
    Pt 2: What Does it Feel Like to Fight to Breathe? | Sophie Grace Holmes

    enJuly 30, 2024
    What was the speaker's original goal at 16?
    How did the pandemic affect the speaker's plans?
    What record did the speaker eventually break?
    Why is maintaining a positive mindset important during challenges?
    How did the speaker's experience impact their personal growth?

    Podcast Summary

    • Maintaining a positive mindsetEven when faced with unexpected challenges and setbacks, maintaining a positive mindset and continuing to pursue goals can lead to unexpected opportunities and successes

      Even in the face of adversity and unexpected challenges, it's important to maintain a positive mindset and continue pursuing goals, no matter how seemingly impossible they may seem. The speaker, who had set a goal to complete 30 marathons in 30 days when they were 16, had to put that goal on hold due to the pandemic and being confined to their one-bedroom flat for 16 weeks. Feeling frustrated and restless, they pivoted and started working online instead. However, a year later, when a friend invited them to run a marathon, they saw it as an opportunity to revisit their original goal and ended up breaking the world record for completing 36 marathons in 36 days. Through this experience, the speaker demonstrated resilience, determination, and a willingness to adapt to new circumstances. They also emphasized the importance of setting goals and finding ways to work towards them, even when faced with unexpected obstacles.

    • Mental preparation, Support systemHaving a solid mental preparation and the right support system are crucial for tackling challenging physical goals. Gradual training, building a foundation, and mental resilience are essential.

      Mental preparation and having the right support system are crucial elements in tackling a challenging physical goal. The speaker, who ran two marathons within five months, shares how the idea of running a second marathon came about by coincidence and how his coach played a significant role in his training. He emphasizes that building towards a challenge and having a solid foundation of fitness and understanding are essential. The training process was not easy, with gradual increases in mileage and dealing with unexpected challenges. The speaker also highlights the importance of mental resilience and mindset, which helped him push through difficult training sessions and race conditions. Overall, this inspiring story demonstrates the power of determination, perseverance, and the right support system in achieving seemingly impossible feats.

    • Personal growth through challengesEmbracing challenging experiences, like running multiple marathons, leads to personal growth and confidence by testing physical abilities, practicing essential skills, and reflecting on past challenges.

      Pushing your limits through challenging experiences, like running multiple marathons in a row, can lead to significant personal growth and confidence. The process not only tests your physical abilities but also allows you to practice essential skills like nutrition and mental preparation. Reflecting on past challenges and recognizing how far you've come can be a powerful motivator. During such experiences, maintaining a positive mindset and focusing on the journey rather than the end goal is crucial. Additionally, having a clear understanding of your personal goals and accepting that failure is a possibility, but only if you've given it your all, can help mitigate potential setbacks. Overall, embracing the challenges and learning from them can lead to a sense of accomplishment and personal growth beyond what you might initially imagine.

    • Marathon challengeRunning a marathon every day for 31 days is an extreme test of physical and mental endurance, requiring self-affirmation, resilience, and a strong support system.

      Running a marathon every day for 31 days is an incredibly challenging experience, both physically and mentally. The contrast between the well-organized and funded London Marathon and the more solo and self-reliant days that followed was significant. The first seven days were particularly difficult due to the body's adaptation phase to the new routine. Sleep deprivation, hormonal imbalances, and nutritional demands added to the challenge. Despite the hardships, Ryan's support network kept him going, reminding him of the journey's potential rewards. The experience taught him the importance of self-affirmation, resilience, and the power of a strong support system.

    • Marathon PreparationTaping feet and proper nutrition are crucial for successful marathon completion, taking around 20 minutes daily for taping and ensuring a nutritious breakfast.

      Proper preparation is key when undertaking endurance challenges, such as running marathons. Taping your feet before running, for instance, can significantly improve performance and prevent injuries. However, this process can be time-consuming, taking around 20 minutes daily. Preparation also includes getting up early, having a nutritious breakfast, and ensuring you have enough fuel for the run. The goal is to complete the distance within a reasonable time, but not too long that it impedes recovery. Using energy gels during long runs can help maintain energy levels, especially when sugar levels drop. Overall, the key is to find what works best for you and be consistent with your preparation routine. In the speaker's experience, taping and proper nutrition made a significant difference in completing the challenge successfully.

    • Long-distance running strategiesBreaking down long-distance races into smaller segments helps manage mental challenge. Proper nutrition, including maltloaf, caffeine, and electrolytes, is important. Individuals with cystic fibrosis may need to consume more calories. Refueling within the hour post-race is crucial with a focus on white carbs and fluids.

      During long-distance running, especially in marathons, breaking down the race into smaller segments can help manage the mental challenge of the distance. The use of maltloaf as a source of energy, combined with caffeine and electrolytes, was a key part of the runner's strategy. However, for individuals with cystic fibrosis, the absorption of nutrients can be affected, requiring them to consume more calories to compensate. The hour after completing the race is crucial for refueling and recovery, with a focus on consuming white carbs and replenishing fluids. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of mental preparation, proper nutrition, and self-awareness during long-distance running, especially for individuals with health conditions.

    • Maintaining health with challengesAdhering to medication regimen is crucial for individuals with health conditions, even if it requires significant discipline and respect for one's body. Missing doses can negatively impact both physically and mentally.

      Maintaining one's health, even with significant challenges, is crucial. A person I spoke with shared their experience of living with cystic fibrosis and the importance of adhering to their medication regimen, which once consisted of 80 tablets a day and multiple nebulizers. Now, with new medications, they take only a few tablets daily. The difference is phenomenal, but it required discipline and respect for one's body. The speaker noted that missing doses would negatively impact both physically and mentally. They also acknowledged that extreme physical activities like marathons can affect the immune system, which is especially important for individuals with health conditions. The key is to not let the challenges deter one from their goals, but to find a balance that prioritizes health and wellbeing.

    • Personal growth through challenging goalsSetting and achieving challenging goals can lead to personal growth and inspire others, enriching lives and creating hope and renewed capability within and beyond the medical community

      Pushing beyond perceived limitations can lead to personal growth and inspiration for others. The speaker's experience with cystic fibrosis and completing marathons has inspired many within and beyond the medical community, giving them hope and a renewed sense of capability. The process of setting and achieving challenging goals, whether in fitness or other areas of life, can help individuals realize their potential and enrich their lives and the lives of those around them. While the time and energy required for such endeavors may seem selfish, the long-term benefits can lead to personal growth and a higher quality of life.

    • Appreciating achievementsSavor achievements and appreciate the present moment, while also balancing the desire for new challenges with self-care and listening to one's body.

      It's important to appreciate and savor achievements, rather than constantly seeking the next challenge. The speaker, who has accomplished remarkable feats, including running marathons and recovering from a life-threatening condition, acknowledges the risk of becoming too focused on the next goal and not fully appreciating the present. She emphasizes the importance of balancing the desire for new challenges with enjoying the current moment and acknowledging the privilege of being able to breathe and move freely. The speaker also highlights the importance of listening to one's body and taking care of oneself, as each year comes with a certain number of challenges that can be sustained. The experience of fighting to breathe during her recovery gave her a new perspective on the value of being able to breathe freely, and she encourages others to appreciate this basic human function.

    • Discipline, healthPersonal experiences of struggling to breathe serve as reminders to maintain discipline for healthy living, like staying active and moving our bodies.

      Experiencing challenges, such as not being able to breathe freely, serves as a reminder of the importance of maintaining discipline in our lives, like staying active and moving our bodies. The speaker's personal experience of struggling to breathe during a severe air quality incident served as a powerful reminder of the privilege of being able to breathe clean air and the importance of staying disciplined to keep our bodies healthy. The speaker also expressed gratitude for the opportunity to share their story and inspire others. Additionally, the discussion touched on the role of relationships and support systems in helping individuals overcome challenges.

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