
    £150,000 per month Self-Storage Business is Struggling with Finance!

    enFebruary 19, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Rapid business growth causing cash flow issues for Storemore Self StorageBusinesses experiencing rapid growth need to manage cash flow effectively by understanding EBIT, EBITDA, and focusing on operational efficiency and optimizing cash collection to avoid cash flow problems

      Rapid business growth can lead to cash flow problems. Dean Booty, the founder of Storemore Self Storage, is experiencing this issue firsthand. His business is bringing in a substantial revenue of £150,000 a month, but the growth is outpacing his available cash. This situation is not unique to him, as many businesses face similar challenges when scaling up. During the podcast discussion, it was mentioned that Dean's business is generating an impressive EBIT (Earnings Before Interest and Taxation) of £1,000,000. However, the exact meaning of EBIT and its difference from EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxation, Depreciation, and Amortization) were clarified. Depreciation and amortization are essential aspects of managing cash flow. They represent the decrease in value of assets over time and the cost of intangible assets, respectively. It's important for businesses to understand their cash flow situation and manage their assets effectively to avoid cash flow problems. In the case of Storemore Self Storage, Dean is addressing these issues by focusing on improving operational efficiency and optimizing cash collection. This approach can help businesses maintain a healthy cash flow situation while continuing to grow.

    • Manipulating Accounting Records to Reduce TaxesWhile depreciation can be used to reduce taxable profits, attempting to artificially lower profits for tax purposes is not sustainable and taxes are inevitable.

      While it's possible to manipulate accounting records to reduce taxable profits, there are rules and regulations in place to prevent such practices from being widespread. Depreciation of assets, like shipping containers or carousels, can be written off over a certain period, but the decision on the length of that period is typically made by the accountant and directors of the business. However, attempting to artificially reduce profits to avoid taxes is not a sustainable strategy, as taxes are inevitable. The only guarantees in life are death and taxes, and even if taxes can be delayed, they will eventually be paid. The discussion also touched upon the challenges faced by a business owner named Dean, who has five sites and a staff of at least one person per site. Despite the potential profits in this sector, the exact roles of Dean's employees remain unclear.

    • Self-storage business classification as a trade vs investmentClassifying a self-storage business as a trade instead of an investment can lead to significant tax benefits, including the ability to claim back expenses on tax returns. To qualify as a trade, the business should employ people and operate the property, while the property ownership can be part of the trade.

      The classification of a business as a trade rather than an investment can significantly impact taxes, particularly when it comes to self-storage businesses. While buying and renting out property is typically considered an investment, employing people and operating a self-storage business can be classified as a trade. This distinction can lead to various tax benefits, including the ability to claim back interest and other expenses on tax returns. However, it's essential to structure the business appropriately to qualify as a trade. Additionally, owning the property that a trade operates from can be considered part of the trade, whereas owning property as an investment requires separate structures. This distinction can lead to substantial tax savings, as seen in the example of a go-kart track business that paid only 10% tax on a £1.5 million sale by operating both the trade and property ownership within the same company.

    • Expanding a Self-Storage Business: Cash Flow, Bank Support, and Hiring ChallengesTo manage cash flow, consider capital allowances. For bank support, build a solid business plan and network. Hiring decisions depend on business goals and resources.

      The discussed business owner faces several challenges in expanding his self-storage business, including managing cash flow, securing bank support, and deciding on key hires. To address cash flow issues, the business owner should consider capital allowances to help recoup some costs. For bank support, building a strong business plan and networking can be helpful. As for hiring, the business owner's goals and available resources will determine whether a CFO, COO, or marketing manager is the best choice. The business owner aims to double the number of self-storage sites in the next year and envisions a £100,000,000 exit. Despite the challenges, the business owner remains ambitious and fully invested in the business. It's important to note that the advice given during the conversation is not investment advice and should be taken with caution.

    • Sharing Knowledge for Personal and Business GrowthDocumenting and sharing knowledge through content creation can lead to personal growth, new opportunities, and revenue streams.

      Continuous learning and education are essential for personal and business growth. Dean Buti, a self-storage solutions provider, emphasized the importance of documenting his journey and sharing knowledge with others. He has built a successful business while also creating content through a podcast and daily newsletter. His motivation includes helping others, monetizing his content, and leaving a legacy for his children. The podcast and newsletter have led to opportunities such as speaking engagements and consulting requests. The journey of documenting and sharing his experiences has been rewarding for him, and he wishes his father had done the same. The potential benefits of continuous learning and sharing knowledge extend beyond personal growth and can lead to new opportunities and revenue streams.

    • Learning and Growing from Industry EventsParticipating in industry events, especially speaking engagements, can lead to valuable opportunities for learning, networking, and growth. Don't miss out on chances to connect with peers and expand your business through alternative funding solutions like asset finance.

      Despite the initial challenges and apprehensions, participating in industry events, especially speaking engagements, can lead to valuable opportunities for learning, networking, and growth. The Paris Self Storage Event in Las Vegas, for instance, attracts thousands of people, offering a platform to connect with American operators who are further ahead in the self-storage industry. However, the speaker regretted missing the opportunity to speak there, emphasizing the importance of seizing such opportunities, especially for content creators. Another crucial topic discussed was cash flow management in self-storage businesses. The speaker shared his experience of struggling to secure funding from banks despite running a successful business for 12 years. He expressed his frustration with the banks' requirement for extended periods of consolidation, which made it difficult for him to expand his business. As a result, he turned to asset finance for simpler funding solutions. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of embracing industry events and learning from peers, as well as the challenges of securing funding for business growth.

    • Maintaining Control and Clear Financial Information when Seeking FundingClear and concise financial information is crucial when seeking external investment. Maintaining control over your business can outweigh the benefits of external funding.

      Securing sufficient funding for a business can be a significant challenge, even when the assets are valued at a high amount. In the discussed case, the speaker had invested £600,000 for the initial phase but faced a shortfall due to ongoing operational costs. They had opportunities to secure funding from venture capital firms and a billionaire investor, but ultimately decided against it to maintain control over their lifestyle and business. The investor, who made a decision within 10 minutes after reviewing a one-page business proposal, showcased the importance of having clear and concise financial information ready when seeking external investment. The speaker acknowledged the benefits of staying bootstrapped for a while longer to grow the business and become a better entrepreneur. Although they faced challenges with their accountant, they were in the process of refiling last year's accounts to present accurate financial information for potential investors.

    • Maintaining accurate accounting records is crucial for business financesAccurate accounting records help avoid time-consuming and costly mistakes with banks, while exploring financing options and utilizing tax incentives can save money and improve financial situations.

      Managing business finances involves attention to detail and effective communication with financial institutions and advisors. In the discussion, it became clear that mistakes in accounting records, such as failing to include charges or adjustments, can lead to issues with banks and the need to refile accounts. This can be time-consuming and costly. It's important to strive for accuracy and to address any issues as soon as possible. Additionally, consolidating debt and exploring different financing options, like asset finance lines, can help businesses save money and improve their financial situation. Furthermore, capital allowances and other tax incentives should be carefully considered and taken advantage of to maximize savings. Ultimately, having a solid financial strategy and working closely with financial experts can help businesses navigate complex financial landscapes and thrive.

    • Frustrations with small banks and seeking better financing optionsCalculate Cash Available for Debt Servicing (CFEDS) and consider extending asset finance term for improved cash flow and better financing terms. Consult a finance broker like Matt Stacy for guidance. VC funding may provide capital but comes with loss of control and potential pressure. Focus on business growth first.

      Securing the right financial backing is crucial for a business looking to expand. The speaker expresses frustration with dealing with a small bank that doesn't understand the business's cash flow and debt servicing needs. To improve cash flow and potentially secure better financing terms, it's recommended to calculate Cash Available for Debt Servicing (CFEDS) and consider extending the term of asset finance. The speaker also suggests consulting a finance broker, specifically Matt Stacy, for guidance. Additionally, while Venture Capital (VC) funding could provide necessary capital, it may come with loss of control and potential pressure. The speaker suggests entrepreneurs focus on growing their business and consider VC funding as an option for later stages.

    • Benefits and Risks of Private Equity and Venture Capital FundingPrivate equity and venture capital funding offer access to valuable networks and larger exit values, but come with risks like high interest rates, loss of control, and potential replacement. Founders should consider their business strength and EBITDA before negotiating.

      Private equity and venture capital funding can bring significant benefits, such as access to a large network of contacts and potential for a larger exit value. However, it comes with risks like high interest rates, potential loss of control, and the possibility of being replaced if the business underperforms. It's typically a later-stage financing option when a company is established, profitable, and the founders want to cash out or derisk their personal lives. It's not a standard growth financing strategy, and founders should carefully consider the terms and potential consequences before agreeing to such deals. The strength of a business and its EBITDA play a crucial role in the negotiation process, and founders should aim to have a strong hand before entering into discussions with private equity or venture capital firms.

    • Caution when dealing with investors and equityEntrepreneurs should explore various funding options, not limit to one investor or deal, and be cautious about giving away too much equity to maintain control and profit.

      Entrepreneurs should be cautious when dealing with investors and not give away too much equity. This was emphasized in a discussion about a business deal where the investor had the right to trigger and get their investment back, potentially leaving the entrepreneur with little control or profit in the long run. Felix Dennis' book "How to Get Rich" was mentioned as a resource that warns against giving away equity. The speaker also suggested entrepreneurs should explore different funding options and not limit themselves to one investor or deal. Additionally, having a strong financial team and considering freehold properties for investment were advised as ways to increase confidence with banks and secure better deals.

    • Managing Personal Guarantees in Business Partnerships: Balancing Risk and ReassuranceBe transparent with spouse about business finances but only share info when asked. Have a liquidity date or plan for selling business to mitigate risk. If comfortable with personal guarantees risk, continue, otherwise avoid them. Multiple revenue streams and solid business plan can alleviate concerns and build trust.

      Managing personal guarantees in business partnerships can be a delicate balance between risk and reassurance, especially when it comes to involving one's spouse. James shared his experience of repeatedly signing personal guarantees despite his wife's concerns, leading to a significant amount of debt. He emphasized the importance of having a liquidity date or a plan for selling the business to mitigate the risk. James also suggested being transparent with one's spouse about business finances, but only sharing information when asked. He advised that if one is comfortable with the risk involved in personal guarantees, they should continue, but if not, they should avoid them. Ultimately, James emphasized the importance of having multiple revenue streams and a solid business plan to alleviate concerns and build trust.

    • Entrepreneurial mindset for long-term wealth creationMaintaining cash flow, paying off debts, and continuously looking for opportunities to expand and invest can lead to significant wealth creation and financial security.

      Building a business with the intention to sell, even if it's not the immediate plan, can lead to significant wealth creation and financial security. Dean, the entrepreneur in this discussion, emphasizes the importance of maintaining cash flow, paying off debts, and continuously looking for opportunities to expand and invest. He shares his personal experience of buying out partners and paying off personal guarantees, which resulted in a substantial increase in liquidity. This mindset, focused on growth and self-funding, allows entrepreneurs to build robust businesses that are insulated from competition and can provide financial stability. It's essential for partners and spouses to understand this entrepreneurial drive and the long-term benefits it brings, even if it means taking calculated risks and making sacrifices in the present.

    • Effective self storage businesses can generate substantial revenue and become valuable assetsUtilizing advanced technology and a long-term vision, self storage businesses can provide excellent customer experience, maintain asset value, and generate significant revenue, making them attractive investment opportunities.

      Self storage businesses, when run effectively with advanced technology and a long-term vision, can generate substantial positive cash flows and become valuable assets. The speaker in this conversation is on track to pay off his loans and have his business generate significant revenue. The use of technology, such as app-based access and high-security features, not only enhances the customer experience but also ensures that the physical assets, like mezzanine floors and metal door frames, maintain their value and can continue to generate income even when leases end. The speaker also expressed his belief in the potential growth of the self storage industry in the UK and encouraged listeners to consider it as an investment opportunity. For those interested in learning more about Jamesington's self storage business, they can visit bevely24.co.uk.

    • Navigating Business in China: Dedication and Focus RequiredTo succeed in China's business landscape, dedicate resources, shop around for deals, consider cutting out middlemen, and prepare for long hours and travel.

      Doing business in China requires dedication and focus. Jeff Bezos advises against bringing family along, as the work can be intense and demanding. When looking to open a new container site, it's essential to shop around for the best deals and consider cutting out middlemen to save costs. China and Turkey are good countries for manufacturing, but business owners should prepare for long days and travel to different regions to visit factories. Dean, the interviewee, shares his experience as an introvert and how events scare him, but he expresses interest in attending one of Tom's events in the future. Overall, doing business in China requires commitment, hard work, and the ability to navigate complex business environments.

    • Communication and transparency build strong relationshipsSharing experiences and good things with your partner fosters trust and strengthens the bond, while lack of communication and transparency can widen the gap.

      Effective communication and transparency are essential in maintaining a healthy relationship. The conversation in the text highlights a disconnect between two individuals, where one partner's significant business endeavors go unshared with the other. The lack of communication and transparency leads to feelings of disinterest and disconnection. The lack of shared experiences and conversations about daily life can further widen the gap between partners. It's important to remember that good things happen to good people, but it's equally essential to share those good things with the people we care about. Communication and transparency foster trust and strengthen the bond between partners. The text also emphasizes the importance of leaving feedback on podcasts, as it helps the algorithm reach a larger audience.

    • The power of being goodGood people can and do experience success. Keep being good to yourself and others, as success may follow.

      Good things happen to good people. This was a sentiment expressed during a podcast episode, as the speaker observed the success of a co-host. While it's easy to assume that only great people achieve great things, the truth is that good people often experience success as well. This is a valuable reminder that being a good person is not only important for personal growth but can also lead to professional achievements. So, if you're putting in the effort to be a good person and striving to improve yourself, remember that good things are on their way. And if you enjoy the podcast that shares this message, consider supporting it by rating, reviewing, and subscribing to help spread the word.

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    Welcome to the Business Broadcast Podcast! Each week James brings on the show an entrepreneur who shares their biggest challenges and struggles in business.

    James coaches the business owner through these challenges by asking those hard hitting questions in order to get to the bottom of these problems and help the business owner soar to success.

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    Welcome to the Business Broadcast Podcast! Each week James brings on the show an entrepreneur who shares their biggest challenges and struggles in business.

    James coaches the business owner through these challenges by asking those hard hitting questions in order to get to the bottom of these problems and help the business owner soar to success.

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    The reason things don’t usually go as planned and that there hasn’t been a project that didn’t have complications. However, with a cash flow plan paired with clever leverage of debt you can “plan for the worst but expect the best.”

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    • Seeing business as a team sport.
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    • Generating income from the debt made.
    • Not forgetting the last thing, which is taxes.
    • Monitoring the balance sheet.
    • Mastery of cash flow.


    Additional Resources:




    “Quite often people will come up with a good idea or have some ideas that they're trying to execute, but not understand the cash requirements for each one.” — Tom McMeekin.

    “If you don't have the skill, it's not a particular problem, you need to outsource it.” — Tom McMeekin.

    “Spending time building out those forecasts with the right people on your team, I think is critical.” — Tom McMeekin.

    “You can plan for the worst but expect the best.” — Tom McMeekin.

    “If you're leveraging to generate income, who cares how much debt you've got.” — Tom McMeekin.



    Music from https://filmmusic.io “Cold Funk” by Kevin MacLeod https://incompetech.com. License: CC by http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 

    Episode 161 - Give Your Way Out of Debt

    Episode 161 - Give Your Way Out of Debt

    In this week's Crushing Debt Podcast episode, we have a returning guest, Paul Moore of Wellings Capital.

    Paul was a guest on Episode 78 talking about reducing tax liability using multifamily investing, and promoting his book "The Perfect Investment."

    In this week's episode, Paul is back to talk about:

    1. Two new private equity funds Paul has launched for real estate investors, an income fund and a growth fund. Paul has used a value formula for commercial real estate investing and discovered that he can separate the funds into mostly self-storage facilities, mobile home parks and multifamily investing.

    2. How he went from $1.7 million in the bank, to $2.5 million in debt, to debt free in 2008 / 2009 by giving his way out of debt.

    You can visit Paul's website at www.WellingsCapital.com, or email Paul at Paul@WellingsCapital.com

    If you want to contact me, please visit www.YesnerLaw.com, or Shawn@YesnerLaw.com

    How to Grow your Net Worth w/ Investing - Holly Williams, Founder @ KeepMore

    How to Grow your Net Worth w/ Investing -   Holly Williams, Founder @ KeepMore

    Holly Williams had a 25-year successful advertising career before getting into real estate investing as the founder of KeepMore.com. She is also the author of Hidden Investing: What the Wealthiest 1% Know that We Don't, where she provides a glimpse into what the wealthy know about cash flowing apartment communities that have been a best-kept secret. Her goal is to share what debunks the myths surrounding investing and provide new ways of thinking about money as a tool and not an endpoint.

    Tune in now!

    E 307: Funding Options with Spur Pathways & Momentus Capital

    E 307: Funding Options with Spur Pathways & Momentus Capital

    In this episode, I’m joined by Ashley McLeod of Momentus Capital and Byron Whitmore of Macy’s, Inc. to discuss S.P.U.R. Pathways (Shared Purpose, Unlimited Reach), a multiyear, multifaceted funding program to advance entrepreneurial growth, close wealth gaps and shatter systemic barriers faced by diverse-owned and underrepresented businesses. We discuss the partnership between Momentus Capital and Macy’s, Inc., how brands can apply and application tips.


    Find more information on the Macy’s S.P.U.R. Pathways Program



    Find more information on Momentus Capital



    Follow Us on LinkedIn:

    Ashley McLeod

    Byron Whitmore, II

    Monique Benoit

    Thank you to The Emerson Group, the sponsor of the Beauty from the Shelf Podcast. The Emerson Group is a consumer products and equity organization that works with brands that sell into retailers across the USA, Mexico and Canada. Their services include logistics, marketing, consumer insights, brand design, consumer care, and more. For more information on our organization, visit emersongroup.com.