
    NATO War Machine with Jeffrey Sachs and Link Lauren

    enDecember 04, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • U.S. and UK sabotage Ukraine-Russia peace dealThe U.S. and UK sabotaged a peace deal between Ukraine and Russia, leading to continued conflict and costing billions and countless lives. This decision can be linked to NATO expansion in the 1990s and the dangerous positioning of Ukraine on Russia's border.

      The United States and England sabotaged a peace agreement between Ukraine and Russia in April 2022, which would have ended the ongoing war and saved thousands of lives. This agreement, which involved the withdrawal of Russian troops, was reached through negotiations led by senior officials from Germany, Turkey, and Ukraine, including Ukrainian negotiator David Arakhamia. The sabotage of this agreement by the US and England, led by then-Prime Minister Boris Johnson, resulted in a continued conflict that has cost both Ukraine and the US billions of dollars and countless lives. This action can be traced back to the neoconservative push for NATO expansion in the 1990s, which put Ukraine in a dangerous position on Russia's border and ignited tensions that continue to this day. The consequences of this decision have been devastating, and it serves as a reminder of the importance of diplomacy and the potential dangers of military intervention.

    • NATO Expansion Driven by Military Contractors' Financial InterestsNATO's expansion in the 1990s and early 2000s, fueled by military contractors' financial gains, led to tensions with Russia and the 2008 Bucharest summit's contentious push for Ukraine and Georgia's membership.

      The expansion of NATO throughout the 1990s and early 2000s, despite warnings from responsible diplomats and geopolitical experts, was driven in large part by the financial interests of military contractors in the United States. These companies, including General Dynamics, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, Boeing, and Lockheed, benefited greatly from NATO's requirement that new member nations conform their weapons purchases to NATO specifications. This led to a provocative and escalating situation with Russia, culminating in the 2008 Bucharest NATO summit, where the U.S. pushed for the enlargement of NATO to include Ukraine and Georgia, despite clear warnings from Russia not to do so. The military industrial complex's desire to sell more arms overshadowed diplomatic efforts to avoid conflict.

    • U.S. diplomacy and covert operations in Ukraine's relationship with NATOThe complex history of U.S. involvement in Ukraine's relationship with NATO includes diplomatic efforts, geopolitical interests, and covert operations, which have contributed to ongoing tensions and conflict with Russia.

      The political dynamics surrounding Ukraine's relationship with NATO have been shaped by a complex interplay of diplomacy, geopolitical interests, and covert operations. The memo from former U.S. Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul to Condoleezza Rice in 2008 warned against pushing NATO into Ukraine due to the entire Russian political class's opposition. Despite this, the U.S. continued to fund protests and endorsed the overthrow of the Ukrainian government in 2014. Victoria Nuland, a key figure in these events, has continued to play a significant role in U.S. foreign policy towards Ukraine. Despite the potential for diplomatic solutions, such as Putin's proposed US-Russia security agreement in 2021, the U.S. pursued a more confrontational approach. This history underscores the importance of understanding the motivations and consequences of foreign policy decisions.

    • Russia's True Intentions Behind Invading UkraineRussia sought peaceful negotiations with Ukraine, not conquest or NATO membership, but the US and Ukraine refused, leading to war.

      The Russian invasion of Ukraine was not driven by a desire for conquest or to join NATO, as often portrayed in the media. Instead, Russia wanted Ukraine to negotiate, keeping NATO out, denazifying the Ukrainian government, and allowing Eastern Ukraine to be semi-autonomous. In February 2022, Putin sent in 40,000 troops and proposed a peace deal, but the US and Ukraine refused to negotiate. The war had started in 2014, but Russia's military operation began in 2022. The Minsk Accords, which could have kept the peace, were abandoned, and Putin only sought to bring Ukraine back to the negotiating table. This perspective challenges the dominant narrative of the conflict and highlights the importance of understanding the complex geopolitical dynamics at play.

    • US disregarded Minsk agreement and urged Ukraine to resist neutralityThe US ignored the Minsk agreement, pushing Ukraine towards conflict and away from neutrality, hindering the potential for peace in the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

      The narrative surrounding the Russia-Ukraine conflict, particularly the involvement of NATO, has been distorted by false promises and misinformation from the US. The Minsk agreement, intended to grant autonomy to Eastern Ukraine, was disregarded by the US, leading to the conflict. Despite Russia's initial demands for non-expansion of NATO as a precondition for peace, the US continued to push for Ukraine to resist neutrality. The US, through intermediaries like Boris Johnson, urged Ukraine to keep fighting, even going so far as to involve China in the conflict to demonstrate strength. The potential for peace was within reach, but the US's insistence on Ukraine's resistance to neutrality halted negotiations.

    • U.S. involvement in Ukraine conflict: Geopolitical reasons vs human costCritics argue that U.S. investment in Ukraine's conflict weakens Russia's military strength and influences China's invasion plans, but Americans are skeptical and feel their tax dollars could be better spent elsewhere, especially amidst human suffering and pandemic-related economic hardships.

      The ongoing conflict in Ukraine and the involvement of the United States in it is a topic of intense debate, with some arguing that the investment is worth it for geopolitical reasons and others questioning the moral implications, particularly when it comes to the human cost. Boris Johnson's call for tearing up agreements and fighting instead of diplomacy has been met with criticism, including the point made by former Senator Richard Blumenthal that the U.S. investment in Ukraine has significantly weakened Russia's military strength and influenced China's invasion plans, all without any American casualties. However, many Americans are skeptical of these arguments and feel that their tax dollars could be better spent elsewhere, especially when they see images of Ukrainian children and women being affected by the war. The Biden administration has been trying to sell the idea that supporting Ukraine benefits the middle class, but this message is not resonating with many people. The recent revelation that U.S. funds are being used to subsidize small businesses in Ukraine, such as a shop selling scarves and sweaters, has sparked outrage among Americans who have lost their own small businesses during the pandemic.

    • Frustration over Prioritizing Foreign Affairs Over Domestic IssuesMany Americans feel neglected as their elected officials prioritize foreign affairs in Ukraine over domestic issues, like the southern border and environmental concerns, leading to criticism and calls for better resource allocation.

      Many Americans feel frustrated and neglected as they see their elected officials prioritizing foreign affairs, specifically the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, over domestic issues. This sentiment was expressed during a discussion about the frequent visits of high-ranking officials, such as Pete Buttigieg and Lloyd Austin, to Ukraine, despite the country's ongoing audit failures and the United States' own pressing issues, like the southern border and environmental concerns. Critics argue that these trips and the substantial funding being sent to Ukraine are not in the best interest of American taxpayers, who are struggling with everyday issues and seeing their budgets stretched thin. Furthermore, there are concerns that the United States' involvement in Ukraine is not even helping the situation, as Russia's army continues to upgrade and mobilize, while Ukraine suffers. The overall sentiment is that the focus on Ukraine is misplaced and that resources would be better spent addressing domestic issues.

    • Ukraine: Corruption and Disaster with US FundingDespite $130B US investment, Ukraine remains Europe's second most corrupt country, with rampant corruption, fraud, and profiteering, casting doubts on continued funding

      The situation in Ukraine, which has received significant financial support from the United States, has turned into a predictable disaster. Corruption, fraud, and huge profiteering are rampant, and the situation on the ground is worsening. The Ukrainian government, led by President Zelensky, is reportedly corrupt, with advisors admitting that people are stealing with impunity. The US has committed over $130 billion to Ukraine, but it's unclear where the money is going beyond military contractors. The idea that this disaster can be kept going until the November elections is not sustainable. Ukraine is the second most corrupt country in Europe, and continuing to send billions of dollars there raises concerns. It's time to end this and save Ukraine by putting a definitive end to the situation. To learn more about this issue, you can find Lauren on Twitter and TikTok at itslinklauren.

    • The power of knowledge sharing and continuous learningStay engaged with the ideas and perspectives of others to broaden horizons, challenge assumptions, and deepen understanding. Read, listen to podcasts, or engage in meaningful conversations to commit to lifelong learning.

      The importance of staying curious and continuously learning from others. Jeff Sacks, the guest in this discussion, emphasized the value of reading and subscribing to thought leaders like Link and Bobby. He shared that he is addicted to Link's Substack and encouraged listeners to check out his work at jeffsacks.org. This conversation highlights the power of knowledge sharing and the impact it can have on personal growth and development. By staying engaged with the ideas and perspectives of others, we can broaden our horizons, challenge our assumptions, and deepen our understanding of the world around us. So, whether it's through reading, listening to podcasts, or engaging in meaningful conversations, make a commitment to lifelong learning and the opportunities it brings.

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    Day 788.

    Today, we bring you news from the battlefront, analyse developments in Donetsk as Russia pushes Ukraine back near Avdiivka and we discuss the latest diplomatic and political updates from around the world.


    David Knowles (Head of Audio Development). @djknowles22 on X.

    Dominic Nicholls (Associate Editor, Defence). @DomNicholls on X.

    Francis Dearnley (Assistant Comment Editor). @FrancisDearnley on X.

    Roland Oliphant (Senior Foreign Correspondent). @RolandOliphant on X.

    Joe Barnes (Brussels Correspondent). @Barnes_Joe on X.

    Article / Links Referenced:

    'Inside a Besieged Ukrainian City Where Soldiers Await U.S. Arms' (Wall Street Journal)


    Our Interview with Shaun Pinner (YouTube Version):


    Subscribe to The Telegraph: telegraph.co.uk/ukrainethelatest

    Email: ukrainepod@telegraph.co.uk

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