
    " Rebuilt !" / Won't HE Make YOU Clean ?

    enJuly 29, 2023

    About this Episode

    Ezekile Chapter 36 vs. 23-38 God going into action over the Nation of israel who has consistently and repeatedly embarrased God . HE says;"They have profaned HIS name.  God says HE will cleanse them from all their filthiness and from all their Idols. That HE would " spiritually remove their hearts of stone and give them a heart of flesh. Further in this Chapter HE promises to bless them, multiply them . He even says: " I will pour my spirit within you and cause you to walk in my stautes and keep my judgments. How is this possible ? Since they don't deserve it , why would God " Spiritually Rebuild" them for the good ?  They deserve punishment  and judgment, so why is he looking the other way ? * Stay tuned as we delve into this and explore a God whose ways are NOT our ways.Â

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