
    Quality vs. Quantity: Creating a content strategy in 2019 | Melbourne 2018 Keynote

    enNovember 27, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • Embracing the abundance of opportunity in the digital ageInvest in creating and distributing content, especially video, to take advantage of the digital land grab and succeed in today's attention economy

      In today's digital era, the amount of content needed for individuals and businesses to succeed is staggering, and the investment into creating and distributing that content is crucial. Gary Vaynerchuk, in his talk, emphasized the importance of understanding the abundance of opportunity and the vulnerability of not keeping up with the attention economy. He noted the hypocrisy and misunderstanding he often encounters between people's words and actions. Vaynerchuk stressed the need for a significant investment in creating and distributing content, especially video, as it allows for multiple formats from one piece. He encouraged leaning into strengths and being self-aware. Ultimately, the sheer volume of content required to take full advantage of this "land grab" is a significant challenge, but a necessary one for success in the digital age.

    • Emphasizing the Importance of a Strong Online Presence and Creating Compelling ContentInvest time and resources in creating compelling content to build a strong online presence and engage audiences, especially on platforms like LinkedIn for B2B marketing. Stay ahead of the competition and take advantage of the underpriced attention on the internet.

      In today's digital world, not having a strong online presence and failing to capture people's attention is a significant vulnerability for individuals and businesses. Gary Vaynerchuk's message emphasizes the importance of creating content, especially on platforms like LinkedIn for B2B marketing, and being persistent in pursuing attention. He shares his personal experience of shifting his company's strategy and the importance of staying ahead of the competition. Furthermore, the underpriced attention on the internet offers a massive opportunity for those willing to invest time and resources in creating compelling content. Instant gratification and quick returns are less important than building a strong brand and engaging audience over time.

    • Maximizing Impact with Underpriced Digital Marketing PlatformsCreate 13-30 core pieces of tailored content for your audience to maximize impact on underpriced digital marketing platforms like email, Google AdWords, Facebook, and Instagram.

      Underpriced digital marketing platforms, such as email, Google AdWords, Facebook, and Instagram, offer tremendous opportunities for businesses to reach their target audiences at scale with contextually relevant content. However, creating this content for various demographics and psychographics requires significant effort and resources. The speaker shared his experience of building a successful wine business using underpriced email and Google AdWords in the early 2000s and how the same principle applies to current digital marketing platforms. He emphasized that businesses need to produce a minimum of 13 to 30 core pieces of content tailored to their specific audiences to maximize the impact of their advertising efforts. He also criticized the common misconception that organic reach on social media is being deliberately suppressed, while neglecting the fact that these platforms are free to use. The speaker urged everyone to take advantage of the underpriced attention on these platforms while they can and invest in creating contextually relevant content for their audiences. He also warned that as these platforms become more popular and overpriced, businesses will need to adapt and find new ways to reach their audiences.

    • Creating content for Facebook and Instagram is essential for businessesFilm day-to-day activities for easier content creation, ignore negative comments, and avoid overspending.

      Creating content and running ads on Facebook and Instagram is a must for businesses, as the platforms are underpriced. The need to produce a large amount of content may seem daunting, but filming day-to-day activities can make content creation easier. Additionally, it's essential to not let negative comments from anonymous individuals hinder content creation, as those individuals may be projecting their own unhappiness onto others. Many people are held back from pursuing their passions due to insecurities and the fear of judgment, but it's important to remember that those who leave negative comments often have their own issues to deal with. Lastly, it's crucial to avoid spending more money than one can afford, especially on non-essential things.

    • Downsizing for HappinessConsider downsizing homes, cars, and possessions for increased happiness. Negotiate with influencers for collaborations to save money. Prioritize mental health and happiness over wealth.

      Many people, especially those in debt, can improve their happiness by downsizing their homes, cars, and material possessions. The speaker believes that as society begins to prioritize mental health and happiness over wealth, more people will realize that their excess belongings are a burden rather than a source of joy. He also highlighted the inefficiency of the influencer marketing marketplace, where influencers with large followings charge high prices while those with fewer followers ask for too little. The speaker suggests reaching out to influencers directly to negotiate collaborations, taking advantage of the market's current state of confusion. Overall, the speaker encourages individuals to reconsider their priorities and make choices that will lead to greater happiness, even if it means going against societal norms.

    • Investing in underutilized marketing channels like influencer marketing and Google searchesFocusing on underutilized marketing channels like influencer marketing and targeted Google searches can lead to significant returns for businesses. These 'black and white' marketing strategies require effort and consistency but offer efficient ways to reach potential customers based on their intent and search history.

      Investing in underpriced marketing channels, such as influencer marketing and targeted Google searches, can lead to significant returns for businesses. Gary Vaynerchuk emphasized the importance of influencer marketing, sharing how it has been highly effective for his own business, particularly in the Australian market where it is underutilized. He also highlighted the power of Google advertising, which targets users based on their intent and search history, making it an efficient way to reach potential customers. Vaynerchuk encouraged businesses to focus on these tactics, which he considers "black and white" marketing strategies, rather than seeking out rare or complex solutions. He acknowledged that implementing these strategies requires effort and consistency, but the potential rewards make it worthwhile.

    • Engaging with Influencers and Digital MarketingEngaging with influencers through direct messaging and YouTube ads, attending industry conferences, volunteering, and learning digital marketing skills can significantly boost product sales.

      Direct engagement with influencers and strategic digital marketing efforts can significantly boost product sales. Gary Vaynerchuk emphasized the importance of reaching out to influencers and getting them to promote products through authentic means, such as direct messaging and YouTube ads. He also encouraged attending industry conferences and volunteering at retirement homes for personal and business growth. Furthermore, he highlighted the unique opportunities in international markets and the importance of learning digital marketing skills to succeed in business. Overall, the key takeaway is to put in the effort to engage with influencers and utilize digital marketing strategies to reach potential customers, and to continuously learn and adapt to the market.

    • Maintaining a balance of micro actions and macro perspective for successSuccess requires hard work and focus on details, but also humility, adaptability, and a long-term perspective. Mistakes and failures are natural, and gaining perspective through experiences can help us overcome fear and appreciate opportunities.

      Success is a combination of micro actions and macro perspective. While it's important to work hard and be focused on the details, it's equally important to maintain a long-term perspective and have the humility to adapt when necessary. The world offers abundant opportunities, and nobody's success comes at someone else's expense. It's crucial to have confidence, but also to recognize that mistakes and failures are a natural part of the journey. Additionally, gaining perspective through experiences like volunteering and learning from those less fortunate can help us appreciate our own opportunities and overcome fear of judgment and loss. Ultimately, the key to success is a balance of perseverance and adaptability, with a healthy dose of humility and a long-term perspective.

    • Embrace the positives of social media for personal and business growthLeverage social media tools to turn side hustles into businesses, regret is a powerful motivator, don't wait to start executing plans, make tonight the beginning of the next chapter of your life

      Social media may have exposed our weaknesses and biases, but it also offers unprecedented opportunities for personal and business growth. Instead of focusing on the negatives, we should embrace the positives and utilize the tools available to us to turn our side hustles into businesses. We are incredibly fortunate to be living in this era of the internet's maturity and scale, and it's up to us to make the most of it before it passes. As the speaker emphasized, regret is a powerful motivator, so don't wait to start executing your plans. This era won't last forever, and you'll wish you had taken action when you had the chance. So, take a leaf from the speaker's book and make tonight the beginning of the next chapter of your life. Don't just learn, do.

    • Being grateful for opportunities and authentic personal brandingGratefully accept opportunities, stay true to oneself in personal branding, find passions and strive for improvement, and understand audience's motivations

      In life, we should be grateful for the opportunities given to us, no matter the circumstances. It's important to accept the gifts and be grateful, while also recognizing that life ebbs and flows. Personal branding is crucial in the digital age for growing a wealth and investment advisory firm, and being authentic and true to oneself is key to success. The process of aspiring to be great comes from finding what one loves to do and continuously striving for improvement, without being fixated on being number one or having material possessions. Ultimately, understanding the audience and why they may not be taking action despite having the knowledge is essential.

    • Embracing adversity and building authentic relationshipsReverse engineering influential people's interests and embracing adversity are strategies for personal and entrepreneurial success. Teenagers can learn valuable skills and develop resilience from challenges, while indie comic book creators build large brands by understanding the market and putting in the work.

      Building authentic relationships and embracing adversity are key to personal and entrepreneurial success. When it comes to connecting with influential people, reverse engineering their interests is a useful strategy, but authenticity is essential. For teenagers with entrepreneurial aspirations and limited resources, these challenges can actually be beneficial, as they learn valuable skills and develop resilience. In the world of indie comic books, creating a large brand involves understanding the market and being willing to put in the work, even if it means doing things for free initially. Adversity and restrictions can serve as the foundation for great entrepreneurs, and embracing these challenges can lead to long-term success.

    • Give valuable content for free to build a large audienceProviding free content builds a larger audience than trying to sell it. Focus on patience, hard work, and consuming valuable free resources for success.

      Giving away valuable content for free can generate more attention and success than trying to sell it. Gary Vaynerchuk emphasizes the importance of building a large audience by giving away comic books at scale and providing free content in various forms. He strongly dislikes entitlement and the unrealistic expectations people have about achieving great success quickly. He encourages patience and hard work, emphasizing that. Attention is more valuable than extracting money from people. For young individuals aspiring for mentorship, he suggests focusing on consuming and implementing the vast amount of free content he provides, rather than seeking a personal mentor.

    • Gary offers internship and signs posterGary values hard work and determination, offering an internship and encouraging creativity as a way to fund travel

      That Gary Vaynerchuk offered the interviewee a summer internship at Vayner Media and encouraged him to find a way to come to America. Gary also signed a D Rock poster for the interviewee and suggested selling it on eBay as a fundraiser. Throughout the conversation, Gary expressed positivity and encouragement towards the interviewee. It's clear that Gary values hard work and determination, as evidenced by his willingness to offer an internship to someone who made a sign during an interview. This conversation highlights the importance of perseverance and the potential rewards that come with it. Additionally, Gary's suggestion to sell the D Rock poster on eBay as a way to fund travel shows creativity and resourcefulness. Overall, this conversation demonstrates Gary's supportive and entrepreneurial mindset.

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    Tweet Me! @garyvee

    Text Me! 212-931-5731

    My Newsletter: garyvee.com/newsletter

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