
    Pro-Palestinian Protests and Arrests at U.S. Colleges

    enApril 25, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Protests for Palestine heat up on college campuses, attracting lawmakers' attentionCollege campuses are experiencing intense and unpredictable protests for Palestine, drawing comparisons to the anti-war protests of 1968. University presidents are under scrutiny for their handling of the situation, with some facing calls for resignation.

      The current wave of pro-Palestinian protests on college campuses across the country, which have been ongoing for months, has reached a boiling point with students calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. These protests, which have seen students setting up encampments and clashing with authorities, are being compared to the anti-war protests of 1968 in terms of their intensity and unpredictability. The situation has attracted the attention of lawmakers, with university presidents being called to answer for how they are handling the situation on their campuses. Some presidents, such as Claudine Gay of Harvard and Amy Gutmann of Penn, have faced calls for resignation due to their perceived lackluster responses during congressional hearings. The situation has also led to allegations of anti-Semitism and concerns about student safety. The hearings did not go well for the presidents, with some questioning their responses seeming straightforward to the public. The situation remains volatile and uncertain.

    • Columbia University's Commitment to Combating Discrimination and Israel-Related InvestmentsColumbia University faces criticism for its approach to academic freedom and potential investments in companies with ties to Israel, with students demanding divestment and increased security measures, but the university has not made a decision due to lack of broad agreement and potential financial implications.

      Columbia University is committed to combating discrimination and anti-Semitism on campus, but faces criticism for its approach to academic freedom and potential financial investments in companies with ties to Israel. During a hearing, President Bollinger pledged to address anti-Semitic incidents and increase security measures. However, some students demanded the university to disclose its $13 billion endowment investments and divest from companies doing business with Israel. The students' request for divestment includes tech and weapons manufacturers. While Columbia has divested from other controversial industries in the past, it has not made a decision regarding Israel-related investments, citing lack of broad agreement and potential financial implications. The students' encampment on campus added a visual contrast to the pristine graduation preparations. The issue of divestment from Israel is complex, with varying interpretations of what constitutes a business with ties to Israel.

    • Columbia University Protests: Infringement on Peaceful Protest or Safety Concerns?The Columbia University protests in 2002 sparked a nationwide movement due to students' perceived infringement on their right to peaceful protest against Israeli military actions in Palestine, but the university's investment ties complicated the issue, leading to debates on academic freedom, political activism, and universities' roles in global conflicts.

      During the Columbia University protests in 2002, the university's decision to remove students protesting against Israeli military actions in Palestine led to a wave of protests on other campuses, resulting in numerous arrests. While the university argued for safety concerns and ceasefire demands, students saw it as an infringement on their rights to peaceful protest. The university's endowment, which is invested in various companies and mutual funds, posed a challenge for complete divestment. The police's intervention further galvanized students, leading to a nationwide movement. The incidents raised questions about academic freedom, political activism, and the role of universities in addressing global conflicts.

    • Universities face student protests over safety and inclusionUniversities deal with extended protests, ensuring safety and inclusivity while balancing legal protests and disruptions

      Universities are currently grappling with the issue of student safety and feelings of discomfort and threat on campus. Jewish students have expressed concerns about anti-Semitic chants and hostility towards their presence, while some Palestinian students feel they can now speak their minds in a supportive community. Universities are negotiating with students to end encampments and have had to make adjustments to their operations, including closing public areas and offering virtual classes. The protests are expected to last for an extended period, and administrators are preparing for potential disruptions during commencement. It's important for universities to maintain the line between legal protests and disruptions, ensuring a safe and inclusive environment for all students.

    • University administrators hesitant to fully capitulate to student protesters' demandsUniversities face pressure from student protesters, but full surrender to demands unlikely due to potential precedent

      Universities are facing intense pressure from student protesters demanding various actions, such as divestment and a ceasefire, but administrators are hesitant to fully capitulate due to the potential precedent it could set for future protests. The situation is tense and uncertain, with no clear resolution in sight, and the temperature on campuses remains high. Columbia University and other institutions have emphasized the importance of maintaining a peaceful graduation ceremony, while also considering possible changes to disciplinary policies. The outcome may vary from school to school, but full surrender to all protesters' demands is unlikely. The uncertainty surrounding the situation is deeply unsettling for administrators and raises questions about where and when the next heated campus protest might occur.

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    PODCAST SATELLITE  /  The Voice of Israel
    with Prince Handley

    Prince Handley


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    Secret giveaway of Atarot Airport to terrorists by Israel PM Livni. Stock market investments to watch. Strategy that works: How to defeat Syria, Hezbollah, Fatah & Israel's enemies. Prophecy & recommendations for IDF & Knesset.







    If you are not already invested in gold, oil, or precious metals ... or for short term contracts of cotton ... and just want to concentrate on the stock market for a while, here are some stocks you might want to consider: BJ Services (BJS), Titanium Metals (TIE), MEMC Electronic Materials (WFR), and ... you might want to look at Gilead Sciences (GILD). By the way, Joy Global (JOYG) is still over twice what it was when I told you about it.  You would have doubled your money! I’m not a financial advisor ... I just share what you might want to look at.


    The Kol HaZman (All the Time) paper reports that in ongoing secret talks with top Palestinian Authority negotiator Abu Ala, Israel’s Foreign Minister Livni has agreed, in the name of Israel, to transfer the Atarot airfield in northern Jerusalem to PA control.

    The apparent OBJECTIVE is to strengthen Fatah. Israel seemingly recognizes Hamas control in Gaza as permanent, and wants to strengthen Fatah - which Israeli leadership feels is more moderate - in Judea and Samaria. This is foolish because “poison is poison!?

    Fatah terrorists, members of the organization's Al Aqsa Brigades, have carried out many murderous attacks against Israeli civilians in recent time.  One of the most active terrorist forces in the area, it has been designated a terrorist organization by the following: U.S., European Union, Canada, and Japan.

    This  will give control of flights ... actually, the entire area ... to control of the Palestinian Authority.

    But let me give you some GOOD NEWS: Remember what the Prophet Isaiah said when he warned the children of Israel NOT to trust in foreign elements for help militarily. He told them that the LORD would be like a LION who is not afraid of shepherds (maybe a reference to the Lion from the tribe of Judah, the Meshiach) and he would be like BIRDS flying about to defend Jerusalem (maybe a reference to airplanes or anti-missile ballistics). The condition: trust YHWH ... not other countries or militia.

    Syria is now building up their armed forces on Israel’s northern border.  This is the largest military build up they have attempted.  It is known that Russia and Iran have supplied them with many advanced missiles capable for reaching all parts of Israel.  Hezbollah has been very busy rebuilding their missile base under while the UN troops watch and at times have assisted Hezbollah.  Russia, Iran and North Korea have made sure that Hezbollah has longer range missiles in order to reach much deeper into Israel (into Tel-Aviv) in this coming war.


    YOU NEED TO BE MORE PRO- ACTIVE. EVERY MINUTE YOU DO NOT TAKE PRO-ACTIVE MEASURES AGAINST YOUR ENEMIES IS A YEAR YOUR PEOPLE WILL PAY FOR IT.  Stop being concerned about what the UN and other nations think about you. You are a SPECIAL PEOPLE ... start acting like it!

    Will it take another Holocaust before you decide to trust God and go forward in battle, trusting YAHWEH, and so secure your peace.


    Remember what Jehoshaphat did when Syria and your enemies on the east of the Jordan River came against Israel?

    “Yehoshafat stood in the assembly of Yehudah and Yerushalayim, in the house of the LORD, before the new court; and he said, LORD, the God of our fathers, are you not God in heaven? and are you not ruler over all the kingdoms of the nations? and in your hand is power and might, so that none is able to withstand you.

    Did not you, our God, drive out the inhabitants of this land before your people Yisra'el, and give it to the seed of Avraham your friend forever?

    When he had taken counsel with the people, he appointed those who should sing to the LORD, and give praise in holy array, as they went out IN FRONT OF  the army, and say, Give thanks to the LORD; for his loving kindness endures forever.

    When Yehoshafat and his people came to take the spoil of Syria, they found among them in abundance both riches and dead bodies, and precious jewels, which they stripped off for themselves, more than they could carry away: and they were three days in taking the spoil, it was so much [Tanach]

    Trust G-d, Israel. You will never miss ... and you will never lose!


    Attack HEXbollah ... and Fatah completely.

    Stop pandering to your enemies and the UN.

    Establish an ALL Israeli Knesset.

    Get serious - listen to and serve G-d.

    You are a SPECIAL people - start acting like it!

    “Therefore, behold, the days come, says the LORD, that it shall no more be said, As the LORD lives, who brought up the children of Yisra'el out of the land of Egypt; but, As the LORD lives, who brought up the children of Yisra'el from the land of the north, and from all the countries where he had driven them. I will bring them again into their land that I gave to their fathers.? [Jeremiah 16:14-15 - Tanach]

    “Don't be afraid; for I am with you. I will bring your seed from the east, and gather you from the west.  I will tell the north, 'Give them up!' and tell the south, 'Don't hold them back! Bring my sons from far, and my daughters from the ends of the earth ...? [Isaiah 43:5-6]


    What Israel needs: An Orthodox Rabbi or a Messianic Jew for Prime Minister!

    Podcast time: 9 minutes, 40 seconds (with music)
    Podcast size:  8.85 MB

    If you have been helped or received a miracle as a result of this study, email us and let us know what G-d has done for you. You may contact us by email at: PrinceHandley@gmail.com

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    CAUTION:  G-d is calling out a separate people who know His Word and WIll. Watch this video about the New World Order. Also, RDIF chips to replace UPC codes on products ... and WHY this is happening NOW! The New World Government ... Don’t miss the following video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vuBo4E77ZXo

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    PODCAST SATELLITE  /  The Voice of Israel
    with Prince Handley


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    Six Arabs were arrested in Jerusalem Friday, July 18, for trying to set up an al Qaeda cell in Israel to shoot down President George W. Bush’s helicopter during a recent visit. Four Palestinian residents of Jerusalem and two Israeli Arabs. Ex-PM Blair cancelled his visit to Gaza.

    Earlier this month, two Israeli Bedouin citizens, brothers from the Negev town of Rahat, were indicted for joining al Qaeda in 2006 and gathering intelligence to aid attacks on Israeli military camps, the Tel Aviv Azrieli tower and Ben-Gurion international airport. The pair were instructed to prepare to guide terror teams from Saudi Arabia and Iraq through the West Bank to their targets.

    On October 9, 2006, I sent a SPECIAL NOTICE to subscribers of The Voice of Israel Podcast (Podcast Satellite) announcing that the next day I would provide information about a CONFIDENTIAL TERROR ALERT FOR ISRAEL. In the Show Notes (below) you will see a copy of it.


    Listen to the podcast on 2006-10-09 for specific details of WHERE and HOW terrorists will try to attack Israel next ... soon!

    We were able to ward off the atttempts at three USA locations due to our intel last month. They were NOT able to carry out the attacks because they were afraid of the exposure we provided. (See Sunday, August 27, 2006 "Confidential.") 

    Then … the next day, as announced, I presented the CONFIDENTIAL INTEL REPORT.

    You can see it in the Show Notes (below) of 17 Tishrei 5767.
    PODCAST SATELLITE   2006-10-09 / 17 Tishrei 5767

    In that podcast I reported SPECIFICALLY on the following:

    Where and how terrorists will try to strike.
    Three terrorists: two Middle East and one Anglo
    Listen to show for specifics.
    Notify your friends in Israel.

    I mentioned that these terrorists (two Middle Eastern) will leave the car with an Anglo on the highway 20 KM south of EILAT and cross 140 meters west (across the highway) to meet with Bedouins who will accompany them to a Bedouin camp southeast of Jerusalem. You can listen to the rest …


    And … check this out …

    Two shows before that I gave you an INVESTMENT TIP:

    JOY GLOBAL trading at $33.
    Sat, 25 September 2006
    / 3rd of Tishrei, 5767.

    If you listened to me you would have a return on your money of  215 % in less than two (2) years.! It is now trading (today) at around $71.

    And now for TODAY … LISTEN … READ …


    Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, told Fox News he is convinced the Iranians are seeking to building an atomic bomb. He noted that he US has the capacity and the reserves to attack Iran as a last resort.

    The six-power talks with Iran in Geneva, with a US official participating, failed.

    As a result, Lt. Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi, Israel’s Chief of Staff, is this week visiting as the admiral’s guest.

    Many feel that the Israeli Air Force does NOT have enough air power to attack Iran and take out uranium enrichment sites without US help.


    President Bush will use the period between the November elections and his last week in office in January to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities.


    British PM Gordon Brown, the first British PM to address the Knesset, said, “The UK, EU and US will work together to prevent Iran’s nuclear weapons program.”

    PM Brown said: “We want a state of Palestine that accepts Israel as a friend and neighbor.”

    Brown supports Jerusalem as a capital for both Israel and Palestine.

    Lasting peace, he said, depended on the Palestinians stamping out "terrorists" and "Israel freezing, and withdrawing from, settlements.”


    1. Where would the state of Palestine be located?

    2. Why should Israel withdraw from settlements in their own land?


    Don’t lean on the US or the UK … or the UN or the EU … to help you fight Iran, Israel.


    1. Iran and Islamic Mullahs lie. Never trust murderers … especially when they hate Jewish People!

    2. Any concessions the US and the UK make with Iran will be based upon lies.

    3. The US and UK will sell Israel down the river for lower oil prices (and … who can guarantee Iran’s word on prices in the future?)

    4. A secret dialogue between US and Iran covers oil prices with up a ceiling of $150. Also, a quasi commitment that Iran would help in Iraq, especially in restraining Shiite forces from attacking US troops. Whoever heard of making a tangential deal with your enemy if they wouldn’t hurt you?! Your enemy is your enemy!

    5. Iran will continue uranium enrichment whenever it is to their advantage.


    In last week’s podcast I discussed “Israel Faces Pressure on Seven Fronts … How She Can Win!”

    Militarily, Israel has four targets. At The University of Excellence, of which I am President and Regent, I teach on “Power and Concentration in Warfare.” Currently, Israel has four target enemies:





    At this present time, Israel’s anti-missile defense is stretched beyond the horizon of two targets. Israel, your balance of power … the effective force combined with the distance to FOUR TARGETS … has to be based on ONE fulcrum: trust in YHWH NISSI: the LORD our Banner.

    If you can work with other helpers like US and UK, that’s probably good and helpful. However, do NOT lean on them, Israel. Otherwise, you are going to be like King Saul.

    The Palestinians (Philistines) had gathered to fight with Israel 30,000 chariots and 6,000 horsemen, and people as the sand on the seashore in multitude. On the day of battle, the Israelites had NO swords or spears; only King Saul and his son Jonathan did. While King Saul was cooling his heels with his men (many had already departed and hid in caves because of fear), Jonathan said to the young man who bore his armor:

    “Come, let us go over to the garrison of these uncircumcised; it may be that  the LORD will work for us. For nothing restrains the LORD from saving by many or by few.

    And there was trembling (terror) in the camp of the Philistines, in the field, and among all the people. The garrison and the raiders also trembled: and the earth quaked, so that it was a very great trembling.

    So the LORD saved Israel that day …”   -  Tanakh: 1 Kings Chapter 14 / Old Testament: 1 Samuel Chapter 14


    G-d is NOT restrained to save by many … or by few!

    Israel, do your best: Plan, prepare, and pray. Then go out with the anointing of warfare from the LORD of Hosts.

    G-d still has angels to help you.

    “And it came to pass on a certain night that the angel of the LORD went out, and killed in the camp of the Assyrians one hundred and eighty-five thousand (185,000); and when people arose early in the morning, there were the corpses – all dead.”  -  Tanakh: Nevi’im, 4 Kings 19:35 / Old Testament: 2 Kings 19:35

    G-d is still the same.  

    “For I am the LORD, I do not change; therefore you are not consumed, O sons of Jacob.”  -  Tanakh: Nevi’im, Malachi 3:6

    God is for Israel.  

    “And what one nation in the earth is like your people, even like Israel, whom God went to redeem for a people to himself, and to make him a name, and to do for you great things and terrible, for thy land, before thy people, which you redeemed to you from Egypt, from the nations and their gods?”  -  Tanakh: Nevi’im 2 Kings 7:23 / Old Testament: 2 Samuel 7:23

    God promised you the land.

    ”For all the land which thou see, to you will I give it, and to your seed for ever.”  - Torah: Genesis 13:15

    “In the same day the LORD made a covenant with Abram, saying, Unto your seed have I given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates.”  - Torah: Genesis 15:18

    Israel, be ready to go to battle yourself!  Attack Iran NOW … before it’s too late!


    Podcast time:  13 minutes, 20 seconds (with music)
    Podcast size:   12.2 MB

    If you have been helped or received a miracle as a result of this study, email us and let us know what G-d has done for you. You may contact us by email at: PrinceHandley@gmail.com

    Remember to tell your friends about Podcast Satellite podcast.

    You can subscribe to all of Podcast Satellite podcasts and receive previous shows and all new ones automatically downloaded for you. Click here for instructions: SUBSCRIBE

    You can download Prince Handley podcasts for your iPhone on Blubrry (or listen). Note the spelling of Blubrry. www.blubrry.com/messiah/

    For free literature to distribute, write to:

    PO Box A
    Downey, CA 90241 USA

    For rabbinical studies, go to: www.realmiracles.com/rabbinical.htm

    CAUTION:  G-d is calling out a separate people who know His Word and WIll. Watch this video about the DANGEROUS "New World Order." Also, RDIF chips to replace UPC codes on products ... and WHY this is happening NOW! The New World Government ... Don’t miss the following video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vuBo4E77ZXo

    If you know someone who is sick or needs a miracle of any kind, tell them about The Healing and Miracle Podcast at: www.healing.libsyn.com.

    Bonus Episode: Diary from Columbia’s ‘Liberated Zone’ - with Michael Powell

    Bonus Episode: Diary from Columbia’s ‘Liberated Zone’ - with Michael Powell
    Michael Powell has been covering New York City life and politics for decades, as a long-time reporter for the New York Times, the Washington Post, and now the Atlantic. He recently was on Columbia’s campus to try to better understand the encampment movement that has taken over the campus. He joins us to report what he saw and learned. Article discussed in this episode: The Unreality of Columbia’s ‘Liberated Zone’ — https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2024/04/columbia-university-protests-palestine/678159/

    Healthcare Investments in Opportunity Zones - Part (1 of 2) with John Gorman of Nightingale Partners

    Healthcare Investments in Opportunity Zones - Part (1 of 2) with John Gorman of Nightingale Partners

    Trisha’s guest today is John Gorman, Founder and Chairman at Nightingale Partners LLC, the first Opportunity Zone fund to invest in social determinants of health interventions with health insurers, local governments, and provider organizations. Over the next two episodes, John shares his background, beginning with a career in Washington. During the Clinton administration, he focused on healthcare policy for the medically-underserved, and medicare and medicaid-managed programs. He shares his experience providing healthcare services to the poor and how he is using the opportunity zone funding to put investors and payers together to provide healthcare to vulnerable populations.


    In this episode, we talk about…

    • [02:54] How to fund healthcare services for those who need them most
    • [04:43] John’s background in the healthcare field
    • [07:12] What inspired John to start Nightingale Partners?
    • [10:51] Nightingale’s goal in funding opportunity zones
    • [11:32] Addressing lack of physician availability in medically underserved areas
    • [14:21] Social determinants of health
    • [16:54] How the Biden administration will usher in a “golden age of health equity”
    • [18:31] How the government aims to gain the trust of minorities
    • [19:42] Other important pieces of legislations such as medicare and medicaid
    • [22:45] The biggest thing government can do to assist underserved communities
    • [24:30] How Nightingale Partners funds healthcare services for opportunity zones


    Links to resources:

    John Gorman: Chairman and Founder of Nightingale Partners | LinkedIn


    Subscribe, rate and review: www.providerspropertiesandperformance.com


    Schedule a Sale-Leaseback Consultation: https://docproperties.com/free-consultation-trisha-talbot/

    About Trisha:

    WEBSITE: www.docproperties.com

    LINKED IN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/trishatalbot/

    Email inquiries to: info@docproperties.com

    Ep113: Your Hidden Resource to Cash - Just Waiting For You to Grab It | Mini-Course Part 5 of 9

    Ep113: Your Hidden Resource to Cash - Just Waiting For You to Grab It | Mini-Course Part 5 of 9

    We're halfway down to our mini-course series, and in this episode, you'll discover another resource of cash that you probably didn't know existed and how it can benefit you in multiple ways. So tune in, prepare to get your mind blown, and continue your investing journey with easier access to cash!

    Key takeaways to listen for 

    • What to expect when applying for a 30-year fixed-rate loan
    • How much did the foreclosure rates increase in 2022?
    • A smart way of lending money without the need for applications
    • Why you need to approach things differently now?

    Resources mentioned in this episode

    Who Moved My Cheese by Spencer Johnson M.D. | Audiobook & Audio CD


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