
    Putin leaves nuclear pact, Biden visits Poland, Baldwin’s charges downgraded

    enFebruary 21, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Russia Suspends Participation in Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty Amid Ongoing Conflict with UkraineRussia's Vladimir Putin accused the west of starting the Ukraine conflict and suspended Russia's participation in a strategic arms reduction treaty, signaling no end to the ongoing conflict.

      The ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine continues to escalate, with both countries delivering dueling speeches and Russia suspending its participation in a strategic arms reduction treaty. Vladimir Putin accused the west of starting the war and condemned the United States and NATO for supplying weapons to Ukraine, while President Biden is expected to deliver a speech in Poland in support of Ukraine. The war, which is approaching its 1-year mark, has raised questions about the sustainability of international support and aid to Ukraine as the conflict drags on with no end in sight. Fred Plaikin, reporting live from Moscow, noted that Putin's speech was divided into three parts, with the Russian president trying to make the conflict a Russia-west issue and emphasizing the resilience of the Russian economy. The biggest announcement came at the end, with Russia suspending its participation in the strategic arms reduction treaty, a move that both countries have been trying to extend. The war in Ukraine shows no signs of de-escalation, with Putin signaling that there is no end in sight.

    • Russia Suspends Participation in New START TreatyRussia suspended its participation in the New START Treaty, citing US and allies' threats and accusing them of posing a nuclear threat. The move could impact arms control and international security.

      Russian President Vladimir Putin announced his country's suspension of participation in the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START), but he did not withdraw entirely. Putin's decision came after the US and its allies expressed concerns over Russia's military activities in Ukraine and other regions. Putin accused the US and its allies of threatening Russia and argued that their nuclear weapons pose a threat. He also criticized Ukraine's government and accused it of starting the war. Putin's speech reflected a significant discrepancy in understanding and perspective on the war between Russia and Ukraine, making a political solution difficult at the moment. The Ukrainian leadership has shown reluctance to negotiate with Russia due to its disregard for truth and facts. The White House indicated that President Biden was likely not watching Putin's speech but would be updated on it. The suspension of Russia's participation in New START is a significant development in the geopolitical landscape and could have implications for arms control and international security.

    • Russia Suspends Participation in Nuclear Arms Treaty, Putin Meets with Chinese OfficialsRussia's Putin suspended participation in the New START nuclear arms treaty, raising concerns about the future of the agreement and potential arms race. Putin also met with Chinese officials amidst debates over Ukraine's potential EU/NATO membership.

      The New START treaty, which limits the number of nuclear weapons and inspections between Russia and the US, is in jeopardy as Russia's Vladimir Putin has suspended participation. Inspections have not occurred for some years due to COVID and Russian refusal. Putin did not mention building more weapons, but the treaty expires in early 2026, and there's uncertainty about Putin's interest in a follow-on treaty. The complicating factor is China, which is a key technology and trade partner, and whose officials are meeting with Putin during Biden's speech in Europe. The potential for Ukraine joining the EU or NATO is debated, as Ukraine is at war, and NATO membership would obligate direct military involvement. A Catholic bishop, David O'Connell, was killed over the weekend by his housekeeper's husband, Carlos Medina, who is now in custody. The community is heartbroken by the loss of their spiritual leader.

    • Ongoing Investigation into Bishop's Murder, Health Clinic Opens in East PalestineThe murder investigation of a bishop in Los Angeles reveals unclear motives and a possible financial dispute connection. In East Palestine, Ohio, a health clinic opens to help toxic train derailment victims, but concerns persist about long-term impacts.

      The investigation into the murder of a bishop in Los Angeles is ongoing, with unclear motives and a possible connection to a financial dispute. The suspect, Medina, had previously done work at the bishop's house, and neighbors describe him as an average grandpa, adding to the confusion. The community is expressing anger and grief over the bishop's brutal killing. In East Palestine, Ohio, a health clinic is opening to help residents affected by the toxic train derailment, providing some reassurance but not enough to quell criticism of officials' response. The EPA administrator is returning for a second visit to address concerns about long-term impacts on the community.

    • Ordinary people taking extraordinary actions after unexpected events9/11 aftermath led Alec Baldwin to face manslaughter charges, while Poland's civilians transformed into soldiers in response to war threats, showcasing the impact of circumstances and patriotism.

      Unexpected events can lead ordinary people to take extraordinary actions. In the aftermath of 9/11, Alec Baldwin faced downcharges for a fatal shooting on the set of his film, Rust. Meanwhile, in Poland, people with no military experience have been signing up to defend their country against the threat of war next door. Baldwin maintains he didn't pull the trigger, but faces involuntary manslaughter charges. In Poland, despite having the lowest gun ownership per capita in Europe, civilians are volunteering for the Territorial Defense Forces (TDF) in response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine. These recruits, including teachers, farmers, bankers, and even an opera singer, are undergoing basic training and are united by their patriotism. The transformation of civilians into soldiers in such a short time is a testament to the power of circumstance and the deep love people have for their countries.

    • Pain Accelerates Brain AgingManaging pain effectively can preserve brain health as chronic pain contributes to faster shrinking of the hippocampus, potentially leading to cognitive decline and dementia. Consider alternatives to prescription opioids for pain relief.

      Chronic pain from conditions like arthritis or old injuries can lead to faster brain aging and potentially contribute to cognitive decline and dementia. A study analyzing brain scans and cognitive tests of over 19,000 people revealed that pain, particularly in multiple areas, accelerated the shrinking of the hippocampus, an area responsible for cognition. This finding highlights the importance of managing pain effectively as we age to preserve brain health. While prescription opioids should be avoided, other options like over-the-counter pain relievers, antidepressants, massage, and acupuncture can help alleviate pain.

    • Russian President Putin's non-compliance with arms control agreements and threat to use nuclear weapons raises concerns about future arms controlPutin's actions have led to the suspension of the New Start Agreement and the international community is considering providing advanced weapons to Ukraine to defend against a potential Russian offensive.

      During a discussion on CNN, experts expressed concern over Russian President Putin's recent admission of not adhering to arms control agreements and his threat to use nuclear weapons. Putin's actions have led to a suspension of the New Start Agreement, raising questions about future arms control. The Russian military's failure in Ukraine, despite its size and resources, demonstrates its corruption, leaderlessness, and lack of competence. The international community, including the US and NATO, is considering providing advanced weapons to Ukraine in response to Russia's aggression. Ukrainians are hoping for these advanced weapons, including F-16s and longer-range missiles, to help defend against an anticipated large-scale Russian offensive. The situation is viewed as an existential moment for Ukraine, as the status quo is not enough to achieve outright victory.

    • US Committed to Ukrainian Victory Amidst Russian InvasionPresident Biden's visit to Poland and speech aim to show US support for Ukraine against Russia, while Russian economy suffers from sanctions and Putin addresses impact on Russian people and class warfare.

      The ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine risks becoming a prolonged war of attrition with devastating consequences for both sides and potential destabilization in the West. President Biden's visit to Poland and his upcoming speech aim to demonstrate the US's commitment to a Ukrainian victory and to counter Russia's efforts to justify its invasion. The Russian economy has suffered significantly from the sanctions, and Putin's speech addressed the impact on the Russian people, particularly those who have lost loved ones in the war. Putin also touched upon class warfare and the perceived lack of sympathy for Russians who have lost assets due to the sanctions. The Russian foreign ministry has summoned the US ambassador to Moscow in protest of US involvement in Ukraine.

    • Russia believes US is involved in Ukraine conflict, Putin sees western elite as strategic foesRussia accuses US of involvement in Ukraine conflict, Putin views western elite as intent on defeating Russia, potential escalation if longer range weapons deployed

      According to Russian officials and Vladimir Putin's statements, they believe the United States is involved in the conflict in Ukraine, despite American denials. Putin also expressed his belief that the western elite aims to strategically defeat Russia, potentially making local conflicts into larger ones. Putin also indicated that if longer range weapons are deployed by Ukraine, Russia may be forced to move its forces further back, indicating a potential escalation. Despite the challenges Russia is facing in the war, Putin has repeatedly stated that Russia will persevere. President Biden's motorcade was seen in Warsaw for a meeting with the Polish president, highlighting the ongoing tensions and the continued presence of foreign leaders in the region. The decision for Putin to invade Ukraine is now seen as a blunder, and he is trying to get out of it, but it's not going well for him. The ongoing situation underscores the potential for further escalation and the complex geopolitical dynamics at play.

    • Poland's response to Ukrainian crisis strengthens US alliancePoland's warm reception of Ukrainian refugees and role as a logistics hub for weapons transformed US perception and solidified the alliance

      The relationship between the United States and Poland has significantly improved in the past year due to Poland's response to the Ukrainian crisis. Before the invasion, there were concerns about Poland's human rights record and slide to the far right. However, Poland's reception of Ukrainian refugees and role as a logistics hub for weapons to Ukraine changed perceptions. The Polish people's welcoming attitude towards Ukrainian refugees was a turning point, and the Polish government's actions solidified the alliance between the two countries. President Biden's visit to Poland, his second in a year, underscores the importance of this alliance. The leaders will discuss ongoing events and Russia's invasion during their private meeting.

    • U.S. and Poland strengthen ties amid Ukraine conflict and Russian isolationBiden's visit to Poland affirms U.S. support for Ukraine and European security, as Russia reaches out to countries like China and North Korea for support. The conflict in Ukraine is seen as a threat to Polish sovereignty and democratic values.

      The strengthening relationship between U.S. President Joe Biden and Polish President Andrzej Duda is driven in part by the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and the fear that Poland and other Eastern European countries could be next if Russia is successful. Biden's visit to Poland is seen as an affirmation of U.S. support for Ukraine and European security, and a broader defense of democratic principles and sovereignty. Russia, facing diplomatic isolation, is reaching out to countries like China and North Korea for support. Putin's message of targeting elites in the West rings hollow as the Russian government is made up of wealthy individuals who have invested their money abroad. The U.S. and its allies are making a case for continued support for Ukraine as a defense of European security and democratic values.

    • US-Poland relationship and weapons for UkrainePresident Biden's visit to Poland focuses on strengthening ties, convincing allies to aid Ukraine with weapons, and enhancing readiness levels in the former Soviet Union.

      During a visit to Poland, President Biden is meeting with Polish President Duda to discuss their strong relationship and cooperation, particularly in convincing other nations to send weapons to Ukraine. This relationship is significant for the US as it allows for training, foreign internal defense, and increased readiness levels in the former Soviet Union. Meanwhile, at the Supreme Court in the US, a landmark case is being heard that could change how social media companies are regulated and held responsible for promoting harmful content. The case involves the family of an American student killed in the 2015 Paris terror attacks suing Google and YouTube for allegedly promoting terrorist content. The outcome of this case could have major implications for the Internet and social media giants.

    • Supreme Court to Consider Scope of Section 230 for First TimeThe Supreme Court will examine the boundaries of Section 230, a law shielding social media companies from liability for user-generated content, amidst growing pressure for reform. Two cases could impact the future of this law.

      The Supreme Court is set to consider the scope of Section 230 and its protection of social media companies for the first time. This comes amidst widespread calls for reform, including from President Biden and Republican lawmakers. Two significant cases are testing the limits of social media, with potential ramifications for the future of Section 230. Meanwhile, in other news, rescue efforts continue in Turkey and Syria after a devastating earthquake, leaving thousands dead and injured, and causing massive damage. Additionally, residents near a toxic train wreck in Ohio are reporting health issues and seeking help at a new health clinic.

    • Biden plans to visit East Palestine, Florida sees alligator attack, and housing market faces mortgage rate hikesBiden intends to visit East Palestine, an alligator killed an elderly woman in Florida, and mortgage rates increase, impacting the housing market, but remain historically low compared to past generations. Some expensive real estate markets begin to see slight price drops.

      President Biden expressed his intent to visit East Palestine and engage with residents affected by the train derailment, but a visit date has not been announced yet. Meanwhile, in Florida, an 11-foot alligator killed an elderly woman while she was walking her dog, serving as a grim reminder of the potential dangers that residents face in areas with alligators. The housing market is experiencing a significant increase in mortgage rates, which could impact the housing market and make it more difficult for some people to afford homes. Despite this, it's important to note that mortgage rates are still historically low compared to previous generations. Additionally, some red-hot real estate markets, such as San Francisco, San Jose, Los Angeles, and Anaheim, have seen prices start to fall slightly, providing some relief for those struggling with affordability.

    • Housing affordability crisis and global tensionsRising housing costs create a housing market bubble, while global tensions escalate, with Russia suspending nuclear arms cooperation. Training advanced aircraft pilots is a complex process.

      The rising housing costs in certain areas have made it difficult for typical families to afford homes, leading to a housing market bubble. This issue has been particularly prevalent in towns where housing prices have skyrocketed. For instance, a million dollars for a two-bedroom house is considered outrageous. Meanwhile, global tensions continue to escalate, with Russia suspending its cooperation in a nuclear arms agreement. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken called this decision deeply unfortunate and irresponsible. The United States, along with other countries, is expected to address these critical issues separately, as the competition and threat of nuclear weapons have been a long-standing concern for decades. Training Ukrainian pilots to fly advanced aircraft like the F-16 is a lengthy process, involving more than just flying the aircraft itself. It requires a year or more of training in a comprehensive environment that includes ground activity, intelligence, and air engagements.

    • Ukraine's Complex Situation: Biden's Visit and Ongoing Tensions with RussiaDespite Biden's visit to Ukraine and Ukrainians' calls for more military support, diplomatic progress remains uncertain due to vastly different perspectives between Ukraine and Russia. Escalating tensions and Russian non-compliance with inspections add to the volatility.

      The situation in Ukraine remains complex and contentious, with both the Ukrainian government and President Putin of Russia holding vastly different perspectives. President Biden's visit to Kyiv was met with enthusiasm, but the potential for diplomatic progress remains uncertain. Ukrainians are looking for concrete action and support, particularly in the form of heavier weaponry like fighter jets and long-range artillery. However, these requests may not be met immediately, as some weapons, such as the F-16s, are in a longer-term timeframe. Meanwhile, tensions with Russia continue to escalate, with Russia refusing to comply with New START inspections and allegations of Chinese involvement in supplying lethal aid. The Russian narrative, as expressed by President Putin, continues to blame Ukraine's government for the country's economic woes and instability, which is widely viewed as an alternate reality. Overall, the situation in Ukraine remains volatile, and a political solution will be challenging to achieve as long as the Russian president clings to his distorted view of reality.

    • Russia's Military Offensive in Ukraine: No Clear Sign of a New OffensiveRussia's military advantage in manpower faces criticism, Putin addresses military issues and corruption, Russian economy is resilient but faces challenges, West tries to prevent China from arming Russia, Biden's visit to Ukraine shows support for democracy

      While Russia is continuing its military offensive in Ukraine, there's no clear sign of a new and different "Russian spring offensive" as of now. Russia's advantage lies in their large manpower, but their military capabilities are under criticism. Putin's recent speech addressed the military's issues and corruption, and he tried to maintain popular support. The Russian economy is more resilient than expected due to the price of gas, but they face challenges getting spare parts and high-tech. The West is trying to prevent China from providing lethal weaponry to Russia. President Biden's visit to Kyiv was a significant show of support for Ukraine and a declaration of the free world's commitment to democracy against autocracy.

    • Putin frames conflict with West, accuses US of ambitions against RussiaPutin portrays Ukraine conflict as Russia vs. West, accuses US of attempting to strategically weaken Russia, while a majority of Russians support his actions, Poland's US ties significant, Biden's Kyiv visit a political signal to Russia and morale booster for Ukraine

      During a discussion about the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and Vladimir Putin's recent speech, it was emphasized that Putin is trying to frame the conflict as a battle between Russia and the West, specifically the United States. Putin accused the West of having ambitions to strategically defeat Russia and making local conflicts into larger ones. Additionally, it was noted that a large percentage of Russians support Putin and his actions in Ukraine. Furthermore, the significance of Poland's relationship with the United States was highlighted, as Poland is on the border of the conflict and has come into its own as a strong player in European politics. President Biden's recent visit to Kyiv was described as a political signal to Russia and a morale booster for Ukraine and its allies.

    • US supports Ukraine and European securityThe US visit to Poland symbolizes ongoing commitment to European security and freedom, sending a strong message against aggression and maintaining the global order.

      President Putin's full-scale attack on Ukraine one year ago caused a major crisis for Ukraine and the world, resulting in a humanitarian, economic, and security crisis for millions of people. The United States, represented by President Biden, visited Poland to show support for Ukraine and the region, symbolizing the US's ongoing commitment to European security and freedom. This visit sends a powerful message to aggressors that such behavior is not accepted by the democratic community and that the US will maintain the global order. The Polish people see this visit as a confirmation of their actions in supporting Ukraine and their role in providing security to their allies. Overall, this visit strengthens the alliance between the US and Poland, and demonstrates the importance of solidarity in maintaining peace and security in Europe.

    • Poland's Role in Strengthening Transatlantic BondPoland, as an EU member and future presidency holder, aims to strengthen the transatlantic bond between Europe and the US, recognizing the importance of this alliance for Europe's security and development. The US's commitment to Ukraine and Poland's support for Ukraine are key aspects of this relationship.

      Poland, despite some perceptions, is a safe and secure country, strengthened by the presence of US Armed Forces and NATO troops. The transatlantic bond between Europe and the US is crucial for Europe's security and development, and Poland, as an EU member set to take over the presidency in 2025, aims to strengthen this bond further. The US needs Europe and NATO just as much as they need the US, making their alliance one of the most consequential in history. The US's commitment to Ukraine remains unwavering, and Poland's support for Ukraine has been extraordinary. The speakers emphasized the importance of focusing on their shared goals and keeping a strong stance against threats to their security.

    • US reaffirms commitment to NATO, announces new partnership with PolandThe US and Poland strengthen their alliance and plan nuclear power projects, while tensions rise between the US and Russia over nuclear arms treaty compliance

      During a meeting with Polish President Duda, President Biden reaffirmed the US's commitment to NATO and announced plans for a new strategic partnership between the two countries, including building nuclear power plants and bolstering Poland's energy security. Russian President Putin's decision to suspend Russia's cooperation in a key nuclear arms treaty, the New START Treaty, was deemed "unfortunate and irresponsible" by Secretary of State Antony Blinken. The US continues to call on Russia to meet for inspections to ensure compliance with the treaty, and the administration will monitor the situation closely. Despite tensions, the US remains committed to maintaining strategic stability and engaging in arms control talks with Russia.

    • US notifies Russia of Biden's transit through Ukraine to avoid misunderstandingsBoth US and Russia maintain communication channels despite tensions, but the stakes are high and both sides have warned of nuclear consequences, international community encourages Russia to act responsibly, Biden's visit to Poland symbolizes safety and solidarity against Russian aggression

      Despite the ongoing tensions between the US and Russia, communication channels remain open, and both sides have a responsibility to maintain them. This was evident when the US notified Russia about President Biden's transit through Ukraine to avoid any miscalculations or misunderstandings. However, the stakes are high, as nuclear war is a real concern, and both sides have warned each other of the catastrophic consequences that would result from any use of nuclear weapons. The international community, including countries with complicated relationships with Russia, have encouraged the Russians to cease their nuclear saber rattling and act responsibly. The mayor of Warsaw emphasized the importance of President Biden's visit to Poland, which serves as a symbol of safety and solidarity in the face of Russia's aggression against Ukraine.

    • Ukraine conflict tests Western alliance unity and strengthThe Ukrainian conflict highlights the need for Western allies to support Ukraine's defense for European security and democratic values, inspiring unity and increasing American presence in Eastern Europe.

      The ongoing conflict in Ukraine is a significant test for the unity and strength of the Western alliance. President Putin's actions have led many to question the limits of Western support for Ukraine, with debates surrounding the provision of military aid. However, as the war enters its second year, there is a growing consensus that helping Ukraine defend itself is crucial for European security and the upholding of democratic values. The Ukrainian people's resilience and determination to fight for their country have inspired solidarity among allies, leading to an increased American presence in Eastern Europe and a more united front against Russian aggression. The humanitarian impact of the conflict, with millions of refugees seeking shelter, has also brought communities closer together and enriched the cultural fabric of host nations. Ultimately, the war in Ukraine serves as a reminder of the importance of unity and resolve in the face of adversity.

    • Impact of the invasion on WarsawCNN's on-the-ground coverage in Warsaw highlights the city's changes and keeps viewers informed, while Sleep Number's commitment to quality sleep solutions is emphasized through sponsorship

      Key takeaway from this episode of CNN This Morning is the impact of the invasion on Warsaw, as discussed by Sarah and Caitlin. The city has seen significant changes, and CNN's on-the-ground coverage has been crucial in keeping viewers informed. Sarah expressed her appreciation for Caitlin's extraordinary reporting and their shared experience of covering the news together. As they prepare for the president's speech later in the day, they will continue to bring updates from Poland. Additionally, Sleep Number was highlighted as a sponsor, emphasizing their commitment to providing high-quality sleep solutions for individuals with unique needs. Their smart beds have received top ratings from J.D. Power and are currently offering discounts for a limited time. Overall, this episode showcased the importance of dedicated reporting and quality sleep, making it a valuable experience for both the audience and the hosts.

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    You can find transcripts (posted midday) and more episodes of “The Ezra Klein Show” at nytimes.com/ezra-klein-podcast, and you can find Ezra on Twitter @ezraklein. Book recommendations from all our guests are listed at https://www.nytimes.com/article/ezra-klein-show-book-recs.

    “The Ezra Klein Show” is produced by Annie Galvin, Jeff Geld and Rogé Karma; fact-checking by Michelle Harris, Kate Sinclair and Mary Marge Locker; original music by Isaac Jones; mixing by Jeff Geld; audience strategy by Shannon Busta. Our executive producer is Irene Noguchi. Special thanks to Kristin Lin and Kristina Samulewski.