
    Professor of Criminology David Wilson - Specialist Guest

    enAugust 01, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • New features on Bumble make dating easier, chats more engaging, and saferBumble introduces new tools to enhance user experience and safety, while a podcast discusses a serial killer's chilling crimes

      Bumble, a dating app, recognizes the exhaustion people feel with dating and is introducing new features to make compatibility easier, chats more engaging, and dating safer. Meanwhile, the podcast featured guests like criminologist David Wilson, who discussed his book "A Plot to Kill" about a serial killer, which is the basis for a new BBC drama. Wilson's insights offered a serious and thought-provoking contrast to the hosts' occasional lighthearted banter. The podcast also mentioned the actors in the drama, including Adrian Hollard as Penfield and Anne Crilly as Detective Inspector Falcone. The hosts seemed particularly impressed with Hollard, though they struggled to pronounce his name correctly. Overall, the podcast offered a mix of entertainment and education, with a focus on the new Bumble features and the intriguing world of serial killers as explored in Wilson's book.

    • Understanding True Crime: A Way to Prevent and Eradicate VictimizationExploring true crime can help individuals avoid falling victim and contribute to societal change, but it's important to approach it with respect and balance.

      The podcast "Serial Killers" hosted by David Wilson is a fascinating exploration of the topic that is both timely and engaging. During a conversation with another podcast host, James, they discussed the importance of understanding true crime and the potential reasons for its appeal. David Wilson emphasized that delving into the circumstances of criminal acts can help individuals avoid falling victim to similar situations and contribute to eradicating structures that create victims at a societal level. The conversation also touched on the responsibility of sharing information in a respectful and considerate manner. Despite some challenges in addressing the topic, Wilson believes that it's essential to approach true crime with a balanced perspective. The conversation between the two hosts also revealed their mutual admiration for each other's work and their shared enthusiasm for the subject matter.

    • Unhealthy obsession with true crime by some individualsSome people are drawn to true crime with the intent to become better perpetrators, highlighting the importance of addressing societal issues like misogyny and homophobia.

      There is a concerning group of individuals who are drawn to true crime not for understanding or empathy, but with the intent to become better perpetrators. This disturbing trend was discussed in the context of a university course on crime, where a small number of students, mostly women, expressed an unhealthy obsession with serial murder. Women's interest in true crime may stem from wanting to understand the motivations behind male violence, as they are often the victims of male-on-female violence. A surprising statistic mentioned was that 9 out of 10 murderers in Britain are men, but 7 out of 10 victims are also men. This male-on-male phenomenon, despite 3 out of 10 victims being female, highlights the importance of addressing societal issues like misogyny and homophobia. The discussion also touched upon the BBC dramatization of the Benfield case, where the murderer preached against killing after being arrested, and the author's attempt to explore the social and cultural contexts that contribute to such violent acts.

    • Ben Field's Involvement in Buckingham Community and Murder of Peter ParkerBen Field, a man on the brink of ordination, manipulated and exploited relationships, targeting the elderly, including a local teacher named Peter Parker, whom he eventually murdered and took possessions from, displaying psychopathic behavior.

      Ben Field, a man 5 days away from ordination training in the Church of England, became a key figure in the community of Buckingham through his involvement in the church and university. He targeted and befriended the elderly, including a local teacher named Peter Parker, whom he eventually murdered and took possessions from. Ben Field moved to Buckingham to attend the University of Buckingham, where he met Parker, who had previously taught English and journalism at a prestigious boarding school. Ben Field's actions were reminiscent of psychopathic behavior, including an inability to empathize and a pattern of manipulating and exploiting relationships. Despite the setting of the crime being in Buckingham, the BBC series "The 6th Commandment" failed to capture the sense of place and context, which the author believed was essential to understanding the crime and the role of Middle England in it.

    • Understanding the Mask of PsychopathsPsychopaths can mimic emotions and use language effectively, but they lack genuine feelings and empathy, posing a dangerous manipulative threat.

      Psychopaths may use the right words and understand emotional language, but they don't truly feel emotions themselves. They mask their true intentions to fit in and manipulate others for their own benefit. Ben Field, a notable example, came from a loving family, but still exhibited psychopathic tendencies. Psychopaths are also risk-takers and narcissistic, making them initially attractive but ultimately dangerous. Field's master's dissertation, dedicated to his brother, contained a strange joke that only highlights his lack of understanding of emotional depth and appropriate behavior. This lack of empathy and emotional connection, possibly influenced by genetics and upbringing, sets psychopaths apart from the rest of us.

    • Navigating unexpected challenges with resilienceSelf-awareness and the ability to compartmentalize personal and professional lives are crucial for psychological resilience. Unexpected career transitions or high-pressure situations can test these skills. Some individuals may require rehabilitation, but not all can be safely released back into society.

      Entering certain professions or challenging situations requires psychological resilience. Our guests shared their experiences of unexpectedly finding themselves in deep ends and having to cope with the demands of their roles. They emphasized the importance of self-awareness and the ability to compartmentalize personal and professional lives. One guest spoke about his transition from a PhD student to an assistant governor in prison service within a few days, which he admitted was a surprise even for himself. Another guest shared an incident from his past that led him to join the prison service to understand the societal factors that determine who gets labeled as an offender and who doesn't. While acknowledging the complexities of rehabilitation, they agreed that some individuals pose a risk that cannot be mitigated, and their release back into society could pose a danger.

    • Understanding the Minds of MurderersThrough research, we can gain insights into the motivations and behaviors of murderers, helping us make informed decisions about their release into society.

      The decision to release convicted murderers back into society is a complex issue with various factors to consider. Some murderers, like Dennis Nielsen, who have shown a pattern of violent behavior and disregard for societal norms, may pose a risk if released. Others may commit murder in moments of madness. There are also those who enjoy the process of killing. If Nielsen were to appear on Zoom for a chat, he would likely dominate the conversation and impose his will, making it difficult for others to contribute. Through his research, the speaker has gained insights into the minds of murderers, helping us better understand their motivations and behaviors. Ultimately, society must draw a line and make difficult decisions to protect its citizens.

    • Understanding Serial Killers vs Preventing CrimeAddressing issues like homophobia, giving a voice to older people, and implementing serious debates about policing sex workers can potentially reduce the incidence of serial murder in the community.

      The focus on understanding the motivation of serial killers may not be as effective in preventing crime as addressing the victim groups they target. According to the expert, most serial killers do not discuss their crimes, and the media often misrepresents their behavior. Serial killers in Britain have primarily targeted women over the age of 60, sex workers, and gay men. By addressing issues like homophobia, giving a voice to older people, and implementing serious debates about policing sex workers, the community can potentially reduce the incidence of serial murder. The expert also clarified that a serial killer is someone who kills three or more people in a period greater than 30 days, and that if someone kills fewer people or in a shorter time frame, they would be classified as a spree killer or a mass murderer. The expert's research suggested that at any given time, there are likely two active serial killers in Britain, who together murder an average of 7 people per year. However, their identities and victims may not be known for many years.

    • Serial killers exploit societal apathy towards vulnerable populationsSerial killers target vulnerable populations due to societal disregard, using essential services to gain trust and manipulate victims, highlighting the need for increased vigilance towards potential signs of abuse or exploitation

      Serial killers often target vulnerable populations, such as the elderly and homeless, due to societal apathy and the belief that these individuals are less valued. Serial killers like Harold Shipman and Peter Farquhar were able to gain the trust of their communities by providing essential services, such as healthcare and spiritual guidance, respectively. By doing so, they were able to manipulate and exploit the vulnerabilities of their victims, often going unnoticed for extended periods. This underscores the importance of paying closer attention to the potential signs of abuse or exploitation, particularly towards marginalized groups, and recognizing the potential danger that trusted individuals may pose.

    • Weaponized gentility: A form of hypocrisy and classism that prevents intervention in harm.Hypocrisy and classism hinder people from addressing harm towards vulnerable populations, perpetuating a cycle of neglect.

      The book and the subsequent TV series, "A Confession," explore the concept of "weaponized gentility," a form of hypocrisy and classism that prevents people from intervening in situations of harm, even when they witness it. The characters in the story, including Ben Field and the community of Buckingham, are shown to have an unexplored attraction towards vulnerable populations, in this case, the elderly. The desire to save face and maintain a facade of politeness and decorum hinders people from addressing the underlying issues and taking action. The series was filmed primarily in Bristol instead of the actual locations, which the author found to be a lack of authenticity and a missed opportunity to address the issue head-on. The concept of weaponized gentility is not unique to Britain but is a class issue that allows harm to persist unchecked.

    • Societal stigmas and their impact on male-on-male relationshipsSocietal stigmas can lead to complex coping mechanisms, silence, and denial, creating an environment where harmful behaviors can persist unchecked.

      The stigma surrounding male-on-male relationships, particularly within religious communities, can hinder interventions and lead to complex coping mechanisms. For instance, in the case of Peter and Ben Field, their inability to express their love due to societal pressures led to a series of murders. Peter, a teacher, modeled his crimes after characters in the romantic novels he taught, creating a complex web of motivation and metaphor. The silence and denial surrounding homosexuality within religious circles can create a "gray air" of avoidance, allowing harmful behaviors to persist. This was evident in the lack of intervention regarding Ben Field's abuse and Peter's eventual descent into violence. Understanding the impact of societal stigmas on individuals and relationships is crucial in preventing such tragedies.

    • Understanding the Complexity of PsychopathyDespite efforts to reposition their disorder, psychopaths cannot be cured and continue to pose a potential danger due to their inherent traits.

      Psychopathy is a lifelong personality disorder that can be repositioned into non-offending behaviors, but the underlying condition still poses a potential danger. Noel, a best-selling author and former bank robber, shared his experiences and insights into psychopathy during an interview. He described his role in a bank robbery gang, where he was the frightener. Despite his repositioning of his disorder into writing and journalism, he still exhibits signs of psychopathy, such as risk-taking behavior and a potential for violence. While it's possible for psychopaths to live relatively normal lives, they cannot be cured, and their actions can still lead to harm. Noel, who has written about his criminal past, acknowledged that he still has the capacity to harm others, even if he doesn't intend to. It's important to remember that a psychopath, even one who appears to have tamed their lion, still carries the potential for danger.

    • Dealing with potentially dangerous individualsStay calm, professional, and escalate to authorities when dealing with potentially dangerous individuals in your profession.

      Dealing with stalkers and potentially dangerous individuals is a part of certain professions, and it requires a unique approach to ensure safety. The speaker, who had experienced being stalked by a man believing he was Sean Penn and had stolen his film script, remained calm and professional despite the threats. She escalated the situation to the appropriate authorities, who took action. It's important to remember that working in environments where dealing with potentially dangerous individuals is commonplace requires a specific skill set and mindset. The speaker's friend's mother's experience of handling a similar situation at her workplace is a testament to the importance of staying calm and collected in such situations. While it's natural to feel worried or uneasy when discussing true crime and potentially dangerous individuals, it's crucial to remember that being interested in these topics is not abnormal. Additionally, addressing social issues such as homophobia, giving a voice to the elderly, and having an open debate about sex work can help reduce the incidents of crime in our communities.

    • Discussing masculinity and addressing societal issues can prevent violenceExploring masculinity and challenging toxic behaviors can create safer communities, prevent institutions from enabling abusers, and understand psychological factors contributing to violence.

      Addressing societal issues like misogyny and openly discussing what it means to be a man can help reduce instances of violence and murder in our communities. The Dunblane shooting, for instance, was not an isolated event, but a result of a known pedophile, Thomas Hamilton, who was allowed to run summer camps and interact with children despite allegations against him. Institutions, like universities and churches, need to address these issues and prevent individuals like Benfield from exploiting vulnerable people. The discussion around masculinity and challenging toxic behaviors can go a long way in creating safer communities. Additionally, understanding the psychological and societal factors that contribute to these incidents is crucial for prevention and intervention.

    • Valuing Elderly LivesRecognize the worth of older people beyond productivity and cherish them for who they are.

      The discussion highlighted the importance of valuing older members of society and recognizing their worth beyond their productivity or usefulness. The case of Ben Field, a potential serial killer in the community of Buckingham, served as a reminder of this. Furthermore, the conversation touched upon the obsession with youth and the devaluation of elderly lives, which was amplified during the COVID-19 pandemic. It was emphasized that older people should be cherished for who they are and not treated as a burden. Lastly, there was a reflection on the nature of serial killers and their motivations, suggesting that focusing on their targets might be a more productive approach to understanding and preventing such crimes.

    • Unexpected encounters and reactions from fameFame can bring unpredictable encounters and negative reactions, requiring resilience to criticism

      Fame can bring unexpected encounters and reactions from people. The speaker shared an experience where he was mistaken for a celebrity and received rude treatment, while another friend's friend had a similar experience. These incidents highlight the unpredictability of fame and the potential for negative interactions. Additionally, the speaker discussed the reception of his book on Amazon, with some critics labeling it too academic. Despite this, he remains confident in his work and continues to write. Overall, the conversation underscores the complexities and challenges of fame and the importance of resilience in the face of criticism.

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