflection, organizers can create a lasting impact and ensure that the gathering's purpose and connections continue beyond the event itself.

    • Creating Meaningful Connections and Lasting ImpactsEffective hosting involves sharing personal stories, inspiring introspection, and guiding guests out with tangible reminders to carry forward lessons learned and make positive changes in their own lives.

      Effective hosting involves creating meaningful connections and leaving a lasting impact on guests. The host should remind guests of the evening's events, share personal stories, and encourage introspection. Exiting guests should be guided out and given a tangible reminder of the experience. The goal is to inspire guests to carry forward the lessons learned and make positive changes in their own lives. The use of gatherings, as illustrated by the speaker's mother's "Circle of Friends," can serve as powerful catalysts for personal growth. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being mindful of the experiences we want guests to take away and transform in their future gatherings. Overall, the conversation highlights the significance of intentional hosting and the potential for meaningful impact on guests.

    • Unexpected kindness from a Christian camp counselor with a hidden Hindu tattooDespite potential backlash, a camp counselor's moment of vulnerability and acceptance left a profound impact on a confused child, reminding us that compassion and understanding can thrive even in the most rigid environments.

      Even in the most unexpected places, we can find moments of deep kindness and understanding. In this case, at a Christian summer camp, a camp counselor, who was known to have different interpretations of religion and was seen as a strong Christian leader, revealed a hidden Hindu tattoo. This moment of vulnerability and acceptance left a profound impact on the speaker, offering a sense of peace and understanding in the face of confusion. Despite potentially going against the camp's code and risking backlash, the counselor took a chance to connect with a confused child and provide a moment of kindness. This story serves as a reminder that even in the most rigid environments, there is always room for compassion and understanding.

    Recent Episodes from Invest Like the Best with Patrick O'Shaughnessy

    Modest Proposal - AI Commoditization and Capital Dynamics - [Invest Like the Best, EP.380]

    Modest Proposal - AI Commoditization and Capital Dynamics - [Invest Like the Best, EP.380]
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    Robert Greene - Optimizing Your Reality - [Invest Like the Best, EP.379]
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    Pat Grady - Relentless Application of Force - [Invest Like the Best, EP.378]
    My guest today is Pat Grady, a longtime growth investor at Sequoia and one of the firms senior leaders. Pat has been a part of a long list of legendary investments, ranging from Snowflake, Zoom, ServiceNow, Qualtrics, Okta, Hubspot, Notion, and OpenAI, among many others. There aren't many investors who reference as well at Pat, both inside and outside of his firm. We talk about investing, building an investing firm, and building enduring companies. Please enjoy this great conversation with Pat Grady. Listen to Founders Podcast For the full show notes, transcript, and links to mentioned content, check out the episode page here. ----- This episode is brought to you by Tegus, where we're changing the game in investment research. Step away from outdated, inefficient methods and into the future with our platform, proudly hosting over 100,000 transcripts – with over 25,000 transcripts added just this year alone. Our platform grows eight times faster and adds twice as much monthly content as our competitors, putting us at the forefront of the industry. Plus, with 75% of private market transcripts available exclusively on Tegus, we offer insights you simply can't find elsewhere. See the difference a vast, quality-driven transcript library makes. Unlock your free trial at tegus.com/patrick. ----- Invest Like the Best is a property of Colossus, LLC. For more episodes of Invest Like the Best, visit joincolossus.com/episodes.  Past guests include Tobi Lutke, Kevin Systrom, Mike Krieger, John Collison, Kat Cole, Marc Andreessen, Matthew Ball, Bill Gurley, Anu Hariharan, Ben Thompson, and many more. Stay up to date on all our podcasts by signing up to Colossus Weekly, our quick dive every Sunday highlighting the top business and investing concepts from our podcasts and the best of what we read that week. Sign up here. Follow us on Twitter: @patrick_oshag | @JoinColossus Editing and post-production work for this episode was provided by The Podcast Consultant (https://thepodcastconsultant.com). Show Notes: (00:00:00) Welcome to Invest Like the Best (00:05:48) Doug Leone's Leadership and Changes (00:06:54) Creating Internal Pressure and Structure (00:10:46) Sequoia's Team Values and Family Influence (00:13:40) Assessing Founders and Investments (00:20:28) Winning Competitive Investments (00:24:45) Pat’s Early Career at Sequoia (00:29:38) Memo Writing and Investment Criteria (00:35:20) Evaluating Companies Through Three Business Criteria (00:40:15) Building Sustainable Competitive Advantage (00:47:48) Turning Bad Numbers into Good Investments (00:51:20) The AI Frontier: Market and People (01:01:13) Harvey: The AI Legal Assistant (01:05:33) Sequoia's Platform Strategy (01:17:16) The Importance of Teamwork and Performance (01:26:07) Legendary Potential: Relentless Application of Force (01:28:37) The Kindest Thing Anyone Has Ever Done for Pat

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    Adam Sandow - The Power of Print Media - [Invest Like the Best, EP.376]
    My guest today is Adam Sandow. Adam is the chairman and CEO of SANDOW Companies and the executive chairman and founder of Material Bank. He has built an entire ecosystem of businesses and brands that have brought him into the game of media, materials, and beyond. From creating the beauty product subscription model to getting magazines in the hands of billionaires to transforming the design industry with overnight access to samples, when Adam starts a business he writes his own rulebook. We discuss the founding stories of his most interesting companies, his obsession with targeting pain points, and his philosophies for when to go all in and betting on himself. Please enjoy this great discussion with Adam Sandow. Listen to Founders Podcast For the full show notes, transcript, and links to mentioned content, check out the episode page here. ----- This episode is brought to you by Tegus, where we're changing the game in investment research. Step away from outdated, inefficient methods and into the future with our platform, proudly hosting over 100,000 transcripts – with over 25,000 transcripts added just this year alone. Our platform grows eight times faster and adds twice as much monthly content as our competitors, putting us at the forefront of the industry. Plus, with 75% of private market transcripts available exclusively on Tegus, we offer insights you simply can't find elsewhere. See the difference a vast, quality-driven transcript library makes. Unlock your free trial at tegus.com/patrick. ----- Invest Like the Best is a property of Colossus, LLC. For more episodes of Invest Like the Best, visit joincolossus.com/episodes.  Past guests include Tobi Lutke, Kevin Systrom, Mike Krieger, John Collison, Kat Cole, Marc Andreessen, Matthew Ball, Bill Gurley, Anu Hariharan, Ben Thompson, and many more. Stay up to date on all our podcasts by signing up to Colossus Weekly, our quick dive every Sunday highlighting the top business and investing concepts from our podcasts and the best of what we read that week. Sign up here. Follow us on Twitter: @patrick_oshag | @JoinColossus Editing and post-production work for this episode was provided by The Podcast Consultant (https://thepodcastconsultant.com). Show Notes: (00:00:00) Welcome to Invest Like the Best  (00:04:12) Building a Media Empire (00:06:01) The Birth of the Beauty Subscription Model (00:09:56) Revolutionizing Magazine Circulation (00:14:46) The Contrarian Approach to Media (00:16:08) The Origin of MediaJet (00:18:35) The Future of Print and Digital Media (00:27:25) The Genesis of Material Bank (00:35:23) Building a Compelling Model for Manufacturers (00:37:26) Innovative Logistics and Partnership with FedEx (00:40:32) The Importance of High-Quality Content (00:43:49) Building and Buying Media Properties (00:46:01) Creating Unique Value Propositions (00:54:22) The Role of Print in the Digital Age (00:58:41) Nurturing an Ecosystem of Businesses (01:03:37) The Kindest Thing Anyone Has Ever Done for Adam

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    Howie Liu - Building Airtable - [Invest Like the Best, EP.375]
    My guest today is Howie Liu. Howie is the co-founder and CEO of Airtable, a no-code app platform that allows teams to build on top of their shared data and create productive workflows. The business began in 2013 and now has use cases built out for over 300,000 organizations. As Airtable begins to integrate AI and the latest LLMs into its product, Howie has maintained a focus on an intuitive building experience, allowing anyone to build out their workflow within minutes or hours. We discuss the future of the platform in the era of AI, his perspective on horizontal versus vertical software solutions, and his crucial moments as a leader in building a critical component to the advancement of productivity. Please enjoy this discussion with Howie Liu.  Listen to Founders Podcast For the full show notes, transcript, and links to mentioned content, check out the episode page here. ----- This episode is brought to you by Tegus, where we're changing the game in investment research. Step away from outdated, inefficient methods and into the future with our platform, proudly hosting over 100,000 transcripts – with over 25,000 transcripts added just this year alone. Our platform grows eight times faster and adds twice as much monthly content as our competitors, putting us at the forefront of the industry. Plus, with 75% of private market transcripts available exclusively on Tegus, we offer insights you simply can't find elsewhere. See the difference a vast, quality-driven transcript library makes. Unlock your free trial at tegus.com/patrick. ----- Invest Like the Best is a property of Colossus, LLC. For more episodes of Invest Like the Best, visit joincolossus.com/episodes.  Past guests include Tobi Lutke, Kevin Systrom, Mike Krieger, John Collison, Kat Cole, Marc Andreessen, Matthew Ball, Bill Gurley, Anu Hariharan, Ben Thompson, and many more. Stay up to date on all our podcasts by signing up to Colossus Weekly, our quick dive every Sunday highlighting the top business and investing concepts from our podcasts and the best of what we read that week. Sign up here. Follow us on Twitter: @patrick_oshag | @JoinColossus Editing and post-production work for this episode was provided by The Podcast Consultant (https://thepodcastconsultant.com). Show Notes: (00:00:00) Welcome to Invest Like the Best (00:06:49) Exploring Horizontal vs. Vertical Software in the AI Era (00:11:00) The Future of Customized Applications (00:15:28) Perspectives on AI's Future and Enterprise Adoption (00:18:13) The Evolution of LLMs and Their Impact on Software Development (00:23:33) Harnessing AI for Business Transformation and Innovation (00:27:28) Reflecting on Airtable's Founding and Evolution (00:33:23) Airtable's Approach to Customer Engagement and Innovation (00:39:59) The Impact of AI on Platform Versatility and Market Penetration (00:46:00) Achieving Product-Market Fit and Initial Monetization (00:50:23) Scaling Up and Securing the First Unicorn Round (00:51:52) Rapid Growth and Organizational Scaling Challenges (00:55:00) Reflecting on Tough Decisions in the Business (01:02:55) The Role of Capital Allocation in Expanding Airtable (01:06:55) The Kindest Thing Anyone Has Ever Done For Howie

    Mark Groden - The Future of Flying - [Invest Like the Best, EP.374]

    Mark Groden - The Future of Flying - [Invest Like the Best, EP.374]
    My guest today is Mark Groden. Mark is the Founder and CEO of Skyryse, a company on a mission to make general aviation as safe as commercial aviation and change the future of flying. As you may know, helicopter accidents are far more likely than airplane accidents, and Skyryse is revolutionizing helicopter flight through a safer and simpler universal flying system. Mark is the quintessential example of somebody doing their life’s work and I have no doubt you will come to that conclusion for yourself after listening to his story. He’s determined, through Skyryse, to drive aviation deaths down to zero, and we discuss all of the details, big and small, that have laid the groundwork for realizing this dream. Please enjoy this conversation with Mark Groden. Listen to Founders Podcast For the full show notes, transcript, and links to mentioned content, check out the episode page here. ----- This episode is brought to you by Tegus, where we're changing the game in investment research. Step away from outdated, inefficient methods and into the future with our platform, proudly hosting over 100,000 transcripts – with over 25,000 transcripts added just this year alone. Our platform grows eight times faster and adds twice as much monthly content as our competitors, putting us at the forefront of the industry. Plus, with 75% of private market transcripts available exclusively on Tegus, we offer insights you simply can't find elsewhere. See the difference a vast, quality-driven transcript library makes. Unlock your free trial at tegus.com/patrick. ----- Invest Like the Best is a property of Colossus, LLC. For more episodes of Invest Like the Best, visit joincolossus.com/episodes.  Past guests include Tobi Lutke, Kevin Systrom, Mike Krieger, John Collison, Kat Cole, Marc Andreessen, Matthew Ball, Bill Gurley, Anu Hariharan, Ben Thompson, and many more. Stay up to date on all our podcasts by signing up to Colossus Weekly, our quick dive every Sunday highlighting the top business and investing concepts from our podcasts and the best of what we read that week. Sign up here. Follow us on Twitter: @patrick_oshag | @JoinColossus Editing and post-production work for this episode was provided by The Podcast Consultant (https://thepodcastconsultant.com). Show Notes: (00:00:00) Welcome to Invest Like the Best (00:03:53) From Childhood Fascination to Professional Pursuit (00:05:47) Understanding General Aviation vs. Commercial Aviation (00:07:05) The Safety Gap in General Aviation (00:10:27) The Evolution of Aircraft Technology and Safety (00:16:20) The Mechanic of Flying a Helicopter (00:21:40) Justifying the Existing Dangers of Helicopter Flight (00:24:45) The Future of Flying Cars and Urban Air Mobility (00:27:23) Economies of Scale in Aviation and the Path Forward (00:35:26) The Evolution of Autonomous Flight (00:37:58) The Promise of SkyOS: Revolutionizing Flight with AI (00:42:04) Piloting the Future: How Automation Empowers Pilots (00:45:43) Exploring the Business of Flight and Future Innovations (00:51:08) What Is Holding Back The Future of Flying (00:57:08) Mission-Driven Innovation: A Personal Journey (01:00:46) The Kindest Thing Anyone Has Ever Done For Mark

    Dev Ittycheria - The Database Evolution - [Invest Like the Best, EP.373]

    Dev Ittycheria - The Database Evolution - [Invest Like the Best, EP.373]
    My guest today is Dev Ittycheria. Dev is the CEO of MongoDB, the developer data platform with tens of thousands of customers in 100 different countries. He joined the company as CEO in 2014, taking it public in 2017, and is now approaching a decade of leading MongoDB to become a go-to choice for the most sophisticated organizations around the world. We discuss Dev’s philosophy for constructing an exceptional enterprise sales organization, why he feels a leader must be incredibly judgemental to drive excellence, and how he plans to guide MongoDB through another technological transition. Please enjoy this conversation with Dev Ittycheria. Listen to Founders Podcast For the full show notes, transcript, and links to mentioned content, check out the episode page here. ----- This episode is brought to you by Tegus, the only investment research platform built for the investor. With traditional research vendors, the diligence process is slow, fragmented, and expensive. That leaves investors competing on how well they can aggregate data — not on their unique ability to analyze insights and make great investment decisions. Tegus offers an end-to-end platform with all the data you need to get up to speed on a company or market: up-to-the-minute financials, customizable models, management and culture checks, and, of course, our vast and growing library of expert call transcripts. Tegus is changing the world of expert research. Learn more and get your free trial at tegus.com/patrick. ----- Invest Like the Best is a property of Colossus, LLC. For more episodes of Invest Like the Best, visit joincolossus.com/episodes.  Past guests include Tobi Lutke, Kevin Systrom, Mike Krieger, John Collison, Kat Cole, Marc Andreessen, Matthew Ball, Bill Gurley, Anu Hariharan, Ben Thompson, and many more. Stay up to date on all our podcasts by signing up to Colossus Weekly, our quick dive every Sunday highlighting the top business and investing concepts from our podcasts and the best of what we read that week. Sign up here. Follow us on Twitter: @patrick_oshag | @JoinColossus Editing and post-production work for this episode was provided by The Podcast Consultant (https://thepodcastconsultant.com). Show Notes: (00:00:00) Welcome to Invest Like the Best (00:03:39) A CEO's Perspective Of The AI Revolution (00:05:50) The Evolution of Apps From Trivial to Transformative (00:08:12) MongoDB's Journey From Startup to AI Era (00:10:03) Building a Modern Database Company: MongoDB's Story (00:13:19) The Long-Term Vision for MongoDB  (00:15:51) Dev’s Formative Experiences as a Tech CEO (00:19:18) The Art of Enterprise Sales (00:25:28) The Development of Dev as a Leader (00:29:01) Getting the Most Out of Your Talent (00:33:17) Managing a Multi-Product, Multi-Channel Enterprise (00:37:29) Dev’s Recruiting Philosophy (00:43:12) The Role of Leadership and Mentorship in Career Growth (00:46:08) Dev’s Deepest Worry With MongoDB (00:49:35) Personal Investment Philosophy and Identifying Potential (00:53:52) The Art of Leadership: Accountability and Development (00:57:50) Learning from Legends: Andy Grove's Management Insights (01:02:54) The Power in MongoDB’s Business (01:06:13) Up Next for Dev and MongoDB (01:08:34) The Kindest Thing Anyone Has Ever Done For Dev

    Nico Wittenborn - Finding the Adjacent Possible - [Invest Like the Best, EP.372]

    Nico Wittenborn - Finding the Adjacent Possible - [Invest Like the Best, EP.372]
    My guest today is Nico Wittenborn. Nico is the founder of Adjacent, a venture firm that looks for what he describes as the “adjacent possible” for their next investment. Nico has zoned in on the consumer subscription market as his ideal candidate, making early investments in Calm App, Photoroom, and Oura Ring. Nico does virtually all steps of the investing process on his own as he believes this allows him to be as close to finding the truth as possible. We discuss sharpening your intuition, evaluating the subscription business model, and exploring the adjacent possible. Please enjoy this conversation with Nico Wittenborn.  Listen to Founders Podcast For the full show notes, transcript, and links to mentioned content, check out the episode page here. ----- This episode is brought to you by Tegus, the only investment research platform built for the investor. With traditional research vendors, the diligence process is slow, fragmented, and expensive. That leaves investors competing on how well they can aggregate data — not on their unique ability to analyze insights and make great investment decisions. Tegus offers an end-to-end platform with all the data you need to get up to speed on a company or market: up-to-the-minute financials, customizable models, management and culture checks, and, of course, our vast and growing library of expert call transcripts. Tegus is changing the world of expert research. Learn more and get your free trial at tegus.com/patrick. ----- Invest Like the Best is a property of Colossus, LLC. For more episodes of Invest Like the Best, visit joincolossus.com/episodes.  Past guests include Tobi Lutke, Kevin Systrom, Mike Krieger, John Collison, Kat Cole, Marc Andreessen, Matthew Ball, Bill Gurley, Anu Hariharan, Ben Thompson, and many more. Stay up to date on all our podcasts by signing up to Colossus Weekly, our quick dive every Sunday highlighting the top business and investing concepts from our podcasts and the best of what we read that week. Sign up here. Follow us on Twitter: @patrick_oshag | @JoinColossus Editing and post-production work for this episode was provided by The Podcast Consultant (https://thepodcastconsultant.com). Show Notes: (00:00:00) Welcome to Invest Like the Best (00:03:30) Intuition in Investment Decisions (00:05:08) The Philosophy of Adjacency in Venture Capital (00:12:51) Exploring Consumer Subscription Models (00:18:16) Common Mistakes In Subscription Pricing (00:22:41) Errors in Product Roll-Out Strategy (00:28:50) The Sucess of BirdBuddy (00:33:45) What It Means To Be a Great Product (00:38:21) Solo Investing vs. Being Part of a Big Firm (00:43:12) Building On Your Own Experience As a Founder (00:44:49) The Rise of Individual Investors and Their Impact (00:50:52) The Strategic Advantage of Staying Small in Venture Capital (00:52:02) Deep Dive into Founder Questions and Consumer Subscription Insights (00:54:09) Leveraging AI and Technological Advances for Growth (00:59:13) Exploring Future Investments and Market Opportunities (01:05:13) Areas to Explore On The Value Curve For Consumer Subscription  (01:12:32) Advice For Those Interest In Nico’s Path  (01:20:10) The Kindest Thing Anyone Has Ever Done for Nico

    Mitch Rales: The Art of Compounding - [Art of Investing, Forever Episode]

    Mitch Rales: The Art of Compounding - [Art of Investing, Forever Episode]
    We are excited to share a great conversation with Mitch Rales, the co-founder of Danaher and one of the living legends in the world of business and investing. Consider that Danaher has annualized at over 21% for four decades, resulting in an 1800-times multiple on invested capital! This is Mitch's first long-form interview of any kind, and he covers his entire history and business philosophy. Interviewing Mitch are Paul Buser and Rick Buhrman, who host the Art of Investing podcast on the Colossus network. Please enjoy this comprehensive discussion with Mitch Rales. Listen to more Art of Investing. For the full show notes, transcript, and links to mentioned content, check out the episode page here. ----- This episode is brought to you by Passthrough. If you've ever filled out a subscription document to invest in a fund or worked with LPs to fill out their docs to invest in your fund, you know what a nightmare this exercise can be. Passthrough finally solves this problem. They configure custom workflows for your electronic subscription agreements and KYC & AML requirements to shrink the time for your investors to complete their sub docs. It's the best way to manage a critical part of your relationship with your LPs and is simply a drastically better experience for both investing firms and LPs alike. To learn more, go to passthrough.com. This episode is brought to you by Tegus, the only investment research platform built for fundamental investors. Whether you’re trying to get up to speed on a new market or keep tabs on a portfolio company, Tegus is the end-to-end investment research platform you need. With Tegus, you can quickly understand a company's business model, drivers, benchmarks, and management quality. To monitor an entire market, download our pre-built financial models — or update your own with the latest data using Tegus’ new Excel Add-In. Tegus gives you all of this and more, all bundled into a single software license. Find out why 95% of the top 20 global private equity firms are Tegus customers. Learn more and get your free trial at tegus.com/patrick. ----- Art of Investing is a property of Pine Grove Studios in collaboration with Colossus, LLC. For more episodes of Art of Investing, visit joincolossus.com/episodes.  Editing and post-production work for this episode was provided by The Podcast Consultant (https://thepodcastconsultant.com). Show Notes (00:00:00) - Welcome to The Art of Investing (00:05:32) - The Philosophy Behind Glenstone's Creation (00:12:57) - Benchmarking and Continuous Improvement: Lessons from Danaher and Glenstone (00:21:22) - The Influence of Mitch’s Father and Upbringing (00:28:43) - Transforming Danaher During The George Sherman (00:30:39) - Embracing Long-Term Vision and Patience (00:36:47) - The Role of Leadership in Navigating Change (00:42:21) - Danaher's Evolutionary Journey: From 1.0 to 4.0 (00:56:37) - Building a Culture of Internal Growth and External Innovation (00:58:42) - The Art of Successful Acquisitions and Integration Strategies (01:03:03) - Seeking Leadership Qualities and Business Traits for Long-Term Success (01:06:14) - The Journey from Personal Experience to Philanthropy (01:13:10) - Investment Philosophy: Concentration vs. Diversification (01:29:46) - Operational Expertise as a Catalyst for Company Growth (01:34:17) - Identifying and Supporting Talent in Business (01:43:02) - The Impact of Secular Trends on Long-Term Investments (01:49:53) - Revitalizing the Washington Commanders (01:57:36) - Engaging with Fans and Building a Winning Culture (02:05:16) - The Importance of Long-Term Vision

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    The purpose of the Sport Experience Show is to help you evolve the experiences you provide in your sport, and progress with the influence we can have in today’s ever-changing world. And so I’m really pleased to share this chat with Adam Bishop from Athletics Australia, a brilliant example of someone who is thinking differently about how we engage with our audiences, how we can grow within a sport, but at the same time embrace the wider active world and the opportunities that can bring.

    And while we are looking at experiences across all the layers of the sport and physical activity, this series is focused on the active consumer, the participant, and how we can create a more active world, together - to get more people more active and more often – and this show is focused on our kids - because we know that a more active world is a better world for them, for many reasons.

    Adam takes us thru the process of a recent success story, in the 'Weetbix Active Bands', which have been hugely popular and wildly oversubscribed, and success behind the scenes, providing proof that if we work differently, we can engage with audiences in more relevant ways in today’s world.

    And one thing that comes out strongly for me in this discussion was this ability to think differently, becoming a start-up within a traditional sports organisation, and how Adam and his team of collaborators have been making positive change happen, by creating an environment where failure may occur, because that then allows your team the ability to grow.

    So please do listen in to hear why Adam has taken on this challenge in his role, how he is graciously sharing what they have learned, and how you might be able to apply some of the thinking to have more success in your work.

    And I do hope you can take some ideas away to engage your people, more meaningfully, more often, and for longer, as you design and deliver your experiences.

    + if we can help you design or redesign your active experiences, events, programs, or sessions, please touch base at andrew@experiencedesign.global as I’d love to hear about the experiences you are creating – and how we might create a more active world together.

    ++ more SXD ideas & free tools >>> sportexperiencedesign.com